Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs the actual solving
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="mmuResults"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual MSimulationResult Solve(MSimulationResult input, List <MSimulationResult> mmuResults, float timespan)
            MSimulationResult result = input;

            //By default use all constraints
            List <MConstraint> constraints = new List <MConstraint>(input.Constraints);

            //Only solve the constraints which are not already fulfilled
            if (this.SolveViolatedConstraintsOnly)
                constraints = this.GetViolatedIKConstraints(input.Constraints, result.Posture);

            //Compute the ik if at least one constraint is not fulfilled
            if (constraints.Count > 0)
                MAvatarPostureValues currentPosture = input.Posture;

                //Solve n times
                for (int i = 0; i < this.Iterations; i++)
                    MIKServiceResult ikResult = this.serviceAccess.IKService.CalculateIKPosture(currentPosture, constraints, new Dictionary <string, string>());
                    currentPosture = ikResult.Posture;

                result.Posture = currentPosture;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Recomputes the present posture values for the given avatar id.
        /// This function has to be called after any set-function call in order
        /// to get the MAvatarPosture for the current configuration.
        /// If the posture is to be set permantently, SetChannelData has to be called
        /// with the generated MAvatarPostureValues
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avatarID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MAvatarPostureValues RecomputeCurrentPostureValues(string avatarID)
            MAvatarPostureValues ret = this.GetCurrentPostureValues(avatarID);

            ret.PostureData = this.hierarchies[avatarID].GetAvatarPostureValues();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Retargets the global posture to the intermediate skeleton
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globalTarget"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MAvatarPostureValues RetargetToIntermediate(MAvatarPosture globalTarget)
            RJoint root      = ((RJoint)this.skeleton.GetRoot(globalTarget.AvatarID));
            bool   rootFound = false;

            foreach (MJoint j in globalTarget.Joints)
                if (j.Type != MJointType.Undefined)
                    RJoint rj = ((RJoint)root.GetChild(j.Type));
                    rj.RetargetPositionToIS(j.Position, j.Rotation);

                    if (!rootFound)
                        rootFound = true;
                        if (j.Type == MJointType.Root)
                            MVector3 globalPos = rj.GetGlobalPosManually();
                            root.SetGlobalPosManually(new MVector3(globalPos.X, 0, globalPos.Z));
                            //rj.SetGlobalPosManually(new MVector3(0, globalPos.Y, 0));

            MAvatarPostureValues ret = new MAvatarPostureValues(globalTarget.AvatarID, root.GetAvatarPostureValues());

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns partial MAvatarPostureValues for the defined joint list of the lastPostureValues.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avatarID"></param>
        /// <param name="joints"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MAvatarPostureValues GetCurrentPostureValuesPartial(string avatarID, List <MJointType> joints)
            RJoint               root          = this.hierarchies[avatarID];
            List <double>        postureValues = root.GetAvatarPostureValuesPartial(joints);
            MAvatarPostureValues values        = new MAvatarPostureValues(avatarID, postureValues);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to setup the actual retargeting
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void SetupRetargeting()
            //Only do the retargeting setup if not happened in before
            if (!setupRetargeting)
                setupRetargeting = true;
                // find and load retargeting configuration file
                //Create a unique id for the avatar (only valid in the current session -> otherwise UUID required)
                string id = UnitySceneAccess.CreateAvatarID();

                //Only load the configuration if defined
                if (LoadRetargetingConfiguration)
                    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/" + this.ConfigurationFilePath))
                        Debug.LogError($"Problem setting up retargeting: The required file: {Application.dataPath + "/" + this.ConfigurationFilePath} is not available");

                    string skelConf = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/" + this.ConfigurationFilePath);

                    MAvatarPosture p = MMICSharp.Common.Communication.Serialization.FromJsonString <MAvatarPosture>(skelConf);//JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MAvatarPosture>(skelConf);
                    p.AvatarID = id;

                    this.SetupRetargeting(id, p);

                //If not defined use the global posture

                MAvatarDescription avatarDescription = this.GetSkeletonAccess().GetAvatarDescription(id);

