Ejemplo n.º 1
        // GET: Debtor
        public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int?advisorId, string financialYear)
            List <MLFSReportingPeriod> periods = await _periodData.GetPeriods();

            SelectList yearList = new SelectList(periods.Select(x => x.FinancialYear).Distinct());

            ViewBag.Year      = yearList;
            ViewBag.AdvisorId = await _advisorData.SelectList();

            if (advisorId == null)
                BudgetReview review = new BudgetReview();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(financialYear))
                    financialYear = yearList.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                MLFSAdvisor advisor = await _advisorData.GetAdvisor((int)advisorId);

                List <MLFSBudget> budgets = await _budgetData.GetBudgets(periods.Where(x => x.FinancialYear == financialYear).ToList());

                BudgetReview review = new BudgetReview(advisor, budgets, periods, financialYear);
        public void AssignTestWithUnknown()
            List <MLFSAdvisor> advisors = new List <MLFSAdvisor>();
            MLFSAdvisor        advisor  = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 6,
                FirstName = "Joe",
                LastName  = "Smith",
                PrimaryID = "4",
                Username  = "******"

            MLFSAdvisor unknownAdvisor = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 2,
                FirstName = "Unknown",
                LastName  = "",
                PrimaryID = "",
                Username  = "******"


            MLFSAdvisor adv = MLFSAdvisor.Assign("12", advisors);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, adv.Id, "Assignment to unknown has not worked");
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public BudgetReview(MLFSAdvisor advisor, List <MLFSBudget> budgets, List <MLFSReportingPeriod> periods, string financialYear)
     Budgets   = new List <MLFSBudget>();
     AdvisorId = advisor.Id;
     Advisor   = advisor;
     Year      = financialYear;
     budgets   = budgets.Where(x => x.ReportingPeriod.FinancialYear == financialYear && x.AdvisorId == advisor.Id).ToList();
     if (budgets.Count != 12)
         periods = periods.Where(x => x.FinancialYear == financialYear).ToList();
         for (int i = 0; i < periods.Count; i++)
             if (budgets.Where(x => x.ReportingPeriodId == periods[i].Id).Count() == 0)
                 budgets.Add(new MLFSBudget()
                     ReportingPeriodId = periods[i].Id,
                     ReportingPeriod   = periods[i],
                     Budget            = 0,
                     Advisor           = Advisor,
                     AdvisorId         = AdvisorId
     if (budgets != null)
         Budgets = budgets;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Update(MLFSAdvisor adv)
     if (adv.Name == null)
         adv.Name = adv.FirstName + " " + adv.LastName;
     _db.Entry(adv).State = EntityState.Modified;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public IActionResult Create([Bind("Grade,Username,Department,Office,PrimaryID,Title,FirstName,LastName")] MLFSAdvisor mLFSAdvisor)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Add(MLFSAdvisor adv)
     adv.Active = true;
     if (adv.Name == null)
         adv.Name = adv.FirstName + " " + adv.LastName;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public IActionResult Edit(int id, [Bind("ReplacementAdvisorId,Grade,Username,Department,Office,Active,Id,PrimaryID,Title,FirstName,LastName")] MLFSAdvisor mLFSAdvisor)
     if (id != mLFSAdvisor.Id)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
        public async Task <IActionResult> CreateClawback([Bind("ReportingPeriodId,AdvisorId,ClientName,RelevantDate,Amount,IgnoreFromCommission")] MLFSIncome income)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                MLFSAdvisor adv = await _advisorData.GetAdvisor(income.AdvisorId);

                //make sure it is a negative value
                if (income.Amount > 0)
                    income.Amount *= -1;
                income.IsClawBack   = true;
                income.Organisation = adv.Department;
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "MLFSReport"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public SalesSummary(MLFSAdvisor adv, List <SalesReport> lines)
     Advisor      = adv.Fullname;
     AdvisorId    = adv.Id;
     Organisation = adv.Department;
     Q1Budget     = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 1).Sum(y => y.Budget);
     Q1Actual     = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 1).Sum(y => y.Total);
     if (Q1Budget != 0)
         Q1Variance = (int)decimal.Round(Q1Actual / Q1Budget * 100, 0);
     Q2Budget = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 2).Sum(y => y.Budget);
     Q2Actual = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 2).Sum(y => y.Total);
     if (Q2Budget != 0)
         Q2Variance = (int)decimal.Round(Q2Actual / Q2Budget * 100, 0);
     Q3Budget = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 3).Sum(y => y.Budget);
     Q3Actual = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 3).Sum(y => y.Total);
     if (Q3Budget != 0)
         Q3Variance = (int)decimal.Round(Q3Actual / Q3Budget * 100, 0);
     Q4Budget = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 4).Sum(y => y.Budget);
     Q4Actual = lines.Where(x => x.Quarter == 4).Sum(y => y.Total);
     if (Q4Budget != 0)
         Q4Variance = (int)decimal.Round(Q4Actual / Q4Budget * 100, 0);
     YearToDateBudget = Q1Budget + Q2Budget + Q3Budget + Q4Budget;
     YearToDateActual = Q1Actual + Q2Actual + Q3Actual + Q4Actual;
     if (YearToDateBudget != 0)
         YearToDateVariance = (int)decimal.Round(YearToDateActual / YearToDateBudget * 100, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <MLFSAdvisor> GetAdvisor(int id)
            MLFSAdvisor adv = await _db.MLFSAdvisors.FindAsync(id);

        private List <MLFSReportingPeriod> MockEntries()
            List <MLFSReportingPeriod> periods = new List <MLFSReportingPeriod>();

