public LiturgyLayoutRenderInfo GetRenderInfo()
            var res = new LiturgyLayoutRenderInfo
                BoldFont    = new Font(Font, FontStyle.Bold),
                RegularFont = Font,
                SpeakerBox  = Speaker,
                TextBox     = Text

        public RenderedSlide RenderSlide(LiturgyLayoutRenderInfo renderInfo, Slide slide, List <Compiler.XenonCompilerMessage> messages)
            RenderedSlide res = new RenderedSlide();

            res.MediaType  = MediaType.Image;
            res.AssetPath  = "";
            res.RenderedAs = "Liturgy";
            // draw it

            // for now just draw the layout
            Bitmap bmp  = new Bitmap(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Width, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Height);
            Bitmap kbmp = new Bitmap(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Width, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Height);

            Graphics gfx  = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            Graphics kgfx = Graphics.FromImage(kbmp);

            // most of slide should be transparent

            SolidBrush textcol    = new SolidBrush(slide.Colors["text"]);
            SolidBrush speakercol = new SolidBrush(slide.Colors["alttext"]);

            SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush(slide.Colors["keybackground"]);
            SolidBrush kb = new SolidBrush(slide.Colors["keytrans"]);

            gfx.FillRectangle(sb, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key);
            // make black somewhat transparent
            kgfx.FillRectangle(kb, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key);

            StringFormat topleftalign = new StringFormat()
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near, Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
            StringFormat centeralign = new StringFormat()
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center

            RectangleF text = Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Text.Move(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key.Location);

            RectangleF speaker = Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Speaker.Move(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key.Location);

            //gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, text);
            //gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Purple, speaker);

            // compute line spacing
            int textlinecombinedheight = 0;

            foreach (var line in slide.Lines)
                textlinecombinedheight += (int)(float)line.Content[1].Attributes["height"];
            int interspace = (renderInfo.TextBox.Height - textlinecombinedheight) / (slide.Lines.Count + 1);

            int    linenum     = 0;
            int    linepos     = interspace;
            string lastspeaker = "";

            foreach (var line in slide.Lines)
                bool drawspeaker = false;
                if (line.Content[0].Data != lastspeaker && line.Content[0].Data != "$")
                    drawspeaker = true;
                lastspeaker = line.Content[0].Data;

                LiturgyTextLine linewords = (LiturgyTextLine)line.Content[1].Attributes["textline"];

                // draw line
                float xoffset = 0;
                // center the text
                //xoffset = (Layouts.TitleLiturgyVerseLayout.Textbox.Width / 2) - (linewords.Width / 2);

                RectangleF speakerblock = new RectangleF(speaker.Move(0, linepos + interspace * linenum).Location, new Size(60, 60));

                // draw speaker
                if (drawspeaker)
                    float jog = 0.07f * (gfx.DpiY * gfx.MeasureStringCharacters(linewords.Speaker, flsbregular, speakerblock).Height / 72);
                    gfx.DrawString(linewords.Speaker, flsbregular, speakercol, speakerblock.Move(0, -jog), centeralign);
                    // make speaker fully opaque
                    kgfx.DrawString(linewords.Speaker, flsbregular, Brushes.White, speakerblock.Move(0, -jog), centeralign);

                foreach (var word in linewords.Words)
                    Font  f   = word.IsLSBSymbol ? (word.IsBold ? flsbbold : flsbregular) : (word.IsBold ? fbold : fregular);
                    float jog = word.IsLSBSymbol ? 0.07f * (gfx.DpiY * gfx.MeasureStringCharacters(linewords.Speaker, f, speakerblock).Height / 72) : 0;
                    gfx.DrawString(word.Value, f, textcol, text.Move(xoffset, linepos + interspace * linenum).Move(0, -jog).Location, GraphicsHelper.DefaultStringFormat());
                    // make text fully opaque
                    kgfx.DrawString(word.Value, f, Brushes.White, text.Move(xoffset, linepos + interspace * linenum).Move(0, -jog).Location, GraphicsHelper.DefaultStringFormat());
                    xoffset += word.Size.Width;

                linepos += (int)linewords.Height;

            res.Bitmap    = bmp;
            res.KeyBitmap = kbmp;

        public RenderedSlide RenderSlide(LiturgyLayoutRenderInfo renderInfo, Slide slide, List <Compiler.XenonCompilerMessage> messages)
            RenderedSlide res = new RenderedSlide();

            res.MediaType  = MediaType.Image;
            res.AssetPath  = "";
            res.RenderedAs = "Liturgy";
            // draw it

            // for now just draw the layout
            Bitmap bmp  = new Bitmap(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Width, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Height);
            Bitmap kbmp = new Bitmap(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Width, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Size.Height);

            Graphics gfx  = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
            Graphics kgfx = Graphics.FromImage(kbmp);

            Font LSBSymbolFont = new System.Drawing.Font("LSBSymbol", 36, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular);


            gfx.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key);
            kgfx.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key);

            StringFormat topleftalign = new StringFormat()
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near, Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
            StringFormat centeralign = new StringFormat()
                LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center, Alignment = StringAlignment.Center

            System.Drawing.Rectangle text = Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Text.Move(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key.Location);

            System.Drawing.Rectangle speaker = Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Speaker.Move(Layouts.LiturgyLayout.Key.Location);

            //gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, text);
            //gfx.DrawRectangle(Pens.Purple, speaker);

            // compute line spacing
            int textlinecombinedheight = 0;

            foreach (var line in slide.Lines)
                textlinecombinedheight += (int)(float)line.Content[0].Attributes["height"];
            int interspace = (renderInfo.TextBox.Height - textlinecombinedheight) / (slide.Lines.Count + 1);

            int linenum = 0;
            int linepos = interspace;

            foreach (var line in slide.Lines)
                gfx.DrawString(line.Content[0].Data, renderInfo.RegularFont, Brushes.Black, text.Move(0, linepos + interspace * linenum).Location, topleftalign);

                linepos += (int)(float)line.Content[0].Attributes["height"];

            res.Bitmap = bmp;
