Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the last used bank account for the given user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the last used bank Account</param>
        /// <returns>the last used Bank Account</returns>
        public BankAccount GetLastUsedBank(Login.UserControllers.User user)
            List <BankAccount> bankAccounts = (from cbf in base.ConturiBancareFurnizori
                                               join ulu in UtilizatoriLastUsed on cbf.Id equals ulu.ConturiBancareLastUsed
                                               where ulu.UtilizatorId == user.ID && (ulu.Activ ?? false)
                                               select new BankAccount
                ID = cbf.Id,
                Bank = cbf.Banca,
                Account = cbf.Cont

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// this function will retrieve the last used bank account for the given user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">the last used bank Account</param>
        /// <returns>the last used Bank Account</returns>
        public static BankAccount GetLastUsedBank(Login.UserControllers.User user)
            //we generate the select command for the query
            String QueryCommand = "SELECT * " +
                                  "FROM seller.conturi_bancare_furnizori AS cbf " +
                                  "LEFT JOIN seller.utilizatori_last_used AS ulu " +
                                  "ON ulu.conturi_bancare_last_used == cbf.id " +
                                  "WHERE ulu.utilizator_id = :p_user_id AND ulu.activ";
            //and set the query parameters
            NpgsqlParameter QueryParameter = new NpgsqlParameter(":p_user_id", user.ID);

            //we attempt to open the connection
            if (!PgSqlConnection.OpenConnection())
            //if we manage we return the results to a dataTable
            DataTable result = PgSqlConnection.ExecuteReaderToDataTable(QueryCommand, QueryParameter);

            //we check if the result is empty or not
            if (result != null && result.Rows.Count > 0)
                //if not we convert the result to my object list
                return(result.AsEnumerable().Select(row => new BankAccount
                    ID = row.Field <Int32>("ID"),
                    Bank = row.Field <String>("BANCA"),
                    Account = row.Field <String>("CONT")
            //else we return the null object