Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static MBResult ShowMessageBox(string Text, string Title, MBButtons Buttons, MBIcon Icon)
     return(ShowMessageBox(Text, Title, Buttons, Icon, MBDefaultButton.Button1, MBModal.Task, true, false));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static MBResult ShowMessageBox(string Text, string Title, MBButtons Buttons, MBIcon Icon, MBDefaultButton DefaultButton, MBModal Modal, bool TopMost, bool SetForeground)
     return((MBResult)MessageBoxW(0, Text, Title, (uint)Buttons | (uint)Icon | (uint)DefaultButton | (uint)Modal | (TopMost ? MB_TOPMOST : 0) | (SetForeground ? MB_SETFOREGROUND : 0)));
/// <summary>
/// Display a modal message box using the platform's native message box implementation.
///    @param title The title to display on the message box window.
///    @param message The text message to display in the box.
///    @param buttons Which buttons to put on the message box.
///    @param icons Which icon to show next to the message.
///    @return One of $MROK, $MRCancel, $MRRetry, and $MRDontSave identifying the button that the user pressed.
///    @tsexample
///       messageBox( \"Error\", \"\" ); //TODO
///    @endtsexample
///    @ingroup Platform )
/// </summary>
public  int messageBox(string title, string message, MBButtons buttons, MBIcons icons){
return m_ts.fn_messageBox(title, message, (int)buttons , (int)icons );