Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void GetAndDrawTrainerPic(this PictureBox picBox, int index)
            var sOffset   = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TrainerImageTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + index * 8;
            var pOffset   = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TrainerPaletteTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + index * 8;
            var temp      = new byte[4096];
            var image     = new byte[65536];
            var palette15 = new byte[4096];

            Color[] palette32;
            Bitmap  bSprite;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(MainObject.LoadedRom, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using var r = new BinaryReader(fs);
                fs.Position = sOffset;
                sOffset     = r.ReadInt32() - 0x8000000;
                fs.Position = sOffset;
                r.Read(temp, 0, 0xFFF);
                Lz77.Lz77UnComp(temp, image);
                temp        = new byte[4096];
                fs.Position = pOffset;
                pOffset     = r.ReadInt32() - 0x8000000;
                fs.Position = pOffset;
                r.Read(temp, 0, 0xFFF);
                Lz77.Lz77UnComp(temp, palette15);
                palette32 = GetImageFunctions.LoadPalette(palette15);

            bSprite      = GetImageFunctions.LoadSprite(ref image, palette32, 64, 64, Conversions.ToBoolean(Ini.GetString(MainObject.AppPath + "GBAPGESettings.ini", "Settings", "TransparentImages", "0")));
            picBox.Image = bSprite;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void GetAndDrawFrontPokemonPicBlack(this PictureBox picBox, int index)
            var sOffset = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "PokemonFrontSprites", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + index * 8; // Pointer to Pokemon front sprites, + 8 = Bulbasaur.
            var pOffset = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "PokemonNormalPal", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + index * 8;    // Pointer to Pokemon normal palettes, + 8 = Bulbasaur.

            var temp      = new byte[4096];
            var image     = new byte[65536];
            var palette15 = new byte[4096];

            Color[] palette32;
            Bitmap  bSprite;

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(MainObject.LoadedRom, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                using var r         = new BinaryReader(fileStream);
                fileStream.Position = sOffset;
                sOffset             = r.ReadInt32() - 0x8000000;
                fileStream.Position = sOffset;
                r.Read(temp, 0, 0xFFF);
                Lz77.Lz77UnComp(temp, image);
                temp = new byte[4096];
                fileStream.Position = pOffset;
                pOffset             = r.ReadInt32() - 0x8000000;
                fileStream.Position = pOffset;
                r.Read(temp, 0, 0xFFF);
                Lz77.Lz77UnComp(temp, palette15);
                palette32     = GetImageFunctions.LoadPalette(palette15);
                palette32[1]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[2]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[3]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[4]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[5]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[6]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[7]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[8]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[9]  = Color.Black;
                palette32[10] = Color.Black;
                palette32[11] = Color.Black;
                palette32[12] = Color.Black;
                palette32[13] = Color.Black;
                palette32[14] = Color.Black;
                palette32[15] = Color.Black;

            bSprite      = GetImageFunctions.LoadSprite(ref image, palette32, 64, 64, Conversions.ToBoolean(Ini.GetString(MainObject.AppPath + "GBAPGESettings.ini", "Settings", "TransparentImages", "0")));
            picBox.Image = bSprite;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Form1()
            lz77Obj = new Lz77();

            for (int i = 3; i <= 15; i++)
            offsetSizeBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            for (int i = 2; i <= 7; i++)
            lengthSizeBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
        private void cbSourceSound_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbSourceSound.Checked)
                tbAudioFile.Text = "Internal Sound";

                if (Lz77.IsLz77Compressed(sourceSound))
                    Lz77 l = new Lz77(); sourceSound = l.Decompress(sourceSound);

                foreach (Label thisLabel in gbWaveInfo.Controls)
                    if (thisLabel.Name.ToLower().Contains("value"))
                        thisLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                        thisLabel.Text      = "Gathering";


                //this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(510, 220);
                this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(gbWaveInfo.Location.X + gbWaveInfo.Size.Width + 15, this.Size.Height);
                if (tbAudioFile.Text == "Internal Sound")
                    tbAudioFile.Text = string.Empty;

                //this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(358, 220);
                this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(btnCancel.Location.X + btnCancel.Size.Width + 15, this.Size.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // The NAVIGATE function
        void Navigate()
            // Can we Navigate?
            if (Header != null && Header != "" && FrontTable != null)
                // Say we're currently naviagting
                Navigating = true;

                // Create a new list of sprites in our EditBox
                EditBox.Sprites = new List <NSE_Framework.Data.Sprite>(6);

                #region Variables
                // The current POKEMON index
                int INDEX = int.Parse(IndexText.Text);

                // Define Variables
                int    heightFront, heightBack;                                 // The height of the front sprite and back sprite
                int    lzSprite, normalLzPalette, shinyLzPalette;               // Stores length of Lz77 compressed data ! RETURNS -1 IF NOT LZ77 COMPRESSED !
                int    spriteOffset, normalPaletteOffset, shinyPaletteOffset;   // Temp sprite offset and palette offset variables
                byte[] spriteData, normalPaletteData, shinyPaletteData;         // Temp sprite data and palette data byte[]

                #region FRONT_NORMAL
                // Offsets of front sprite and palette
                spriteOffset        = Read.ReadPointer(FrontTable + 8 * INDEX);
                normalPaletteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(NormalTable + 8 * INDEX);

