public void AddNotNull()
            var list = new List <int?>();
            int?v1   = null;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count);
            v1 = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public List <Tile> GetAdjacentTiles(Tile tile)
            var adjacentTiles = new List <Tile>();

            adjacentTiles.AddNotNull(GetTile(tile.X, tile.Y - 1));
            adjacentTiles.AddNotNull(GetTile(tile.X, tile.Y + 1));
            adjacentTiles.AddNotNull(GetTile(tile.X - 1, tile.Y));
            adjacentTiles.AddNotNull(GetTile(tile.X + 1, tile.Y));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        static ApiParameter CreateParameter(
            ISymbol symbol,
            MetadataItem item,
            bool isReturn = false
            var type = symbol switch
                IParameterSymbol s => s.Type,
                IEventSymbol s => s.Type,
                IPropertySymbol s => s.Type,
                IFieldSymbol s => s.Type,
                _ => throw new ArgumentException(
                          $"Symbol {symbol.Kind} is not supported",

            return(ApiParameter.Create(symbol, item, type.ToDisplayString(), isReturn));

        MetadataItem?GetMetadataItem(ISymbol symbol)
            var item = DefaultVisit(symbol);

            if (item == null)

            item.Type = symbol.GetMemberTypeFromSymbol();
            return(item.Type == MemberType.Default ? null : item);

        List <MetadataItem> VisitDescendants <T>(
            IEnumerable <T> children,
            Func <T, IEnumerable <T> > getChildren,
            Func <T, bool> filter
            ) where T : ISymbol
            var result = new List <MetadataItem>();
            var stack  = new Stack <T>(children.Reverse());

            while (stack.Count > 0)
                var child = stack.Pop();

                if (filter(child))

                foreach (var m in getChildren(child).Reverse())

Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override SyncAttempt <IDataType> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var info = node.Element("Info");
            var name = info.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
            var key  = node.GetKey();

            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();
            var item    = attempt.Result;

            // basic
            if (item.Name != name)
                details.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name, "Name");
                item.Name = name;

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key, "Key");
                item.Key = key;

            var editorAlias = info.Element("EditorAlias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (editorAlias != item.EditorAlias)
                // change the editor type.....
                var newEditor = Current.DataEditors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias.InvariantEquals(editorAlias));
                if (newEditor != null)
                    details.AddUpdate("EditorAlias", item.EditorAlias, editorAlias, "EditorAlias");
                    item.Editor = newEditor;

            // removing sort order - as its not used on datatypes,
            // and can change based on minor things (so gives false out of sync results)

            // item.SortOrder = info.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(0);
            var dbType = info.Element("DatabaseType").ValueOrDefault(ValueStorageType.Nvarchar);

            if (item.DatabaseType != dbType)
                details.AddUpdate("DatabaseType", item.DatabaseType, dbType, "DatabaseType");
                item.DatabaseType = dbType;

            // config
            details.AddRange(DeserializeConfiguration(item, node));
            details.AddNotNull(SetFolderFromElement(item, info.Element("Folder")));

            return(SyncAttempt <IDataType> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void AddNotNullForCollectionStruct()
            var list = new List <int> {
                1, 2

            Assert.Equal(3, list.Count);

            Assert.Equal(3, list.Count);

            var list2 = (List <int>)null;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void AddNotNull()
            var list = new List <string> {
                "hey", "bye"

            Assert.Equal(3, list.Count);

            Assert.Equal(3, list.Count);

            var list2 = (List <string>)null;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        ///  works out changes, when the child elements are all properties (and have their own node names)
        ///  this only works when each property is unique (no duplicates in a list)
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> CalculatePropertyChanges(TrackedItem change, XElement current, XElement target, string name, string path)
            var updates = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var currentNode = current.XPathSelectElement(path);
            var targetNode  = target.XPathSelectElement(path);

            foreach (var childNode in currentNode.Elements())
                var currentNodePath = GetChangePath(change.Path, $"/{childNode.Name.LocalName}");
                var currentNodeName = GetChangeName(change.Name, childNode.Name.LocalName);

                // we basically compare to target now.
                var targetChildNode = targetNode.Element(childNode.Name.LocalName);

                if (targetChildNode == null)
                    // no target, this element will get deleted
                    updates.Add(uSyncChange.Delete(path, $"{name} [{childNode.Name.LocalName}]", GetElementValues(childNode)));

