Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task OwnedBookRepository_GetOwnedBooks()
            // arrange
            const int userId  = 1;
            const int bookId  = 1;
            const int bookId2 = 2;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, userId, bookId);

                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, userId, bookId2);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            IEnumerable <IOwnedBookResult> ownedBooks;

            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IOwnedBookRepository ownedBookRepo = new OwnedBookRepository(actContext);

                ownedBooks = await ownedBookRepo.GetOwnedBooksAsync(new OwnedBookSearchParams());

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(2, ownedBooks.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public async Task CreateGenre(LooseLeafContext context, Book book, string genre = "Test")
     await context.Genres.AddAsync(new DataAccess.Genre()
         GenreName = genre, Book = book
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task CreateLoan(LooseLeafContext context, int _LenderId, int _BorrowerId)
            var loan = new DataAccess.Loan()
                LenderId     = _LenderId,
                BorrowerId   = _BorrowerId,
                Message      = "Test loan message",
                LoanStatusId = 1,
                DropoffDate  = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20),
                ReturnedDate = new DateTime(2021, 3, 23),
                AddressId    = 1
            var loanbooks = new List <LoanedBook> {
                new LoanedBook()
                    Loan = loan, OwnedBookid = 1
                }, new LoanedBook()
                    Loan = loan, OwnedBookid = 2
                }, new LoanedBook()
                    Loan = loan, OwnedBookid = 3
            await context.Loans.AddAsync(loan);

            await context.LoanedBooks.AddRangeAsync(loanbooks);
        public async Task UserRepository_GetUserAsync()
            // arrange
            var insertedUser = new DataAccess.User
                Username = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**",
                AuthId   = "123Id"

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateAddress(arrangeContext);

                await arrangeContext.Users.AddAsync(insertedUser);


            using var context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var repo = new UserRepository(context);

            // act
            IUser user = await repo.GetUserAsync(insertedUser.Id);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(insertedUser.Username, user.UserName);
            Assert.Equal(insertedUser.Email, user.Email);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void CreateEnumData(LooseLeafContext context)
            foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Business.Models.LoanStatus)))
                context.LoanStatuses.Add(new LoanStatus()
                    StatusName = name

            foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Business.Models.AvailabilityStatus)))
                context.AvailabilityStatuses.Add(new AvailabilityStatus()
                    StatusName = name

            foreach (string name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Business.Models.PhysicalCondition)))
                context.ConditionStatuses.Add(new ConditionStatus()
                    StatusName = name
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task GetBookById_Returns_Book()
            // arrange
            var insertedBook = new DataAccess.Book
                Title  = "Gone with the Wind",
                Author = "JoJo",
                Isbn   = 1234567892581,

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                arrangeContext.Genres.Add(new Genre()
                    GenreName = "Test Genre", Book = insertedBook

            using var context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var repo = new BookRepository(context);

            // act
            IBook book = await repo.GetBook(insertedBook.Id);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(insertedBook.Id, book.Id);
            Assert.Equal(insertedBook.Title, book.Title);
            Assert.Equal(insertedBook.Author, book.Author);
            Assert.Equal(insertedBook.Isbn, book.Isbn);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public async Task CreateAddress(LooseLeafContext context)
     int id = context.Addresses.Count() + 1;
     await context.Addresses.AddAsync(new DataAccess.Address()
         Address1 = $"Street {id}", City = "City", State = "State", Country = "Country", Zipcode = 123456
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task OwnedBookRepository_AddOwnedBook()
            // arrange
            const int    userId   = 1;
            const string username = "******";
            const string title    = "The Martian";
            const string author   = "Beyonce";
            long         isbn     = 9780804139038;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, username);

                isbn = await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, title, author);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            Mock <IIsbnData> mockIsbn = new Mock <IIsbnData>();

            mockIsbn.Setup(x => x.IsbnValue).Returns(isbn);

            Mock <IBook> fakeBook = new Mock <IBook>();

            fakeBook.Setup(x => x.Title).Returns(title);
            fakeBook.Setup(x => x.Author).Returns(author);
            fakeBook.Setup(x => x.Genres).Returns(new List <string>()
            fakeBook.Setup(x => x.Isbn).Returns(isbn);