                //Create a new MAvatar (the representation within MMI framework)
                MAvatarPostureValues zeroPosture = this.GetSkeletonAccess().GetCurrentPostureValues(id);

                //Create the avatar
                this.MAvatar = new MAvatar()
                    Name          = this.name,
                    ID            = id,
                    Description   = avatarDescription,
                    PostureValues = zeroPosture,
                    Properties    = new Dictionary <string, string>(),
                    SceneObjects  = new List <string>()

                //Add the avatar to the scene access

                Debug.Log("Retargeting successfully set up");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current posture values for the avatar by recomputing the values based on the internal hierarchy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avatarID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MAvatarPostureValues GetCurrentPostureValues(string avatarID)
            RJoint               root          = this.hierarchies[avatarID];
            List <double>        postureValues = root.GetAvatarPostureValues();
            MAvatarPostureValues values        = new MAvatarPostureValues(avatarID, postureValues);

            //return this.lastPostureValues[avatarID];
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the root transform of the specific posture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform GetRootTransform(MAvatarPostureValues posture)

            return(new MTransform()
                ID = "",
                Position = this.SkeletonAccess.GetRootPosition(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID),
                Rotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetRootRotation(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the forward vector of the root transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MVector3 GetRootForwad(MAvatarPostureValues posture)
            MTransform rootTransform = this.GetRootTransform(posture);
            //Compute the forwad vector of the root transform
            MVector3 rootForward = rootTransform.Rotation.Multiply(new MVector3(0, 0, 1));

            rootForward.Y = 0;
            rootForward   = rootForward.Normalize();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the global transform of the specific joint type and posture
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posture"></param>
        /// <param name="jointType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MTransform GetTransform(MAvatarPostureValues posture, MJointType jointType)

            return(new MTransform()
                ID = "",
                Position = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID, jointType),
                Rotation = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID, jointType)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the forward vector of the root transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="posture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MVector3 GetGlobalDirection(MAvatarPostureValues posture, MVector3 localDireciton)
            MTransform rootTransform = this.GetRootTransform(posture);
            //Compute the forwad vector of the root transform
            MVector3 rootForward = rootTransform.Rotation.Multiply(localDireciton);

            rootForward.Y = 0;
            rootForward   = rootForward.Normalize();

Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies the transform manipulations to be reflected in the intermediate skeleton
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ApplyTransformManipulations()
            //Update the intermediate skeleton with the new values

            //Get the global posture
            MAvatarPosture globalPosture = this.GenerateGlobalPosture();

            //Perform a retargeting to the intermediate skeleton
            MAvatarPostureValues intermediatePostureValues = retargetingService.RetargetToIntermediate(globalPosture);

            //Apply the posture values
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the retargeted posture represented in the intermediate skeleton used in the MMI framework
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public MAvatarPostureValues GetRetargetedPosture()
            // Return retargeted posture from target Avatar to intermediate skeleton.
            MAvatarPosture p = this.GenerateGlobalPosture();

            MAvatarPostureValues vals = this.retargetingService.RetargetToIntermediate(p);

            if (this.skelVis != null)

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the new (desired) hand position considering the offset of the collider (to avoid self-collisions)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetHandPosition"></param>
        /// <param name="currentPosture"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MVector3 ComputeNewPositionWithOffset(MVector3 targetHandPosition, MAvatarPostureValues currentPosture)
            //Optionally ensure that the object does not intersect the avatar
            MCollider collider = this.SceneAccess.GetColliderById(this.objectTransform.ID);

            //Determine the offset based on the respective collider
            float offset = 0;

            if (collider.SphereColliderProperties != null)
                offset = (float)collider.SphereColliderProperties.Radius;

            if (collider.BoxColliderProperties != null)
                offset = (float)collider.BoxColliderProperties.Size.Magnitude();

            if (collider.CapsuleColliderProperties != null)
                offset = Math.Max((float)collider.CapsuleColliderProperties.Height, (float)collider.CapsuleColliderProperties.Radius);

            //The offset could be also dynamically determined (using the mesh intersection distance or using Physics Compute Pentration in unity)


