Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void OnJoinLobby(JoinLobby joinLobby)
            _log.Output($"Player [{joinLobby.ClientId}] joining lobby [{joinLobby.LobbyId}]");
            LobbyState state = GetLobbyById(joinLobby.LobbyId);

            if (state == null)
                // try geting lobby by name, will return the first match
                state = GetLobbyByName(joinLobby.LobbyId);
                if (state == null)
                    // TODO - need to send feed back to player that cannot connect

            // Add player if not already added
            if (!state.ContainsPlayerId(joinLobby.ClientId))
                state.AddPlayer(joinLobby.ClientId, joinLobby.PlayerDisplayName);

            // send all players connected to this lobby a lobby update
            Broadcast(state, new UpdateLobbyState(state));
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public override void Connected(BoltConnection connection)
        Bolt.IProtocolToken token = connection.ConnectToken;

        //if this is a development build or in the editor, user authorization is not required
        //this should allow for much faster debugging and testing
        if ((Debug.isDebugBuild || Application.isEditor) && token == null)
            var newToken = new ConnectionRequestData();
            newToken.Password = ServerSideData.Password;
            string baseusername = "******";
            int    suffix       = 0;
            while (PlayerRegistry.UserConnected(baseusername + suffix))
            string name = baseusername + suffix;
            newToken.PlayerName = name;
            token = newToken;
            DebugNameEvent evnt = DebugNameEvent.Create(connection, Bolt.ReliabilityModes.ReliableOrdered);
            evnt.NewName = name;

        if (token != null && token is ConnectionRequestData)
            ConnectionRequestData data = (ConnectionRequestData)token;
            Debug.Log("connection request with token of type " + token.GetType().Name);
            if (data.Password != ServerSideData.Password)
                connection.Disconnect(new DisconnectReason("Server Refused Connection", "Incorrect Password"));
            else if (PlayerRegistry.UserConnected(data.PlayerName))
                connection.Disconnect(new DisconnectReason("Server Refused Connection", "A player with that name is already connected"));
            else if (GameManager.instance.CurrentGameState == GameManager.GameState.IN_GAME)
                if (!IndexMap.ContainsPlayer(data.PlayerName))
                    connection.Disconnect(new DisconnectReason("Server Refused Connection", "Game already in progress"));
                PlayerRegistry.CreatePlayer(connection, data.PlayerName);
                lobby.SetPlayerStatIndex(data.PlayerName, IndexMap.AddPlayer(data.PlayerName));
                //player connected successfully!
            connection.Disconnect(new DisconnectReason("Server Refused Connection", "Invalid Connection Token"));