Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void AddEmptyConnection(LocationNode targetNode)
        LocationNodeEdge edge = new LocationNodeEdge(targetNode, null, -1);

        public override void update()
            // Fix existing barcode values
            CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass LocationOC = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getObjectClass( NbtObjectClass.LocationClass );
            foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeType LocationNT in LocationOC.getNodeTypes() )
                foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNT.getNodes( false, false ) )
                    if( false == LocationNode.Barcode.Barcode.StartsWith( "LS" ) )
                        LocationNode.Barcode.setBarcodeValue( OverrideExisting: true );
                    if( LocationNode.Barcode.SequenceNumber == Int32.MinValue )
                    if( LocationNode.Barcode.Barcode.Length < 8 )
                        string NewBarcodeValue = "LS" + CswTools.PadInt( CswConvert.ToInt32( LocationNode.Barcode.SequenceNumber ), 6 );
                        LocationNode.Barcode.setBarcodeValueOverride( NewBarcodeValue, false );
                    LocationNode.postChanges( false );
                } // foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNT.getNodes( false, false ) )
            } // foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeType LocationNT in LocationOC.getNodeTypes() )

        } //Update()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void Connect(LocationNode n)
     if (!ConnectedNodes.Contains(n))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //private void UpdateVRTKDestinations(LocationNode targetNode)
    //    for (int index = 0; index < targetNode.edges.Count; index++)
    //    {
    //        //Update the VRTKDestination based on the edge connection end point
    //        targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].destinationLocation = targetNode.edges[index].endNode.teleportLocation;
    //        targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].name = "ExitPoint_" + targetNode.edges[index].endNode.name;
    //    }

    //private void UpdateVRTKDestinations(LocationNode targetNode, int index)
    //    //Update the VRTKDestination based on the edge connection end point
    //    targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].destinationLocation = targetNode.edges[index].endNode.teleportLocation;
    //    targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].name = "ExitPoint_" + targetNode.edges[index].endNode.name;


    private void UpdateOppositeLocationNodes(LocationNodeEdge targetEdge)
        LocationNode oppositeLocationNode = targetEdge.endNode;
        LocationNode currentNode          = targetEdge.startNode;

        bool hasCorrospondingExitPoint = false;

        //Does the opposite location node have a corrosponding exitpoint to this current node
        for (int x = 0; x < oppositeLocationNode.edges.Count; x++)
            if (oppositeLocationNode.edges[x].endNode == currentNode)
                hasCorrospondingExitPoint            = true;
                oppositeLocationNode.edges[x].weight = targetEdge.weight;

        if (!hasCorrospondingExitPoint)
            LocationNodeEdge corrospondingEdge = new LocationNodeEdge(oppositeLocationNode, currentNode, targetEdge.weight);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void PrintBoard()
        tiledisplay     = new WorldMapTileGameObject[currWorldMap.sizeX, currWorldMap.sizeY];
        locationDisplay = new WorldMapLocationGameObject[currWorldMap.sizeX, currWorldMap.sizeY];

        locationDictionary = new Dictionary <string, WorldMapLocationGameObject>();
        locationNameDict   = new Dictionary <string, WorldMapLocationGameObject>();
        for (int x = 0; x < currWorldMap.sizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < currWorldMap.sizeY; y++)
                if (currWorldMap.worldMapDisplayData[x, y] != null)
                    WorldMapTileGameObject tilego = Instantiate <WorldMapTileGameObject>(tileGOPrefab, tileContainer);
                    tilego.InitWorldMapObject(currWorldMap.worldMapDisplayData[x, y]);
                    tiledisplay[x, y] = tilego;
                    tilego.name       = x + " " + y;

                    if (currWorldMap.locations[x, y] != null)
                        //spawn the location
                        LocationNode currNode = currWorldMap.locations[x, y];

                        WorldMapLocationGameObject go = Instantiate <WorldMapLocationGameObject>(locationPrefab, tileContainer);
                        locationDisplay[x, y] = go;
                        go.name = x + " " + y;
                        locationDictionary.Add(currNode.MapKey, go);
                        locationNameDict.Add(currNode.AreaName, go);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Connect(LocationNode n)
     if (!ConnectedNodes.Contains(n))
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private LocationNode PopulateTree(
            LocationNode node,
            IList <Location> source,
            IList <MeUser> sourceUsers,
            IList <UserItem> allUsers)
            var sourceChildren = source.Where(l => l.ParentId == node.LocationId).ToList();

            var sourceUser = sourceUsers
                             .Where(u => sourceChildren
                                    .Any(l => u.Permissions != null && u.Permissions.Any(p => p.LocationId == l.LocationId)))
                             .Select(u => u.UserId);

            node.Users = sourceUser
                         .Select(u => allUsers.First(a => a.UserId == u))

            node.Children = sourceChildren.Select(l => PopulateTree(new LocationNode()
                LocationId = l.LocationId,
                IsMeOffice = l.IsMeOffice,
                Parent     = node,
                Name       = l.Name,
            }, source, sourceUsers, allUsers));

