Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void Insert(List <MailContentEntity> entities)
     foreach (var mail in entities)
         if (!_mailContentEntity.Exists(x => x.Uid == mail.Uid))
             // create index
             _mailContentEntity.EnsureIndex(x => x.Uid);;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async void AddNova_Categoria(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtNome.Text) == true)
                await DisplayAlert("Atenção!", "Valor inválido", "Cancelar");


            if (Categorias.Exists(X => X.Nome == txtNome.Text))
                await DisplayAlert("Atenção!", "Já existe uma categoria com este nome registrado: " + txtNome.Text, "Cancelar");


            int       idCategoria = Categorias.Count() == 0 ? 1 : (int)(Categorias.Max(x => x.CategoriaId) + 1);
            Categoria categoria   = new Categoria
                CategoriaId = idCategoria,
                Nome        = txtNome.Text,

            await Navigation.PopAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async void AddNova_Noticia(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtTitulo.Text) == true)
                await DisplayAlert("Atenção!", "Valor inválido", "Cancelar");


            if (Noticias.Exists(X => X.Titulo == txtTitulo.Text))
                await DisplayAlert("Atenção!", "Já existe uma notícia com este título registrado: " + txtTitulo.Text, "Cancelar");


            int     idNoticia = Noticias.Count() == 0 ? 1 : (int)(Noticias.Max(x => x.NoticiaId) + 1);
            Noticia noticia   = new Noticia
                NoticiaId = idNoticia,
                categoria = categoriaSelect,
                Titulo    = txtTitulo.Text,
                Descricao = edtDescricao.Text,
                DtNoticia = lblDtNoticia.Text,

            await Navigation.PopAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void ForkBlockIndexes(
            Guid sourceChainId,
            Guid destinationChainId,
            BlockHash branchpoint)
            LiteCollection <HashDoc> srcColl = IndexCollection(sourceChainId);

            if (!srcColl.Exists(_ => true))
                throw new ChainIdNotFoundException(
                          $"No such chain ID: {sourceChainId}."

            LiteCollection <HashDoc> destColl = IndexCollection(destinationChainId);

            BlockHash?genesisHash = IterateIndexes(sourceChainId, 0, 1)
                                    .Cast <BlockHash?>()

            if (genesisHash is null || branchpoint.Equals(genesisHash))

            destColl.InsertBulk(srcColl.FindAll().TakeWhile(i => !i.Hash.Equals(branchpoint)));

            AppendIndex(destinationChainId, branchpoint);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void SyncDatabase(DiscordSocketClient client)
            _client              = client;
            _client.JoinedGuild += (guild) => AddGuildToDb(guild.Id);
            _client.LeftGuild   += (guild) => RemoveGuildFromDb(guild.Id);

            Console.WriteLine("Syncing Database...");

            // check that database contains all existing guilds
            foreach (var guild in _client.Guilds)
                if (!GuildDatabase.Exists(x => x.Id == guild.Id))
                    Console.WriteLine("found missing guild");

            // check if the database contains guilds that no longer exist
            foreach (var guild in GuildDatabase.FindAll())
                if (!_client.Guilds.Any(g => g.Id == guild.Id))
                    Console.WriteLine("found non-existent guild");
        } // end SyncDatabase
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void UpdateTrack(Mediafile file)
     if (file != null && tracks.Exists(t => t.Path == file.Path))
        /// <summary>
        /// A private method to process transactions from API and store as ledgers in local data store.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="txs">Transactions from API</param>
        /// <returns>None.</returns>
        private async Task ProcessingLedger(ApiTransactionCollections txs)
            if (txs.txs.Count() > 0)
                foreach (var tx in txs.txs)
                    tx.blockheight = await api.GetBlockHeight(tx.blockhash);

                    var record = tx.ToLedger(contract, contractService);
                    if (record != null && !ledger.Exists(Query.EQ("TxId", record.TxId)))
                        record.Status = ProcessStatus.NotProcessed;
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.TxId);
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.Blockheight);
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.Operation);
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.TokenSenderHash);
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.TokenReceiverHash);
                ledger.EnsureIndex(l => l.Time);
                contract.LastSyncedBlock = txs.txs.Max(t => t.blockheight);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void ForkStateReferences <T>(
            Guid sourceChainId,
            Guid destinationChainId,
            Block <T> branchPoint)
            string srcCollId = StateRefId(sourceChainId);
            string dstCollId = StateRefId(destinationChainId);
            LiteCollection <StateRefDoc> srcColl = _db.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(srcCollId),
                                         dstColl = _db.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(dstCollId);

            Query srcQuery = Query.And(
                Query.GT("BlockIndex", 0),
                Query.LTE("BlockIndex", branchPoint.Index)
            IEnumerable <StateRefDoc> srcStateRefs = srcColl.Find(srcQuery);


            if (!dstColl.Exists(_ => true) && CountIndex(sourceChainId) < 1)
                throw new ChainIdNotFoundException(
                          "The source chain to be forked does not exist."


Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void ForkStateReferences <T>(
            Guid sourceChainId,
            Guid destinationChainId,
            Block <T> branchPoint)
            string srcCollId = StateRefId(sourceChainId);
            string dstCollId = StateRefId(destinationChainId);
            LiteCollection <StateRefDoc> srcColl = _liteDb.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(srcCollId),
                                         dstColl = _liteDb.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(dstCollId);

            dstColl.InsertBulk(srcColl.Find(Query.LTE("BlockIndex", branchPoint.Index)));

            if (!dstColl.Exists(_ => true) && CountIndex(sourceChainId) < 1)
                throw new ChainIdNotFoundException(
                          "The source chain to be forked does not exist."


Ejemplo n.º 10
 public bool ConfigurationAlertExists(AlertType type)
     using (LiteDatabase db = new LiteDatabase(connectionString))
         LiteCollection <ConfigurationAlert> col = db.GetCollection <ConfigurationAlert>(configurationAlertsCollectionName);
         return(col.Exists(Query.EQ("AlertType", type.ToString())));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Insert(List <MailHeaderEntity> entities)
            foreach (var mail in entities)
                if (!_mailFromEntity.Exists(x => x.Address == mail.MailFromEntity.Address))

                if (!_mailHeaderEntity.Exists(x => x.Uid == mail.Uid))
                    // create index
                    _mailHeaderEntity.EnsureIndex(x => x.Uid);;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void InitDbEntry(string key, BsonValue value)
     if (!optionsCollection.Exists(x => x.ContainsKey(key)))
         optionsCollection.Insert(new BsonDocument {
             [key] = value
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal void set(string key, string value)
            bool exist = _items.Exists(i => i.Key == key);

            if (exist)
                var item = _items.FindOne(i => i.Key == key);
                item.Value = value;
                _items.Insert(new DBItem()
                    Key = key, Value = value
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Метод проверяет существует ли такой контрагент в базе
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_inn"></param>
        /// <param name="_kpp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CheckExist(string _inn, string _kpp)
            LiteCollection <Contractor> collection = database.GetCollection <Contractor>("contractors");

            collection.EnsureIndex(a => a.INN);
            collection.EnsureIndex(a => a.KPP);
            bool result = collection.Exists(a => a.INN == _inn && a.KPP == _kpp);

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public void AddPokemonTimestamp(Int64 ts)
     if (!pokemonTimestampCollection.Exists(s => s.Timestamp == ts))
         var stat = new PokemonTimestamp {
             Timestamp = ts
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public bool AddUser(User user)
     //if the guid exists or email address is allready in the system then dont add
     if (mUsers.Exists((n) => n.Guid == user.Guid || n.EmailAddress == user.EmailAddress))
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public bool Register(string usr, string pwd, string pwd2)
            if (pwd != pwd2)
            if (_users.Exists(u => u.Username == usr))
            var user = new User
                Username = usr,
                Password = BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(pwd)

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public bool UserPrincipalNameExists(string upn)
            LiteCollection <AuthenticablePrincipal> col = db.GetCollection <AuthenticablePrincipal>(authenticablePrincipalCollectionName);

            Query query = Query.Or(
                Query.In("AlternativeNames", upn),
                Query.EQ("Name", upn)

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public int CreateUser(User user)
            if (usersRepository.Exists(u => u.UserName == user.UserName))
                var exception = new InvalidOperationException("User already exists.");
                exception.Data["UserName"] = user.UserName;
                throw exception;

            var newUserBson = usersRepository.Insert(user);

Ejemplo n.º 20
 private static void CreateAdminUser(LiteCollection <User> collection, User user, bool update)
     if (!collection.Exists(u => u.Username == user.Username))
         if (update)
             var oldUser = collection.FindOne(u => u.Username == user.Username);
             user.Id = oldUser.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void ForkTxNonces(Guid sourceChainId, Guid destinationChainId)
            LiteCollection <BsonDocument> srcColl = TxNonceCollection(sourceChainId);

            if (!srcColl.Exists(_ => true))
                throw new ChainIdNotFoundException(
                          $"No such chain ID: {sourceChainId}."