            //Get the shoulder positions
            MVector3 leftShoulderPosition  = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.LeftShoulder);
            MVector3 rightShoulderPosition = this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.AvatarDescription.AvatarID, MJointType.RightShoulder);

            //Compute the direction vector pointing from the avatar towards the respective hand
            MVector3 dir = new MVector3(0, 0, 0);

            switch (this.handJoint)
            case MJointType.LeftWrist:
                dir = leftShoulderPosition.Subtract(rightShoulderPosition).Normalize();

            case MJointType.RightWrist:
                dir = rightShoulderPosition.Subtract(leftShoulderPosition).Normalize();

            //Add an offset on top of the position
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public override MBoolResponse AssignInstruction(MInstruction instruction, MSimulationState simulationState)
            //Setup the ik
            this.ServiceAccess.IKService.Setup(this.AvatarDescription, new Dictionary <string, string>());

            //Reset all flags/states
            this.constraintManager         = new ConstraintManager(this.SceneAccess);
            this.singleShotIK              = false;
            this.singleShotIKTargetPosture = null;

            //Assign the instruction
            this.instruction = instruction;

            //Parse the parameters
            MBoolResponse result = this.ParseParameters(instruction);

            if (!result.Successful)

            //Compute the target posture
            if (this.singleShotIK)
                List <MConstraint> tempConstraints = new List <MConstraint>();
                constraintManager.SetConstraints(ref tempConstraints);

                //Set the ik constraints
                constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(this.handJoint, targetTransform.Position, targetTransform.Rotation);

                //Compute the posture

                MIKServiceResult ikResult = this.ServiceAccess.IKService.CalculateIKPosture(simulationState.Current, constraintManager.GetJointConstraints(), new Dictionary <string, string>());

                this.singleShotIKTargetPosture = ikResult.Posture.Copy();

                //Clear the constraints in the constraint manager

            //Return true/success
            return(new MBoolResponse(true));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns the pose to the avatar.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pose"></param>
        /// <param name="assignLocalPositions">Specifies whether the local positions are assigned as well</param>
        public virtual void AssignPostureValues(MAvatarPostureValues pose, bool assignLocalPositions = true)
            //Perform a retargeting to the specific skeleton using the retargeting service
            MAvatarPosture p = this.retargetingService.RetargetToTarget(pose);

            //Update the values of the skeletal representation

            //Compute the root transformation if defined

             * if (this.AutoComputeRootTransform)
             * {
             *  MVector3 globalRootBonePosition = skeleton.GetRootPosition(this.AvatarID);
             *  MQuaternion globalRootBoneRotation = skeleton.GetRootRotation(this.AvatarID);
             *  //Compute the root transform
             *  this.RootTransform.position = new Vector3((float)globalRootBonePosition.X, this.RootTransform.position.y, (float)globalRootBonePosition.Z);
             *  //this.RootBone.transform.position = globalRootBonePosition.ToVector3();
             *  Vector3 currentEulerRoot = this.RootTransform.eulerAngles;
             *  this.RootTransform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(currentEulerRoot.x, globalRootBoneRotation.ToQuaternion().eulerAngles.y - 90.0f, currentEulerRoot.z);
             *  //this.RootBone.transform.rotation = globalRootBoneRotation.ToQuaternion();
             *  MTransform CharTransform = new MTransform("tmp", this.RootTransform.position.ToMVector3(), this.RootTransform.rotation.ToMQuaternion());
             * }

            // Update root transform
            this.RootTransform.transform.position = p.Joints[0].Position.ToVector3();
            this.RootTransform.transform.rotation = p.Joints[0].Rotation.ToQuaternion();

            //Update the transforms/visualization by applying the global transformations

            //Update the skeleton visualization if enabled
            if (this.skelVis != null)
Ejemplo n.º 16
        //Callback which is called for each frame
        private void CoSimulator_OnResult(object sender, MSimulationResult e)
            //Aquire the mutex during the writing of the new results

            currentEvents.Events         = new List <MSimulationEvent>(e.Events);
            currentEvents.FrameNumber    = (int)this.coSimulator.FrameNumber;
            currentEvents.SimulationTime = this.coSimulator.Time;
            MAvatarPostureValues postureValues = e.Posture.Copy();