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                MLFSReportingPeriod period = new MLFSReportingPeriod(i, 2020)
                    Id = i
            MLFSAdvisor advisor = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 1,
                FirstName = "Geoff",
                LastName  = "Smith"

            List <MLFSIncome> income = new List <MLFSIncome>();
            MLFSIncome        inc    = new MLFSIncome()
                Id                = 1,
                IOReference       = "123456",
                Advisor           = advisor,
                AdvisorId         = advisor.Id,
                Organisation      = "FPP",
                ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id,
                ReportingPeriod   = periods[0],
                RelevantDate      = DateTime.Now,
                ClientOnBoardDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2),
                ClientId          = "234",
                Amount            = 100,
                PlanNumber        = "9876"

            MLFSIncome inc2 = new MLFSIncome()
                Id                = 2,
                IOReference       = "1234567",
                Advisor           = advisor,
                AdvisorId         = advisor.Id,
                Organisation      = "MLFS",
                ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id,
                ReportingPeriod   = periods[0],
                RelevantDate      = DateTime.Now,
                ClientOnBoardDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2),
                ClientId          = "345",
                Amount            = 100,
                PlanNumber        = "9877"

            List <MLFSBudget> budgets = new List <MLFSBudget>();
            MLFSBudget        budget  = new MLFSBudget()
                Id                = 9,
                Advisor           = advisor,
                AdvisorId         = advisor.Id,
                Budget            = (decimal)20000,
                ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id,
                ReportingPeriod   = periods[0]

            periods[0].Receipts = income;
            periods[0].Budgets  = budgets;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public SalesReport(List <MLFSIncome> income, List <MLFSSale> sales, List <MLFSDebtorAdjustment> adjustments, List <MLFSBudget> budgets, MLFSAdvisor advisor, MLFSReportingPeriod period)
            List <MLFSIncome>           relevantIncome      = income.Where(x => x.AdvisorId == advisor.Id && x.ReportingPeriodId == period.Id).ToList();
            List <MLFSDebtorAdjustment> relevantAdjustments = adjustments.Where(x => x.ReportingPeriodId == period.Id && x.Debtor.AdvisorId == advisor.Id).ToList();

            Organisation = advisor.Department;
            Period       = period.Description;
            PeriodId     = period.Id;
            decimal q = period.ReportOrder / 3;

            Quarter   = period.Quarter;
            Advisor   = advisor.Fullname;
            AdvisorId = advisor.Id;
            MLFSBudget budget = budgets.Where(x => x.AdvisorId == advisor.Id && x.ReportingPeriodId == period.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (budget != null)
                Budget = budget.Budget;
                Budget = 0;
            New_Business       = sales.Where(x => x.AdvisorId == advisor.Id).Distinct().Sum(y => y.NetAmount);
            Renewals           = relevantIncome.Where(x => !x.IsNewBusiness && !x.IsClawBack).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Unallocated        = relevantIncome.Where(x => x.IsNewBusiness && !x.IsClawBack && x.MLFSDebtorAdjustment == null).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Clawback           = relevantIncome.Where(x => x.IsClawBack).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            NotTakenUp         = relevantAdjustments.Where(x => x.NotTakenUp).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Adjustment         = relevantIncome.Where(x => x.IsAdjustment).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Debtors_Adjustment = relevantAdjustments.Where(x => x.ReceiptId == null && !x.NotTakenUp && !x.IsVariance).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Debtors_Variance   = relevantAdjustments.Where(x => x.IsVariance).Distinct().Sum(y => y.Amount);
            Total = New_Business + Adjustment + Renewals + Unallocated + Clawback + NotTakenUp + Debtors_Adjustment + Debtors_Variance;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void CreateTest()
            List <MLFSReportingPeriod> periods = new List <MLFSReportingPeriod>();

            for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
                MLFSReportingPeriod period = new MLFSReportingPeriod(i, 2020)
                    Id = i
            MLFSAdvisor advisor = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 1,
                FirstName = "Geoff",
                LastName  = "Smith"

            List <MLFSSale> debtors = new List <MLFSSale>();
            MLFSSale        sale    = new MLFSSale()
                Id                = 1,
                Advisor           = advisor,
                AdvisorId         = advisor.Id,
                ClientName        = "Billy Bigwallet",
                ReportingPeriodId = periods[0].Id,
                ReportingPeriod   = periods[0],
                Investment        = 100,
                NetAmount         = 4,
                OnGoingPercentage = (decimal)0.005,
                RelevantDate      = DateTime.Parse("01/02/2020")