            LiteCollection <BsonDocument> destColl = TxNonceCollection(destinationChainId);

 public void Update(Mediafile file, bool updateWithMatch = false)
     if (file != null && tracks.Exists(t => t.Path == file.Path))
         if (updateWithMatch == false)
             Mediafile mp3 = tracks.FindOne(t => t.Path == file.Path);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void StoreStateReference(
            Guid chainId,
            IImmutableSet <Address> addresses,
            HashDigest <SHA256> blockHash,
            long blockIndex)
            string collId = StateRefId(chainId);
            LiteCollection <StateRefDoc> coll         = _db.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(collId);
            IEnumerable <StateRefDoc>    stateRefDocs = addresses
                                                        .Select(addr => new StateRefDoc
                Address    = addr,
                BlockIndex = blockIndex,
                BlockHash  = blockHash,
                                                        .Where(doc => !coll.Exists(d => d.Id == doc.Id));


            if (!_lastStateRefCaches.ContainsKey(chainId))
                _lastStateRefCaches[chainId] =
                    new LruCache <Address, Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> >();

            LruCache <Address, Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> > stateRefCache =

            foreach (Address address in addresses)
                _logger.Debug($"Try to set cache {address}");
                if (!stateRefCache.TryGetValue(address, out Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> cache) ||
                    cache.Item2 < blockIndex)
                    stateRefCache[address] =
                        new Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long>(blockHash, blockIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void StoreStateReference(
            Guid chainId,
            IImmutableSet <string> keys,
            HashDigest <SHA256> blockHash,
            long blockIndex)
            string collId = StateRefId(chainId);
            LiteCollection <StateRefDoc> coll         = _liteDb.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(collId);
            IEnumerable <StateRefDoc>    stateRefDocs = keys
                                                        .Select(key => new StateRefDoc
                StateKey   = key,
                BlockIndex = blockIndex,
                BlockHash  = blockHash,
                                                        .Where(doc => !coll.Exists(d => d.Id == doc.Id));


            if (!_lastStateRefCaches.ContainsKey(chainId))
                _lastStateRefCaches[chainId] =
                    new LruCache <string, Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> >();

            LruCache <string, Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> > stateRefCache =

            foreach (string key in keys)
                _logger.Debug($"Try to set cache {key}");
                if (!stateRefCache.TryGetValue(key, out Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long> cache) ||
                    cache.Item2 < blockIndex)
                    stateRefCache[key] =
                        new Tuple <HashDigest <SHA256>, long>(blockHash, blockIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override void StoreStateReference(
            Guid chainId,
            IImmutableSet <Address> addresses,
            HashDigest <SHA256> hash,
            long index)
            string collId = StateRefId(chainId);
            LiteCollection <StateRefDoc> coll         = _db.GetCollection <StateRefDoc>(collId);
            IEnumerable <StateRefDoc>    stateRefDocs = addresses
                                                        .Select(addr => new StateRefDoc
                Address    = addr,
                BlockIndex = index,
                BlockHash  = hash,
                                                        .Where(doc => !coll.Exists(d => d.Id == doc.Id));

Ejemplo n.º 26
 public bool Exists(string field, string value)
     return(_db.Exists(Query.EQ(field, value)));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public Handlers(string serverBaseFolder)
            _serverBaseFolder = serverBaseFolder;
            _serializer       = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            _helpers          = new Helpers();
            _actions          = new Dictionary <string, Action>()
                { "getDbFiles", () => {
                      try {
                          ArrayList dbFilePaths = new ArrayList();
                          ArrayList dbFileNames = new ArrayList();

                          FolderBrowserDialog fbd     = new FolderBrowserDialog();
                          Invoker             invoker = new Invoker(fbd);
                          if (DialogResult.OK == invoker.Invoke())
                              string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath);
                              foreach (string filepath in files)
                                  FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filepath);
                                  if (fileInfo.Extension.Equals(".db"))