Ejemplo n.º 8
 private LocationNode FindLocation(string name)
     if (LocationRootNode == null)
         LocationRootNode = this.FindRootNode <LocationNode>();
     return(FindNode(LocationRootNode, node => node.Name.Trim().Equals(name.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)));
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private void AddExitPoints(LocationNode targetNode)
        GameObject exitPoint = (GameObject)PrefabUtility.InstantiatePrefab(ExitPointPrefab, targetNode.transform);

        targetNode.VRTKDestinations.Add(exitPoint.GetComponent <VRTK_DestinationPoint>());
        exitPoint.name = "NO_DESTINATION";
        exitPoint.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), 0, UnityEngine.Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f));;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public LocationNode DequeueNode()
        LocationNode temp = priorityQueue[0];


    public void InitGameObject(LocationNode location)
        this.location = location;
        missions      = new List <Mission>();

        sr.sprite          = Resources.Load <SpriteAtlas>(FilePath.TileSetAtlas).GetSprite(location.filepath);
        transform.position = new Vector3(location.coords.X, location.coords.Y, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void UpdateVRTKDestinations(LocationNode targetNode)
     for (int index = 0; index < targetNode.edges.Count; index++)
         //Update the VRTKDestination based on the edge connection end point
         targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].destinationLocation = targetNode.edges[index].endNode.teleportLocation;
         targetNode.VRTKDestinations[index].name = "ExitPoint_" + targetNode.edges[index].endNode.name;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the Location Node argument
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LocationNode">The Location Node to validate</param>
        /// <param name="Culture">The culture in which any exception messages should be thrown</param>
        internal static void ValidateLocationNode(LocationNode LocationNode, CultureInfo Culture)
            ResourceManager ExceptionMessageResources = new ResourceManager("GroundFrame.Core.Resources.ExceptionResources", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());

            if (LocationNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(ExceptionMessageResources.GetString("InvalidLocationNodeArgument", Culture));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new scene containing a location dungeon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="regionName">Region name.</param>
        /// <param name="locationName">Location name.</param>
        public void CreateDungeonLocationScene(string regionName, string locationName)
            // Check if resulting scene will be the same
            if (this.location.RegionName == regionName &&
                this.location.Name == locationName &&
                this.sceneType == SceneTypes.Dungeon)

            // Create location node
            host.Core.Renderer.BackgroundColor = generalBackgroundColor;
            LocationNode node = host.Core.SceneBuilder.CreateDungeonLocationNode(regionName, locationName);

            if (node == null)

            // Store data
            this.location  = node.Location;
            this.sceneType = SceneTypes.Dungeon;
            base.Climate   = null;

            // Add node to scene
            host.Core.Scene.AddNode(null, node);

            // Update scene so bounds are correct

            // Set custom movement bounds
            Vector3     center         = host.Core.Scene.Root.TransformedBounds.Center;
            float       radius         = host.Core.Scene.Root.TransformedBounds.Radius;
            BoundingBox movementBounds = new BoundingBox(
                new Vector3(center.X - radius, center.Y - radius, center.Z - radius),
                new Vector3(center.X + radius, center.Y + radius, center.Z + radius));

            topDownCamera.MovementBounds = movementBounds;
            freeCamera.MovementBounds    = movementBounds;

            // Position top-down camera

            // Position free camera
            freeCamera.Reference = Vector3.Forward;
            freeCamera.Position  = new Vector3(
                center.X + SceneBuilder.RDBSide / 2,
                movementBounds.Max.Z - SceneBuilder.RDBSide / 2);

            // Update camera

            // Set status message
            currentStatus = string.Format("Exploring {0} (Dungeon).", locationName);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void ImportLocation(Stream input)
            var collection = this.GetMonCollection <LocationNode>();
            var package    = new ExcelPackage(input);
            var sheet      = package.Workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault();

            if (sheet == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("There is no sheet in excel file!");

            var values  = (object[, ])sheet.Cells.Value;
            var rows    = values.GetUpperBound(0) + 1;
            var columns = values.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
            var account = this.CurrentAccount();
            var root    = new LocationNode()
                Account = account, Name = "root"

            for (var row = 1; row <= rows; ++row)
                var parent = root;

                for (var column = 1; column <= columns; ++column)
                    var cell  = sheet.Cells[row, column];
                    var value = cell.Value;
                    var name  = value?.ToString();

