Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void WriteTag(LogixProcessor processor)
            //Writing a tag is also very easy. First, create a tag...
            string address = GetTagAddress();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))

            //Now we have to create the tag on the processor. The easiest way to
            //do this without knowing the underlying type is to use the
            //LogixTagFactory class.
            LogixTag userTag = LogixTagFactory.CreateTag(address, processor);

            if (userTag == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not create the tag " + address + " on the processor");

            switch (userTag.LogixType)
            case LogixTypes.Bool:
                WriteBool(userTag, processor);

            case LogixTypes.DInt:
            case LogixTypes.LInt:
            case LogixTypes.Real:
            case LogixTypes.SInt:
                WriteOther(userTag, processor);

            case LogixTypes.Control:
            case LogixTypes.Counter:
            case LogixTypes.Timer:
            case LogixTypes.User_Defined:
                WriteStructure(userTag, processor);

                Console.WriteLine("The LogixType of " + userTag.LogixType.ToString() + " is not supported in this sample");


            //And go back to the menu
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void ReadTag(LogixProcessor processor)
            //Reading a tag is very easy. First, create a tag...
            string address = GetTagAddress();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(address))

            //Now we have to create the tag on the processor. The easiest way to
            //do this without knowing the underlying type is to use the
            //LogixTagFactory class.
            LogixTag userTag = LogixTagFactory.CreateTag(address, processor);

            if (userTag == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not create the tag " + address + " on the processor");

            //The tag is automatically read when it is created. The LogixProcessor does this
            //to verify the tag exists and to get type information about the tag. From this
            //point on you can read/write the tag all you want, either by using tag groups
            //or by directly writing it with the LogixProcessor.WriteTag() function.

            //We'll demonstrate a read anyway...
            if (!processor.ReadTag(userTag))
                Console.WriteLine("Could not read the tag: " + userTag.LastError);

            //Print the value out with our handy helper function

            //And go back to the main menu
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //First we create the processor object. Typically the path is the slot
            //number of the processor module in the backplane, but if your communications
            //card is not in the same chassis as your processor, this is the path through
            //the chassis to get to your processor. You will have to add a 1 for every
            //chassis you go through, for example:
            //Chassis 1: ENBT card in Slot 1 (slot is irrelavent), ControlNet Card in Slot 2
            //Chassis 2: L61 in Slot 4
            //Path would be: { 2, 1, 4 }
            //Basically it's the target slot, 1 for backplane, target slot, 1 for backplane...
            //until you get to the processor.
            string hostNameOrIp = "";

            byte[]         path      = new byte[] { 1 };
            LogixProcessor processor = new LogixProcessor(hostNameOrIp, path);

            //Connect to the PLC, you can create the events before or after the connect function
            if (!processor.Connect())
                Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the processor");

            //Tag groups allow you to group tags in a useful manner. For example in an HMI you
            //could create tag groups for each page. Disabling a tag group that is not in use
            //frees up resources on the processor and the network.

            //You also have to be careful about the two different kinds of Enabled properties.
            //There is an enabled property for the tag group, and there is an Enabled property
            //for the tag itself. Disabling the tag group stops it from being updated, so no
            //tags belonging to that group will be updated (unless they also belong to another
            //active tag group). Disabling the tag by setting the LogixTag.Enabled property
            //to false means that the tag won't accept new data or pending values, and that
            //any tag group that it belongs to won't update it.

            //First, we need to create a LogixTagGroup on the processor. The easiest way to do
            //this is to use the LogixProcessor.CreateTagGroup() method. This allows the
            //processor to create the tag group, verify it doesn't conflict with another tag
            //group, and manage the group.

            LogixTagGroup tg = processor.CreateTagGroup("MyGroup");

            //Now that we've created a tag group, we can add some tags to it. Adding and removing
            //tags from a tag group is an expensive process. The tag group will automatically
            //re-optimize all the tags it's responsible for when you add or remove a tag. It's
            //recommended that you don't add or remove tags very often, if you don't need a tag
            //to be updated anymore just set the LogixTag.Enabled property to false.

