public static Task GuildAvailableEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildCreateEventArgs e) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Available: {AvailableGuild}", e.Guild); GuildConfigService gcs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>(); return(gcs.IsGuildRegistered(e.Guild.Id) ? Task.CompletedTask : gcs.RegisterGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id)); }
public Dictionary <int, Set> LoadData() { var fileSets = Path.Combine(folderData, "sets.json"); LogExt.LogReadFile(fileSets); var content = File.ReadAllText(fileSets); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <dynamic> >(content); var dataCurated = data .Where(i => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Code?.ToString()) == false) .Where(i => Convert.ToInt32(i.MtgaId ?? 0) > 0) .Select(i => new Set { Arenacode = i.CodeArena, Collation = i.MtgaId, Code = i.Code, ReleaseDate = i.ReleaseDate, Scryfall = i.CodeScryfall, Tile = 0 }) .ToArray(); var ret = dataCurated.ToDictionary(i => i.Collation, i => i); return(ret); }
public static async Task MessageCreateEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, MessageCreateEventArgs e) { if (e.Author.IsBot) { return; } if (e.Guild is null) { LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(null), new[] { "DM message received from {User}:", "{Message}" }, e.Author, e.Message); return; } if (bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().IsBlocked(e.Guild.Id, e.Channel.Id, e.Author.Id)) { return; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Message?.Content)) { return; } if (!e.Message.Content.StartsWith(bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>().GetGuildPrefix(e.Guild.Id))) { short rank = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <UserRanksService>().ChangeXp(e.Guild.Id, e.Author.Id); if (rank != 0) { LocalizationService ls = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <LocalizationService>(); LevelRole? lr = await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <LevelRoleService>().GetAsync(e.Guild.Id, rank); DiscordRole?levelRole = lr is { } ? e.Guild.GetRole(lr.RoleId) : null;
public static string GetScalarString_pro(string StoredProcedure, params SqlParameter[] values) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddRange(values); string result = string.Empty; try { con.Open(); result = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("GetScalarString_pro出错。存储过程:" + StoredProcedure + "。提示:" + ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 测试数据库连接 /// </summary> /// <param name="isShowTip">是否弹出提示</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool TestDB(bool isShowTip) { if (!CheckData(isShowTip)) { return(false); } Func <bool> error = () => { if (isShowTip) { MsgBox.Error("测试连接失败,请检查后重试!"); } return(false); }; return(LogExt.Exec(() => { if (!DBExt.TestSqlServerDB(DB)) { return error(); } return true; }, error)); }
public override Task <bool> ExecuteCheckAsync(CommandContext ctx, bool help) { if (!ctx.Services.GetRequiredService <BotActivityService>().IsBotListening) { return(Task.FromResult(false)); } if (ctx.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().IsBlocked(ctx.Guild?.Id, ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.User.Id)) { return(Task.FromResult(false)); } if (BlockingCommandRuleExists()) { return(Task.FromResult(false)); } if (!help) { LogExt.Debug(ctx, "Executing {Command} in message: {Message}", ctx.Command?.QualifiedName ?? "<unknown cmd>", ctx.Message.Content); } return(Task.FromResult(true)); bool BlockingCommandRuleExists() { if (ctx.Guild is null || ctx.Command is null) { return(false); } CommandRulesService?crs = ctx.Services.GetRequiredService <CommandRulesService>(); return(crs?.IsBlocked(ctx.Command.QualifiedName, ctx.Guild.Id, ctx.Channel.Id, ctx.Channel.Parent?.Id) ?? false); } }
public async Task ListAsync(CommandContext ctx) { IReadOnlyList <PrivilegedUser> privileged = await this.Service.GetAsync(); var notFound = new List <PrivilegedUser>(); var valid = new List <DiscordUser>(); foreach (PrivilegedUser pu in privileged) { try { DiscordUser user = await ctx.Client.GetUserAsync(pu.UserId); valid.Add(user); } catch (NotFoundException) { LogExt.Debug(ctx, "Found 404 privileged user: {UserId}", pu.UserId); notFound.Add(pu); } } if (!valid.Any()) { throw new CommandFailedException(ctx, "cmd-err-choice-none"); } await ctx.PaginateAsync( "str-priv", valid, user => user.ToString(), this.ModuleColor, 10 ); LogExt.Information(ctx, "Removing {Count} not found privileged users", notFound.Count); await this.Service.RemoveAsync(notFound); }
