Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Logs the user into the system.
         * Takes username and password in
         * If the username and password is valid, this generates a token for the employee
         * This token is stored into the database for validation when using in other methods.

        public WCF_Employee Login(string username, string password)
            WCF_Employee wcfEmployee = null;

            // If login succeeds, fetch the token, otherwise, return null
            // Validate username and password
            if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, password))
                // Fetch or generate token
                var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
                var query   = from x in context.employees where x.user_id == username select x;
                var result  = query.ToList();

                if (query.Any())
                    // Generate a token for the resulting employee.
                    String token = GenerateToken();

                    // Store token in database
                    var first = result.First();
                    first.token = token;

                    // Pass the token to the service consumer
                    wcfEmployee = new WCF_Employee(first.employee_id, first.employee_name, first.email_id, username, first.department_id, first.supervisor_id, token, Roles.GetRolesForUser(username).FirstOrDefault());

            // Return the token to user
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void LoadROGraph(string selectedDepartment, DateTime From, DateTime To)
            List <string> departmentcode = new List <string>();
            var           context        = new LogicUniversityEntities();

            var result = context.requisition_order.Where(x => (x.requisition_status == "Approved") && (x.requisition_date >= From) && (x.requisition_date <= To)).ToList();

            foreach (requisition_order dept in result)
                departmentcode.Add(dept.requisition_id.Substring(0, 4));
            var    query  = departmentcode.GroupBy(s => s).Select(g => new { Dept = g.Key, Count = g.Count() });
            Series series = getROBasedDepartmentAndTime.Series["Series1"];


            foreach (var r in query)
                if ((r.Count != 0) && (selectedDepartment.Contains(r.Dept)))
                    Departments.Items.FindByValue(r.Dept).Selected = true;
                    series.Points.AddXY(r.Dept, r.Count);

            if (getROBasedDepartmentAndTime != null)
                ErrorMSg.Visible = false;
                ErrorMSg.Text = "Please make other selection";
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /* Service methods =========================================*/

        // Fetches an employee by using a token.
        public WCF_Employee GetEmployeeByToken(String token)
            if (AuthenticateToken(token))
                var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
                var query   = from x in context.employees where x.token == token select x;

                // If there exists the token for a user, create a wcf employee and return it
                if (query.Count() != 0)
                    var    first = query.First();
                    String role  = null;

                    role = Roles.GetRolesForUser(first.user_id).FirstOrDefault();

                    return(new WCF_Employee(first.employee_id, first.employee_name, first.email_id, first.user_id, first.department_id, first.supervisor_id, first.token, role));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment> getRequisitionQuantityByDepartmentWithinTime(String startParam, String endParam)
            List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment> wcfList = new List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment>();

            string      format   = "dd-MM-yyyy";
            CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            DateTime    start    = DateTime.ParseExact(startParam, format, provider);
            DateTime    end      = DateTime.ParseExact(endParam, format, provider);

            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = (from dept in context.departments
                           join emp in context.employees on dept.department_id equals emp.department_id
                           join req in context.requisition_order on emp.employee_id equals req.employee_id
                           join reqDetails in context.requisition_order_detail on req.requisition_id equals reqDetails.requisition_id
                           join inv in context.inventories on reqDetails.item_number equals inv.item_number
                           where req.requisition_date.CompareTo(start) >= 0 &&
                           req.requisition_date.CompareTo(end) <= 0
                           select new { dept, emp, req, reqDetails, inv });

            var result = query.GroupBy(d => d.dept.department_id)
                         .Select(g => new
                DepartmentId = g.Key.Trim(),
                ItemQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.reqDetails.item_requisition_quantity)

            // String returnString = "";
            foreach (var i in result)
                //returnString = returnString + i;
                wcfList.Add(new WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment(i.DepartmentId, i.ItemQuantity));

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public List <WCF_PurchaseQuantityByItemCategory> getPurchaseQuantityByItemCategoryWithMonthsBack(string startParam, string endParam)
            List <WCF_PurchaseQuantityByItemCategory> wcfList = new List <WCF_PurchaseQuantityByItemCategory>();

            // Debugger test
            string      format   = "dd-MM-yyyy";
            CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            DateTime    start    = DateTime.ParseExact(startParam, format, provider);
            DateTime    end      = DateTime.ParseExact(endParam, format, provider);

            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from po in context.purchase_order
                          join pod in context.purchase_order_detail on po.purchase_order_number equals pod.purchase_order_number
                          join inv in context.inventories on pod.item_number equals inv.item_number
                          where (pod.item_purchase_order_status.Trim() == "Completed" || pod.item_purchase_order_status.Trim() == "Pending") &&
                          (po.purchase_order_date.CompareTo(end) <= 0 && po.purchase_order_date.CompareTo(start) >= 0)
                          select new { po, pod, inv };

            // Query is definitely working fine.