                    if (name == null)
                        parent = parent.Children.Last();

                    var node = new LocationNode()
                        Account = account, Name = name

            var found = collection.FindOne(x => x.Account.Id.Equals(account.Id));

            if (found == null)
                root.Id = found.Id;
                collection.ReplaceOne(x => x.Id.Equals(found.Id), root);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 private void BuildLocationList(Story story, LocationNode node, List <int> locationList)
     if (node.Id != -1)
     foreach (LocationNode childNode in node.Children)
         BuildLocationList(story, childNode, locationList);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 //If a ExitPoint containing the VRTKDestination was deleted, remove the corrosponding edge
 private void RemoveNulls(LocationNode targetNode)
     for (int x = targetNode.VRTKDestinations.Count - 1; x >= 0; x--)
         if (targetNode.VRTKDestinations[x] == null)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates all the path edges from the list of LocationMappers
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task CreatePathEdgesFromMap(SimulationExtension SimExt)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                //SimSig.SimulationExtension SimExt = new SimulationExtension(this._Simulation.ID, this._SQLConnector);

                foreach (MapperLocationNode MappedLocNode in this._LocationNodeMapper)
                    LocationNode FromLocationNode = null;

                    //Check the MappedLocNode has a next location node to create

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MappedLocNode.NextLocationNode.SimSigCode) == false)
                        //Get a list of MapperLocationNode objects with a location node created
                        List <MapperLocationNode> MappersWithLocationNodes = this._LocationNodeMapper.Where(y => y.LocationNode != null).ToList();

                        //Get the From Location Node
                        if (MappedLocNode.LocationNode == null)
                            //If not already tagged in the MapperLocationNode search through the list to find it
                            FromLocationNode = MappersWithLocationNodes.Find(x => x.LocationNode.SimID == this._Simulation.ID &&
                                                                             x.LocationNode.EraID == this._TemplateSimEra.ID &&
                                                                             x.LocationNode.Version.ID == this._Version.ID &&
                                                                             String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.LocationSimSigCode, MappedLocNode.SimSigCode) == 0 &&
                                                                             String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Platform, MappedLocNode.Platform) == 0 &&
                                                                             String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Path, MappedLocNode.Path) == 0 &&
                                                                             String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Line, MappedLocNode.Line) == 0).LocationNode;
                            FromLocationNode = MappedLocNode.LocationNode;

                        //Get the to location node
                        LocationNode ToNodeLocation = MappersWithLocationNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LocationNode.SimID == this._Simulation.ID &&
                                                                                              x.LocationNode.EraID == this._TemplateSimEra.ID &&
                                                                                              x.LocationNode.Version.ID == this._Version.ID &&
                                                                                              String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.LocationSimSigCode, MappedLocNode.NextLocationNode.SimSigCode) == 0 &&
                                                                                              String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Platform, MappedLocNode.NextLocationNode.Platform) == 0 &&
                                                                                              String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Path, MappedLocNode.NextLocationNode.Path) == 0 &&
                                                                                              String.CompareOrdinal(x.LocationNode.Line, MappedLocNode.NextLocationNode.Line) == 0).LocationNode;

                        //Create the path edge
                        if (ToNodeLocation != null)
                            //Build new LocationNode
                            SimSig.PathEdge NewPathEdge = new PathEdge(FromLocationNode, ToNodeLocation, this._SQLConnector);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public override LocationNode AccessLocal(Function function, LocationNode stackFrame)
     if (function == _owningFunction)
         return(new MemoryNode(new SubOperatorNode(stackFrame, new ConstantNode <long>(_offsetFromStackFrame))));
         return(AccessLocal(function.EnclosedIn, function.GetEnclosingFunctionStackFrame()));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private static bool TryFindPlace(string name, out LocationNode outNode)
     outNode = (
         from node in LevelNodes.nodes
         where node.type == ENodeType.LOCATION
         let locNode = node as LocationNode
                       where locNode.name.ToLower().Contains(name.ToLower())
                       select locNode
     return(outNode != null);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void Enqueue(LocationNode node)
     for (int i = 0; i < priorityQueue.Count; i++)
         if (node.priority < priorityQueue[i].priority)
             priorityQueue.Insert(i, node);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    private void AddNewConnection()
        GameObject   newLocation = new GameObject("RENAME_ME");
        LocationNode newNode     = newLocation.AddComponent <LocationNode>();