/// <summary> /// 调用存储过程,传递参数,返回受影响的行数 /// </summary> /// <param name="StoredProcedure">存储过程名</param> /// <param name="values">参数列表</param> /// <returns>返回受影响的行数</returns> public static int ExecuteCommandPro(string StoredProcedure, params SqlParameter[] values) { int result = -1; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); cmd.Connection = con; cmd.CommandText = StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddRange(values); try { con.Open(); result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("ExecuteCommandPro出错。存储过程:" + StoredProcedure + "。提示:" + ex.Message); throw; } finally { con.Close(); } return(result); }
internal static async Task Main(string[] _) { PrintBuildInformation(); try { BotConfigService cfg = await LoadBotConfigAsync(); Log.Logger = LogExt.CreateLogger(cfg.CurrentConfiguration); Log.Information("Logger created."); DbContextBuilder dbb = await InitializeDatabaseAsync(cfg); await StartAsync(cfg, dbb); Log.Information("Booting complete!"); CancellationToken token = Bot?.Services.GetRequiredService <BotActivityService>().MainLoopCts.Token ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Bot not initialized"); await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, token); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { Log.Information("Shutdown signal received!"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Fatal(e, "Critical exception occurred"); Environment.ExitCode = 1; } finally { await DisposeAsync(); } Log.Information("Powering off"); Log.CloseAndFlush(); Environment.Exit(Environment.ExitCode); }
public async Task BaseAddAsync(CommandContext ctx, string?reason, params T[] entities) { if (reason?.Length >= 60) { throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-rsn", BlockedEntity.ReasonLimit); } if (entities is null || !entities.Any()) { throw new InvalidCommandUsageException(ctx, "cmd-err-block-none"); } int blocked = await this.BlockAsync(entities.Select(c => c.Id), reason); await ctx.InfoAsync(this.ModuleColor, "fmt-block-add", blocked); if (typeof(T) == typeof(DiscordGuild)) { foreach (T entity in entities) { try { DiscordGuild g = await ctx.Client.GetGuildAsync(entity.Id); await g.LeaveAsync(); } catch { LogExt.Debug(ctx, "Failed to find/leave guild: {Id}", entity.Id); } } } }
public void LoadEventsFromDisk() { if (File.Exists(path)) { LogExt.LogReadFile(path); var eventCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <GetActiveEventsV2Raw> >(File.ReadAllText(path)); cache.AddEvents(eventCollection); } }
public Dictionary <string, DraftRatings> LoadData() { var fileSets = Path.Combine(folderData, "draftRatings.json"); LogExt.LogReadFile(fileSets); var content = File.ReadAllText(fileSets); var ratingsBySource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, DraftRatings> >(content); return(ratingsBySource); }
public Dictionary <int, Card> LoadData() { var fileSets = Path.Combine(folderData, "AllCardsCached2.json"); LogExt.LogReadFile(fileSets); var content = File.ReadAllText(fileSets); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <Card2> >(content); var dataOldFormat = data.Select(c => new Card(c)).ToDictionary(i => i.grpId); return(dataOldFormat); }
/// <summary> /// 刷新数据库列表 /// </summary> public async void RefreshDB(string defaultDB = null) { if (!CheckData()) { cmbDatabase.DataSource = null; return; } // 记录默认值 string defaultValue = defaultDB ?? Database; DataTable dtDBName = new DataTable(); // 查询所有数据库 await Task.Run(() => { LogExt.Exec(() => { DBInfo dbMaster = new DBInfo(Server, "master", UserName, Password); var adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(@" SELECT '' AS name, 0 AS OrderID UNION SELECT name, 1 FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE dbid <= 4 UNION SELECT name, 2 FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE dbid > 4 ORDER BY OrderID, name", dbMaster.Conn); lock (adapter) { adapter.Fill(dtDBName); } }); }); // 绑定数据源 if (dtDBName.Rows.Count > 1) { cmbDatabase.DisplayMember = "name"; cmbDatabase.ValueMember = "name"; cmbDatabase.DataSource = dtDBName; cmbDatabase.SelectedValue = defaultValue; } else { cmbDatabase.DataSource = null; } }
