private static void OnLog(LogEvents type, string text) { if (_Log == null) return; _Log(null, new LogEventArgs(type, text)); }
private void searchBoxListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { try { var listBox = sender as ListBox; if (listBox != null) { listBox.ScrollIntoView(listBox.SelectedItem); LogEvents.SelectingRecommendationItem(this, listBox.SelectedIndex + 1); } } catch (Exception ee) { LogEvents.UIGenericError(this, ee); } }
public TestDiscoveryTests(ITestOutputHelper output) { disposables.Add(LogEvents.Subscribe(e => output.WriteLine(e.ToLogString()))); var peakyService = new PeakyService( targets => targets.Add("staging", "widgetapi", new Uri("")) .Add("production", "widgetapi", new Uri("")) .Add("staging", "sprocketapi", new Uri("")) .Add("staging", "parameterized", new Uri("")) .Add("production", "sprocketapi", new Uri(""))); apiClient = peakyService.CreateHttpClient(); disposables.Add(peakyService); }
public HttpResponseMessage Post(TeleSales value) { string sYear = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString(); string sMonth = DateTime.Now.Month.ToString(); string sDay = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString(); string sErrorTime = sYear + sMonth + sDay; //string strUserAgent = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.ToString().ToLower(); //bool result = HttpContext.Current.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice; string filePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/TeleSalesEvent_" + sErrorTime + ".log"); LogEvents log = new LogEvents(); //log.Logevent(headers, filePath); try { TeleSales objTele = new TeleSales(); string result = objTele.ValidateData(value); if (result == "") { if (Membership.ValidateUser(value.UserName, value.Password)) { AcceesModel obj = new AcceesModel(); ; obj.GetResult("SetTeleSalesStagingData " + value.TeleSalesId + ",'" + value.MerchantName + "','" + value.FNAME + "','" + value.MNAME + "','" + value.LNAME + "','" + value.PhoneNo + "','" + value.CampaignCode + "','" + value.LeadPhoneNo + "','" + value.MissedCall + "','" + value.DateandTime.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss") + "','" + value.Circle + "','" + value.Operator + "','" + value.YourName + "','" + value.Email + "','" + value.City + "'," + value.NoofYearinBusiness + ",'" + value.LoanAmount + "','" + value.Avgsalespermonth + "','" + value.Source + "','" + value.DOB + "','" + value.ADDRESSOfResidence + "','" + value.ADDRESSOfShop + "','" + value.AddressPinCode + "','" + value.ShopPinCode + "','" + value.Industry + "'" ); log.Logevent(value, filePath); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Data Saved Successfully")); } else { log.Logevent("Authentication Failed", filePath); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Authentication Failed")); } } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.ExpectationFailed, result)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Logevent(ex.Message, filePath); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message.ToString())); } }
internal void Validate() { bool isTokenIdPresent = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(QueueData.TokenId); bool isBatchIdPresent = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(QueueData.BatchId); bool isDispatchIdPresent = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(QueueData.DispatchId); if (isTokenIdPresent && isBatchIdPresent && isDispatchIdPresent) { IsProcessable = true; LogEvents.Add(Utils.CreateLogEvent(QueueData, IRDLM.Validated(QueueData.AdditionalURLParameter))); } else { IsProcessable = false; LogEvents.Add(Utils.CreateLogEvent(QueueData, IRDLM.Invalidated)); } }
private Hyperlink CreateHyperLinkByShapedWord(IShapedWord shapedWord) { var link = new SandoQueryHyperLink(new Run(shapedWord.Word), searchBox.Text + " " + shapedWord.Word, 0) { FontSize = shapedWord.FontSize, Foreground = shapedWord.Color, IsEnabled = true, TextDecorations = null, }; link.Click += (sender, args) => LogEvents.AddWordFromTagCloud(searchBox.Text, "TOFIXTHE", shapedWord.Word); link.Click += StartSearchAfterClick; link.Click += (sender, args) => TagCloudPopUpWindow.IsOpen = false; return(link); }
