Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter time for waiting in sec");
            if (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int time))
                Console.WriteLine("It is not a number");
            var countdownMessage = new CountdownMessage();

            Listener1 listener1 = new Listener1(countdownMessage);
            Listener2 listener2 = new Listener2(countdownMessage);

            countdownMessage.SendNewMessageAfterSleep("Just message", time);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)

             * int[] arr = {4,8,12,16,20,24,2,6,10 };
             * //int[] arr = null;
             * long EuclidtimeElapsed=0, SteintimeElapsed=0;
             * try
             * {
             *  int multiEuclidGCD = CalcGCD.Calc(CalcGCD.multiEuclidGCD, out EuclidtimeElapsed, arr);
             *  Console.WriteLine("Euclid's algorithm result: {0}; Timer result: {1}", multiEuclidGCD, EuclidtimeElapsed);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException e)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(e);
             * }
             * try
             * {
             *  int multiSteinGCD = CalcGCD.Calc(CalcGCD.multiSteinGCD,out SteintimeElapsed, arr);
             *  Console.WriteLine("Stein's algorithm result: {0}; Timer result: {1}", multiSteinGCD, SteintimeElapsed);
             * }
             * catch (NullReferenceException e)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(e);
             * }

             * int[,] array = { { 26, 22, 14 }, { 23, 5, 13 }, { 44, 8, 11 } };
             * Console.WriteLine("Input array");
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * SumSort ss = new SumSort(true);
             * Sorter sorter = new Sorter(ss);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing sums of elements of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new SumSort(false));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing sums of elements of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new SumSort(true));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing max element of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(false));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing max element of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new MaxSort(true));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of decreasing min element of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new MinSort(false));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.WriteLine("\r\nIn order of increasing min element of rows of the matrix");
             * sorter.ChangeSortType(new MinSort(true));
             * array = sorter.Sort(array);
             * BubbleSortTask.Display(array);
             * Console.ReadKey();

            var msgManager = new Countdown();

            var listener = new Listener();

            msgManager.SendNewMsg("Hi", 3000);


            var listener2 = new Listener2();

            msgManager.SendNewMsg("Hi there", 2000);
