Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override string Process(EditorData editorData, bool moduleOnly)
            var sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(editorData);
            var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, sr, out _, true) : null;

            var refs = new StringBuilder();

            if (rr != null)
                var n = ExpressionTypeEvaluation.GetResultMember(rr);

                if (n != null)
                    var ctxt = ResolutionContext.Create(editorData, true);
                    if (moduleOnly || n.ContainsAnyAttribute(DTokens.Private) || (n is DVariable variable && variable.IsLocal))
                        GetReferencesInModule(editorData.SyntaxTree, refs, n, ctxt);
                        foreach (var rootPackage in editorData.ParseCache.EnumRootPackagesSurroundingModule(editorData.SyntaxTree))
                            foreach (var module in rootPackage)
                                GetReferencesInModule(module, refs, n, ctxt);

                //var res = TypeReferenceFinder.Scan(_editorData, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void GetDefinition(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex)
            filename = normalizePath(filename);
            var ast = GetModule(filename);

            if (ast == null)
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 1, startLine);
            _tipEnd   = new CodeLocation(endIndex + 1, endLine);

            _editorData.CaretLocation = _tipEnd;
            _editorData.SyntaxTree    = ast as DModule;
            _editorData.ModuleCode    = _sources[filename];
            // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character
            _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart) + 2;

            ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData);

            LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt;
            var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt, true) : null;

            if (rr != null)
                var n = DResolver.GetResultMember(rr, true);

                if (n == null)

                bool decl = false;
                var  mthd = n as DMethod;
                if (mthd != null)
                    decl = mthd.Body == null;
                else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Extern))
                    decl = true;
                if (decl)

                _tipStart = n.Location;
                _tipEnd   = n.EndLocation;
                INode node = n.NodeRoot;
                if (node is DModule)
                    _tipText.Append((node as DModule).FileName);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void GetReferences(string filename, string tok, uint line, uint idx, string expr)
            filename = normalizePath(filename);
            var ast = GetModule(filename);

            if (ast == null)
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            _request = Request.References;
            _result  = "__pending__";

            Action dg = () =>
                CodeLocation loc = new CodeLocation((int)idx + 1, (int)line);
                _editorData.CaretLocation = loc;
                _editorData.SyntaxTree    = ast as DModule;
                _editorData.ModuleCode    = _sources[filename];
                _editorData.CaretOffset   = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, loc);

                ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData);
                LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt;
                var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt, true) : null;

                StringBuilder refs = new StringBuilder();
                if (rr != null)
                    var n = DResolver.GetResultMember(rr, true);

                    if (n != null)
                        var ctxt = ResolutionContext.Create(_editorData, true);
                        if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private) || ((n is DVariable) && (n as DVariable).IsLocal))
                            GetReferencesInModule(ast, refs, n, ctxt);
                            foreach (var basePath in _imports.Split(nlSeparator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                                foreach (var mod in GlobalParseCache.EnumModulesRecursively(basePath))
                                    GetReferencesInModule(mod, refs, n, ctxt);
                    //var res = TypeReferenceFinder.Scan(_editorData, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, null);
                if (!_editorData.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested && _request == Request.References)
                    _result = refs.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static AbstractType[] ResolveHoveredCodeLoosely(out IEditorData ed, out LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt resolutionAttempt, out ISyntaxRegion sr, Document doc = null)
            ed = CreateEditorData(doc);
            if (ed == null)
                sr = null;
                resolutionAttempt = LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt.Normal;

            //return DResolver.ResolveTypeLoosely(ed, out resolutionAttempt, ctxt);
            return(AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(ed, out resolutionAttempt, out sr, true)).ToArray());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override TooltipItem GetItem(TextEditor editor, int offset)
            // Note: Normally, the document already should be open
            var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.GetDocument(editor.Document.FileName);

            if (doc == null)

            var ast = doc.GetDAst();

            // Due the first note, the AST already should exist
            if (ast == null)

            // Get code cache
            var codeCache = DResolverWrapper.CreateParseCacheView(doc);

            // Create editor context
            var line = editor.GetLineByOffset(offset);

            var ed = new EditorData {
                CaretOffset   = offset,
                CaretLocation = new CodeLocation(offset - line.Offset, editor.OffsetToLineNumber(offset)),
                ModuleCode    = editor.Text,
                ParseCache    = codeCache,
                SyntaxTree    = ast

            // Let the engine build all contents
            LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt att;
            ISyntaxRegion sr;
            var           rr = LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(ed, out att, out sr, true);