public void OpenSandoOptions() { try { string sandoDialogPageGuid = "B0002DC2-56EE-4931-93F7-70D6E9863940"; var command = new CommandID( VSConstants.GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97, VSConstants.cmdidToolsOptions); var mcs = GetService(typeof(IMenuCommandService)) as MenuCommandService; mcs.GlobalInvoke(command, sandoDialogPageGuid); } catch (Exception e) { LogEvents.UIGenericError(this, e); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> LogEvents() { var dbContext = new NotificationDb(); var logEvent = new LogEvents() { EventType = Enum.EventType.Delete, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), UserWhoCreatesEvent = "*****@*****.**", ObjectTypeOfEvent = Enum.ObjectTypeOfEvent.MonthlyMeeting }; dbContext.LogEventses.Add(logEvent); await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureWebJobsStorage"].ToString()); CloudQueueClient queueClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient(); CloudQueue queue = queueClient.GetQueueReference("logeventslog"); queue.CreateIfNotExists(); var queueMessage = new CloudQueueMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logEvent)); queue.AddMessage(queueMessage); //List<string> c = dbContext.LogEventSubscriptionses.Where(r => r.EventType == logEvent.EventType // && r.ObjectTypeOfEvent == logEvent.ObjectTypeOfEvent).Select(r => r.UserWhoSubscribed).ToList(); //var mandrill = new MandrillApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MandrillApiKey"]); //foreach (var row in c) //{ // var email = new EmailMessage // { // Text = "body", // FromEmail = "*****@*****.**", // To = new List<EmailAddress> {new EmailAddress {Email = row}}, // Subject = "Sub" // }; // await mandrill.SendMessage(new SendMessageRequest(email)); //} return(Content("new row created")); }
private void MyToolWindow_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (this.searchResultListbox.Items.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in this.searchResultListbox.Items) { ShowPopupOneItem(this.searchResultListbox, false, item); } } } catch (Exception ee) { LogEvents.UIGenericError(this, ee); } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overriden Package Implementation #region Package Members /// <summary> /// Initialization of the package; this method is called right after the package is sited, so this is the place /// where you can put all the initilaization code that rely on services provided by VisualStudio. /// </summary> protected override void Initialize() { try { base.Initialize(); LogEvents.UISandoBeginInitialization(this); SetupDependencyInjectionObjects(); _viewManager = ServiceLocator.Resolve <ViewManager>(); AddCommand(); SetUpLifeCycleEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { LogEvents.UISandoInitializationError(this, e); } }
public static void SetEvent(LogEvents logEvent) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["EventsLog"] != null) { List <LogEvents> events = (List <LogEvents>)HttpContext.Current.Session["EventsLog"]; events.Add(logEvent); HttpContext.Current.Session["EventsLog"] = events; } else { HttpContext.Current.Session["EventsLog"] = new List <LogEvents>() { logEvent }; } }
private static FieldElement ParseField(List <ProgramElement> programElements, string fileName, XElement field) { try { string name; int definitionLineNumber; int definitionColumnNumber; SrcMLParsingUtils.ParseNameAndLineNumber(field, out name, out definitionLineNumber, out definitionColumnNumber); ClassElement classElement = RetrieveClassElement(field, programElements); Guid classId = classElement != null ? classElement.Id : Guid.Empty; string className = classElement != null ? classElement.Name : String.Empty; //parse access level and type var typeElement = field.Element(SRC.Type); AccessLevel accessLevel = RetrieveAccessLevel(typeElement); IEnumerable <XElement> types = typeElement.Elements(SRC.Name); string fieldType = String.Empty; foreach (XElement type in types) { fieldType += type.Value + " "; } fieldType = fieldType.TrimEnd(); string initialValue = String.Empty; XElement initialValueElement = field.Element(SRC.Init); if (initialValueElement != null) { initialValue = initialValueElement.Element(SRC.Expression).Value; } string fullFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(fileName); string snippet = RetrieveSource(field); return(new FieldElement(name, definitionLineNumber, definitionColumnNumber, fullFilePath, snippet, accessLevel, fieldType, classId, className, String.Empty, initialValue)); } catch (Exception error) { Type t = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType; LogEvents.ParserGenericException(t, error); return(null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { LogEvents.Subscribe(i => { i.Operation.Id = ""; Console.WriteLine(i.ToLogString()); }, new[] { //typeof(PiTop4Board).Assembly, //typeof(FoundationPlate).Assembly, typeof(Program).Assembly }); using var pipeline = Pipeline.Create("PiTop", DeliveryPolicy.Unlimited); using var module = PiTop4Board.Instance; var plate = module.GetOrCreateFoundationPlate(); var threshold = plate .GetOrCreatePotentiometer(AnaloguePort.A0) .CreateComponent(pipeline, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)); var distance = plate .GetOrCreateUltrasonicSensor(DigitalPort.D0) .CreateComponent(pipeline, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2)); var alert = new ValueAlertComponent(pipeline, new[] { plate.GetOrCreateLed(DigitalPort.D1, Color.Green), plate.GetOrCreateLed(DigitalPort.D2, Color.Gold), plate.GetOrCreateLed(DigitalPort.D3, Color.RebeccaPurple) }); threshold .Select(t => t * 50) .PipeTo(alert.Threshold); distance .Select(d => Math.Min(d.Value, 50)) .PipeTo(alert.Value); pipeline.Run(); }