public static Task CommandExecutionEventHandler(TheGodfatherBot bot, CommandExecutionEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is null || e.Command.QualifiedName.StartsWith("help")) { return(Task.CompletedTask); } LogExt.Information( bot.GetId(e.Context.Guild?.Id), new[] { "Executed: {ExecutedCommand}", "{User}", "{Guild}", "{Channel}" }, e.Command.QualifiedName, e.Context.User, e.Context.Guild?.ToString() ?? "DM", e.Context.Channel ); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public static async Task GuildCreateEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildCreateEventArgs e) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Joined {NewGuild}", e.Guild); if (bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().IsGuildBlocked(e.Guild.Id)) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "{Guild} is blocked. Leaving...", e.Guild); await e.Guild.LeaveAsync(); return; } IReadOnlyCollection <DiscordMember> members = await e.Guild.GetAllMembersAsync(); int botCount = members.Where(m => m.IsBot).Count(); if (botCount > 25 || (members.Count - botCount < 0)) { LogExt.Information(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "{Guild} is most likely a bot farm. Leaving and blocking...", e.Guild); await e.Guild.LeaveAsync(); await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BlockingService>().BlockGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id, "Bot farm"); return; } await bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>().RegisterGuildAsync(e.Guild.Id); DiscordChannel defChannel = e.Guild.GetDefaultChannel(); if (!defChannel.PermissionsFor(e.Guild.CurrentMember).HasPermission(Permissions.SendMessages)) { return; } string prefix = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <BotConfigService>().CurrentConfiguration.Prefix; string owners = bot.Client.CurrentApplication.Owners.Select(o => o.ToDiscriminatorString()).Humanize(", "); await defChannel.EmbedAsync( $"{Formatter.Bold("Thank you for adding me!")}\n\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} The default prefix for commands is {Formatter.Bold(prefix)}, but it can be changed " + $"via {Formatter.Bold("prefix")} command.\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} I advise you to run the configuration wizard for this guild in order to quickly configure " + $"functions like logging, notifications etc. The wizard can be invoked using {Formatter.Bold("config setup")} command.\n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} You can use the {Formatter.Bold("help")} command as a guide, though it is recommended to " + $"read the documentation @ \n" + $"{Emojis.SmallBlueDiamond} If you have any questions or problems, feel free to use the {Formatter.Bold("report")} " + $"command in order to send a message to the bot owners ({owners}). Alternatively, you can create an issue on " + $"GitHub or join WorldMafia Discord server for quick support (" , Emojis.Wave ); }
/// <summary> /// 保存填写的数据库信息 /// </summary> public void SaveConfig() { RefreshHistoryDic(); // 新增当前信息 _dicHistory.SafeAdd($"{DB.Server}@{DB.Database}", (DataBase)DB); // 序列化保存 List <DataBase> dbList = _dicHistory.Select(e => e.Value).ToList(); LogExt.Exec(() => { SerializeExt.ToXml(dbList, ConfigFilePath); }); }
public Dictionary <int, Set> LoadData() { var fileSets = Path.Combine(folderData, "sets.json"); LogExt.LogReadFile(fileSets); var content = File.ReadAllText(fileSets); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, dynamic> >(content); var dataCurated = data .Where(i => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.Key) == false) .Where(i => Convert.ToInt32(i.Value.collation) > 0) .Select(i => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Set>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(i.Value))) .Cast <Set>() .ToArray(); return(dataCurated.ToDictionary(i => i.Collation, i => i)); }