                          Dictionary <string, object> responseDict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                              { "dbfolder", fbd.SelectedPath },
                              { "dbfilepaths", dbFilePaths },
                              { "dbfilenames", dbFileNames }
                          string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(responseDict);;
                          _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "selectdb", () => {
                      try {
                          string       dbpath = (string)_requestDictionary["dbpath"];
                          LiteDatabase db     = new LiteDatabase(dbpath);
                          _yearCollection        = db.GetCollection <TransYear>("YearCollection");
                          _categoryCollection    = db.GetCollection <TransCategory>("CategoryCollection");
                          _transactionCollection = db.GetCollection <Transaction>("TransactionCollection");

                          //get categories and year for client selection from this database
                          Dictionary <string, object> responseDict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                              { "categorynames", GetCategoryNames() },
                              { "years", GetYears() }
                          string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(responseDict);

                          _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "filterTransactions", () => {
                      try {
                          if (_transactionCollection != null)
                              Dictionary <string, object> selectionDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)_requestDictionary["selection"];
                              string type     = (string)selectionDict["type"];
                              string category = (string)selectionDict["category"];
                              string year     = (string)selectionDict["year"];

                              ArrayList typeList = new ArrayList();
                              if (type == "all")

                              ArrayList categoryList = null;
                              if (category == "all")
                                  categoryList = GetCategoryNames();
                                  categoryList = new ArrayList();
                              ArrayList yearList = null;
                              if (year == "all")
                                  yearList = GetYears();
                                  yearList = new ArrayList();

                              IEnumerable <Transaction> transactions = _transactionCollection.Find(x => typeList.Contains(x.TransType) && categoryList.Contains(x.CategoryName) && yearList.Contains(x.Year));

                              ArrayList transactionList = new ArrayList();
                              foreach (Transaction trans in transactions)
                              string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(transactionList);
                              _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "addTransaction", () => {
                      try {
                          if (_transactionCollection != null)
                              Transaction newTransaction = new Transaction();
                              Dictionary <string, object> transactionDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)_requestDictionary["transaction"];
                              string   categoryName = (string)transactionDict["CategoryName"];
                              string[] dateParts    = ((string)transactionDict["TransDate"]).Split('-');
                              newTransaction.TransDate = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(dateParts[0]), Int32.Parse(dateParts[1]),

                              int year       = Int32.Parse(dateParts[0]);
                              int categoryId = GetCategoryId(categoryName);
                              int yearId     = GetYearId(year);

                              newTransaction.Year         = year;
                              newTransaction.YearId       = yearId;
                              newTransaction.CategoryName = categoryName;
                              newTransaction.CategoryId   = categoryId;
                              newTransaction.TransType    = (string)transactionDict["TransType"];

                              newTransaction.Amount      = decimal.Parse((string)transactionDict["Amount"]);
                              newTransaction.Description = (string)transactionDict["Description"];
                              newTransaction.Source      = (string)transactionDict["Source"];

                              newTransaction.Id = _transactionCollection.Insert(newTransaction);
                              //return a list of category names, years, and the new transaction
                              Dictionary <string, object> responseDict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                  { "categorynames", GetCategoryNames() },
                                  { "years", GetYears() },
                                  { "transaction", newTransaction.TransactionDict() }
                              string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(responseDict);
                              _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                              _helpers.SendHttpResponse(400, "Database has not been specified", new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "updateTransaction", () => {
                      try {
                          if (_transactionCollection != null)
                              Dictionary <string, object> transactionDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)_requestDictionary["transaction"];
                              //get the current transaction for backup
                              int         id = Convert.ToInt32(transactionDict["Id"]);
                              Transaction backupTransaction = _transactionCollection.FindById(id);
                              //build the new updated transaction
                              Transaction updateTransaction = new Transaction();
                              string      categoryName      = (string)transactionDict["CategoryName"];
                              string[]    dateParts         = ((string)transactionDict["TransDate"]).Split('-');

                              updateTransaction.TransDate = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(dateParts[0]), Int32.Parse(dateParts[1]),
                              int year       = Int32.Parse(dateParts[0]);
                              int categoryId = GetCategoryId(categoryName);
                              int yearId     = GetYearId(year);

