public bool canRollOver(int x, int y, VehInfo type)
            LvlInfo level = _arena._server._assets.Level;

            bool blocked = level.isTileBlocked(x, y, type);

            if (blocked)
                x /= 16;
                y /= 16;
                int   phy  = level.Tiles[y * level.Width + x].Physics;
                short low  = level.PhysicsLow[phy];
                short high = level.PhysicsHigh[phy];

                //Typical man vehicle: LowZ = 0 HighZ = 55
                //Physic (Green): LowZ = 0 HighZ = 16

                //Can we pass under or over?
                if (_state.positionZ > low)
                    blocked = false;   //Not blocked
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the state in accordance with movement instructions
        /// </summary>
        public virtual bool updateState(double delta)
        {       //If we're dead
            if (delta <= 0 || !bEnabled)

            //Are we frozen?
            if (_tickMovementFrozenUntil != 0 && _tickMovementFrozenUntil > Environment.TickCount)
                _isThrustingForward  = false;
                _isThrustingBackward = false;
                _isStrafingLeft      = false;
                _isStrafingRight     = false;
                _tickMovementFrozenUntil = 0;

            //Get our speed values for our current terrain
            SpeedValues stats = _type.TerrainSpeeds[_terrainType];

            //Apply our rotation
            if (_isRotatingLeft)
                _direction -= ((_rollRotate / 10000.0d) * delta);
            else if (_isRotatingRight)
                _direction += ((_rollRotate / 10000.0d) * delta);

            _direction %= 240;

            if (_direction < 0)
                _direction = 240 + _direction;

            //Vectorize our direction, unf.
            Vector2 directionVector = Vector2.createUnitVector(_direction);
            Vector2 accelVector     = Vector2.Zero;

            //Apply our thrusting instructions
            _thrustDirection = 0;

            if (_isThrustingForward)
                accelVector.x   += directionVector.x * _rollThrust;
                accelVector.y   += directionVector.y * _rollThrust;
                _thrustDirection = _direction;
            else if (_isThrustingBackward)
                accelVector.x   += directionVector.x * -_rollThrustBack;
                accelVector.y   += directionVector.y * -_rollThrustBack;
                _thrustDirection = calculateNewDirection(_direction, 120);

            if (_isStrafingLeft)
                double tmpX = directionVector.x;
                accelVector.x += directionVector.y * _rollThrustStrafe;
                accelVector.y += -tmpX * _rollThrustStrafe;
            else if (_isStrafingRight)
                double tmpX = directionVector.x;
                accelVector.x += -directionVector.y * _rollThrustStrafe;
                accelVector.y += tmpX * _rollThrustStrafe;

            //Apply our acceleration
            _velocity.x += accelVector.x * (delta / 1000.0d);
            _velocity.y += accelVector.y * (delta / 1000.0d);

            //Apply friction
            double frictionMod = 1000 - ((((((double)_rollFriction) * 800) / 256) / 10) * (delta / 10.0d));

            _velocity.x = ((_velocity.x * frictionMod) / 1000.0d);
            _velocity.y = ((_velocity.y * frictionMod) / 1000.0d);

            //TODO: Add the effects of projectile explosions on our velocity
            //TODO: Check for physics react accordingly

            //Clamp our resulting velocity
            if (_velocity.Length >= _rollTopSpeed / 1)
                _velocity.Normalize(_rollTopSpeed / 1);

            //Calculate our new position
            double xPerTick = _velocity.x / 10000.0d;
            double yPerTick = _velocity.y / 10000.0d;

            yPerTick *= 0.70f;                                  //Y coordinates are bigger than x by 0.7?

            Vector2 newPosition = new Vector2(_position.x + (xPerTick * delta), _position.y + (yPerTick * delta));

            //Clamp our position
            newPosition.x = Math.Min(newPosition.x, (AssetManager.Manager.Level.Width - 1) * 16);
            newPosition.x = Math.Max(newPosition.x, 0);
            newPosition.y = Math.Min(newPosition.y, (AssetManager.Manager.Level.Height - 1) * 16);
            newPosition.y = Math.Max(newPosition.y, 0);

            //Check for collisions
            int tileX    = (int)Math.Floor(_position.x / 16);
            int tileY    = (int)Math.Floor(_position.y / 16);
            int newTileX = (int)Math.Floor(newPosition.x / 16);
            int newTileY = (int)Math.Floor(newPosition.y / 16);

            LvlInfo.Tile tile  = _arena._tiles[(newTileY * _arena._levelWidth) + newTileX];
            LvlInfo      level = _arena._server._assets.Level;

            if (tile.Blocked && level.isTileBlocked((int)newPosition.x, (int)newPosition.y, _type))
                bool collision = false;

                if (Math.Abs(tileX - newTileX) > 0)
                    _velocity.x *= -1;
                    collision    = true;

                if (Math.Abs(tileY - newTileY) > 0)
                    _velocity.y *= -1;
                    collision    = true;

                if (collision)
                    _velocity *= _type.BouncePercent / 1000.0d;

            //Finally, we can adjust our position
            _position.x = newPosition.x;
            _position.y = newPosition.y;

            //Update the state, converting our floats into the nearest short values
            _state.positionX  = (short)(uint)_position.x;
            _state.positionY  = (short)(uint)_position.y;
            _state.velocityX  = (short)(uint)_velocity.x;
            _state.velocityY  = (short)(uint)_velocity.y;
            _state.yaw        = (byte)_direction;
            _state.direction  = getDirection();
            _state.lastUpdate = Environment.TickCount;

            //TODO: Apply vector tolerance to decide whether to update