            Mock <IOwnedBook> fakeOwnedBook = new Mock <IOwnedBook>();

            fakeOwnedBook.Setup(x => x.Availability).Returns(Availability.Available);
            fakeOwnedBook.Setup(x => x.Condition).Returns(PhysicalCondition.LikeNew);
            fakeOwnedBook.Setup(x => x.OwnerId).Returns(userId);
            fakeOwnedBook.Setup(x => x.Isbn).Returns(mockIsbn.Object);
            GoogleBooks googleBooks = new GoogleBooks(new HttpClient(), null);

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IOwnedBookRepository ownedBookRepo = new OwnedBookRepository(actContext);

                await ownedBookRepo.AddOwnedBookAsync(fakeOwnedBook.Object, googleBooks);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var ownedBook = await assertContext.OwnedBooks.Include(x => x.User).Include(x => x.Book).SingleAsync();

            Assert.Equal(isbn, ownedBook.Book.Isbn);
            Assert.Equal(username, ownedBook.User.Username);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task CreateUser(LooseLeafContext context, string username = "******")
            if (!context.Addresses.Any())
                await CreateAddress(context);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
            await context.Users.AddAsync(new DataAccess.User()
                Username = username, Email = $"{username}@website.com", AuthId = $"{username}Id"
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public async Task Loans_AddLoan()
            // arrange
            const string LENDER_USERNAME   = "******";
            const string BORROWER_USERNAME = "******";

            const int LENDER_ID   = 1;
            const int BORROWER_ID = 2;

            const int OWNED_BOOK_ID = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, LENDER_USERNAME);

                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, BORROWER_USERNAME);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, "Book 1", "Author 1");

                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 1);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            int fakeAddressId = 1;
            var fakeBook      = new Mock <IOwnedBook>();

            fakeBook.Setup(b => b.OwnerId).Returns(LENDER_ID);
            fakeBook.Setup(b => b.Id).Returns(1);
            fakeBook.Setup(b => b.Availability).Returns(Availability.Available);

            var ownedBooks = new List <int>()

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext context = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                var            loan           = new Business.Models.Loan(LENDER_ID, BORROWER_ID, "Hello", new DateTime(2000, 1, 2), new DateTime(2000, 1, 4), fakeAddressId, ownedBooks, Business.Models.LoanStatus.Requested);
                LoanRepository loanRepository = new LoanRepository(context);
                await loanRepository.AddLoanAsync(loan);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            using var assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            Assert.Equal(1, assertContext.Loans.Count());
        public async Task WishlistRepository_GetWishlist_ReturnList()
            // arrange
            const string username = "******";
            const int    userId   = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();

            List <DataAccess.Wishlist> wishlists = new List <DataAccess.Wishlist>()
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 1
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 2
                new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = userId, BookId = 3

            using (LooseLeafContext addContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(addContext, username);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 1", "Author 1");

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 2", "Author 2");

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(addContext, "Book 3", "Author 3");

                await addContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                await addContext.Wishlists.AddRangeAsync(wishlists);

                await addContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using LooseLeafContext context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(context);

            // act
            var books = await wishlistRepository.GetUserWishlist(userId);

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(wishlists.Count, books.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new book along with a genre if one doesn't exist.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The DBContext</param>
        /// <param name="bookName">The name of the book</param>
        /// <param name="authorName">The name of the author</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the ISBN of the book.</returns>
        public async Task <long> CreateBook(LooseLeafContext context, string bookName = "Book", string authorName = "Author")
            int  id      = context.Books.Count() + 1;
            long newIsbn = 9784567890123 + id;
            var  book    = new DataAccess.Book()
                Title = bookName, Author = authorName, Isbn = newIsbn

            await CreateGenre(context, book);

            await context.Books.AddAsync(book);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public async Task GetAllBooks_ReturnList()
            // arrange
            const string title1  = "Brave Little Toaster";
            const string author1 = "Lil Wayne";
            long         isbn1   = 1234567890123;
            const string title2  = "Three Blind Mice";
            const string author2 = "Celine Dion";
            long         isbn2   = 1234567890124;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                List <DataAccess.Book> books = new List <DataAccess.Book>()
                    new DataAccess.Book()
                        Title = title1, Author = author1, Isbn = isbn1
                    new DataAccess.Book()
                        Title = title2, Author = author2, Isbn = isbn2

                await contextFactory.CreateGenre(arrangeContext, books[0]);

                await contextFactory.CreateGenre(arrangeContext, books[1]);

                await arrangeContext.AddRangeAsync(books);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IBookRepository bookRepo = new BookRepository(actContext);
                await bookRepo.GetAllBooks(new BookSearchParams());