                              updateTransaction.Id           = id;
                              updateTransaction.Year         = year;
                              updateTransaction.YearId       = yearId;
                              updateTransaction.CategoryName = categoryName;
                              updateTransaction.CategoryId   = categoryId;
                              updateTransaction.TransType    = (string)transactionDict["TransType"];
                              //string fullName = transactionDict["Amount"].GetType().FullName;
                              updateTransaction.Amount      = decimal.Parse((string)transactionDict["Amount"]);
                              updateTransaction.Description = (string)transactionDict["Description"];
                              updateTransaction.Source      = (string)transactionDict["Source"];

                              bool found = _transactionCollection.Update(updateTransaction);
                              if (found)
                                  //return a list of category names, years, and the backup transaction
                                  Dictionary <string, object> responseDict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                      { "categorynames", GetCategoryNames() },
                                      { "years", GetYears() },
                                      { "backup", backupTransaction.TransactionDict() }
                                  string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(responseDict);
                                  _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                                  _helpers.SendHttpResponse(400, "Transaction was not located for update", new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                              _helpers.SendHttpResponse(400, "Database has not been specified", new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "deleteTransaction", () => {
                      try {
                          if (_transactionCollection != null)
                              Dictionary <string, object> transactionDict = (Dictionary <string, object>)_requestDictionary["transaction"];
                              //get the current transaction for backup
                              int         id = Convert.ToInt32(transactionDict["Id"]);
                              Transaction backupTransaction = _transactionCollection.FindById(id);
                              //get the current transaction's category id and year id
                              int categoryId = backupTransaction.CategoryId;
                              int yearId     = backupTransaction.YearId;

                              //delete the transaction
                              bool found = _transactionCollection.Delete(id);
                              if (found)
                                  //was this the last transaction with the category?
                                  if (!_transactionCollection.Exists(Query.EQ("CategoryId", categoryId)))
                                      //if category does not exist among transactons then delete it
                                  //was this the last transaction with the year?
                                  if (!_transactionCollection.Exists(Query.EQ("YearId", yearId)))
                                  //return a list of category names, years, and the backup transaction
                                  Dictionary <string, object> responseDict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                                      { "categorynames", GetCategoryNames() },
                                      { "years", GetYears() },
                                      { "backup", backupTransaction.TransactionDict() }
                                  string responseStr = _serializer.Serialize(responseDict);
                                  _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, responseStr);
                                  _helpers.SendHttpResponse(400, "Transaction was not located for delete", new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html", "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } },
                { "excelSheet", () => {
                      try {
                          float     totalExpense = 0;
                          float     totalIncome  = 0;
                          string    year         = (string)_requestDictionary["year"];
                          ArrayList rows         = (ArrayList)_requestDictionary["rows"];
                          Dictionary <int, object>   expenseDictionary = new Dictionary <int, object>();
                          Dictionary <string, float> expenseTotals     = new Dictionary <string, float>();
                          Dictionary <int, object>   incomeDictionary  = new Dictionary <int, object>();
                          Dictionary <string, float> incomeTotals      = new Dictionary <string, float>();

                          foreach (ArrayList row in rows)
                              string category    = (string)row[2];
                              string date        = (string)row[3];
                              string amount      = row[4].ToString();
                              string source      = (string)row[5];
                              string description = (string)row[6];
                              float  amountFloat = float.Parse(amount);
                              if (row[1].Equals("expense"))
                                  totalExpense += amountFloat;
                                  expenseDictionary.Add((int)row[0], new List <string>()
                                        amount, category, date, source, description
                                  if (!expenseTotals.ContainsKey(category))
                                      expenseTotals.Add(category, amountFloat);
                                      expenseTotals[category] = expenseTotals[category] + amountFloat;
                              else if (row[1].Equals("income"))
                                  totalIncome += amountFloat;
                                  incomeDictionary.Add((int)row[0], new List <string>()
                                        amount, category, date, source, description
                                  if (!incomeTotals.ContainsKey(category))
                                      incomeTotals.Add(category, amountFloat);
                                      incomeTotals[category] = incomeTotals[category] + amountFloat;

                          //Create Excel App
                          Excel.Application excelApp = new Excel.Application();
                          excelApp.Visible = true;

                          Excel.Workbook workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add(Missing.Value);

                           * //Create Excel workbook at file location
                           * string file_location = Path.Combine(_databasePath, "moneytracker.xls");
                           * excelApp.Workbooks.Open(file_location, 0, false, 5, "", "",
                           * false, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "", true, false, 0, true, false, false);