        LocationNodeEdge edge         = new LocationNodeEdge(targetNode, newNode, -1);
        LocationNodeEdge edgeReversed = new LocationNodeEdge(newNode, targetNode, -1);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public LocationResponse GetTree()
            var sourceUsers = _userStore.Query().ToList();

            var permissedLocations = sourceUsers
                                     .Where(u => u.Permissions != null)
                                     .SelectMany(u => u.Permissions.Select(p => p.LocationId)).Distinct().ToList();

            var offices = _locationStore
                          .Where(l => l.IsMeOffice || // Is office
                                 permissedLocations.Contains(l.LocationId)) // Or user has it assigned via permission

            var allLocations = GetPath(offices);

            var allUsers = sourceUsers.Select(u => new UserItem()
                UserId   = u.UserId,
                FullName = u.FullName()

            var result = new LocationResponse();
            var roots  = new List <LocationNode>();

            result.Roots = roots;

            var sourceRoots = allLocations.Where(l => l.ParentId == null).ToList();

            foreach (var sourceRoot in sourceRoots)
                var rootNode = new LocationNode()
                    LocationId = sourceRoot.LocationId,
                    Name       = sourceRoot.Name,

                PopulateTree(rootNode, allLocations, sourceUsers, allUsers);


            /*result.Locations = allLocations.Select(l => new LocationNode()
             * {
             *  LocationId = l.LocationId,
             *  Name = l.Name
             * }).ToList();*/

Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void readEdgeTable(LocationNode graph, Location[] locArray)

            command.CommandText = "select * from EdgeTable";
            command.Connection = conn;
            OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();

            while (reader.Read())
                graph.addEdge(Convert.ToInt32(reader[0]), Convert.ToInt32(reader[1]), locArray);
Ejemplo n.º 25
    // Draws the lines between all the neighboring nodes
    private void DrawNeighbors(LocationNode currNode)
        List <MapCoords> neighbors = currNode.neighbors;

        foreach (MapCoords loc in neighbors)
            if (locationDisplay[loc.X, loc.Y] != null)
                LineTest line = Instantiate <LineTest>(linePrefab);

                line.SetEndPoints(locationDisplay[currNode.coords.X, currNode.coords.Y].gameObject, locationDisplay[loc.X, loc.Y].gameObject);
    public void UpdataLocationNodeInfo(WorldMapLocationGameObject node)
        if (node == null)

        currentNodeGO = node;
        currentNode   = node.location;

Ejemplo n.º 27
        public List <LocationData> GetLocation()
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            List <LocationData> data = new List <LocationData>();

            foreach (XmlNode LocationNode in xmlDoc.SelectNodes("Locations/location"))
                string Code = LocationNode.SelectSingleNode("Code").InnerText;
                string Name = LocationNode.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText;

                data.Add(new LocationData(Code, Name));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private List<long> AddKnownBranchesToList(LocationNode loc, List<long> AddedLocations)
            List<long> listKnownBranches = new List<long>(loc.Location.Links.Length);

            foreach (long locID in loc.Location.Links)
                if (AddedLocations.Contains(locID))


            return listKnownBranches;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        // Token: 0x06000149 RID: 329 RVA: 0x0000ECD0 File Offset: 0x0000CED0
        public static LocationNode GetClosestLocation(Vector3 pos)
            float        num    = 1337420f;
            LocationNode result = null;

            foreach (LocationNode locationNode in (from n in LevelNodes.nodes
                                                   where n.type == ENodeType.LOCATION
                                                   select(LocationNode) n).ToArray <LocationNode>())
                float num2 = Vector3.Distance(pos, locationNode.point);
                if (num2 < num)
                    num    = num2;
                    result = locationNode;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public override void update()
            // Fix bugs introduced in Othello's CswUpdateSchemaCase25981.cs

            // Remove erroneous extra value
            string Sql = @"delete from jct_nodes_props 
                            where jctnodepropid in (select j.jctnodepropid
                                                      from jct_nodes_props j
                                                      join nodetype_props p on j.nodetypepropid = p.nodetypepropid
                                                      join nodes n on j.nodeid = n.nodeid
                                                      join nodetypes t1 on p.nodetypeid = t1.nodetypeid
                                                      join nodetypes t2 on n.nodetypeid = t2.nodetypeid
                                                     where t1.nodetypeid <> t2.nodetypeid)";
            _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.execArbitraryPlatformNeutralSql( Sql );

            // Set up Lab 2 correctly
            CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass LocationOC = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getObjectClass( CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass.NbtObjectClass.LocationClass );
            Collection<CswNbtNode> LocationNodes = LocationOC.getNodes( false, true );

            CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNRL = null;
            foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNodes )
                if( LocationNode.Name.Text == "North Research Lab" )
                    LocationNRL = LocationNode;
            } // foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNodes )

            if( LocationNRL != null )
                foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNodes )
                    if( LocationNode.Name.Text == string.Empty && LocationNode.IsDemo )
                        LocationNode.Name.Text = "Lab 2";
                        LocationNode.Location.SelectedNodeId = LocationNRL.NodeId;
                        LocationNode.postChanges( true );
                } // foreach( CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationNodes )
            } // if( LocationNRL != null )