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var book = await assertContext.Books.ToListAsync();

            Assert.Equal(2, book.Count);
        public async Task WishlistRepository_AddBookToUserWishlist()
            // arrange

            //Constants to compare user and book with test results.
            const string username   = "******";
            const string bookName   = "Test Book";
            const string authorName = "The Author";
            long         isbn;
            const int    userId = 1;
            const int    bookId = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();

            // Add in foreign key / required database data. Wishlist requires a user and a book type to exist in the database.
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, username);

                isbn = await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, bookName, authorName);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                // Create Repository
                IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(actContext);

                // Test repository method
                await wishlistRepository.AddBookToUserWishlist(userId, bookId);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            // Create a new context to ensure that data was saved to database.
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var wishlist = await assertContext.Wishlists.Include(w => w.User).Include(w => w.Book).SingleAsync();

            // assert that the book and user are the same as one added to the wishlist.
            Assert.Equal(username, wishlist.User.Username);
            Assert.Equal(bookName, wishlist.Book.Title);
            Assert.Equal(authorName, wishlist.Book.Author);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public LooseLeafContext CreateContext()
            if (_conn == null)
                _conn = new SqliteConnection("DataSource=:memory:");

                DbContextOptions <LooseLeafContext> options = CreateOptions();
                using var tempContext = new LooseLeafContext(options);

            var context = new LooseLeafContext(CreateOptions());


        public async Task UserRepository_AddUserAsync()
            // arrange
            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext context = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                UserRepository userRepository = new UserRepository(context);
                var            fakeUser       = new Mock <INewUser>();
                fakeUser.Setup(u => u.AuthId).Returns("123Id");
                fakeUser.Setup(u => u.Username).Returns("username");
                fakeUser.Setup(u => u.Email).Returns("*****@*****.**");

                // act
                await userRepository.AddUserAsync(fakeUser.Object);

            // assert
            using var assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            Assert.True(assertContext.Users.Single() != null);
        public async Task WishlistRepository_RemoveBookFromUserWishlist()
            // arrange
            const string username   = "******";
            const string bookName   = "Test Book";
            const string authorName = "The Author";
            long         isbn;
            int          originalWishlistCount;
            const int    userId = 1;
            const int    bookId = 1;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, username);

                isbn = await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, bookName, authorName);

                await arrangeContext.Wishlists.AddAsync(new DataAccess.Wishlist()
                    UserId = 1, BookId = 1

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IWishlistRepository wishlistRepository = new WishlistRepository(actContext);
                originalWishlistCount = actContext.Wishlists.Count();
                await wishlistRepository.RemoveBookFromUserWishlist(userId, bookId);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            Assert.Equal(0, assertContext.Wishlists.Count());
            Assert.Equal(1, originalWishlistCount);
        public async Task UserRepository_GetAllUsersAsync(int numberOfUsersToCreate)
            // arrange
            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfUsersToCreate; i++)
                    await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, $"User {i + 1}");


            using var context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var repo = new UserRepository(context);

            // act
            var users = await repo.GetAllUsersAsync();

            // assert
            Assert.Equal(numberOfUsersToCreate, users.Count());
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public async Task OwnedBookRepository_UpdateStatusOfOwnedBook()
            // arrange
            const int         ownedBookId  = 1;
            const int         userId       = 1;
            const int         bookId       = 1;
            Availability      availability = Availability.CheckedOut;
            PhysicalCondition condition    = PhysicalCondition.Fair;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, userId, bookId);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                IOwnedBookRepository ownedBookRepo = new OwnedBookRepository(actContext);

                await ownedBookRepo.UpdateOwnedBookStatus(ownedBookId, availability, condition);

                await actContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // assert
            using LooseLeafContext assertContext = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            var ownedBook = await assertContext.OwnedBooks.Include(x => x.User).Include(x => x.Book).SingleAsync();