                // Front sprite's height
                heightFront = Lz77.CheckLz77(Read, spriteOffset, CheckLz77Type.Sprite) / 256;

                // Read and decompress data from offsets, output the lengths
                spriteData        = Read.ReadLz77Bytes(spriteOffset, out lzSprite);
                normalPaletteData = Read.ReadLz77Bytes(normalPaletteOffset, out normalLzPalette);

                // Build FRONT_NORMAL sprite
                FN = new Sprite(spriteOffset, normalPaletteOffset, 8, heightFront, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, spriteData, new SpritePalette(SpritePalette.PaletteType.Color16, normalPaletteData));
                FN.CompressedSprite  = lzSprite;
                FN.CompressedPalette = normalLzPalette;

                #region FRONT_SHINY
                // RE-USE LAST SPRITE_DATA

                // Offsets of shiny palette, RE-USE last sprite offset
                shinyPaletteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(ShinyTable + 8 * INDEX);

                // Read and decompress data from offset, output the length
                shinyPaletteData = Read.ReadLz77Bytes(shinyPaletteOffset, out shinyLzPalette);

                // Build FRONT_SHINY sprite
                FS = new Sprite(spriteOffset, shinyPaletteOffset, 8, heightFront, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, spriteData, new SpritePalette(SpritePalette.PaletteType.Color16, shinyPaletteData));
                FS.CompressedSprite  = lzSprite;
                FS.CompressedPalette = shinyLzPalette;

                #region BACK_SHINY
                // Offsets of back sprite, RE-USE last palette offset
                spriteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(BackTable + 8 * INDEX);

                // Back sprite's height
                heightBack = Lz77.CheckLz77(Read, spriteOffset, CheckLz77Type.Sprite) / 256;

                // Read and decompress data from offset, output the length
                spriteData = Read.ReadLz77Bytes(spriteOffset, out lzSprite);

                // Build BACK_SHINY sprite
                BS = new NSE_Framework.Data.Sprite(spriteOffset, shinyPaletteOffset, 8, heightBack, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, spriteData, FS.Palette);
                BS.CompressedSprite  = lzSprite;
                BS.CompressedPalette = shinyLzPalette;

                #region BACK_NORMAL

                // Build BACK_NORMAL sprite RE-USING all data
                BN = new Sprite(spriteOffset, normalPaletteOffset, 8, heightBack, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, spriteData, FN.Palette);
                BN.CompressedSprite  = lzSprite;
                BN.CompressedPalette = normalLzPalette;

                #region MINI
                // Read sprite pointer
                spriteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(MiniSpriteTable + 4 * INDEX);

                // Palette index 0 - 2
                byte pi = Read.ReadByte(MiniPaletteIndex + INDEX);

                // Read palette pointer
                normalPaletteOffset = Read.ReadPointer(MiniPalettes + 8 * pi);

                // Build both MINI frames
                M1         = new Sprite(spriteOffset, normalPaletteOffset, 4, 4, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, Read);
                M2         = new Sprite(spriteOffset + 0x200, normalPaletteOffset, 4, 4, Sprite.SpriteType.Color16, Read);
                M2.Palette = M1.Palette;

                // Add the value to the numeric up down control
                NumericUpDownPalette.Value = pi;

                #region EDITBOX

                // MUST BE SET!
                EditBox.CurrentIndex = 0;

                #region PICTURES
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bFN, FN);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bBN, BN);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bFS, FS);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bBS, BS);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bM1, M1);
                NSE_Framework.Draw.uDrawSprite(ref bM2, M2);

                PictureboxFN.Image = bFN;
                PictureboxBN.Image = bBN;
                PictureboxFS.Image = bFS;
                PictureboxBS.Image = bBS;
                PictureboxA1.Image = bM1;
                PictureboxA2.Image = bM2;

                // Say we're done navigating
                Navigating = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public Bitmap Decode()
            MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream();

            Stream.Position = 0;

            if (Compressed && SteamVersion.Value)
                Stream = new MemoryStream(LZSSDecompress(Stream));
            else if (Compressed)
                var          Decompressor = new Lz77();
                MemoryStream Buffer       = new MemoryStream();
                Stream = Buffer;

            Bitmap Output;

            if (SteamVersion.Value)
                Output = new Bitmap(TexSize.Width, TexSize.Height);
                byte[] Buffer = Stream.ToArray();
                fixed(void *pAddr = &Buffer[0])
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Buffer.Length == TexSize.Width * TexSize.Height);
                    uint *pPixels = (uint *)pAddr;
                    int   Stride  = TexSize.Width;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Buffer.Length / 4; i++, pPixels++)
                        int X = i % Stride;
                        int Y = i / Stride;

                            uint ARGB = *pPixels;

                            //ABGR => ARGB
                            ARGB = (ARGB & 0xFF00FF00) | ((ARGB & 0x00FF0000) >> 8 * 2) | ((ARGB & 0x000000FF) << 8 * 2);

                            Output.SetPixel(X, Y, Color.FromArgb((int)ARGB));
                Output = Image.FromStream(Stream) as Bitmap;


            TexSize = Output.Size;

            if (Tiled)
                Output = Untile(Output);