Ejemplo n.º 31
        public override void update()
            // Set 'Allow Inventory' on Room location and below

            CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass LocationOC = _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.getObjectClass( CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass.NbtObjectClass.LocationClass );
            CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationAllowInvOCP = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp( CswNbtObjClassLocation.AllowInventoryPropertyName);

            // Make it required
            _CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn.MetaData.UpdateObjectClassProp( LocationAllowInvOCP, CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp.ObjectClassPropAttributes.isrequired, true );

            // Default values on nodetypes
            foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeType LocationNT in LocationOC.getNodeTypes() )
                CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp LocationAllowInvNTP = LocationNT.getNodeTypePropByObjectClassProp( CswNbtObjClassLocation.AllowInventoryPropertyName );
                if( LocationNT.NodeTypeName == "Room" ||
                    LocationNT.NodeTypeName == "Cabinet" ||
                    LocationNT.NodeTypeName == "Shelf" ||
                    LocationNT.NodeTypeName == "Box" )
                    LocationAllowInvNTP.DefaultValue.AsLogical.Checked = Tristate.True;
                    LocationAllowInvNTP.DefaultValue.AsLogical.Checked = Tristate.False;

            // Values for existing nodes
            foreach(CswNbtObjClassLocation LocationNode in LocationOC.getNodes(false, true))
                if( LocationNode.NodeType.NodeTypeName == "Room" ||
                    LocationNode.NodeType.NodeTypeName == "Cabinet" ||
                    LocationNode.NodeType.NodeTypeName == "Shelf" ||
                    LocationNode.NodeType.NodeTypeName == "Box" )
                    LocationNode.AllowInventory.Checked = Tristate.True;
                    LocationNode.AllowInventory.Checked = Tristate.False;
            } // foreach(CswNbtObjClassLocation in LocationOC.getNodes(false, true))
    public static LocationNode GetClosestLocation(Vector3 pos)
        double       num    = 1337420.0;
        LocationNode result = null;

        foreach (LocationNode locationNode in (from n in LevelNodes.nodes
                                               where n.type == ENodeType.LOCATION
                                               select(LocationNode) n).ToArray <LocationNode>())
            double distance = VectorUtilities.GetDistance(pos, locationNode.point);
            bool   flag     = distance < num;
            if (flag)
                num    = distance;
                result = locationNode;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private static bool TryFindPlace( string name, out LocationNode outNode  )
            outNode = null;

            var locationNode = (
                from node in LevelNodes.Nodes
                where node.type == ENodeType.LOCATION
                let locNode = node as LocationNode
                where locNode.Name.ToLower().Contains( name.ToLower() )
                select locNode

            if ( locationNode == null )
                return false;

            outNode = locationNode;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public SWCStackData(LocationNode node, SWCType type, long ParentID, List<long> KnownLocations)
     this.node = node;
     this.Type = type;
     this.ParentID = ParentID;
     this.KnownLocations = KnownLocations;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        //public void ProximityConnect(Double distanceThreshold)
        //    List<String> workingList = new List<string>(m_nodes.Keys);

        //    while (workingList.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        String currentNodeName = workingList[0];

        //        workingList.Remove(currentNodeName);
        //        foreach (String workingNodeName in workingList)
        //        {
        //            if (BehaviorHelper.LocationIsEqual(m_nodes[currentNodeName].Location, m_nodes[workingNodeName].Location, distanceThreshold))
        //            {
        //                BiConnect(currentNodeName, workingNodeName);
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }

        //public void IntersectConnect()
        //    List<String> workingList = new List<string>(m_nodes.Keys);
        //    while (workingList.Count > 0)
        //    {
        //        String currentNodeName = workingList[0];
        //        LocationNode currentNode = m_nodes[currentNodeName];
        //        workingList.Remove(currentNodeName);
        //        List<LocationNode> connectedNodes = new List<LocationNode>(currentNode.ConnectedNodes);
        //        foreach (LocationNode connectedNode in connectedNodes)
        //        {
        //            foreach (String workingNodeName in workingList)
        //            {
        //                LocationNode workingNode = m_nodes[workingNodeName];
        //                List<LocationNode> connectedNodes2 = new List<LocationNode>(workingNode.ConnectedNodes);
        //                foreach (LocationNode workingConnectedNode in connectedNodes2)
        //                {
        //                    LocationValue intersectLoc = BehaviorHelper.LineIntersect(currentNode.Location, connectedNode.Location,
        //                                                                              workingNode.Location, workingConnectedNode.Location);
        //                    if (intersectLoc != null)
        //                    {
        //                        LocationNode newNode = new LocationNode(String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}",currentNode.Name,connectedNode.Name,
        //                                                                workingNode.Name, workingConnectedNode.Name), 
        //                                                                intersectLoc);
        //                        AddNode(newNode);
        //                        BiConnect(currentNode, newNode);
        //                        BiConnect(connectedNode, newNode);
        //                        BiConnect(workingNode, newNode);
        //                        BiConnect(workingConnectedNode, newNode);
        //                    }
        //                }