                // check all the children of the current and target for changes
                if (change.Children != null && change.Children.Any())
                    foreach (var child in change.Children)
                        updates.AddRange(CalculateChanges(child, currentNode, targetNode, currentNodeName, currentNodePath));
                    var childValue       = childNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    var targetChildValue = targetChildNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                    if (!childValue.Equals(targetChildValue))
                        // if there are no children, they we are comparing the actual text of the nodes
                        updates.AddNotNull(Compare(currentNodePath, currentNodeName,
                                                   childValue, targetChildValue,

            // missing from current (so new)
            foreach (var targetChild in targetNode.Elements())
                var currentChildNode = currentNode.Element(targetChild.Name.LocalName);
                if (currentChildNode == null)
                    // not in current, its a new property.
                    updates.Add(uSyncChange.Create(path, $"{name} [{targetChild.Name.LocalName}]", GetElementValues(targetChild)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///  actually kicks off here, if you have two xml files that are diffrent.
        /// </summary>

        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> CalculateDiffrences(XElement target, XElement source)
            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            foreach (var trackingItem in this.TrackingItems)
                if (trackingItem.SingleItem)
                    changes.AddNotNull(TrackSingleItem(trackingItem, target, source, TrackingDirection.TargetToSource));
                    changes.AddNotNull(TrackSingleItem(trackingItem, source, target, TrackingDirection.SourceToTarget));
                    changes.AddRange(TrackMultipleKeyedItems(trackingItem, target, source, TrackingDirection.TargetToSource));
                    changes.AddRange(TrackMultipleKeyedItems(trackingItem, source, target, TrackingDirection.SourceToTarget));

Ejemplo n.º 9
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> CompareNode(XElement target, XElement source, string path, string name, bool maskValue)
            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            // compare attributes
            foreach (var sourceAttribute in source.Attributes())
                var sourceAttributeName = sourceAttribute.Name.LocalName;

                        path + $"{seperator}{sourceAttributeName}",
                        $"{name} > {sourceAttributeName}", maskValue));

            if (source.HasElements)
                // compare elements.
                foreach (var sourceElement in source.Elements())
                    var sourceElementName = sourceElement.Name.LocalName;

                            path + $"{seperator}{sourceElementName}",
                            $"{name} > {sourceElementName}", maskValue));
                changes.AddNotNull(Compare(target.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty), source.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty), path, name, maskValue));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected IEnumerable <uSyncDependency> GetItemDependency(JObject itemValue, DependencyFlags flags)
            if (itemValue == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncDependency>());

            if (itemValue.ContainsKey("contentData"))
                // nested content mode.
                var contentData  = itemValue.Value <JObject>("contentData");
                var docTypeAlias = contentData.Value <string>(this.docTypeAliasValue);
                if (contentData == null || docTypeAlias == null)
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncDependency>());

                var docType = GetDocType(docTypeAlias);
                if (docType == null)
                    return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncDependency>());

                List <uSyncDependency> dependencies = new List <uSyncDependency>();

                var docTypeDependency = CreateDocTypeDependency(docType, flags);

                dependencies.AddRange(GetPropertyDependencies(contentData, docType, flags));

                // linked content mode
                var key = itemValue.Value <Guid>("key");
                if (key != null)
                    // we need to include the ancestors of any included
                    // bento items, to ensure we get the library structure
                    // of the bento items as part of the sync.
                    var bentoFlags = flags | DependencyFlags.IncludeAncestors;

                    var udi = GuidUdi.Create(Constants.UdiEntityType.Document, key);
                    return(CreateDependency(udi as GuidUdi, bentoFlags).AsEnumerableOfOne());

            return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncDependency>());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override SyncAttempt <IContent> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var item = attempt.Result;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeBase(item, node, options));
            details.AddNotNull(DeserializeTemplate(item, node));
            details.AddRange(DeserializeSchedules(item, node, options));

            return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> TrackMultipleKeyedItems(TrackingItem trackingItem, XElement target, XElement source, TrackingDirection direction)
            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var sourceItems = source.XPathSelectElements(trackingItem.Path);

