public EncogLogisticOutput ScorePilot(IEnumerable <int> customerOrder, IEnumerable <LogisticSimulatorOutput> logisticOutputs = null, int?delay = null)

            var logOutput = logisticOutputs == null?GetEncogOutput(_network) : logisticOutputs;

            // reset sim outputs

            sim.start(logOutput, (delay.HasValue) ? delay.Value : 50, customerOrder);

            var score = GetScore(sim);

            Scores.Add(20000 - score);

            var retVal = new EncogLogisticOutput()
                Score = 20000 - score, Settings = logOutput

            sim.SimulationOutput.Settings = logOutput;

        public void LogisticTrain()
            Console.WriteLine("\nRLM network settings:");
            int sessions  = Util.GetInput("\nEnter Number of Session [default 100]: ", 100); //Gets user input for the number of tries the game will play
            int startRand = Util.GetInput("Enter Start Randomness [default 100]: ", 100);    //Gets user input for start randomness
            int endRand   = Util.GetInput("Enter End Randomness [default 0]: ", 0);          //Gets user input for end randomness

            var dbName                  = $"RLM_logistic_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            var networkName             = "Logicstics Network";
            LogisticSimulator simulator = null;

            IEnumerable <int> customerOrders = LogisticInitialValues.CustomerOrders;

                //IRlmDbData rlmDbData = new RlmDbDataPostgreSqlServer(dbName);
                IRlmDbData rlmDbData = new RlmDbDataSQLServer(dbName);
                RlmNetwork network   = new RlmNetwork(rlmDbData); //Make an instance of rlm_network passing the database name as parameter
                network.DataPersistenceComplete += Network_DataPersistenceComplete;
                network.DataPersistenceProgress += Network_DataPersistenceProgress;

                if (!network.LoadNetwork(networkName))
                    var inputs = new List <RlmIO>()
                        new RlmIO("X", typeof(Int32).ToString(), 1, 1, RlmInputType.Distinct),

                    double minFrom = LogisticInitialValues.PlayerMinRange[0];
                    double minTo   = LogisticInitialValues.PlayerMinRange[1];
                    double maxFrom = LogisticInitialValues.PlayerMaxRange[0];
                    double maxTo   = LogisticInitialValues.PlayerMaxRange[1];
                    var    outputs = new List <RlmIO>()
                        new RlmIO("Retailer_Min", typeof(Int16).ToString(), minFrom, minTo),
                        new RlmIO("Retailer_Max", typeof(Int16).ToString(), maxFrom, maxTo),
                        new RlmIO("WholeSaler_Min", typeof(Int16).ToString(), minFrom, minTo),
                        new RlmIO("WholeSaler_Max", typeof(Int16).ToString(), maxFrom, maxTo),
                        new RlmIO("Distributor_Min", typeof(Int16).ToString(), minFrom, minTo),
                        new RlmIO("Distributor_Max", typeof(Int16).ToString(), maxFrom, maxTo),
                        new RlmIO("Factory_Min", typeof(Int16).ToString(), minFrom, minTo),
                        new RlmIO("Factory_Max", typeof(Int16).ToString(), maxFrom, maxTo),
                        new RlmIO("Factory_Units_Per_Day", typeof(Int16).ToString(), LogisticInitialValues.FactoryRange[0], LogisticInitialValues.FactoryRange[1]),

                    network.NewNetwork(networkName, inputs, outputs);

                // execute it on another thread as not to block the RLM training
                Console.WriteLine("\nPress 'd' to show Data persistence progress\n");
                Task.Run(() =>
                    while (!Console.KeyAvailable && Console.ReadKey(true).Key == ConsoleKey.D)
                        showDataPersistProgress = true;

                network.NumSessions     = sessions; // num of sessioins default 100
                network.StartRandomness = startRand;
                network.EndRandomness   = endRand;

                simulator = new LogisticSimulator(LogisticInitialValues.StorageCost, LogisticInitialValues.BacklogCost, LogisticInitialValues.InitialInventory, LogisticInitialValues.InitialInventory, LogisticInitialValues.InitialInventory, LogisticInitialValues.InitialInventory);

                Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();
                IEnumerable <LogisticSimulatorOutput> predictedLogisticOutputs = null;


                for (int i = 0; i < sessions; i++)
                    var sessId = network.SessionStart();

                    var inputs = new List <RlmIOWithValue>();
                    inputs.Add(new RlmIOWithValue(network.Inputs.First(), "1"));

                    var cycle   = new RlmCycle();
                    var outputs = cycle.RunCycle(network, sessId, inputs, true);

                    var simOutputs = outputs.CycleOutput.Outputs
                                     .Select(a => new LogisticSimulatorOutput()
                        Name = a.Name, Value = Convert.ToInt32(a.Value)

                    simulator.Start(simOutputs, 50, customerOrders);

                    network.ScoreCycle(outputs.CycleOutput.CycleID, 0);
                    var totalCosts = simulator.SumAllCosts();

                    Console.WriteLine($"Session #{i + 1} \t Score: {Math.Abs(totalCosts).ToString("$#,##0"),10}");

                    if (i == sessions - 1)
                        predictedLogisticOutputs = simOutputs;


                Console.WriteLine("\nPredicted outputs:");
                string resultText = "";
                foreach (var item in predictedLogisticOutputs)
                    resultText += "\n" + item.Name + ": " + item.Value;

                Console.WriteLine($"\nElapsed: {watch.Elapsed}");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (e.InnerException != null && e.InnerException is RlmDefaultConnectionStringException)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.InnerException.Message}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"ERROR: {e.Message}");