public void TestLoginUnencryptFactors()
            var app     = Startup.BooksApp;
            var session = app.OpenSystemSession();
            //create couple of encrypted factors
            var loginStt       = app.GetConfig <LoginModuleSettings>();
            var loginSrv       = app.GetService <ILoginManagementService>();
            var stanLogin      = session.EntitySet <ILogin>().First(lg => lg.UserName == "stan");
            var encrStanEmail1 = session.NewOrUpdate(null, "*****@*****.**", loginStt.EncryptionChannelName);
            var encrStanEmail2 = session.NewOrUpdate(null, "*****@*****.**", loginStt.EncryptionChannelName);

            //we need to save it before assigning to factor - auto-sorting of updates would not work in this case (we ref by info_id!)
            //create factor records
            var f1 = session.NewEntity <ILoginExtraFactor>();

            f1.Login      = stanLogin;
            f1.FactorType = ExtraFactorTypes.Email;
            f1.Info_Id    = encrStanEmail1.Id;
            var f2 = session.NewEntity <ILoginExtraFactor>();

            f2.Login      = stanLogin;
            f2.FactorType = ExtraFactorTypes.Email;
            f2.Info_Id    = encrStanEmail2.Id;

            // Now call decrypting method used in migrations
            session = app.OpenSystemSession();
            // check that values now are unencrypted
            session = app.OpenSystemSession();
            f1      = session.GetEntity <ILoginExtraFactor>(f1.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", f1.FactorValue, "Factor value does not match.");
            f2 = session.GetEntity <ILoginExtraFactor>(f2.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("*****@*****.**", f2.FactorValue, "Factor value does not match.");