            MLFSSale sale2 = new MLFSSale()
                Id                = 1,
                Advisor           = advisor,
                AdvisorId         = advisor.Id,
                ClientName        = "Jonny Comelately",
                IOReference       = "1234567",
                ReportingPeriodId = periods[1].Id,
                ReportingPeriod   = periods[1],
                Investment        = 1000,
                NetAmount         = 100,
                OnGoingPercentage = (decimal)0.005,
                RelevantDate      = DateTime.Parse("01/02/2020")


            List <DirectorsReport> report = DirectorsReport.Create(debtors);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, report.Count, "Wrong number of records");
            Assert.AreEqual(104, report.Sum(x => x.InitialFee), "Total fees does not match");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void MLFSSaleCreateFromIODataRowTest()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("Id", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Reference Number", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Fee Owner.Full Name", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Fee Owner.Id", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Fee Owner 2.Full Name", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Fee Owner 2.Id", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Selling Adviser.Id", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Selling Adviser.Full Name", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Related Plan Type", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Net Amount", typeof(decimal));
            table.Columns.Add("VAT", typeof(decimal));
            table.Columns.Add("Invoice Date", typeof(DateTime));
            table.Columns.Add("Related Plan Reference", typeof(string));

            DataRow row = table.NewRow();

            row["Id"] = "123465";
            row["Reference Number"]          = "IOF123456";
            row["Fee Owner.Id"]              = "654987";
            row["Fee Owner.Full Name"]       = "John Bloggs";
            row["Fee Owner 2.Full Name"]     = "Jane Bloggs";
            row["Fee Owner 2.Id"]            = "321654";
            row["Selling Adviser.Full Name"] = "Joe Smith";
            row["Selling Adviser.Id"]        = "9";
            row["Related Plan Type"]         = "Pension";
            row["Invoice Date"]              = DateTime.Now;
            row["Net Amount"]             = 1000;
            row["VAT"]                    = 100;
            row["Related Plan Reference"] = "IOB098767";

            List <MLFSAdvisor> advisors = new List <MLFSAdvisor>();
            MLFSAdvisor        advisor  = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 1,
                FirstName = "Joe",
                LastName  = "Smith",
                PrimaryID = "9",
                Username  = "******"

            MLFSAdvisor unknownAdvisor = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 2,
                FirstName = "Unknown",
                LastName  = "",
                PrimaryID = "",
                Username  = "******"

            MLFSReportingPeriod period = new MLFSReportingPeriod(1, 2020)
                Id = 2

            MLFSSale sale = new MLFSSale(row, advisors, period);

            Assert.AreEqual("Joe Smith", sale.Advisor.Fullname, "Advisor doesn't match");
            Assert.AreEqual(1100, sale.GrossAmount, "Gross amount does not match");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, sale.AdvisorId, "Id has not been converted");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void MLFSIncomeCreateFromIODataRowTest()
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            table.Columns.Add("IORef", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("GroupOne", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("Submitted", typeof(DateTime));
            table.Columns.Add("CRMContactId", typeof(int));
            table.Columns.Add("Provider", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("ClientName", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("ClientId", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("JointClientName", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("JointClientId", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("CampaignType", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("CampaignSource", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("GrossFCI Excl.VAT", typeof(decimal));
            table.Columns.Add("FeeStatus", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("PlanType", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("PlanNumber", typeof(string));
            table.Columns.Add("IsTopup", typeof(bool));
            table.Columns.Add("IncomeType", typeof(string));

            DataRow row = table.NewRow();

            row["IORef"]             = "IOF123456";
            row["GroupOne"]          = "MLFS";
            row["Submitted"]         = DateTime.Now;
            row["CRMContactId"]      = 4;
            row["Provider"]          = "Elevate";
            row["ClientName"]        = "Jeff Bloggs";
            row["ClientId"]          = 5;
            row["JointClientName"]   = "Jane Bloggs";
            row["JointClientId"]     = 6;
            row["Campaigntype"]      = "Teachers";
            row["CampaignSource"]    = "ML";
            row["GrossFCI Excl.VAT"] = 1100;
            row["FeeStatus"]         = "Paid";
            row["PlanType"]          = "Pension";
            row["PlanNumber"]        = "123456";
            row["IsTopup"]           = true;
            row["IncomeType"]        = "InitialFee";

            List <MLFSAdvisor> advisors = new List <MLFSAdvisor>();
            MLFSAdvisor        advisor  = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 6,
                FirstName = "Joe",
                LastName  = "Smith",
                PrimaryID = "4",
                Username  = "******"

            MLFSAdvisor unknownAdvisor = new MLFSAdvisor()
                Id        = 2,
                FirstName = "Unknown",
                LastName  = "",
                PrimaryID = "",
                Username  = "******"


            MLFSIncome income = new MLFSIncome(row, advisors);

            Assert.AreEqual("Elevate", income.ProviderName, "Provider doesn't match");
            Assert.AreEqual(1100, income.Amount, "Amount does not match");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, income.AdvisorId, "Advisor has not been updated");