public Dictionary <String, String> GetDiscount(Ctx ctx, string fields)
            string[] paramValue = fields.Split(',');
            int      M_DiscountSchema_ID;

            M_DiscountSchema_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[0].ToString());
            MDiscountSchema             discountschema = new MDiscountSchema(ctx, M_DiscountSchema_ID, null);
            Dictionary <String, String> retDic         = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            retDic["AD_Org_ID"]    = Util.GetValueOfString(discountschema.GetAD_Org_ID());
            retDic["DiscountType"] = discountschema.GetDiscountType();
            if (discountschema.GetFlatDiscount() > 0)
                retDic["FlatDiscount"] = Util.GetValueOfString(discountschema.GetFlatDiscount());
                retDic["FlatDiscount"] = "0";
            retDic["IsBPartnerFlatDiscount"] = Util.GetValueOfString(discountschema.IsBPartnerFlatDiscount());
            retDic["IsQuantityBased"]        = Util.GetValueOfString(discountschema.IsQuantityBased());
            retDic["M_DiscountSchema_ID"]    = Util.GetValueOfString(discountschema.GetM_DiscountSchema_ID());
            retDic["Name"] = discountschema.GetName();
        public string GetDiscountType(Ctx ctx, string fields)
            string[] paramValue = fields.Split(',');
            int      M_DiscountSchema_ID;

            M_DiscountSchema_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(paramValue[0].ToString());
            MDiscountSchema discountschema = new MDiscountSchema(ctx, M_DiscountSchema_ID, null);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>info</returns>
        protected override String DoIt()
            log.Info("M_DiscountSchema_ID=" + _M_DiscountSchema_ID);
            if (_M_DiscountSchema_ID == 0)
                throw new Exception("@M_DiscountSchema_ID@ = 0");
            MDiscountSchema ds = new MDiscountSchema(GetCtx(), _M_DiscountSchema_ID, Get_TrxName());

            if (ds.Get_ID() == 0)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ M_DiscountSchema_ID=" + _M_DiscountSchema_ID);
            int updated = ds.ReSeq();

            return("@Updated@ #" + updated);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create Price List
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>info message</returns>
        private String Create()
            StringBuilder info = new StringBuilder();

            //	Delete Old Data
            if (_deleteOld)
                int no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(
                    "DELETE M_ProductPrice "
                    + "WHERE M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + _M_PriceList_Version_ID, null,
                log.Info("Deleted=" + no);
                info.Append("@Deleted@=").Append(no).Append(" - ");

            int        M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID = _plv.GetM_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID();
            MPriceList pl           = _plv.GetPriceList();
            int        curPrecision = pl.GetStandardPrecision();

             *	For All Discount Lines in Sequence
            MDiscountSchema ds = new MDiscountSchema(GetCtx(), _plv.GetM_DiscountSchema_ID(), Get_TrxName());