/// <summary> /// Удалить /// </summary> /// <param name="ID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public LogEvents DeleteLogEvents(long ID) { LogEvents dbEntry = context.LogEvents.Find(ID); if (dbEntry != null) { try { context.LogEvents.Remove(dbEntry); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { e.SaveErrorMethod(String.Format("DeleteLogEvents(ID={0})", ID), blog); return(null); } } return(dbEntry); }
public async Task Diagnostic_logs_do_not_show_up_in_captured_console_output() { using (LogEvents.Subscribe(e => Console.WriteLine(e.ToLogString()))) { var server = GetCodeRunner(); var result = await server.Run( new WorkspaceRequest( CreateWorkspaceWithMainContaining( "Console.WriteLine(\"hi!\");")) ); result.Output .Should() .BeEquivalentTo( new[] { "hi!", "" }, options => options.WithStrictOrdering()); } }
public static void ExitApp(int exitCode, string message = "", LogEvents logEvent = LogEvents.Error, bool errorWritingToLog = false) { if (exitCode == 0) { message = "completed successfully"; } message = string.Format("[{0}] {1} - exit code: {2}", appName, message, exitCode); if (errorWritingToLog) { Console.WriteLine(message); } else { LogEvent(message, logEvent); } Environment.Exit(exitCode); }
private AtomicCollection <IAtomic> CheckCompounds(AtomicCollection <IAtomic> experimentCollection) { foreach (var compound in Knowledge.KnownCompounds) { var result = CanChemistDoCompound(compound, experimentCollection); if (result != null) { var atomStack = new List <AtomStack>(); foreach (var iatomic in result) { atomStack.Add(new AtomStack(iatomic)); experimentCollection.Remove(iatomic); } Compound newCompound = new Compound(atomStack); LogEvents.CompoundGot(compound); CheckCompounds(experimentCollection); } } return(experimentCollection); }
public String CreateEvent(string eventType, string station, string system, string cargo, string cargoAction, int cargoVolume, string notes, DateTime eventDate) { String newEventID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); LogEvents.Add(new CommandersLogEvent { EventType = eventType, Station = station, System = system, Cargo = cargo, CargoAction = cargoAction, CargoVolume = cargoVolume, Notes = notes, EventDate = eventDate, EventID = newEventID }); UpdateCommandersLogListView(); return(newEventID); }
public void Verbosity_can_be_specified() { var factory = new LoggerFactory() .AddPocketLogger((category, logLevel) => category == "awesome" || logLevel == Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Critical); var log = new LogEntryList(); using (LogEvents.Subscribe(e => log.Add(e))) { factory.CreateLogger("awesome").LogInformation("this should absolutely be in the log!"); factory.CreateLogger <string>().LogCritical("this should also be in the log"); factory.CreateLogger <string>().LogError("this should NOT be in the log"); } log.Should().HaveCount(2); log.Should().NotContain(e => e.LogLevel == (int)LogLevel.Error); }
public string CreateEvent() { String newEventID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _callingForm.tbLogEventID.Text = newEventID; LogEvents.Add(new CommandersLogEvent { EventType = _callingForm.cbLogEventType.Text, Station = _callingForm.cbLogStationName.Text, System = _callingForm.cbLogSystemName.Text, Cargo = _callingForm.cbLogCargoName.Text, CargoAction = _callingForm.cbCargoModifier.Text, CargoVolume = int.Parse(_callingForm.cbLogQuantity.Text), Notes = _callingForm.tbLogNotes.Text, EventDate = _callingForm.dtpLogEventDate.Value, EventID = newEventID }); return(newEventID); }
public List <ProgramElement> Parse(string filename) { if (File.Exists(filename) && GetSizeInMb(filename) > 15) { return(new List <ProgramElement>()); } var list = new List <ProgramElement>(); try { // Create an instance of StreamReader to read from a file. // The using statement also closes the StreamReader. using (var sr = new StreamReader(filename)) { String line; int linenum = 0; // Read and display lines from the file until the end of // the file is reached. while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { linenum++; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } //var name = Regex.Replace(line, @"(\w+)\W+", "$1 "); var name = line.TrimStart(' ', '\n', '\r', '\t'); name = name.TrimEnd(' '); var snippet = SrcMLParsingUtils.RetrieveSource(name); var element = new TextLineElement(name, linenum, -1000, filename, snippet, line); list.Add(element); } } } catch (Exception e) { LogEvents.ParserGenericFileError(this, filename); } return(list); }