            // Create tool tip item
            if (rr != null)
                return(new TooltipItem(new TTI {
                    t = rr, sr = sr
                }, offset, 1));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public override Task <Hover> Handle(HoverParams request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var editorData           = DResolverWrapper.CreateEditorData(request, cancellationToken);
            var resolvedHoveredTypes = LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, out LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt resolutionAttempt, out ISyntaxRegion syntaxRegion, true);

            var markup = string.Join(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(resolvedHoveredTypes)
                                     .Where(t => t != null)
                                     .Select(t => TooltipMarkupGen.CreateSignatureMarkdown(t)));

            return(Task.FromResult(new Hover
                Contents = new MarkedStringsOrMarkupContent(new MarkupContent
                    Kind = MarkupKind.Markdown,
                    Value = markup
                Range = syntaxRegion.ToRange()
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override Tuple <CodeLocation, CodeLocation, string> Process(
            EditorData editorData, bool evaluateUnderneathExpression)
            // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character

            var sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(editorData);

            if (sr == null)
                return(Tuple.Create(CodeLocation.Empty, CodeLocation.Empty, String.Empty));

            var types = LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, sr, out _, true);

            if (editorData.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(Tuple.Create(CodeLocation.Empty, CodeLocation.Empty, String.Empty));
            if (types == null)
                return(Tuple.Create(sr.Location, sr.EndLocation, String.Empty));

            var   tipText = new StringBuilder();
            DNode dn      = null;

            foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(types))
                var dt = t;
                if (dt is AliasedType at)
                    // jump to original definition if it is not renamed or the caret is on the import
                    var isRenamed = (at.Definition as ImportSymbolAlias)?.ImportBinding?.Alias != null;
                    if (!isRenamed || at.Definition.Location == sr.Location)
                        dt = at.Base;
                if (dt is DSymbol symbol)
                    dn = symbol.Definition;


            while (tipText.Length > 0 && tipText[tipText.Length - 1] == '\a')

            if (evaluateUnderneathExpression)
                var ctxt = editorData.GetLooseResolutionContext(LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt.Normal);
                    ISymbolValue v = null;
                    if (dn is DVariable var && var.Initializer != null && var.IsConst)
                        v = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(var.Initializer, ctxt);
                    if (v == null && sr is IExpression expression)
                        v = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(expression, ctxt);
                    if (v != null && !(v is ErrorValue))
                        var valueStr = " = " + v;
                        if (tipText.Length > valueStr.Length &&
                            tipText.ToString(tipText.Length - valueStr.Length, valueStr.Length) != valueStr)
                catch (Exception e)
                    tipText.Append("\aException during evaluation = ").Append(e.Message);


            if (dn != null)
                VDServerCompletionDataGenerator.GenerateNodeTooltipBody(dn, tipText);

            while (tipText.Length > 0 && tipText[tipText.Length - 1] == '\a')

            return(Tuple.Create(sr.Location, sr.EndLocation, tipText.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void GetDefinition(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex)
            filename = normalizePath(filename);
            var ast = GetModule(filename);

            if (ast == null)
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 1, startLine);
            _tipEnd   = new CodeLocation(endIndex + 1, endLine);

            _request = Request.Definition;
            _result  = "__pending__";

            Action dg = () =>
                _editorData.CaretLocation = _tipEnd;
                _editorData.SyntaxTree    = ast as DModule;
                _editorData.ModuleCode    = _sources[filename];
                // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character
                _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart) + 2;

                ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData);
                LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt;
                var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt, true) : null;

                StringBuilder tipText = new StringBuilder();
                if (rr != null)
                    DNode n = null;
                    foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(rr))
                        n = DResolver.GetResultMember(t, true);
                        if (n != null)

                    if (n != null)
                        if (tipText.Length > 0)
                        bool decl = false;
                        var  mthd = n as DMethod;
                        if (mthd != null)
                            decl = mthd.Body == null;
                        else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Extern))
                            decl = true;
                        if (decl)

                        _tipStart = n.Location;
                        _tipEnd   = n.EndLocation;
                        INode node = n.NodeRoot;
                        if (node is DModule)
                            tipText.Append((node as DModule).FileName);
                if (!_editorData.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested && _request == Request.Definition)
                    _result = tipText.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void GetTip(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex)
            filename = normalizePath(filename);
            var ast = GetModule(filename);

            if (ast == null)
                throw new COMException("module not found", 1);

            _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 1, startLine);
            _tipEnd   = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 2, startLine);

            _request = Request.Tip;
            _result  = "__pending__";

            Action dg = () =>
                _editorData.CaretLocation = _tipStart;
                _editorData.SyntaxTree    = ast as DModule;
                _editorData.ModuleCode    = _sources[filename];
                // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character
                _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart) + 1;

                ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData);
                LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt;
                AbstractType types = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt, true) : null;

                if (_editorData.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                StringBuilder tipText = new StringBuilder();
                if (types != null)
                    if (sr != null)
                        _tipStart = sr.Location;
                        _tipEnd   = sr.EndLocation;