            Assert.Equal(userId, ownedBook.UserId);
            Assert.Equal(bookId, ownedBook.BookId);
            Assert.Equal((int)condition, ownedBook.ConditionId);
            Assert.Equal((int)availability, ownedBook.AvailabilityStatusId);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <OwnedBook> CreateOwnedBook(LooseLeafContext context, int userId, int bookId)
            if (!context.Books.Any())
                await CreateBook(context);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            if (!context.Users.Any())
                await CreateUser(context);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var ownedBook = new DataAccess.OwnedBook()
                UserId = userId, BookId = bookId, ConditionId = 1, AvailabilityStatusId = 1
            await context.OwnedBooks.AddAsync(ownedBook);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task Loans_GetAllAsync()
            // arrange
            const string LENDER_USERNAME   = "******";
            const string BORROWER_USERNAME = "******";
            const string LOAN_MESSAGE      = "Hello, I would like to borrow your book.";
            const int    LENDER_ID         = 1;
            const int    BORROWER_ID       = 2;

            const int FIRST_OWNED_BOOK_ID  = 1;
            const int SECOND_OWNED_BOOK_ID = 2;

            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                await contextFactory.CreateAddress(arrangeContext);

                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, LENDER_USERNAME);

                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, BORROWER_USERNAME);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, "Book 1", "Author 1");

                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, LENDER_ID, FIRST_OWNED_BOOK_ID);

                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext, "Book 2", "Author 2");

                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, LENDER_ID, SECOND_OWNED_BOOK_ID);

                var loan = new DataAccess.Loan()
                    LenderId     = LENDER_ID,
                    BorrowerId   = BORROWER_ID,
                    Message      = LOAN_MESSAGE,
                    LoanStatusId = (int)Business.Models.LoanStatus.Approved,
                    AddressId    = 1,
                    DropoffDate  = new DateTime(2000, 10, 1),
                    ReturnedDate = new DateTime(2000, 10, 17),

                var loanedBooks = new List <DataAccess.LoanedBook>()
                    new LoanedBook()
                        Loan = loan, OwnedBookid = FIRST_OWNED_BOOK_ID
                    new LoanedBook()
                        Loan = loan, OwnedBookid = SECOND_OWNED_BOOK_ID

                await arrangeContext.AddAsync(loan);

                await arrangeContext.AddRangeAsync(loanedBooks);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            // act
            IEnumerable <ILoanResult> loans;

            using (LooseLeafContext actContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                LoanRepository    loanRepository = new LoanRepository(actContext);
                ILoanSearchParams searchParams   = new LoanSearchParams();
                loans = await loanRepository.GetLoansAsync(searchParams);

            // assert
            var firstLoan = loans.First();

            Assert.Equal(LENDER_ID, firstLoan.Lender.Id);
            Assert.Equal(BORROWER_ID, firstLoan.Borrower.Id);
            Assert.Equal(LOAN_MESSAGE, firstLoan.Message);
            Assert.Equal(FIRST_OWNED_BOOK_ID, firstLoan.LoanedBooks.First().Id);
            Assert.Equal(SECOND_OWNED_BOOK_ID, firstLoan.LoanedBooks.Last().Id);
 public LoanRepository(LooseLeafContext context)
     _context = context;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public BookRepository(LooseLeafContext context)
     _context = context;
 public WishlistRepository(LooseLeafContext context)
     _context = context;
        public async Task UserRepository_GetUserRecommendations()
            using var contextFactory = new TestLooseLeafContextFactory();
            using (LooseLeafContext arrangeContext = contextFactory.CreateContext())
                //creates test address 1 for lender
                await contextFactory.CreateAddress(arrangeContext);

                //creates test book 1
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                //creates test book 2
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                //creates test book 3
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                //creates test book 4
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                //creates test book 5
                await contextFactory.CreateBook(arrangeContext);

                //creates owned book 1
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 1);

                //creates owned book 2
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 2);

                //creates owned book 3
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 3);

                //creates owned book 4
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 4);

                //creates owned book 5
                await contextFactory.CreateOwnedBook(arrangeContext, 1, 5);

                //adds  inserts lender variable able as a user in the sqllite database references address 1
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, "damionsilver");

                arrangeContext.SaveChanges();//adds  inserts burrower variable able as a user in the sqllite database references address 1
                await contextFactory.CreateUser(arrangeContext, "dajiabridgers");

                DataAccess.Book count = arrangeContext.Books.First();

                await contextFactory.CreateLoan(arrangeContext, 1, 2);


            //creates new instance of sqllite database and name it context.
            using var context = contextFactory.CreateContext();
            //creates a userrepository instance and insert context inside of it.
            var repo = new UserRepository(context);

            // act
            List <IBook> userrecommendedbooks = new List <IBook>(await repo.GetRecommendedBooksAsync(2));

            // assert
            Assert.Contains("Test", userrecommendedbooks.First().Genres);
 public UserRepository(LooseLeafContext context)
     _context = context;