                          string amtcol = ColumnNumberToName(2);
                          string catcol = ColumnNumberToName(3);
                          string datcol = ColumnNumberToName(4);
                          string soucol = ColumnNumberToName(5);
                          string descol = ColumnNumberToName(6);

                          //Create expense worksheet
                          if (expenseDictionary.Count() > 0)
                              //expenseSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)sheets.get_Item(1);
                              Excel.Worksheet expenseSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.ActiveSheet;
                              expenseSheet.Name = "Expenses";

                              //create expense title cell
                              expenseSheet.Cells[2, 2] = "Expenses for " + year;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 2, catcol + 2).Font.Bold = true;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 2, catcol + 2).Font.Size = 22;

                              //set column widths for headings, value cells
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, amtcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 8;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(catcol + 3, catcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 20;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(datcol + 3, datcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 12;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(soucol + 3, soucol + 200).ColumnWidth = 20;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(descol + 3, descol + 200).ColumnWidth = 45;

                              //some twiks
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, descol + 200).VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignTop;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, datcol + 200).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(descol + 3, descol + 200).WrapText            = true;

                              //create transaction heading cells
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 4, descol + 4).Font.Bold = true;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 4, descol + 4).Font.Size = 12;
                              expenseSheet.Cells[4, 2] = "Amount";
                              expenseSheet.Cells[4, 3] = "Category";
                              expenseSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "Date";
                              expenseSheet.Cells[4, 5] = "Source";
                              expenseSheet.Cells[4, 6] = "Description";

                              //assign values
                              for (int idx = 0; idx < expenseDictionary.Count; idx++)
                                  var    item  = expenseDictionary.ElementAt(idx);
                                  var    val   = (List <string>)item.Value;
                                  int    rowI  = idx + 5;
                                  string rowS1 = amtcol + rowI;
                                  expenseSheet.get_Range(rowS1, rowS1).Formula = "=Fixed(" + val[0] + ",2,TRUE)";
                                  expenseSheet.Cells[rowI, 3] = val[1];
                                  expenseSheet.Cells[rowI, 4] = val[2];
                                  expenseSheet.Cells[rowI, 5] = val[3];
                                  expenseSheet.Cells[rowI, 6] = val[4];

                              //create cell for total expense
                              int offset = expenseDictionary.Count + 6;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Font.Bold = true;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Font.Size = 16;
                              expenseSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Formula   = "=Fixed(" + totalExpense + ",2,TRUE)";

                          //Create income worksheet at end
                          if (incomeDictionary.Count() > 0)
                              Excel.Worksheet incomeSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.Add(Type.Missing, workbook.Sheets[workbook.Sheets.Count],
                                                                                                 1, Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                              incomeSheet.Name = "Income";

                              //create income title cell
                              incomeSheet.Cells[2, 2] = "Income for " + year;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 2, catcol + 2).Font.Bold = true;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 2, catcol + 2).Font.Size = 22;

                              //set column widths for headings, value cells
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, amtcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 8;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(catcol + 3, catcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 20;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(datcol + 3, datcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 12;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(soucol + 3, soucol + 200).ColumnWidth = 20;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(descol + 3, descol + 200).ColumnWidth = 45;

                              //some twiks
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, descol + 200).VerticalAlignment   = Excel.XlVAlign.xlVAlignTop;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 3, datcol + 200).HorizontalAlignment = Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignLeft;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(descol + 3, descol + 200).WrapText            = true;

                              //create transaction heading cells
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 4, descol + 4).Font.Bold = true;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + 4, descol + 4).Font.Size = 12;
                              incomeSheet.Cells[4, 2] = "Amount";
                              incomeSheet.Cells[4, 3] = "Category";
                              incomeSheet.Cells[4, 4] = "Date";
                              incomeSheet.Cells[4, 5] = "Source";
                              incomeSheet.Cells[4, 6] = "Description";

                              //assign values
                              for (int idx = 0; idx < incomeDictionary.Count; idx++)
                                  var    item  = incomeDictionary.ElementAt(idx);
                                  var    val   = (List <string>)item.Value;
                                  int    rowI  = idx + 5;
                                  string rowS1 = amtcol + rowI;
                                  incomeSheet.get_Range(rowS1, rowS1).Formula = "=Fixed(" + val[0] + ",2,TRUE)";
                                  incomeSheet.Cells[rowI, 3] = val[1];
                                  incomeSheet.Cells[rowI, 4] = val[2];
                                  incomeSheet.Cells[rowI, 5] = val[3];
                                  incomeSheet.Cells[rowI, 6] = val[4];