        //            }
        //        }

        //    }

        void InsertByProximity(LocationNode newNode)
            //find closest node
            List<String> workingList = new List<string>(m_nodes.Keys);
            String closest = workingList[0];
            double distance = BehaviorHelper.Distance(newNode.Location, m_nodes[closest].Location);

            foreach (String n in workingList)
                double thisDistance = BehaviorHelper.Distance(newNode.Location, m_nodes[n].Location);
                if (thisDistance < distance)
                    closest = n;
                    distance = thisDistance;
            LocationNode closestNode = m_nodes[closest];

            LocationNode otherNode = null;
            LocationValue pointOnLine = null;
            double distanceToPointOnLine = -1;
            foreach (LocationNode node in closestNode.ConnectedNodes)
                if (pointOnLine == null)
                    otherNode = node;
                    pointOnLine = BehaviorHelper.ClosestPointOnLine(newNode.Location, closestNode.Location, node.Location);
                    distanceToPointOnLine = BehaviorHelper.Distance(newNode.Location, pointOnLine);
                    LocationValue l = BehaviorHelper.ClosestPointOnLine(newNode.Location, closestNode.Location, node.Location);
                    double d = BehaviorHelper.Distance(newNode.Location, l);
                    if (d < distanceToPointOnLine)
                        otherNode = node;
                        pointOnLine = l;
                        distanceToPointOnLine = d;

            if (distanceToPointOnLine > 5 || true)

                LocationNode insertNode = new LocationNode(String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", newNode.Name, closestNode.Name, otherNode.Name),
                BiConnect(insertNode.Name, closestNode.Name);
                BiConnect(insertNode.Name, otherNode.Name);
                BiConnect(newNode.Name, insertNode.Name);
                BiConnect(newNode.Name, closestNode.Name);
                BiConnect(newNode.Name, otherNode.Name);

Ejemplo n.º 36
        static public LocationGraph GenerateRouteGraph(String startName,LocationValue startLocation, String endName, LocationValue endLocation, List<WaypointRoute> routes)
            LocationGraph result = new LocationGraph();

            double distanceThreshold = 1.0;

            //List<String> routeNames = new List<string>(this.Keys);
            String name;
            for (int i = 0; i < routes.Count; i++)
                name = routes[i].Name;
                WaypointRoute route = routes[i];
                LocationGraph.LocationNode lastNode = null;
                foreach (Waypoint wp in route)
                    LocationGraph.LocationNode node = new LocationGraph.LocationNode(wp.Name, wp.Location);
                    if (lastNode != null)
                        result.BiConnect(lastNode, node);
                    lastNode = node;

                if (i > 0)
                    WaypointRoute lastRoute = routes[i - 1];
                    Boolean done = false;
                    for (int j = 1; j < lastRoute.Count; j++)
                        if (done) break;
                        for (int k = 1; k < route.Count; k++)
                            if (done) break;
                            Waypoint lastRouteP1 = lastRoute[j - 1];
                            Waypoint lastRouteP2 = lastRoute[j];
                            Waypoint nextRouteP1 = route[k - 1];
                            Waypoint nextRouteP2 = route[k];
                            LocationValue intersect = BehaviorHelper.LineIntersect(lastRouteP1.Location, lastRouteP2.Location,
                                                                                   nextRouteP1.Location, nextRouteP2.Location);
                            /*if (intersect != null)
                                string newName = String.Format("Intersection_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", lastRouteP1.Name, lastRouteP2.Name, nextRouteP1.Name, nextRouteP2.Name);
                                LocationGraph.LocationNode intersectNode = new LocationGraph.LocationNode(newName, intersect);
                                result.BiConnect(intersectNode.Name, lastRouteP1.Name);
                                result.BiConnect(intersectNode.Name, lastRouteP2.Name);
                                result.BiConnect(intersectNode.Name, nextRouteP1.Name);
                                result.BiConnect(intersectNode.Name, nextRouteP2.Name);
                            if (BehaviorHelper.Distance(lastRouteP1.Location, nextRouteP1.Location) < distanceThreshold)
                                result.BiConnect(lastRouteP1.Name, nextRouteP1.Name);
                                done = true;
                            else if (BehaviorHelper.Distance(lastRouteP1.Location, nextRouteP2.Location) < distanceThreshold)
                                result.BiConnect(lastRouteP1.Name, nextRouteP2.Name);
                                done = true;
                            else if (BehaviorHelper.Distance(lastRouteP2.Location, nextRouteP1.Location) < distanceThreshold)
                                result.BiConnect(lastRouteP2.Name, nextRouteP1.Name);
                                done = true;
                            else if (BehaviorHelper.Distance(lastRouteP2.Location, nextRouteP2.Location) < distanceThreshold)
                                result.BiConnect(lastRouteP2.Name, nextRouteP2.Name);
                                done = true;


