Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void LoadScene(LoadSceneEvent e, Node newSceneNode, [JoinAll] Optional <SingleNode <CurrentSceneComponent> > currentScene)
     if (currentScene.IsPresent())
         currentScene.Get().Entity.RemoveComponent <CurrentSceneComponent>();
     UnityUtil.LoadScene(e.SceneAsset, e.SceneName, false);
     newSceneNode.Entity.AddComponent <CurrentSceneComponent>();
    private void AddLoadSceneEventToDict()
        if (LoadSceneEventDictionary.Count != 0)

        if (scenarioContainer.EventSet.LoadSceneEventList == null)
            Debug.Log("XML파일 EventSet의 LoadSceneEventList가 없다.");

        for (int k = 0; k < scenarioContainer.EventSet.LoadSceneEventList.Length; k++)
            int            key = scenarioContainer.EventSet.LoadSceneEventList[k].ID;
            LoadSceneEvent LoadSceneEventInfo = scenarioContainer.EventSet.LoadSceneEventList[k];

            if (!LoadSceneEventDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                LoadSceneEventDictionary.Add(key, LoadSceneEventInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
         * @param ev	Vixen event to handle.
         * @param world	current world
         * Handles vixen events - content loading and animation.
         * This function also calls event handlers for AvatarEvents.
        public virtual void OnVixen(Event ev, SharedWorld world)
            int code = ev.Code;

            if (code == Event.STOP)
            if (code == Event.LOAD_SCENE)
                LoadSceneEvent le    = ev as LoadSceneEvent;
                String         fname = le.FileName;
                SharedObj      obj   = le.Object;

                if (obj != null)
                    Scene  scene = obj as Scene;
                    string name  = obj.Name;
                    int    p     = name.IndexOf('.');

                    if (p > 0)
                        name = name.Substring(0, p);
                    if (scene != null)
                        if (scene.Models != null)
                            OnSceneLoad(world, scene, fname);
                        else if (scene.Engines != null)
                            RaiseAnimLoadEvent(name, fname);
                    if (((obj as Skeleton) != null) || ((obj as MeshAnimator) != null))
                        RaiseAnimLoadEvent(name, fname);
            if (code == Event.LOAD_TEXT)
                LoadTextEvent le = ev as LoadTextEvent;

                OnLoadText(le.FileName, le.Text);
            if (code == Event.SCENE_CHANGE)
                SceneEvent se = ev as SceneEvent;
                OnSceneChange(world, se.Target as Scene);
            if (code == Event.ERROR)
                ErrorEvent err = ev as ErrorEvent;
                RaiseErrorEvent(err.ErrString, err.ErrLevel);
Ejemplo n.º 4
         * Loads a Maya geometry cache for cloth presimulation.
         * @param	g			Garment which is being simulated by the cache
         * @param	url			URL or path to the cache description file (XML)
         * @param	text		if not null, this parameter is used as the XML cache description
         * @param	scriptor	Scriptor object to add this animation to
         * @returns true if cache successfully loaded and connected, else false
        public static bool LoadMayaCache(Garment g, String url, String text, Scriptor scriptor)
            dynamic d = g;

            if (g == null)
            if ((g.ClothSim == null) || !g.ClothSim.IsClass((uint)SerialID.VX_MeshAnimator))

            LoadSceneEvent loadevent;
            string         name     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(url);
            MeshAnimator   clothsim = g.ClothSim.Clone() as MeshAnimator;
            Animator       anim;

            MayaIO.MayaCacheFile import = new MayaIO.MayaCacheFile(clothsim);
            String engname = d.name + ".meshanim";
            String animname;

             * Make a MeshAnimator to control the cloth vertices in the cloth mesh.
             * The mesh sequence will be loaded into this engine.
            clothsim.Name = name;
            if (clothsim.Target == null)
                clothsim.Target = g.ClothMesh;

             * Make an Animator to control the mesh animation we are loading.
             * It is attached to the Scriptor that should control it.
            name    += "." + engname;
            animname = name + ".anim";
            anim     = scriptor.MakeAnim(name, g.ClothMesh, false);
            SharedWorld.Get().Observe(Event.LOAD_SCENE, anim);

             * Make a load event to signal the mesh animation has been loaded.
             * The event will come from the Animator and will contain the
             * MeshAnimator with the mesh sequences loaded.
            loadevent        = new LoadSceneEvent(Event.LOAD_SCENE);
            loadevent.Sender = anim;
            if (loadevent.Sender == null)
                loadevent.Sender = clothsim;
            loadevent.Object   = clothsim;
            loadevent.FileName = url;

             * Start the import of the Maya me4sh sequence.
             * This occurs asynchronously in a separate thread.
            if (text != null)
                import.FileName = url;
                import.LoadString(text, loadevent);
                import.LoadFile(url, loadevent);
Ejemplo n.º 5
         * @param ev	Vixen event to handle.
         * @param world	current world
         * Handles vixen events - content loading and animation.
         * This function also calls event handlers for AvatarEvents.
        protected override void OnVixen(VixenEventArgs vargs)
            Event ev   = vargs.VixEvent;
            int   code = ev.Code;

            if (code == Event.STOP)
                if (StopEvent != null)
            else if (code == Event.LOAD_SCENE)
                    LoadSceneEvent le    = ev as LoadSceneEvent;
                    String         fname = le.FileName;
                    SharedObj      obj   = le.Object;

                    if (obj != null)
                        string name = obj.Name;
                        int    p    = name.IndexOf('.');

                        if (p > 0)
                            name = name.Substring(0, p);
                        if (obj.IsClass((uint)SerialID.VX_Scene))
                            Scene scene = obj as Scene;
                            OnSceneLoad(scene, fname);
                            if (LoadSceneEvent != null)
                                LoadSceneEvent(name, fname);
                        else if (obj.IsClass((uint)SerialID.VX_Skeleton))
                            if (LoadAnimEvent != null)
                                LoadAnimEvent(name, fname);
                catch (Exception) { }
            else if (code == Event.SCENE_CHANGE)
                    SceneEvent se = ev as SceneEvent;
                    if (SetSceneEvent != null)
                        string name = se.Target.Name;
                        int    p    = name.IndexOf('.');

                        if (p > 0)
                            name = name.Substring(0, p);
                catch (Exception) { }
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void LogLoadScene(LoadSceneEvent e, Node node)
     this.WriteToLog(e.SceneName + " scene  start async loading");