Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnAdded(Group parent)
            var scene = parent.FindRoot <Scene>();

            camera = scene.GetDrawingContext().Camera;

            var model = parent.Find <Nine.Graphics.Model>();

            // Blend between 3 animation channels
            var idle  = new BoneAnimationController(model.Source.GetAnimation("Idle"));
            var carry = new BoneAnimationController(model.Source.GetAnimation("Carry"));
            var run   = new BoneAnimationController(model.Source.GetAnimation("Run"));

            var blended = new BoneAnimation(model.Skeleton);


            lookAtController                    = new LookAtController(model.Skeleton, model.AbsoluteTransform, model.Skeleton.GetBone("Bip01_Head"));
            lookAtController.Up                 = Vector3.UnitX;
            lookAtController.Forward            = -Vector3.UnitZ;
            lookAtController.HorizontalRotation = new Range <float>(-MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2);
            lookAtController.VerticalRotation   = new Range <float>(-MathHelper.PiOver2, MathHelper.PiOver2);

            // Give the look at controller a huge blend weight so it will dominate the other controllers.
            // All the weights will be normalized during blending.
            blended.Controllers[lookAtController].BlendWeight = 10;

            blended.KeyController = run;
            blended.IsSychronized = true;

Ejemplo n.º 2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        animator         = GetComponentInChildren <Animator>();
        input            = GetComponent <PlayerInput>();
        rb               = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        lookAtController = transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <LookAtController>();

        horizontalHash = Animator.StringToHash("horizontal");
        verticalHash   = Animator.StringToHash("vertical");
        isMovingHash   = Animator.StringToHash("isMoving");

        // Spawn weapon
        weapon = Instantiate(weapon);
        weapon.transform.parent        = weaponAttach.transform;
        weapon.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        weapon.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(90, 0, 0);

        Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
        Cursor.visible   = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
	public void Awake()
			lookAt = body.GetComponent<LookAtController>();
		if(lookAt == null)
			canLookAt = false;
		if(breatheClip != null)
			body.animation[breatheClip.name].blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Additive;
			body.animation[breatheClip.name].layer = 1;
			Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + " starting with no breatheClip!!");
		//if(postures.Count > 0 && !animInit)
		// whoever gets here first can build these:
		if (maleClips == null){
			maleClips = new Dictionary<string,AnimationClip>();
			Object[] mObjs = Resources.LoadAll("Animations/Male");
			// this seems pretty lame, but this is how we apparently have to instantiate these
			for (int i=0; i<mObjs.Length; i++){
				maleClips.Add (mObjs[i].name, mObjs[i] as AnimationClip);
		if (femaleClips == null){
			femaleClips = new Dictionary<string,AnimationClip>();
			Object[] mObjs = Resources.LoadAll("Animations/Female");
			// this seems pretty lame, but this is how we apparently have to instantiate these
			for (int i=0; i<mObjs.Length; i++){
				femaleClips.Add (mObjs[i].name, mObjs[i] as AnimationClip);
		if (animationScriptObject == null){
			Object SOB = Resources.Load("Animations/AnimationScripts");
			GameObject go = Instantiate (SOB) as GameObject;
			if (go != null){
				animationScriptObject = go.GetComponent<ScriptedObject>();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 private void Start()
     _fik    = GetComponent <FullBodyBipedIK>();
     _headIk = GetComponent <LookAtIK>();
     _lookAt = GetComponent <LookAtController>();