/// <summary>
    /// Switches the SentinelMasterConnection over to a new primary.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="switchBlame">The endpoint responsible for the switch.</param>
    /// <param name="connection">The connection that should be switched over to a new primary endpoint.</param>
    /// <param name="log">The writer to log to, if any.</param>
    internal void SwitchPrimary(EndPoint switchBlame, ConnectionMultiplexer connection, TextWriter log = null)
        if (log == null)
            log = TextWriter.Null;

        using (var logProxy = LogProxy.TryCreate(log))
            string serviceName = connection.RawConfig.ServiceName;

            // Get new primary - try twice
            EndPoint newPrimaryEndPoint = GetConfiguredPrimaryForService(serviceName)
                                          ?? GetConfiguredPrimaryForService(serviceName)
                                          ?? throw new RedisConnectionException(ConnectionFailureType.UnableToConnect,
                                                                                $"Sentinel: Failed connecting to switch primary for service: {serviceName}");

            connection.currentSentinelPrimaryEndPoint = newPrimaryEndPoint;

            if (!connection.servers.Contains(newPrimaryEndPoint))
                EndPoint[] replicaEndPoints = GetReplicasForService(serviceName)
                                              ?? GetReplicasForService(serviceName);

                foreach (var replicaEndPoint in replicaEndPoints)
                Trace($"Switching primary to {newPrimaryEndPoint}");
                // Trigger a reconfigure
                connection.ReconfigureAsync(first: false, reconfigureAll: false, logProxy, switchBlame,
                                            $"Primary switch {serviceName}", false, CommandFlags.PreferMaster).Wait();
