Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult ListRelatedCodeType(string starttype, string listtype, bool exact = false, int max = 0)
            PageTitle = "List Related Code Type";

            var model = new ListRelatedCodeTypeViewModel();

            model.Overview = new Infrastructure.ViewModels.ContentViewModel().AddTitle("List RelatedCode Type").AddParagraph("List all related code table types. The list will begin with the start related code type if one is entered.");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listtype)) // startType can be null: !string.IsNullOrEmpty(starttype) &&
                model.StartRelatedTableType = starttype;
                model.ListType    = listtype;
                model.ExactLookup = exact;
                model.MaxRows     = max;

                var listTypeChar = '\0';
                char.TryParse(listtype, out listTypeChar);

                var results = AdwAdminService.GetRelatedListCodeTypes(model.StartRelatedTableType, listTypeChar, model.ExactLookup, model.MaxRows);

                model.Results = results.ToPagableRelatedCodeTypeViewModel();

                if (model.Results == null || (model.Results != null && !model.Results.Any()))
                    AddInformationMessage("No results returned.");

        public void ListRelatedCodeType_PostRedirectedToGet()
            // Arrange
            var controller = SystemUnderTest();

            var viewModel = new ListRelatedCodeTypeViewModel()
                StartRelatedTableType = "A", ListType = "A", MaxRows = 1, ExactLookup = true
            var codeModel = new CodeModel {
                Code = "ABCD", ShortDescription = "Short Description", Description = "LongDescription"
            IList <CodeModel> models = new List <CodeModel>()

            mockAdwAdminService.Setup(m => m.GetListCodes(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <int>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Returns(models);

            // Act
            var result = controller.ListRelatedCodeType(viewModel) as RedirectToRouteResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Redirect To Route Result must not be null.");
            if (result != null)
                Assert.AreEqual("ListRelatedCodeType", result.RouteValues["action"]);
        public void ListRelatedCodeType_Post()
            // Arrange
            var controller = SystemUnderTest();

            var viewModel = new ListRelatedCodeTypeViewModel()

            controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "SomeError");

            // Act
            var result = controller.ListRelatedCodeType(viewModel) as ViewResult;

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "View Result must not be null.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult ListRelatedCodeType(ListRelatedCodeTypeViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                RouteValueDictionary routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.StartRelatedTableType))
                    routeValues.Add("starttype", model.StartRelatedTableType);
                routeValues.Add("listtype", model.ListType ?? "C");
                routeValues.Add("exact", model.ExactLookup);
                routeValues.Add("max", model.MaxRows);

                return(RedirectToAction(actionName: "ListRelatedCodeType", routeValues: routeValues));