public async Task Request_information_is_sent_to_PocketLogger() { var log = new List <string>(); using (var fakeService = new FakeHttpService() .OnRequest(r => true) .RespondWith(async r => { r.Headers.Add("a-response-header", "a-response-header-value"); await r.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ResponseProperty = "response-property-value" })); })) using (LogEvents.Subscribe(e => log.Add(e.ToLogString()))) { await new HttpClient().PostAsync( new Uri(fakeService.BaseAddress, "/and/the/path?and=query"), new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { RequestProperty = "request-property-value" }), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")); } log.Should() .HaveCount(2); log[0] .NormalizeLineEndings() .Should() .Match(@"*[FakeHttpService.RequestLoggingMiddleware] [Invoke] ▶ POST*/and/the/path?and=query Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Host:* Content-Length: * {""RequestProperty"":""request-property-value""}*".NormalizeLineEndings()); log[1] .NormalizeLineEndings() .Should() .Match(@"*[FakeHttpService.RequestLoggingMiddleware] [Invoke] ⏹ -> ✔ (*ms) HTTP/ 200 a-response-header: a-response-header-value {""ResponseProperty"":""response-property-value""}*".NormalizeLineEndings()); }
public List <ProgramElement> Parse(string fileName) { var programElements = new List <ProgramElement>(); XElement sourceElements; if (Archive != null) { sourceElements = Archive.GetXElementForSourceFile(fileName); if (sourceElements != null) { programElements = Parse(fileName, sourceElements); } else { LogEvents.ParserFileNotFoundInArchiveError(this, fileName); } } else if (Generator != null) { string outFile = Path.GetTempFileName(); try { //This is a CSharp parser, so we'll convert the input file as CSharp no matter what the file extension is Generator.GenerateSrcMLFromFile(fileName, outFile, Language.CSharp); sourceElements = SrcMLElement.Load(outFile); if (sourceElements != null) { programElements = Parse(fileName, sourceElements); } } finally { File.Delete(outFile); } } else { throw new InvalidOperationException("SrcMLCSharpParser - Archive and Generator are both null"); } return(programElements); }
public void MonitoringStopped(object sender, EventArgs args) { lock (tasksTrackerLock) { foreach (var cancelToken in cancellers) { cancelToken.Cancel(); } } LogEvents.UIMonitoringStopped(this); var currentIndexer = ServiceLocator.ResolveOptional <DocumentIndexer>(); if (currentIndexer != null) { currentIndexer.Dispose(false); // Because in SolutionMonitor: public void StopMonitoring(bool killReaders = false) } if (SwumManager.Instance != null) { SwumManager.Instance.PrintSwumCache(); } }
public static void getChats(string ip, RichTextBox txtBox) { Tuple <string, UInt16> addr = splitAddr(ip); string addrIP = addr.Item1; UInt16 port = addr.Item2; string rconPW = decryptRcon(); var server = ServerQuery.GetServerInstance( (Game)appId, addrIP, port, throwExceptions: false, retries: retries); addLogAddr(ref server, rconPW, txtBox); using (Logs logger = server.GetLogs(port)) { LogEvents chatEvents = logger.GetEventsInstance(); //chatEvents. } }
public async Task Middleware_can_be_used_to_log_commands_as_they_are_scheduled() { var scheduler = CommandScheduler.Create <object>(delivery => { }) .UseMiddleware(async(delivery, next) => { using (Log.ConfirmOnExit()) { await next(delivery); } }); var log = new List <string>(); using (LogEvents.Subscribe(e => log.Add(e.ToLogString()))) { await scheduler.Schedule(new object()); } log.Should().ContainSingle(e => e.Contains(nameof(Middleware_can_be_used_to_log_commands_as_they_are_scheduled))); }
public static string GetDisplayPathMonitoredFiles(ISrcMLGlobalService service, object callingObject) { if (service.MonitoredDirectories.Count > 0) { var fullpath = service.MonitoredDirectories.First(); var path = Path.GetFileName(fullpath); try { var parent = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(fullpath)); path += " in folder " + parent; } catch (Exception e) { LogEvents.UIIndexUpdateError(callingObject, e); } return(path); } else { return(SearchViewControl.PleaseAddDirectoriesMessage); } }
public static void LogEvent(string message, LogEvents logEvent = LogEvents.Error, bool logToLog4Net = true, bool logToConsole = true) { message = string.Format("{0} | {1}@{2}", message, Environment.UserName, Environment.MachineName); if (Settings.Default.LogToLog4Net && logToLog4Net) { ILog Logger = LogManager.GetLogger("EventLogAppender"); try { switch (logEvent) { case LogEvents.Debug: Logger.DebugFormat(message); break; case LogEvents.Error: Logger.ErrorFormat(message); break; case LogEvents.Fatal: Logger.FatalFormat(message); break; case LogEvents.Info: Logger.InfoFormat(message); break; case LogEvents.Warn: Logger.WarnFormat(message); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { ExitApp(1, string.Format("EXCEPTION in {0}: {1}", MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), ex.Message), errorWritingToLog: true); } if (Settings.Default.LogToConsole && logToConsole) { Console.WriteLine(message); } } }