public void LoadEventsFromDisk() { if (File.Exists(path)) { LogExt.LogReadFile(path); var fileText = File.ReadAllText(path); ICollection <GetActiveEventsV3Raw> eventCollection; try { eventCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <GetActiveEventsV3Raw> >(fileText) ?? new GetActiveEventsV3Raw[0]; } catch (Exception) { eventCollection = new GetActiveEventsV3Raw[0]; } cache.AddEvents(eventCollection); } }
private void RefreshHistoryDic() { // 反序列化 var dbList = LogExt.Exec ( () => SerializeExt.XmlTo <List <DataBase> >(GetConfigXml().InnerXml), () => new List <DataBase>() ); // 绑定 _dicHistory.Clear(); if (dbList.Count > 0) { dbList.OrderByDescending(db => db.UpdateTime) .Take(10) .ForEach(db => _dicHistory.Add($"{db.Server}@{db.Database}", db)); } }
/// <summary> /// 执行sql语句,不传递其他参数,返回第一行第一列的值 /// </summary> /// <param name="safeSql">sql语句</param> /// <returns>string类型</returns> public static string ReturnStringScalar(string safeSql) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(safeSql, Connection); try { string result = cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString(); return(result); } catch (Exception e) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("ReturnStringScalar出错。sql:" + safeSql + "。提示:" + e.Message); throw new Exception(e.Message); } finally { connection.Close(); } }
public static async Task MessageReactionAddedEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, MessageReactionAddEventArgs e) { if (e.Guild is null || e.Channel is null || e.Message is null) { return; } StarboardService ss = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <StarboardService>(); if (ss.IsStarboardEnabled(e.Guild.Id, out ulong cid, out string star) && cid != e.Channel.Id && e.Emoji.GetDiscordName() == star) { LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Reacted with star emoji: Message {MessageId}, {Guild}", e.Message.Id, e.Guild); ss.RegisterModifiedMessage(e.Guild.Id, e.Channel.Id, e.Message.Id); } ReactionRoleService rrs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <ReactionRoleService>(); ReactionRole? rr = await rrs.GetAsync(e.Guild.Id, e.Emoji.GetDiscordName()); if (rr is { })
public Dictionary <int, Card> LoadData() { var fileSets = Path.Combine(folderData, "AllCardsCached2.json"); LogExt.LogReadFile(fileSets); var content = File.ReadAllText(fileSets); var dataOldFormat = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <Card2> >(content) .Select(c => new Card(c)) .ToArray(); // Patch to support multiple cards with an Arena Id of 0 var iNewId = dataOldFormat.Max(i => i.grpId) + 1; foreach (var cardMissingId in dataOldFormat.Where(i => i.grpId == 0).Skip(1)) { cardMissingId.grpId = iNewId++; } return(dataOldFormat.ToDictionary(i => i.grpId)); }
/// <summary> /// 执行sql语句,返回受影响的行数 /// </summary> /// <param name="safeSql">sql语句</param> /// <returns>返回受影响的行数</returns> public static int ExecuteCommand(string safeSql) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(safeSql, con); int result = -1; try { con.Open(); result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("ExecuteCommand出错。sql:" + safeSql + "。提示:" + ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 执行sql语句,不传递其他参数,返回第一行第一列的值,int类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="safeSql">sql语句</param> /// <returns>返回第一行第一列的值</returns> public static int GetScalar(string safeSql) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(safeSql, con); int result = -1; try { con.Open(); result = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("GetScalar出错。sql:" + safeSql + "。提示:" + ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } return(result); }
public static async Task GuildMemberJoinEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildMemberAddEventArgs e) { if (e.Guild is null) { return; } LogExt.Debug(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Member added: {Member} {Guild}", e.Member, e.Guild); GuildConfigService gcs = bot.Services.GetRequiredService <GuildConfigService>(); GuildConfig gcfg = await gcs.GetConfigAsync(e.Guild.Id); await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(gcfg.AntiInstantLeaveSettings.Cooldown + 1)); if (e.Member.Guild is null) // User left in meantime { return; } // TODO move to service DiscordChannel?wchn = e.Guild.GetChannel(gcfg.WelcomeChannelId); if (wchn is { })