            MDiscountSchemaLine[] dsl = ds.GetLines(false);
            for (int i = 0; i < dsl.Length; i++)
                MDiscountSchemaLine dsLine = dsl[i];
                String message             = "#" + dsLine.GetSeqNo();
                String dd = dsLine.GetDescription();
                if (dd != null && dd.Length > 0)
                    message += " " + dd;
                //	Clear Temporary Table
                int noDeleted = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM T_Selection", null, Get_TrxName());
                //	Create Selection in Temporary Table
                String sql = null;
                int    M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID = dsLine.GetM_DiscountSchemaLine_ID();
                int    p2 = M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID;
                if (p2 == 0)    //	Create from PO
                    p2  = dsLine.GetAD_Client_ID();
                    sql = "INSERT INTO T_Selection (T_Selection_ID) "
                          + "SELECT DISTINCT po.M_Product_ID "
                          + "FROM M_Product_PO po "
                          + " INNER JOIN M_Product p ON (p.M_Product_ID=po.M_Product_ID)"
                          + " INNER JOIN M_DiscountSchemaLine dl ON (dl.M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID=" + M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID + ") " //	#1
                          + "WHERE p.AD_Client_ID IN (" + p2 + ", 0)"                                                              //	#2
                          + " AND p.IsActive='Y' AND po.IsActive='Y' AND po.IsCurrentVendor='Y'"
                          //	Optional Restrictions
                          + " AND (dl.M_Product_Category_ID IS NULL OR p.M_Product_Category_ID=dl.M_Product_Category_ID)"
                          + " AND (dl.C_BPartner_ID IS NULL OR po.C_BPartner_ID=dl.C_BPartner_ID)"
                          + " AND (dl.M_Product_ID IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID=dl.M_Product_ID)";
                else                    //	Create from Price List **
                    sql = "INSERT INTO T_Selection (T_Selection_ID) "
                          + "SELECT DISTINCT p.M_Product_ID "
                          + "FROM M_ProductPrice pp"
                          + " INNER JOIN M_Product p ON (p.M_Product_ID=pp.M_Product_ID)"
                          + " INNER JOIN M_DiscountSchemaLine dl ON (dl.M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID=" + M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID + ") " //	#1
                          + "WHERE pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + p2                                                                //#2 PriceList_Version_Base_ID
                          + " AND p.IsActive='Y' AND pp.IsActive='Y'"
                          //	Optional Restrictions
                          + " AND (dl.M_Product_Category_ID IS NULL OR p.M_Product_Category_ID=dl.M_Product_Category_ID)"
                          + " AND (dl.C_BPartner_ID IS NULL OR EXISTS "
                          + "(SELECT * FROM M_Product_PO po "
                          + "WHERE po.M_Product_ID=p.M_Product_ID AND po.C_BPartner_ID=dl.C_BPartner_ID))"
                          + " AND (dl.M_Product_ID IS NULL OR p.M_Product_ID=dl.M_Product_ID)";
                //idr = DataBase.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
                int noSelected = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_TrxName());
                message += ": @Selected@=" + noSelected;
                //	Delete Prices in Selection, so that we can insert
                if (M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID == 0 ||
                    M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID != _M_PriceList_Version_ID)
                    sql = "DELETE FROM M_ProductPrice pp "
                          + "WHERE pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + _M_PriceList_Version_ID
                          + " AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s WHERE pp.M_Product_ID=s.T_Selection_ID)";
                    noDeleted = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_TrxName());
                    message  += ", @Deleted@=" + noDeleted;
                //	Copy (Insert) Prices
                int noInserted = 0;
                sql = "INSERT INTO M_ProductPrice "
                      + "(M_PriceList_Version_ID, M_Product_ID,"
                      + " AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive, Created, CreatedBy, Updated, UpdatedBy,"
                      + " PriceList, PriceStd, PriceLimit) ";
                if (M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID == _M_PriceList_Version_ID)
                    sql = null; //	We have Prices already
                else if (M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID == 0)
                    /**	Copy and Convert from Product_PO	*/
                    sql += "SELECT plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID, po.M_Product_ID,"
                           + " plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID, 'Y', SysDate, plv.UpdatedBy, SysDate, plv.UpdatedBy,"
                           //	Price List
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(po.PriceList,"
                           + " po.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -po.PriceList),"
                           //	Price Std
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(po.PriceList,"
                           + "	po.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -po.PriceList),"
                           //	Price Limit
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(po.PricePO,"
                           + " po.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -po.PricePO) "
                           + "FROM M_Product_PO po"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList_Version plv ON (plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + _M_PriceList_Version_ID + ")"  //	#1
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList pl ON (pl.M_PriceList_ID=plv.M_PriceList_ID)"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_DiscountSchemaLine dl ON (dl.M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID=" + M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID + ") " //	#2
                           + "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s WHERE po.M_Product_ID=s.T_Selection_ID)"
                           + " AND po.IsCurrentVendor='Y' AND po.IsActive='Y'";
                    /**	Copy and Convert from other PriceList_Version	*/
                    sql += "SELECT plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID, pp.M_Product_ID,"
                           + " plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID, 'Y', SysDate, plv.UpdatedBy, SysDate, plv.UpdatedBy,"
                           //	Price List
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(pp.PriceList,"
                           + " bpl.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -pp.PriceList),"
                           //	Price Std
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(pp.PriceStd,"
                           + " bpl.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -pp.PriceStd),"
                           //	Price Limit
                           + " COALESCE(currencyConvert(pp.PriceLimit,"
                           + " bpl.C_Currency_ID, pl.C_Currency_ID, dl.ConversionDate, dl.C_ConversionType_ID, plv.AD_Client_ID, plv.AD_Org_ID), -pp.PriceLimit) "
                           + "FROM M_ProductPrice pp"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList_Version plv ON (plv.M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + _M_PriceList_Version_ID + ")" //	#1
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList pl ON (pl.M_PriceList_ID=plv.M_PriceList_ID)"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList_Version bplv ON (pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID=bplv.M_PriceList_Version_ID)"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_PriceList bpl ON (bplv.M_PriceList_ID=bpl.M_PriceList_ID)"
                           + " INNER JOIN M_DiscountSchemaLine dl ON (dl.M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID=" + M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID + ") "     //	#2
                           + "WHERE ";
                    if (M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID != 0)
                        sql += "pp.M_PriceList_Version_ID=" + M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID + " AND";     //	#3 M_PriceList_Version_Base_ID
                    sql += "  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s WHERE pp.M_Product_ID=s.T_Selection_ID)"
                           + " AND pp.IsActive='Y'";
                if (sql != null)
                    //pstmt = DataBase.prepareStatement(sql, get_TrxName());
                    //pstmt.setInt(1, _M_PriceList_Version_ID);
                    // pstmt.setInt(2, M_DiscountSchemaLine_ID);
                    //if (M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID != 0)
                    //    pstmt.setInt(3, M_Pricelist_Version_Base_ID);
                    // }
                    noInserted = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_TrxName());
                    message   += " @Inserted@=" + noInserted;

                /** Calculations	**/
                MProductPrice[] pp = _plv.GetProductPrice(
                    "AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM T_Selection s "
                    + "WHERE s.T_Selection_ID=M_ProductPrice.M_Product_ID)");
                for (int j = 0; j < pp.Length; j++)
                    MProductPrice price      = pp[j];
                    Decimal       priceList  = price.GetPriceList();
                    Decimal       priceStd   = price.GetPriceStd();
                    Decimal       priceLimit = price.GetPriceLimit();
                                                 priceList, priceStd, priceLimit, dsLine.GetList_Fixed(),
                                                 dsLine.GetList_AddAmt(), dsLine.GetList_Discount(),
                                                 dsLine.GetList_Rounding(), curPrecision));

                                                priceList, priceStd, priceLimit, dsLine.GetStd_Fixed(),
                                                dsLine.GetStd_AddAmt(), dsLine.GetStd_Discount(),
                                                dsLine.GetStd_Rounding(), curPrecision));

                                                  priceList, priceStd, priceLimit, dsLine.GetLimit_Fixed(),
                                                  dsLine.GetLimit_AddAmt(), dsLine.GetLimit_Discount(),
                                                  dsLine.GetLimit_Rounding(), curPrecision));
                }       //	for all products

                //	Clear Temporary Table
                noDeleted = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM T_Selection", null, Get_TrxName());
            }   //	for all lines

            MProductPrice[] ppl = _plv.GetProductPrice(true);
            info.Append(" - @Records@=").Append(ppl.Length);