Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void *IsInstanceOfInterfaceType(int interfaceSlot, void *obj)
            MDTypeDefinition *objTypeDefinition = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint *)obj)[0];

            if (objTypeDefinition == null)

            uint *bitmap = objTypeDefinition->Bitmap;

            if (bitmap == null)

            int  index  = interfaceSlot / 32;
            int  bit    = interfaceSlot % 32;
            uint value  = bitmap[index];
            uint result = value & (uint)(1 << bit);

            if (result == 0)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal RuntimeType(RuntimeTypeHandle handle)
            this.handle    = handle;
            typeDefinition = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint **)&handle)[0];

            assemblyQualifiedName = typeDefinition->Name;               // TODO
            name       = typeDefinition->Name;                          // TODO
            @namespace = typeDefinition->Name;                          // TODO
            fullname   = typeDefinition->Name;

            typeCode   = typeDefinition->TypeCode;
            attributes = typeDefinition->Attributes;

            // Declaring Type
            if (typeDefinition->DeclaringType != null)
                RuntimeTypeHandle declaringHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&declaringHandle)[0] = (uint *)typeDefinition->DeclaringType;
                declaringTypeHandle            = declaringHandle;

            // Element Type
            if (typeDefinition->ElementType != null)
                RuntimeTypeHandle elementHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&elementHandle)[0] = (uint *)typeDefinition->ElementType;
                elementTypeHandle            = elementHandle;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static bool IsTypeInInheritanceChain(MDTypeDefinition *typeDefinition, MDTypeDefinition *chain)
            while (chain != null)
                if (chain == typeDefinition)

                chain = chain->ParentType;

        public RuntimeCustomAttributeData(MDCustomAttribute *customAttributeTable)
            RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();

            ((uint **)&typeHandle)[0] = (uint *)customAttributeTable->AttributeType;
            base.attributeType        = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(typeHandle);

            // Get the metadata pointer for the enum type
            typeHandle  = typeof(System.Enum).TypeHandle;
            EnumTypePtr = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint **)&typeHandle)[0];

            // Create temporary lists to hold the arguments
            var typedArgs = new LinkedList <CustomAttributeTypedArgument>();
            var namedArgs = new LinkedList <CustomAttributeNamedArgument>();

            for (uint i = 0; i < customAttributeTable->NumberOfArguments; i++)
                // Get the argument metadata pointer
                var argument = customAttributeTable->GetCustomAttributeArgument(i);

                // Get the argument name (if any)
                string name = argument->Name;

                // Get the argument type
                RuntimeTypeHandle argTypeHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&argTypeHandle)[0] = (uint *)argument->ArgumentType;
                var argType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(argTypeHandle);

                // Get the argument value
                var value = ResolveArgumentValue(argument, argType);

                // If the argument has a name then its a NamedArgument, otherwise its a TypedArgument
                if (name == null)
                    typedArgs.AddLast(CreateTypedArgumentStruct(argType, value));
                    namedArgs.AddLast(CreateNamedArgumentStruct(name, argType, value, argument->IsField));

            // Generate arrays from the argument lists
            ctorArgs       = typedArgs.ToArray();
            this.namedArgs = namedArgs.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void *IsInstanceOfType(RuntimeTypeHandle handle, void *obj)
            if (obj == null)

            MDTypeDefinition *typeDefinition = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint **)&handle)[0];

            MDTypeDefinition *objTypeDefinition = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint *)obj)[0];

            if (IsTypeInInheritanceChain(typeDefinition, objTypeDefinition))

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public RuntimeTypeInfo(RuntimeType type, Assembly assembly)
            var handle = type.TypeHandle;

            asType        = type;
            this.assembly = assembly;

            //this.handle = handle;
            typeDefinition = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint **)&handle)[0];

            assemblyQualifiedName = typeDefinition->Name;               // TODO
            name       = typeDefinition->Name;                          // TODO
            @namespace = typeDefinition->Name;                          // TODO
            fullname   = typeDefinition->Name;

            typeCode   = typeDefinition->TypeCode;
            attributes = typeDefinition->Attributes;

            // Base Type
            if (typeDefinition->ParentType != null)
                RuntimeTypeHandle parentHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&parentHandle)[0] = (uint *)typeDefinition->ParentType;
                baseType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(parentHandle);

            // Declaring Type
            if (typeDefinition->DeclaringType != null)
                RuntimeTypeHandle declaringHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&declaringHandle)[0] = (uint *)typeDefinition->DeclaringType;
                declaringType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(declaringHandle);

            // Element Type
            if (typeDefinition->ElementType != null)
                RuntimeTypeHandle elementHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle();
                ((uint **)&elementHandle)[0] = (uint *)typeDefinition->ElementType;
                elementType = Type.GetTypeFromHandle(elementHandle);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private static void Copy(void *sourceArray, int sourceIndex, void *destinationArray, int destinationIndex, int length, bool reliable)
            // TODO: add more checks, allow type upcasting, add multi dimensional array support
            if (sourceArray == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceArray));
            if (destinationArray == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(destinationArray));

            if (length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));

            var sourceLength      = GetLength(sourceArray, 0);
            var destinationLength = GetLength(destinationArray, 0);

            if (sourceLength - sourceIndex < length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));

            if (destinationLength - destinationIndex < length)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));

            // Get type info
            MDTypeDefinition *typeStruct = (MDTypeDefinition *)((uint *)sourceArray);
            var typeCode = typeStruct->TypeCode;

            var size = (typeCode == TypeCode.ReferenceType) ? Ptr.Size : typeStruct->Size;

            Internal.MemoryCopy(((Ptr)destinationArray + (Ptr.Size * 2) + (destinationIndex * size)), ((Ptr)sourceArray + (Ptr.Size * 2) + (sourceIndex * size)), (uint)(length * size));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static MDProtectedRegionDefinition *GetProtectedRegionEntryByAddress(uint address, MDTypeDefinition *exceptionType, MDMethodDefinition *methodDef)
            var protectedRegionTable = methodDef->ProtectedRegionTable;

            if (protectedRegionTable == null)

            uint method = (uint)methodDef->Method;

            if (method == 0)

            uint offset  = address - method;
            uint entries = protectedRegionTable->NumberOfRegions;

            uint entry = 0;
            MDProtectedRegionDefinition *protectedRegionDef = null;
            uint currentStart = uint.MinValue;
            uint currentEnd   = uint.MaxValue;

            while (entry < entries)
                var prDef = protectedRegionTable->GetProtectedRegionDefinition(entry);

                uint start = prDef->StartOffset;
                uint end   = prDef->EndOffset;

                if ((offset >= start) && (offset < end) && (start >= currentStart) && (end < currentEnd))
                    var handlerType = prDef->HandlerType;
                    var exType      = prDef->ExceptionType;

                    // If the handler is a finally clause, accept without testing
                    // If the handler is a exception clause, accept if the exception type is in the is within the inheritance chain of the exception object
                    if ((handlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Finally) ||
                        (handlerType == ExceptionHandlerType.Exception && IsTypeInInheritanceChain(exType, exceptionType)))
                        protectedRegionDef = prDef;
                        currentStart       = start;
                        currentEnd         = end;