            var result = query.GroupBy(cat => cat.inv.category)
                         .Select(g => new
                Category         = g.Key.Trim(),
                PurchaseQuantity = g.Sum(x => x.pod.item_purchase_order_quantity)

            foreach (var i in result.ToList())
                wcfList.Add(new WCF_PurchaseQuantityByItemCategory(i.Category.Trim(), i.PurchaseQuantity));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var recentRequisitionOrders = context.getLowStockItemsByCategory();

            LowStockItemGridView.DataSource = recentRequisitionOrders.ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Logs the user out

         * Doing this will clear the token in the database for the employee, if it exists.
        public string Logout(string token)
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from x in context.employees where x.token == token select x;

            var result = query.First();

            result.token = null;


Ejemplo n.º 8
        public List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment> getRequisitionQuantityByDepartment()
            List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment> wcfList = new List <WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment>();

            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var result  = context.getRequisitionQuantityByDepartment();

            foreach (var i in result.ToList())
                wcfList.Add(new WCF_RequestQuantityByDepartment(i.department_id.Trim(), i.item_request_quantity));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public List <WCF_Item> GetInventory()
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from x in context.inventories select x;
            List <inventory> inventories = query.ToList();
            List <WCF_Item>  wcf_items   = new List <WCF_Item>();

            foreach (inventory i in inventories)
                wcf_items.Add(new WCF_Item(i.item_number, i.description, i.category, i.unit_of_measurement, i.item_status));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public List <WCF_MegaObject> getPendingPurchaseOrderCountBySupplier()
            List <WCF_MegaObject> wcfList = new List <WCF_MegaObject>();

            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var result  = context.getPendingPurchaseOrderCountBySupplier();

            foreach (var i in result.ToList())
                wcfList.Add(new WCF_MegaObject(i.SupplierId.Trim(), i.PendingPurchaseOrderQuantity));

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public List <WCF_Item> getLowStockItemsByCategory()
            List <WCF_Item> wcfList = new List <WCF_Item>();

            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var result  = context.getLowStockItemsByCategory();

            foreach (var i in result.ToList())
                wcfList.Add(new WCF_Item(i.item_number, i.description, i.current_quantity, i.reorder_level));

Ejemplo n.º 12
        /* Token methods ===========================*/

        // Authenticates a token
        // Returns true if token exists in employee table
        // Returns false if token doesn't exist in employee table
        protected bool AuthenticateToken(String token)
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from x in context.employees where x.token == token select x;

            if (query.Count() != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public List <WCF_Department> GetDepartments()
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from x in context.departments select x;
            List <department>     departments     = query.ToList();
            List <WCF_Department> wcf_departments = new List <WCF_Department>();

            foreach (department d in departments)
                WCF_Department wcf_d = new WCF_Department(d.department_id, d.head_id, d.temp_head_id, d.department_pin, d.department_name, d.contact_name, d.phone_number, d.fax_number);

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public List <WCF_RequisitionOrder> GetRequisitionOrders(string dept)
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from x in context.requisition_order where x.requisition_id.Substring(0, 4) == dept select x;
            List <requisition_order>    requisitionOrders     = query.ToList();
            List <WCF_RequisitionOrder> wcf_requisitionOrders = new List <WCF_RequisitionOrder>();

            foreach (requisition_order ro in requisitionOrders)
                WCF_RequisitionOrder wcf_ro = new WCF_RequisitionOrder(ro.requisition_id.Trim(), ro.employee_id, ro.requisition_status, ro.requisition_date);

Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!IsPostBack)
                var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
                Departments.DataSource     = context.departments.Where(x => x.department_id != "STOR").Select(x => new { x.department_name, x.department_id }).ToList();
                Departments.DataTextField  = "department_name";
                Departments.DataValueField = "department_id";
                foreach (ListItem chkitem in Departments.Items)
                    chkitem.Selected = true;

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public List <WCF_PurchaseOrder> GetPurchaseOrders()
            var context = new LogicUniversityEntities();
            var query   = from p in context.purchase_order
                          join d in context.purchase_order_detail on p.purchase_order_number equals d.purchase_order_number
                          join i in context.inventories on d.item_number equals i.item_number
                          select new { p, d, i };

            var purchaseOrders = query.ToList();
            List <WCF_PurchaseOrder> wcf_purchaseOrders = new List <WCF_PurchaseOrder>();

            foreach (var i in purchaseOrders)
                wcf_purchaseOrders.Add(new WCF_PurchaseOrder(i.p.purchase_order_number, i.i.item_number, i.i.category, i.d.item_purchase_order_quantity, i.d.item_accept_quantity, i.i.item_status));

Ejemplo n.º 17
        protected void ChangeROGraph()
            List <string> departmentcode = new List <string>();
            var           context        = new LogicUniversityEntities();

            var result = context.requisition_order.Where(x => (x.requisition_status == "Approved")).ToList();

            foreach (requisition_order dept in result)
                departmentcode.Add(dept.requisition_id.Substring(0, 4));
            var query = departmentcode.GroupBy(s => s).Select(g => new { Dept = g.Key, Count = g.Count() });

            Series series = getROBasedDepartmentAndTime.Series["Series1"];

            foreach (var r in query)
                series.Points.AddXY(r.Dept, r.Count);