                    DNode dn = null;

                    foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(types))
                        if (t is DSymbol)
                            dn = (t as DSymbol).Definition;

                    while (tipText.Length > 0 && tipText[tipText.Length - 1] == '\a')

                    if (dn != null)
                        VDServerCompletionDataGenerator.GenerateNodeTooltipBody(dn, tipText);

                    while (tipText.Length > 0 && tipText[tipText.Length - 1] == '\a')
                if (_request == Request.Tip)
                    _result = tipText.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override Tuple <CodeLocation, CodeLocation, string> Process(EditorData editorData, int flags)
            bool evaluateUnderneathExpression = (flags & 1) != 0;
            bool quoteCode = (flags & 2) != 0;
            bool overloads = (flags & 4) != 0;

            // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character
            // editorData.CaretOffset++;

            var sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(editorData);

            if (sr == null)
                return(Tuple.Create(CodeLocation.Empty, CodeLocation.Empty, String.Empty));

            ArgumentsResolutionResult res = null;

            if (overloads)
                res = ParameterInsightResolution.ResolveArgumentContext(editorData);
                var types = LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, sr, out _, true);
                if (types != null)
                    res = new ArgumentsResolutionResult();
                    res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods = new AbstractType[1] {

            if (editorData.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                return(Tuple.Create(CodeLocation.Empty, CodeLocation.Empty, String.Empty));
            if (res == null || res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods == null)
                return(Tuple.Create(sr.Location, sr.EndLocation, String.Empty));

            DNode dn   = null;
            var   tips = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();

            foreach (var types in res.ResolvedTypesOrMethods)
                foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(types))
                    var tipText = new StringBuilder();
                    var dt      = t;
                    if (dt is AliasedType at)
                        // jump to original definition if it is not renamed or the caret is on the import
                        var isRenamed = (at.Definition as ImportSymbolAlias)?.ImportBinding?.Alias != null;
                        if (!isRenamed || at.Definition.Location == sr.Location)
                            dt = at.Base;
                    tipText.Append(NodeToolTipContentGen.Instance.GenTooltipSignature(dt, false, -1, quoteCode));
                    if (dt is DSymbol symbol)
                        dn = symbol.Definition;

                    if (evaluateUnderneathExpression)
                        var ctxt = editorData.GetLooseResolutionContext(LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt.Normal);
                            ISymbolValue v = null;
                            if (dn is DVariable var && var.Initializer != null && var.IsConst)
                                v = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(var.Initializer, ctxt);
                            if (v == null && sr is IExpression expression)
                                v = Evaluation.EvaluateValue(expression, ctxt);
                            if (v != null && !(v is ErrorValue))
                                var valueStr = " = " + v;
                                if (tipText.Length > valueStr.Length &&
                                    tipText.ToString(tipText.Length - valueStr.Length, valueStr.Length) != valueStr)
                        catch (Exception e)
                            tipText.Append(" (Exception during evaluation: ").Append(e.Message).Append(")");

                    var docText = new StringBuilder();
                    if (dn != null)
                        VDServerCompletionDataGenerator.GenerateNodeTooltipBody(dn, docText);

                    tips.Add(Tuple.Create(tipText.ToString(), docText.ToString()));
            var    text    = new StringBuilder();
            string prevDoc = "";
            bool   first   = true;

            foreach (var tip in tips)
                // do not emit the same doc twice
                if (overloads || (tip.Item2 != "ditto" && tip.Item2 != prevDoc))
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevDoc))
                if (!first)
                first = false;
                if (tip.Item2 != "ditto")
                    prevDoc = tip.Item2;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevDoc))

            return(Tuple.Create(sr.Location, sr.EndLocation, text.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override Tuple <CodeLocation, CodeLocation, string> Process(EditorData editorData, CodeLocation tipEnd)
            var tipStart = editorData.CaretLocation;

            editorData.CaretOffset  += 2;
            editorData.CaretLocation = tipEnd;

            var sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(editorData);
            var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, sr, out _, true) : null;

            var definitionSourceFilename = new StringBuilder();

            if (rr != null)
                if (rr is AliasedType at)
                    // jump to original definition if it is not renamed or the caret is on the import
                    var isRenamed = (at.Definition as ImportSymbolAlias)?.ImportBinding?.Alias != null;
                    if (!isRenamed || at.Definition.Location == sr.Location)
                        rr = at.Base;
                DNode n = null;
                foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(rr))
                    n = ExpressionTypeEvaluation.GetResultMember(t);
                    if (n != null)

                if (n != null)
                    if (definitionSourceFilename.Length > 0)
                    bool decl = false;
                    if (n is DMethod method)
                        decl = method.Body == null;
                    else if (n.ContainsAnyAttribute(DTokens.Extern))
                        decl = true;
                    if (decl)

                    tipStart = n.Location;
                    tipEnd   = n.EndLocation;
                    if (n.NodeRoot is DModule module)

            return(Tuple.Create(tipStart, tipEnd, definitionSourceFilename.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static AbstractType[] ResolveHoveredCodeLoosely(IEditorData ed, out LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt resolutionAttempt, out ISyntaxRegion sr)
     return(AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(ed, out resolutionAttempt, out sr, true)).ToArray());