Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result)
            var activity = await result as IMessageActivity;

            // TODO: Put logic for handling user message here
            string   endpoint       = "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/6767436a-1094-4de9-9e0f-cc55030ab265?subscription-key=05ea02c6522e40b7a1c39931306f5e39&verbose=true&timezoneOffset=0&q=";
            string   queryParameter = activity.Text;
            LuisJSON JSONResult     = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint + queryParameter))
                    //request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            string stringResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            JSONResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisJSON>(stringResult);
//            JSONResult.topScoringIntent.intent

            string endpointWeather = "api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=";

            queryParameter = JSONResult.entities.First().entity;
            string     endQuery      = "&APPID=143a6ad9ed21e367e1e9161d119b906e";
            RootObject weatherResult = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                using (var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, endpoint + queryParameter))
                    //request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
                    using (var response = await client.SendAsync(request))
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            string stringResult = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            weatherResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RootObject>(stringResult);

            await context.PostAsync("A " + queryParameter + " il fait todo");

            //await context.PostAsync("Voici la météo " + weatherResult.weather.First().description);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task <LuisJSON> GetEntityFromLUIS(string Query)
            Query = Uri.EscapeDataString(Query);
            LuisJSON Data = new LuisJSON();

            using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient())
                string RequestURI       = "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/e6407f0e-5e84-4a27-9d75-09abff0b9b26?subscription-key=3e4ea53de18c494d9918b867888011c6&verbose=true&timezoneOffset=0&spellCheck=true&q=" + Query;
                HttpResponseMessage msg = await client.GetAsync(RequestURI);

                if (msg.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var JsonDataResponse = await msg.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LuisJSON>(JsonDataResponse);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <object> result)
            var      activity = await result as Activity;
            string   str      = activity.Text;
            LuisJSON sLuis    = await GetEntityFromLUIS(str);

            await context.PostAsync($"HR Bot is currently under development by Innov-Lab");


             * if (sLuis.intents[0].intent == "meals remain")
             * {
             *  string val;
             *  DbOperationMR db = new DbOperationMR();
             *  db.db_connection();
             *  val = db.value;
             *  await context.PostAsync($"The total number of Meals Remaining is {val} -- MySQL Connection");
             * }
             * else if (sLuis.intents[0].intent == "Bunk_Room")
             * {
             *  string valrc, valbc;
             *  DbOperationBR db = new DbOperationBR();
             *  db.db_connection();
             *  valrc = db.Valrc;
             *  valbc = db.Valbc;
             *  await context.PostAsync($"The total number of rooms available is {valrc} and the number of bunks availabe is {valbc} -- MySQL Connection");
             * }
             * else if (sLuis.intents[0].intent == "soup_kit")
             * {
             *  string valrc;
             *  DbOperationSK db = new DbOperationSK();
             *  db.db_connection();
             *  valrc = db.Valrc;
             *  await context.PostAsync($"The total number of seats available is {valrc} -- MySQL Connection");
             * }
             * else if (sLuis.intents[0].intent == "donation")
             * {
             *  string valrc;
             *  DbOperationDonat db = new DbOperationDonat();
             *  db.db_connectiondonat();
             *  valrc = db.value;
             *  await context.PostAsync($"{valrc} -- MySQL Connection");
             * }
             * else if (sLuis.intents[0].intent == "PTOLeave")
             * {
             *  await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information about Paid Time Off Hours");
             * }
             * else if (sLuis.intents[0].intent =="None")
             * {
             *  await context.PostAsync($"Sorry, I was not able to understand your query please rephrase");
             * }*/

            switch (sLuis.intents[0].intent)
            case "PTOLeave":
                await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information about Paid Time Off Hours");

                await context.PostAsync($"• Paid time off is available immediately (But not shown in payroll unitl 2nd pay period)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• 80 hours carryover max -per year" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• PTO Calendar reflects the your current status");


            case "NewHireReq":
                await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information about the documents/forms required by HR Department");

                await context.PostAsync($"You need to submit the following forms" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• New Hire Payroll and Benefit Forms" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Employee Handbook and Acknowledgement Form" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Acceptable  USe Policy and Acknowwledgement Form" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Photo Release Form" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Email Signature Requirement" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Rule sof Behaviour Agreement Form" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Security Awarness and Other Training Requirements");


            case "NewWaveBenf":
                await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information on the benefits provided by NewWave");

                await context.PostAsync($"The following are some of the benefits provided by NewWave" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Choice of different Health Plans" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Dentals Plans" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Vision Plans" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Group STD/LTD/Life ins plans" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Great 401k with corporatee matching" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"• Trainging Stipend & Tution Reimbursement");


            case "ActivCont":
                await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information about currently active contracts in the Company");

                await context.PostAsync($"Our Company is currently working with CMS on these contracts:" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"1: CCW" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"2: EPPE" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"3: RMADA (IDIQ)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"4: RDIS (IDIQ)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"5: DM (IDIQ)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"6: QNET Conference" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"7: PQPMI" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"8: RADV (O&M)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"9: RADV (Infra)" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"10: T-MSIS" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"11: MACBIS PMO");


            case "CoreValues":
                await context.PostAsync($"You are asking information about core values of the Company");

                await context.PostAsync($"Our Company is currently working with CMS on these contracts:" +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"1: People First: Our professionals are the backbone of our success; without them we cannot accomplish our mission. We value our employees’ individual strengths, and their entrepreneurial and charitable spirit." +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"2: Customer Always: Our customers share our vision of providing quality healthcare services nationwide. We partner with our customers to help them achieve our shared ideals." +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"3: Integrity: Our team values honesty, respect, and teamwork. We believe integrity is doing the right thing; even when no one is looking." +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"4: Quality: Our partners rely on quality products and solutions for mission success. We provide efficient, measurable, and cost-effective results that exceed customer expectations." +
                                        "\n\n" +
                                        $"5: Social Responsibilty: Our personnel support and provide local community outreach. We embrace the charitable donation of our time, talent, and treasure as the bedrock principle upon which this company was founded."


            case "None":
                await context.PostAsync($"None");;