            //Add the data
            data.TryAdd(currentEvents.FrameNumber, currentEvents);


            //Perform in a new thread
            Task.Run(() =>
                //Handle each event type which is registered
                foreach (var entry in callbackClients)
                    //Handle each client
                    foreach (CoSimulationEventCallbackClient client in entry.Value)
                        if (entry.Key == "OnFrameEnd")

                        //Check if events available
                        if (currentEvents.Events != null)
                            var relevantEvents = currentEvents.Events.Where(s => s.Type == entry.Key).ToList();

                            if (relevantEvents.Count > 0)
                                client.Access.OnEvent(new MCoSimulationEvents(relevantEvents, currentEvents.SimulationTime, currentEvents.FrameNumber));
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the root position of an avatar. In addition, this function re-aligns the pelvis
        /// and the root joint. Meaning, the root joint is set to the target position and
        /// the translation animation of the pelvis is removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avatarId"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        public void SetRootPosition(string avatarId, MVector3 position)
            MAvatarPostureValues values = this.GetCurrentPostureValues(avatarId);

            position = position.Subtract(this.hierarchies[avatarId].GetMJoint().Position);
            // Set root position
            values.PostureData[0] = position.X;
            values.PostureData[1] = position.Y;
            values.PostureData[2] = position.Z;

            // reset pelvis position to be positioned above the root
            values.PostureData[7] = 0;
            values.PostureData[8] = 0;
            values.PostureData[9] = 0;

            this.hierarchies[values.AvatarID].SetAvatarPostureValues(values, this.animatedJoints[values.AvatarID]);

            // I avoid using the SetChannelData here, to not overwrite the last set channel values.
            // this.SetChannelData(values);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestRootPosition()
            MAvatarDescription   desc     = IntermediateSkeleton.GenerateFromDescriptionFile("TestAvatar");
            IntermediateSkeleton skeleton = new IntermediateSkeleton();

            List <double> rotationValues = new List <double>()
                0, 0, 0, 0.86041, -0.01303, 0.50383, 0.07533,                    //S1L5
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,   // T12L12
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,   // T1T2
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,   //C4C5
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.98890, 0.04908, -0.13945, -0.01508, // Head
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.74914, -0.35251, 0.02895, 0.56007,  // LeftShoulder
                0.98560, 0.11136, -0.00962, 0.12689,                             // Left ELbow
                0.96542, -0.01250, 0.25953, 0.02139,                             // Left Wrist
                0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.74411, 0.10420, 0.26279, -0.60530,
                0.95158, 0.28073, 0.07735, -0.09850,                             // Right Elbow
                0.99256, -0.00379, 0.11897, -0.02548,                            // right wrist
                0.94999, -0.28306, 0.12805, 0.03154,                             // Left hip
                0.97503, 0.22205, 0.00000, -0.00001,                             // Knee
                0.99439, -0.07404, 0.06580, 0.03709,                             // Ankle
                1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000,                              // Toes
                0.99694, 0.07053, -0.02371, 0.02406,                             // Right Hip
                0.91716, 0.39852, 0.00000, 0.00000,                              // Knee
                0.99076, -0.12976, 0.02501, 0.03048,                             // Ankle
                1.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000
            };                                                                   // Toes
            MAvatarPostureValues values = new MAvatarPostureValues(desc.AvatarID, rotationValues);

            MVector3 pos = skeleton.GetGlobalJointPosition(desc.AvatarID, MJointType.S1L5Joint);
            MVector3 gt  = skeleton.GetRoot(desc.AvatarID).GetMJoint().Position;

