Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override object Run(MBuilderModel model, string path, string parms)
            MUser currentUser = CurrentUser(model);

            // Чтение списка пользователей
            MPaginationList l  = new MPaginationList(parms);
            List <MArt>     la = new List <MArt>();

            string clsIdList = ClsAdapter.GetParenIdList(GetParm("clsid", ""), "USR");
            string f         = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(clsIdList) || GetParm("isAll", false))
                f = "--";

            model.Select(l, typeof(MEntity),
                         $@"select  * from [MEntity] (nolock) where EntityTypeId='USR' 
                    and code like {model.AddParam("%"+GetParm("code", "")+"%")} 
                    and name like {model.AddParam("%" + GetParm("name", "") + "%")} 
                    {f} and clsId in ({clsIdList})"

            if (l.Count > 0)
                model.Select(la, typeof(MArt), $"select  * from [MArt] (nolock) where EntityId in ({l.IdList()})");
                foreach (MArt art in la)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override object Run(MBuilderModel model, string path, string parms)
            MUser currentUser = CurrentUser(model);

            MPaginationList l  = new MPaginationList(parms);
            List <MArt>     la = new List <MArt>();

            model.Select(l, typeof(MEntity), $"select  * from [MEntity] (nolock) where Id in (select ChildId from [MRelation] where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)})");
            if (l.Count > 0)
                model.Select(la, typeof(MArt), $"select  * from [MArt] (nolock) where EntityId in ({l.IdList()})");
                foreach (MArt art in la)
                foreach (MEntity e in l)
                    e.IsPin = true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override object Run(MBuilderModel model, string path, string parms)
            MUser  currentUser = CurrentUser(model);
            string clsType     = GetParm("clsType", "");
            int    parentId    = GetParm("parentId", 0);

            if (GetParm("clstypelist", false))
                List <MClsType> lt = model.MainDic.GetAll <MClsType>((object o) => (clsType == "" || clsType == ((MClsType)o).Id));

            MTreeList l = new MTreeList(parentId);

            model.Select(l, typeof(MCls), $"select  * from [MCls] (nolock) where ClsTypeId={model.AddParam(clsType)} and ParentId={model.AddParam(parentId)}");

            List <MCls> k = new List <MCls>();

            if (clsType != "")
                model.Select(k, typeof(MCls), $"select * from [MCls] where id in ({l.IdList()}) and id in (select ParentId from MCls)");
                foreach (MCls cls in l)
                    cls.webix_kids = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override object Run(MBuilderModel model, string path, string parms)
            MUser currentUser = CurrentUser(model);

            // Загрузка файла картинки
            if (GetParm("upload", false))
                int    id       = GetParm("id", 0);
                string filename = GetParm("name", "");
                string ext      = GetParm("type", "").ToLower();
                if (id == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Текуший проект не выбран...");
                if (filename == "")
                    throw new Exception("Файл не задан...");
                if (!(ext == "png" || ext == "jpg" || ext == "bmp" || ext == "svg"))
                    throw new Exception("Разрешены только следущие типы файлов png, jpg, bmp, svg");
                MArt art = model.SelectFirst <MArt>($"select * from [MArt] where EntityId={model.AddParam(id)} and ArtTypeId='IMG'");
                if (art == null)
                    art           = model.CreateObject(typeof(MArt)) as MArt;
                    art.EntityId  = id;
                    art.ArtTypeId = "IMG";
                art.FileName = filename;
                art.Type     = ext;

                foreach (IFormFile ff in Context.Request.Form.Files)
                    MBuilderModel.Store.Save(ff, art.GID, art.Type);
            // Удаление файла картинки
            if (GetParm("deleteImage", false))
                model.Exec($"delete [MArt] where EntityId in ({GetParm("id", "")}) and ArtTypeId='IMG'");
            // Прикнопить проект
            if (GetParm("pin", false))
                model.Exec($@"if exists(select 1 from [MRelation] where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({GetParm("id", "")}))
                              delete [MRelation] where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({GetParm("id", "")}) 
                              else insert [MRelation] (RelationTypeId, OwnerId, ChildId) select 'PIN', {model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)}, id from [MEntity] where EntityTypeId='PRJ' and Id in ({GetParm("id", "")})  
            // Чтение списка проектов
            MPaginationList l  = new MPaginationList(parms);
            List <MArt>     la = new List <MArt>();

            model.Select(l, typeof(MEntity), $"select  * from [MEntity] (nolock) where EntityTypeId='PRJ'");
            if (l.Count > 0)
                model.Select(la, typeof(MArt), $"select  * from [MArt] (nolock) where EntityId in ({l.IdList()})");
                foreach (MArt art in la)
                List <MRelation> lr = new List <MRelation>();
                model.Select(lr, typeof(MRelation), $"select  * from [MRelation] (nolock) where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({l.IdList()})");
                foreach (MRelation r in lr)
                    model.MainDic.GetObj <MEntity>(r.ChildId).IsPin = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override object Run(MBuilderModel model, string path, string parms)
            MUser currentUser = CurrentUser(model);

            // Прикнопить
            model.Exec($@"if exists(select 1 from [MRelation] where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({GetParm("id", "")}))
                              delete [MRelation] where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({GetParm("id", "")}) 
                              else insert [MRelation] (RelationTypeId, OwnerId, ChildId) select 'PIN', {model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)}, id from [MEntity] where Id in ({GetParm("id", "")})  
            // Чтение списка
            MPaginationList l  = new MPaginationList(parms);
            List <MArt>     la = new List <MArt>();

            model.Select(l, typeof(MEntity), $"select  * from [MEntity] (nolock) where Id in ({GetParm("id", "")})");
            if (l.Count > 0)
                foreach (MEntity e in l)
                    e.IsPin = false;
                List <MRelation> lr = new List <MRelation>();
                model.Select(lr, typeof(MRelation), $"select  * from [MRelation] (nolock) where RelationTypeId='PIN' and OwnerId={model.AddParam(currentUser.User.Id)} and ChildId in ({l.IdList()})");
                foreach (MRelation r in lr)
                    model.MainDic.GetObj <MEntity>(r.ChildId).IsPin = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public IActionResult Login(MBuilderModel model, string login, string password)
                if (login == null)
                    login = "";
                if (password == null)
                    password = "";

                if (login == "" && password == "")
                    login    = "******";
                    password = "******";

                MEntity   user = model.SelectFirst <MEntity>($"select * from [MEntity] (nolock) where EntityTypeId='USR' and Code={model.AddParam(login)}");
                MPassword pass = model.SelectFirst <MPassword>($"select * from [MPassword] (nolock) where Id={model.AddParam(login)} and PassCode={model.AddParam(MFunc.GetSecurityHash(password))}");
                if (user != null)
                    if (pass != null)
                        model.AddUser(new MUser(user), login);
                        throw new NotAuthException($@"Неправильный пароль...");
                    throw new NotAuthException($@"Пользователь ""{login}"" не найден...");

                return(Json(new MJsonResult(MJsonResultType.OK, null)));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(Json(new MJsonResult(MJsonResultType.Error, e.Message)));