            //Here we are going to ask the user (probably you) for some tags. The easiest way to
            //create tags without knowing the underlying data type in the processor is to use
            //the LogixTagFactory.

            bool      quitFlag = false;
            LogixDINT dTag     = new LogixDINT("tst_Dint", processor);

            dTag.TagValueUpdated += new ICommon.TagValueUpdateEventHandler(TagValueUpdated);

            while (!quitFlag)
                Console.Write("Please enter a tag name to monitor, enter 'done' when finished: ");

                string tagName = Console.ReadLine();

                if (tagName.ToLower() == "done")
                    quitFlag = true;

                LogixTag userTag = LogixTagFactory.CreateTag(tagName, processor);

                if (userTag == null)
                    //When the tag factory returns null, the tag was not found or some other
                    //catastrophic error occurred trying to reference it on the processor.
                    Console.WriteLine("The tag " + tagName + " could not be created");

                //If we got here, we were able to successfully create the tag. Let's print
                //some information about it...
                Console.WriteLine("Created " + tagName + " as a(n) " + userTag.LogixType.ToString());

                //Let's reference the update functions...
                userTag.TagValueUpdated += new ICommon.TagValueUpdateEventHandler(TagValueUpdated);

                //Now let's add it to the tag group...

            //The processor has a feature that allows them to automatically update the tag group. This
            //helps to free up your logic and not worry about having to update tag groups that are
            //enabled or disabled. The argument for this function is the time between updates in
            //milliseconds. The actual time from the start of one update to the start of another is
            //dependant on how many tags there are and how much data needs to be transferred.

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit");

Ejemplo n.º 4
         * 1. First change the hostNameOrIp to the IP address or host name of your PLC
         * 2. Then change the path to be the path to your PLC, see comments below
         * 3. Create a user defined type tag in your processor called myUDT1
         * 4. Create an ALARM tag in your processor called myAlarm1
         * 5. Run

        static void Main(string[] args)
            //First we create the processor object. Typically the path is the slot
            //number of the processor module in the backplane, but if your communications
            //card is not in the same chassis as your processor, this is the path through
            //the chassis to get to your processor. You will have to add a 1 for every
            //chassis you go through, for example:
            //Chassis 1: ENBT card in Slot 1 (slot is irrelavent), ControlNet Card in Slot 2
            //Chassis 2: L61 in Slot 4
            //Path would be: { 2, 1, 4 }
            //Basically it's the target slot, 1 for backplane, target slot, 1 for backplane...
            //until you get to the processor.
            string hostNameOrIp = "";

            byte[]         path      = new byte[] { 1 };
            LogixProcessor processor = new LogixProcessor(hostNameOrIp, path);

            //The processor has to be connected before you add any tags or tag groups.
            if (!processor.Connect())
                Console.WriteLine("Could not connect to the processor");

            Console.WriteLine("6D Systems LLC\n\n");

            //First create a group. Groups are much more efficient at reading and writing
            //large numbers of tags or complex tags like UDTs.
            LogixTagGroup myGroup = processor.CreateTagGroup("MyGroup");

            //Ok, let's create the first tag which is some random user defined type
            LogixTag genericTag = LogixTagFactory.CreateTag("myUDT1", processor);
            LogixUDT udtTag     = genericTag as LogixUDT;

            if (udtTag == null)
                Console.WriteLine("The tag 'myUDT1' on the processor is not a structure tag");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit");

            //Let's print out some information about the UDT

            //The value of any member can also be set with the tagName[memberName] = value syntax

            //Now let's get information about the alarm tag that was created...
            LogixTag genericAlarm = LogixTagFactory.CreateTag("myAlarm1", processor);
            LogixUDT alarmTag     = genericAlarm as LogixUDT;

            if (alarmTag == null)
                Console.WriteLine("The tag 'myAlarm1' is not a structure tag");
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit");

            //Print out information about it...

            //Now, let's set up the tags in the group, set the group to auto update, and watch
            //for tag update events...

            udtTag.TagValueUpdated   += new ICommon.TagValueUpdateEventHandler(TagValueUpdated);
            alarmTag.TagValueUpdated += new ICommon.TagValueUpdateEventHandler(TagValueUpdated);


            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit");