            gt = new MVector3(gt.X + rotationValues[0], gt.Y + rotationValues[1], gt.Z + rotationValues[2]);
            System.Console.WriteLine("pos: {0}, {1}, {2}", pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z);
            System.Console.WriteLine("gt: {0}, {1}, {2}", gt.X, gt.Y, gt.Z);
            Assert.IsTrue(System.Math.Abs(pos.X - gt.X) < 0.001);
            Assert.IsTrue(System.Math.Abs(pos.Y - gt.Y) < 0.001);
            Assert.IsTrue(System.Math.Abs(pos.Z - gt.Z) < 0.001);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the root rotation of an avatar.
        /// In this function, the root joint is set to the target rotation and the rotation animation
        /// of the pelvis is removed.
        /// TODO: This has to be improved, as all animation of the pelvis is removed. As the roots forward direction (z-axis)
        /// should point to the front of the avatar, only this part of the rotation should be removed from the pelvis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="avatarId"></param>
        /// <param name="rotation"></param>
        public void SetRootRotation(string avatarId, MQuaternion rotation)
            MAvatarPostureValues values = this.GetCurrentPostureValues(avatarId);

            // set root rotation
            values.PostureData[3] = rotation.W;
            values.PostureData[4] = rotation.X;
            values.PostureData[5] = rotation.Y;
            values.PostureData[6] = rotation.Z;

            // reset pelvis rotation to be oriented along with the root.
            values.PostureData[10] = 1;
            values.PostureData[11] = 0;
            values.PostureData[12] = 0;
            values.PostureData[13] = 0;

            this.hierarchies[values.AvatarID].SetAvatarPostureValues(values, this.animatedJoints[values.AvatarID]);

            // I avoid using the SetChannelData here, to not overwrite the last set channel values.
            // this.SetChannelData(values);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the anthropometry from a given description.
        /// Has to be performed prior to all other interactions with the
        /// intermediate skeleton (e.g. query for joint positions, etc.).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        public void InitializeAnthropometry(MAvatarDescription description)
            this.avatarDescriptions[description.AvatarID] = description;

            //update joint offsets
            this.hierarchies[description.AvatarID] = RJoint.Initialize(description.ZeroPosture.Joints);

            List <double> zero_rotations = new List <double>();

            MAvatarPostureValues values = new MAvatarPostureValues(description.AvatarID, zero_rotations);

            this.lastPostureValues[description.AvatarID] = values;

            List <MJointType> animatedJoints = new List <MJointType>();

            foreach (MJoint j in description.ZeroPosture.Joints)
            this.SetAnimatedJoints(description.AvatarID, animatedJoints);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the global position of the specific joint type and posture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="posture"></param>
 /// <param name="jointType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private MVector3 GetRootPosition(MAvatarPostureValues posture)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void SetToZero(string AvatarID)
            MAvatarPostureValues zero = this.GetZeroPosture(AvatarID);

Ejemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the global rotation of the specific joint type and posture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="posture"></param>
 /// <param name="jointType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private MQuaternion GetGlobalRotation(MAvatarPostureValues posture, MJointType jointType)
     return(this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointRotation(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID, jointType));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the global position of the specific joint type and posture
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="posture"></param>
 /// <param name="jointType"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private MVector3 GetGlobalPosition(MAvatarPostureValues posture, MJointType jointType)
     return(this.SkeletonAccess.GetGlobalJointPosition(this.avatarDescription.AvatarID, jointType));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private MTransform GetTransform(MAvatarPostureValues posture, HandType type)
     return(GetTransform(posture, type == HandType.Left ? MJointType.LeftWrist : MJointType.RightWrist));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 private MQuaternion GetGlobalRotation(MAvatarPostureValues posture, HandType type)
     return(GetGlobalRotation(posture, type == HandType.Left ? MJointType.LeftWrist : MJointType.RightWrist));
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private MVector3 GetGlobalPosition(MAvatarPostureValues posture, HandType type)
     return(GetGlobalPosition(posture, type == HandType.Left ? MJointType.LeftWrist : MJointType.RightWrist));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Method is responsible for modeling the positiong the object and hands which is the first part of the carry for both handed objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        private void PositionObjectBothHanded(ref MSimulationResult result, double time)
            double rootVelocity = this.ComputeRootVelocity(time);

            MAvatarPostureValues avatarPose             = this.simulationState.Initial;
            MTransform           currentObjectTransform = this.SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(this.instruction.Properties["TargetID"]);

