Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task <ListOfEntityResult <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer> > GetCustomers(
            int page, int count, string continuationToken, bool includeCustomerDetails = true)
            // Read customers in page and with received count
            // Max count is 500
            PartnerSdkModels.SeekBasedResourceCollection <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer> customers;
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(continuationToken))
                customers = await _partnerOperations.Customers.QueryAsync(
                    PartnerSdkModels.Query.QueryFactory.Instance.BuildIndexedQuery(count, page,
                                                                                   token: continuationToken));
                // Use continuation token
                customers = await _partnerOperations.Customers.QueryAsync(
                        PartnerSdkModels.Query.SeekOperation.Next, token: continuationToken));

            var result = new ListOfEntityResult <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer>()
                Items = customers.Items != null?customers.Items.ToList()
                            : new List <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer>(0),

                            // The last page does not have a next link
                            ContinuationToken = customers.Links != null && customers.Links.Next != null ? customers.ContinuationToken : string.Empty

            // Include Customer Details
            if (includeCustomerDetails)
                // Load each customer details
                var tasks = result.Items.Select(async customer => await GetCustomerAsync(Guid.Parse(customer.Id)));
                result.Items = new List <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer>(await Task.WhenAll(tasks));

            // Map to our domain
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static async Task ExtractReportInformationWithProcessor()
            ExceptionDispatchInfo capturedException = null;

                #region Output Channel initialization

                _logger.Info("Initializating ...");
                _correlationId = await _reportProcessor.OutputToChannelInitializeAsync();


                #region Extract report information

                // Process customers in batches
                ListOfEntityResult <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer> customers =
                    new ListOfEntityResult <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer>();
                int currentPage             = 1;
                int totalProcessedCustomers = 0;

                    _logger.Info("Current total of processed customers: " + totalProcessedCustomers);
                    _logger.Info("Current elapsed time: " + FormatStopwatch());

                    _logger.Info("Get Batch of Customers: Page = " + currentPage + " Count = " + MAXIMUM_CUSTOMERS_PER_BATCH);

                    // Get batch of customers
                    customers = await GetCustomers(currentPage, MAXIMUM_CUSTOMERS_PER_BATCH, customers.ContinuationToken);

                    totalProcessedCustomers += customers.Items.Count();

                    List <PartnerSdkModels.Customers.Customer> batchOfCustomers = customers.Items.ToList();

                    // Basic threading mechanism, for processing more than one customer at a time
                    // A MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TASKS will be used
                    // The partition is to guarantee approximate execution order of customers
                    .WithDegreeOfParallelism(MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TASKS).ForAll(customer =>
                                                                                 batchOfCustomers, customer, currentPage)

                    // Fill items with correlation Id
                    foreach (var item in _reportOutputItems)
                        item.CorrelationId = _correlationId;
                        item.Timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    // Write this batch to output and clear outputted lines
                    await _reportProcessor.OutputToChannelBatchAsync(_reportOutputItems);

                    _reportOutputItems = new BlockingCollection <ReportOutputItem>();

                    // Increase page
                // Check if more customers available
                while (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customers.ContinuationToken) == false);

                // Update end status with success
                await _reportProcessor.OutputToChannelSuccessAsync();

                _logger.Info("Number of total processed customers: " + totalProcessedCustomers);
            catch (Exception e)
                capturedException = ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture(e);

            // Because await is not supported in catch block
            if (capturedException != null && _correlationId != null)
                // Update end status with error
                await _reportProcessor.OutputToChannelErrorAsync();