public void StartupCompleted() { try { if (_viewManager.ShouldShow()) { _viewManager.ShowSando(); try { //will fail during testing in VS IDE host _viewManager.ShowToolbar(); } catch (Exception e) { //ignore } } if (ServiceLocator.Resolve <DTE2>().Version.StartsWith("10")) { //only need to do this in VS2010, and it breaks things in VS2012 Solution openSolution = ServiceLocator.Resolve <DTE2>().Solution; // JZ: SrcMLService Integration ////if(openSolution != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(openSolution.FullName) && _currentMonitor == null) if (openSolution != null && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(openSolution.FullName)) // End of code changes { SolutionHasBeenOpened(); } } RegisterSolutionEvents(); } catch (Exception e) { LogEvents.UIGenericError(this, e); } }
public async Task A_script_snippet_workspace_can_be_used_to_get_signature_help() { await Default.ConsoleWorkspace(); var log = new LogEntryList(); var(processed, position) = CodeManipulation.ProcessMarkup("Console.WriteLine($$)"); using (LogEvents.Subscribe(log.Add)) using (var agent = new AgentService()) { var json = new WorkspaceRequest( requestId: "TestRun", activeBufferId: "default.cs", workspace: Workspace.FromSource( processed, "script", id: "default.cs", position: position)) .ToJson(); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, @"/workspace/signaturehelp") { Content = new StringContent( json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }; var response = await agent.SendAsync(request); var result = await response .EnsureSuccess() .DeserializeAs <SignatureHelpResult>(); result.Signatures.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); result.Signatures.Should().Contain(signature => signature.Label == "void Console.WriteLine(string format, params object[] arg)"); } }
public async Task A_script_snippet_workspace_can_be_used_to_get_diagnostics() { await Default.ConsoleWorkspace(); var log = new LogEntryList(); var(processed, position) = CodeManipulation.ProcessMarkup("adddd"); using (LogEvents.Subscribe(log.Add)) using (var agent = new AgentService()) { var json = new WorkspaceRequest( requestId: "TestRun", activeBufferId: "default.cs", workspace: Workspace.FromSource( processed, "script", id: "default.cs", position: position)) .ToJson(); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, @"/workspace/diagnostics") { Content = new StringContent( json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json") }; var response = await agent.SendAsync(request); var result = await response .EnsureSuccess() .DeserializeAs <DiagnosticResult>(); result.Diagnostics.Should().NotBeNullOrEmpty(); result.Diagnostics.Should().Contain(signature => signature.Message == "default.cs(1,1): error CS0103: The name \'adddd\' does not exist in the current context"); } }
///<summary> /// Set the events that will be written to the log. The log will be written to the Log event /// and the debug window in VisualStudio. To change the log settings you must use a custom /// log.xml file. ///</summary> ///<param name="events">The events that will be logged.</param> public static void SetLogEvents(LogEvents events) { _LogEvents = events; if (_Log != null) SetLogEvents(); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the content of the Log from Sqlite. /// </summary> /// <param name="xmlReader">The XmlReader instance containing the data.</param> public void LoadSqlite(string filePath) { if (filePath.IsNullOrBlank()) throw new ArgumentNullException("filePath"); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) throw new FileNotFoundException(String.Format("Specified File '{0}' not found.", filePath), filePath); using (SqliteDataContext context = new SqliteDataContext(filePath)) { LogEvents logEvents = new LogEvents(context.LogEvents); Entries.AddRange(logEvents.Select(logEvent => (LogEntry) logEvent)); } }
internal LogEventArgs(LogEvents eventType, string message) { EventType = eventType; Message = message; }
/// <summary> /// Logs an event for an account. /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <param name="eventType"></param> /// <param name="additionalInfo"></param> public static void logEvent(string userid, LogEvents eventType, string additionalInfo, Connector conn) { conn.Query_Execute("INSERT INTO bsa_user_log (userid, event_type, date, additional_info) VALUES('" + Utils.Escape(userid) + "', '" + (int)eventType + "', NOW(), " + (additionalInfo != null ? "'" + Utils.Escape(additionalInfo) + "'" : "NULL") + ")"); }