/// <summary> /// 执行sql语句,传递其他参数,返回第一行和第一列的值,string类型 /// </summary> /// <param name="sql">sql语句</param> /// <param name="values">参数列表</param> /// <returns>返回第一行和第一列的值</returns> public static string GetScalarByString(string sql, params SqlParameter[] values) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(conString); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con); cmd.Parameters.AddRange(values); string result = null; try { con.Open(); result = Convert.ToString(cmd.ExecuteScalar()); } catch (Exception ex) { LogExt.WriteLogFile("GetScalarByString出错。sql:" + sql + "。提示:" + ex.Message); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } return(result); }
public static Task GuildUnvailableEventHandlerAsync(TheGodfatherBot bot, GuildDeleteEventArgs e) { LogExt.Warning(bot.GetId(e.Guild.Id), "Unvailable: {UnvailableGuild}", e.Guild); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void WriteLogExt(string msg) { LogExt?.Invoke(msg); }
public override BaseHelpFormatter WithCommand(Command cmd) { = cmd is CommandGroup?this.GetS("fmt-group", cmd.QualifiedName) : cmd.QualifiedName; CommandService cs = this.Context.Services.GetRequiredService <CommandService>(); try { this.desc = cs.GetCommandDescription(this.GuildId, cmd.QualifiedName); } catch (Exception e) when(e is LocalizationException or KeyNotFoundException) { LogExt.Warning(this.Context, e, "Failed to find description for: {Command}", cmd.QualifiedName); this.desc = this.GetS("h-desc-none"); } if (cmd.Aliases?.Any() ?? false) { this.emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-aliases", cmd.Aliases.Select(a => Formatter.InlineCode(a)).JoinWith(", "), inline: true); } this.emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-category", ModuleAttribute.AttachedTo(cmd).Module.ToString(), inline: true); IEnumerable <CheckBaseAttribute> checks = cmd.ExecutionChecks .Union(cmd.Parent?.ExecutionChecks ?? Enumerable.Empty <CheckBaseAttribute>()); IEnumerable <string> perms = checks .OfType <RequirePermissionsAttribute>() .Select(chk => chk.Permissions.ToPermissionString()) .Union(checks .OfType <RequirePermissionsAttribute>() .Select(chk => chk.Permissions.ToPermissionString()) ); IEnumerable <string> uperms = checks .OfType <RequireUserPermissionsAttribute>() .Select(chk => chk.Permissions.ToPermissionString()); IEnumerable <string> bperms = checks .OfType <RequireBotPermissionsAttribute>() .Select(chk => chk.Permissions.ToPermissionString()); var pb = new StringBuilder(); if (checks.Any(chk => chk is RequireOwnerAttribute)) { pb.AppendLine(Formatter.Bold(this.GetS("str-owner-only"))); } if (checks.Any(chk => chk is RequirePrivilegedUserAttribute)) { pb.AppendLine(Formatter.Bold(this.GetS("str-priv-only"))); } if (perms.Any()) { pb.AppendLine(Formatter.InlineCode(perms.JoinWith(", "))); } if (uperms.Any()) { pb.Append(this.GetS("str-perms-user")).Append(' ').AppendLine(Formatter.InlineCode(uperms.JoinWith(", "))); } if (bperms.Any()) { pb.Append(this.GetS("str-perms-bot")).Append(' ').AppendLine(Formatter.InlineCode(bperms.JoinWith(", "))); } string pstr = pb.ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pstr)) { this.emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-perms-req", pstr); } if (cmd.Overloads?.Any() ?? false) { foreach (CommandOverload overload in cmd.Overloads.OrderByDescending(o => o.Priority)) { var ab = new StringBuilder(); foreach (CommandArgument arg in overload.Arguments) { if (arg.IsOptional) { ab.Append(this.GetS("str-optional")).Append(' '); } ab.Append("[`").Append(this.CommandsNext.GetUserFriendlyTypeName(arg.Type)); if (arg.IsCatchAll) { ab.Append("..."); } ab.Append("`] "); ab.Append(Formatter.Bold(this.GetS(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arg.Description) ? "h-desc-none" : arg.Description))); if (arg.IsOptional) { ab.Append(" (") .Append(this.GetS("str-def")) .Append(' ') .Append(Formatter.InlineCode(arg.DefaultValue is null ? this.GetS("str-none") : arg.DefaultValue.ToString())) .Append(')'); } ab.AppendLine(); } string args = ab.Length > 0 ? ab.ToString() : this.GetS("str-args-none"); if (cmd.Overloads.Count > 1) { this.emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-overload", args, inline: true, titleArgs: overload.Priority); } else { this.emb.AddLocalizedTitleField("str-args", args, inline: true); } } } if (cmd is CommandGroup { IsExecutableWithoutSubcommands : false })