                              //create cell for total income
                              int offset = incomeDictionary.Count + 6;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Font.Bold = true;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Font.Size = 16;
                              incomeSheet.get_Range(amtcol + offset, amtcol + offset).Formula   = "=Fixed(" + totalIncome + ",2,TRUE)";

                          //create a summary worksheet at the end
                          Excel.Worksheet summarySheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workbook.Sheets.Add(Type.Missing, workbook.Sheets[workbook.Sheets.Count],
                                                                                              1, Excel.XlSheetType.xlWorksheet);
                          summarySheet.Name = "Summary";

                          //create expense summary
                          if (expenseDictionary.Count() > 0)
                              //create cells for summary category totals
                              string sumcatcol = ColumnNumberToName(4);
                              string sumtotcol = ColumnNumberToName(5);

                              //create summary expense title
                              summarySheet.Cells[2, 4] = "Expense Summary";
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 2, sumtotcol + 2).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 2, sumtotcol + 2).Font.Size = 22;

                              //set column widths for headings, value cells
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 3, sumcatcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 24;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + 3, sumtotcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 12;

                              //create category total heading cells
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 4, sumtotcol + 4).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 4, sumtotcol + 4).Font.Size = 16;
                              summarySheet.Cells[4, 4] = "Category";
                              summarySheet.Cells[4, 5] = "Total";

                              //assign values
                              for (int idx = 0; idx < expenseTotals.Count; idx++)
                                  var    item  = expenseTotals.ElementAt(idx);
                                  int    rowI  = idx + 5;
                                  string rowS2 = sumtotcol + rowI;
                                  summarySheet.Cells[rowI, 4] = item.Key;
                                  summarySheet.get_Range(rowS2, rowS2).Formula = "=Fixed(" + item.Value + ",2,TRUE)";

                              //create cell for total expense
                              int offset = expenseTotals.Count + 6;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Font.Size = 16;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Formula   = "=Fixed(" + totalExpense + ",2,TRUE)";

                          //create income summary
                          if (incomeDictionary.Count() > 0)
                              //create cells for summary category totals
                              string sumcatcol = ColumnNumberToName(9);
                              string sumtotcol = ColumnNumberToName(10);

                              //create income header
                              summarySheet.Cells[2, 9] = "Income Summary";
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 2, sumtotcol + 2).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 2, sumtotcol + 2).Font.Size = 22;

                              //set column widths for headings, value cells
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 3, sumcatcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 24;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + 3, sumtotcol + 200).ColumnWidth = 12;

                              //create category total heading cells
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 4, sumtotcol + 4).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumcatcol + 4, sumtotcol + 4).Font.Size = 16;
                              summarySheet.Cells[4, 9]  = "Category";
                              summarySheet.Cells[4, 10] = "Total";

                              //assign values
                              for (int idx = 0; idx < incomeTotals.Count; idx++)
                                  var    item  = incomeTotals.ElementAt(idx);
                                  int    rowI  = idx + 5;
                                  string rowS2 = sumtotcol + rowI;
                                  summarySheet.Cells[rowI, 9] = item.Key;
                                  summarySheet.get_Range(rowS2, rowS2).Formula = "=Fixed(" + item.Value + ",2,TRUE)";

                              //create cell for total income
                              int offset = incomeTotals.Count + 6;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Font.Bold = true;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Font.Size = 16;
                              summarySheet.get_Range(sumtotcol + offset, sumtotcol + offset).Formula   = "=Fixed(" + totalIncome + ",2,TRUE)";

                          //save changes and close workbook
                          workbook.Close(true, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
                          //close Excel server

                          _helpers.SendHttpTextResponse(_httpDetails.Response, "Completed Excel Workbook");
                      } catch (Exception ex) {
                          _helpers.SendHttpResponse(500, ex.Message, new byte[0], "text/html",
                                                    "MoneyTracker Server", _httpDetails.Response);
                  } }
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public bool Exists(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression <Func <T, bool> > predicate)
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public virtual bool Any(Expression <Func <T, bool> > where)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public bool Any(Func <TItem, bool> predicate) =>
 _collection.Exists(x => predicate(x));