            LocationNode startNode = new LocationNode(startName, startLocation);
            LocationNode endNode = new LocationNode(endName, endLocation);


            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 37
 public void AddNode(LocationNode n)
     m_nodes[n.Name] = n;
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public void BiConnect(LocationNode fromNode, LocationNode toNode)
Ejemplo n.º 39
    IEnumerator HandleEvent(GameObject goTarget)
        //Debug.Log("Starting event!");
        goTarget.SetActive(true);               //We enable the frogs.

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);  //We wait for a moment.

        int layerMask = 1 << 11;
        // This would cast rays only against colliders in layer 11, the Memory Layer.
        // But instead we want to collide against everything except layer 11. The ~ operator does this, it inverts a bitmask.
        layerMask = ~layerMask;

        //Creating the event within the shared event graph.
        //1. We create the core event node.
        //2. We add all the large enemy frogs to the graph, and link them to the event.
        //3. We add the location of the event to the graph, and link it to the event.
        //4. We create the sub-event, and add it to the graph.
        //5. We link the sub-event to the location.
        //6. We add all the small enemy frogs to the graph, and link them to the sub event.
        //7. We then generate the personalised memories for all agents in the area.

        EventNode coreSharedEvent = new EventNode("FrogAttack", new int[] { 3 }, new string[] { "EVN_FrogAttack" });
        MemoryGraphNode coreSharedEventNode = EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(coreSharedEvent);

        //We populate the shared event graph with info about the event.
        for (int i = 0; i < tLargeFrogs.Length; i++)
            CharacterNode frogNode = new CharacterNode(tLargeFrogs[i].Tag);
            MemoryGraphNode frogEventNode = EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(frogNode);

            EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreSharedEventNode, frogEventNode, 11.0f);

        LocationNode lNode = new LocationNode(Locations.SouthernPinnusula);
        MemoryGraphNode locationGraphNode = EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(lNode);
        EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreSharedEventNode, locationGraphNode, 11.0f);

        EventNode coreSharedSubEvent = new EventNode("SmallFrogEvent", new int[] { 17 }, new string[] { "Monsters" });
        MemoryGraphNode coreSharedSubEventNode = EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(coreSharedSubEvent);
        EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreSharedEventNode, coreSharedSubEventNode, 11.0f);
        EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreSharedSubEventNode, locationGraphNode, 11.0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < tSmallFrogs.Length; i++)
            CharacterNode frogNode = new CharacterNode(tSmallFrogs[i].Tag);
            MemoryGraphNode frogEventNode = EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(frogNode);

            EventManager.Instance.SharedEventGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreSharedSubEventNode, frogEventNode, 11.0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < AgentManager.Instance.GetAgentCount(); i++)
            CharacterDetails charDetails = AgentManager.Instance.GetAgent(i);
            MemoryGraph charGraph = charDetails.IsPlayer ? charDetails.PlayerAgent.MindsEye.MemoryGraph : charDetails.CognitiveAgent.MindsEye.MemoryGraph;

            EventNode coreEvent = new EventNode("FrogAttack", null, new string[] { "EVN_FrogAttack" });
            MemoryGraphNode coreEventNode = charGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(coreEvent);

            string eventLocation = Locations.SouthernPinnusula.ToString();

            bool sawEvent = false;
            int frogCount = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < tLargeFrogs.Length; x++)
                RaycastHit hit;
                Vector3 direction = tLargeFrogs[x].cTransform.position - charDetails.HeadTarget.position;
                if (Physics.Raycast(charDetails.HeadTarget.position, direction, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                    //Debug.Log(charDetails.CharCue.UniqueNodeID + " - " + hit.transform.name);
                    EventTag eTag = hit.transform.GetComponent<EventTag>();
                    if (eTag != null && eTag.Tag == tLargeFrogs[x].Tag)

            MemoryGraphNode largeFrogNode = null;
            if (frogCount > 0)
                sawEvent = true;
                //Create Large Frogs sub-event!
                EventNode largeFrogEvent = new EventNode("LargeFrogEvent", new int[] { frogCount }, new string[] { "Monsters" });
                largeFrogNode = charGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(largeFrogEvent);
                charGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreEventNode, largeFrogNode, 11.0f, 1.0f);        //Creates a strong connection between the core event and the optional sub-event.  