            //Move the object to a central spot in front of the avatar
            //Create a new transform for the target object transform
            MTransform targetObjectTransform = new MTransform();

            if (this.CarryTargetName != null && this.CarryTargetName.Length > 0)
                MTransform targetTransform = SceneAccess.GetTransformByID(this.CarryTargetName);
                targetObjectTransform.Position = targetTransform.Position;
                targetObjectTransform.Rotation = targetTransform.Rotation;

                MTransform refTransform = GetTransform(this.simulationState.Initial, bothHandedCarryReferenceJoint);
                MVector3   forward      = GetRootForwad(this.simulationState.Initial);
                //Determine the ref transform rotation
                refTransform.Rotation = MQuaternionExtensions.FromEuler(new MVector3(0, Extensions.SignedAngle(new MVector3(0, 0, 1), forward, new MVector3(0, 1, 0)), 0));

                targetObjectTransform.Position = refTransform.TransformPoint(this.internalCarryTransform.Position);
                targetObjectTransform.Rotation = refTransform.TransformRotation(this.internalCarryTransform.Rotation);

            MTransform nextObjectPose      = this.DoLocalMotionPlanning(rootVelocity + positionObjectVelocity, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time), currentObjectTransform.Position, currentObjectTransform.Rotation, targetObjectTransform.Position, targetObjectTransform.Rotation);
            MTransform nextObjectTransform = new MTransform("", nextObjectPose.Position, nextObjectPose.Rotation);

            //Update the position of the object
            result.SceneManipulations.Add(new MSceneManipulation()
                Transforms = new List <MTransformManipulation>()
                    new MTransformManipulation()
                        Target   = instruction.Properties["TargetID"],
                        Position = nextObjectPose.Position,
                        Rotation = nextObjectPose.Rotation

            //Update the hands
            foreach (HandContainer hand in this.ActiveHands)
                //Update the hands
                MTransform nextHandPose = new MTransform("", nextObjectTransform.TransformPoint(hand.HandOffset.Position), nextObjectTransform.TransformRotation(hand.HandOffset.Rotation));

                //Set a new endeffector constraint
                this.constraintManager.SetEndeffectorConstraint(hand.JointType, nextHandPose.Position, nextHandPose.Rotation, hand.ConstraintID);

                //Assign the hand pose to preserve finger rotations
                result.Posture = AssignHandPose(result.Posture, hand.HandPose, hand.Type);

            //Check if position is finished
            if ((targetObjectTransform.Position.Subtract(nextObjectPose.Position)).Magnitude() < 0.01f && MQuaternionExtensions.Angle(targetObjectTransform.Rotation, nextObjectPose.Rotation) < 0.1f)
                result.Events.Add(new MSimulationEvent("PositioningFinished", "PositioningFinished", instruction.ID));

                //Only consider the rotation around y axis
                double yRotation = this.GetRootRotation(this.simulationState.Initial).ToEuler().Y;

                MTransform rootTransform = new MTransform("", this.GetRootPosition(this.simulationState.Initial), MQuaternionExtensions.FromEuler(new MVector3(0, yRotation, 0)));

                //Update the new relative coordinates
                this.relativeObjectRotation = rootTransform.InverseTransformRotation(nextObjectTransform.Rotation);
                this.relativeObjectPosition = rootTransform.InverseTransformPoint(nextObjectTransform.Position);

                this.bothHandedState = CarryState.Carry;

                //Get the joint constraints
                List <MConstraint> jointConstraints = this.constraintManager.GetJointConstraints();

                //Solve using ik if constraints are defined
                if (jointConstraints.Count > 0)
                    MIKServiceResult ikResult = this.ServiceAccess.IKService.CalculateIKPosture(result.Posture, jointConstraints, new Dictionary <string, string>());
                    result.Posture = ikResult.Posture;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 //To do
 private MAvatarPostureValues AssignHandPose(MAvatarPostureValues posture, MTransform handPose, HandType type)
Ejemplo n.º 30
        //To do
        private MAvatarPostureValues AssignBoneRotations(MAvatarPostureValues target, MAvatarPostureValues source, List <MJointType> joints)
            //To do