            //Debug.Log(charDetails.name + " - I saw " + frogCount + " huge frogs!");

            frogCount = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < tSmallFrogs.Length; x++)
                RaycastHit hit;
                Vector3 direction = tSmallFrogs[x].cTransform.position - charDetails.HeadTarget.position;
                if (Physics.Raycast(charDetails.HeadTarget.position, direction, out hit, direction.magnitude, layerMask))
                    //Debug.Log(charDetails.CharCue.UniqueNodeID + " - " + hit.transform.name);
                    EventTag eTag = hit.transform.GetComponent<EventTag>();

                    //if(eTag != null)
                    //Debug.Log(charDetails.CharCue.UniqueNodeID + " : " + eTag.Tag);

                    if (eTag != null && eTag.Tag == tSmallFrogs[x].Tag)

            MemoryGraphNode smallFrogNode = null;
            if (frogCount > 0)
                sawEvent = true;
                //Create small frogs sub-event!
                EventNode smallFrogEvent = new EventNode("SmallFrogEvent", new int[] { frogCount }, new string[] { "Monsters" });
                smallFrogNode = charGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(smallFrogEvent);
                charGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreEventNode, smallFrogNode, 11.0f, 1.0f);        //Creates a strong connection between the core event and the optional sub-event.


            if (sawEvent)
                MemoryGraphNode retainedMemory;
                if (charGraph.Contains(eventLocation) == false)
                    retainedMemory = charGraph.AddNamedNodeToGraph(new LocationNode(Locations.SouthernPinnusula));  //This is a new memory! Add it to our memory graph.
                    retainedMemory = charGraph.GetNamedNodeFromGraph(eventLocation);

                charGraph.UpdateCueOpinion(retainedMemory.MemoryNode, -5.0f);               //The agent will have a strong negative opinion about the area where they attack.
                charGraph.AddUndirectedEdge(coreEventNode, retainedMemory, 11.0f, 1.0f);     //They will also make a strong connection between the area and the frogs.

                if (largeFrogNode != null)
                    charGraph.AddDirectedEdge(largeFrogNode, retainedMemory, 11.0f, 1.0f);          //Creates a strong (but one-way, since we already connect the core event) connection to the location.

                if (smallFrogNode != null)
                    charGraph.AddDirectedEdge(smallFrogNode, retainedMemory, 11.0f, 1.0f);          //Creates a strong (but one-way, since we already connect the core event) connection to the location.

        //We broadcast the Frog Sight Event and create the Shared Events and personalised Sub Events.
        //We also broadcast the start of the event (so people flee).

        yield return new WaitForSeconds(5.0f);

        //We broadcast the end of the event, and hide the frogs again.
        //Debug.Log("Ending event!");

Ejemplo n.º 40
 public SWCStackData(LocationNode node, SWCType type, long ParentID)
     this.node = node;
     this.Type = type;
     this.ParentID = ParentID;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        private int WriteLocationEntry(StringBuilder sb, LocationNode node, SWCType Type, long parent)
            const string FormatString = "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}";

            string outString = string.Format(FormatString, new object[] {NextLineNumber,
                                                      node.Location.VolumePosition.X * 2.18,
                                                      node.Location.VolumePosition.Y * 2.18,
                                                      node.Location.VolumePosition.Z * 90,


            return NextLineNumber - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 42
        private void TraceLocation(StructureGraph graph, LocationNode loc, SWCType Type, long ParentID)

            int SWCID;

            if (loc.Edges.Count == 1)
                SWCID = WriteLocationEntry(sb, loc, SWCType.END_POINT, ParentID);
            else if (loc.Edges.Count == 2)
                SWCID = WriteLocationEntry(sb, loc, Type, ParentID);
                AddLinks(graph, loc, Type, SWCID);
                SWCID = WriteLocationEntry(sb, loc, SWCType.FORK_POINT, ParentID);

                List<long> NewAddedLocations = AddKnownBranchesToList(loc);
                AddLinks(graph, loc, SWCType.AXON, SWCID);
Ejemplo n.º 43
        private void AddLinks(StructureGraph graph, LocationNode loc, SWCType Type, long SWCID)
            foreach(long locID in loc.Location.Links)
                if (MasterKnownLocationList.Contains(locID))

                LocationNode node = graph.Nodes[locID];

                queue.Enqueue(new SWCStackData(node, Type, SWCID));