            foreach (var sourceNode in sourceItems)
                // make the selection path for this item.
                var itemPath = trackingItem.Path.Replace("*", sourceNode.Parent.Name.LocalName) + MakeSelectionPath(sourceNode, trackingItem.Keys);

                var itemName = trackingItem.Name.Replace("*", sourceNode.Parent.Name.LocalName) +
                               MakeSelectionName(sourceNode, String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(trackingItem.ValueKey) ? trackingItem.Keys : trackingItem.ValueKey);

                var targetNode = target.XPathSelectElement(itemPath);

                if (targetNode == null)
                    var value = sourceNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trackingItem.ValueKey))
                        value = GetKeyValue(sourceNode, trackingItem.ValueKey);

                    // missing, we add either a delete or create - depending on tracking direction
                    changes.AddNotNull(AddMissingChange(trackingItem.Path, itemName, value, direction));

                // only track updates when tracking target to source.
                else if (direction == TrackingDirection.TargetToSource)
                    // check the node to see if its an update.
                    changes.AddRange(CompareNode(targetNode, sourceNode, trackingItem.Path, itemName, trackingItem.MaskValue));

Ejemplo n.º 13
        public override IEnumerable <uSyncDependency> GetDependencies(object value, string editorAlias, DependencyFlags flags)
            var jsonValue = GetJsonValue(value);

            if (jsonValue == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncDependency>());

            var dependencies = new List <uSyncDependency>();

            // format of block data.
            // { "layout" : {}, "contentData": {}, "settingsData": {} }

            foreach (var block in contentBlocks)
                // contentData is the thing we need to inspect.
                if (jsonValue.ContainsKey(block))
                    var contentData = jsonValue.Value <JArray>(block);
                    if (contentData != null)
                        foreach (var contentItem in contentData.Cast <JObject>())
                            var contentType = GetDocTypeByKey(contentItem, this.docTypeKeyAlias);
                            if (contentType != null)
                                dependencies.AddNotNull(CreateDocTypeDependency(contentType, flags));
                                dependencies.AddRange(this.GetPropertyDependencies(contentItem, contentType, flags));

Ejemplo n.º 14
 private void HandleInput(KeyboardState key)
     if (key[Key.Space])
     if (key[Key.Up])
         playerTank.MoveOrTurn(Direction.Up, GetImpassable(), boundaries);
     else if (key[Key.Down])
         playerTank.MoveOrTurn(Direction.Down, GetImpassable(), boundaries);
     else if (key[Key.Left])
         playerTank.MoveOrTurn(Direction.Left, GetImpassable(), boundaries);
     else if (key[Key.Right])
         playerTank.MoveOrTurn(Direction.Right, GetImpassable(), boundaries);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private object CreateNewObject(GOLD.Reduction r)
            object result = null;
            int pointerCount;
            switch ((ProductionIndex)r.Parent.TableIndex())
                case ProductionIndex.Decls:
                    // <Decls> ::= <Decl> <Decls>
                    var declarationHead = r.GetData(0) as DeclarationStatement;
                    var declarationTail = r.GetData(1) as List<DeclarationStatement>;
                    declarationTail.InsertNotNull(0, declarationHead);
                    return declarationTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Decls2:
                    // <Decls> ::=
                    return new List<DeclarationStatement>();

                case ProductionIndex.Decl:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Func Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl2:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Func Proto>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl3:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Struct Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl4:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Union Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl5:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Enum Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl6:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Var Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Decl7:
                    // <Decl> ::= <Typedef Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Funcproto_Lparen_Rparen_Semi:
                    // <Func Proto> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Types> ')' ';'

                case ProductionIndex.Funcproto_Lparen_Rparen_Semi2:
                    // <Func Proto> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Params> ')' ';'

                case ProductionIndex.Funcproto_Lparen_Rparen_Semi3:
                    // <Func Proto> ::= <Func ID> '(' ')' ';'

                case ProductionIndex.Funcdecl_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Func Decl> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Params> ')' <Block>
                    var function = r.GetData(0) as FunctionDeclaration;
                    function.Parameters = r.GetData(2) as List<Parameter>;
                    function.Block = r.GetData(4) as BlockStatement;
                    return function;

                case ProductionIndex.Funcdecl_Lparen_Rparen2:
                    // <Func Decl> ::= <Func ID> '(' <Id List> ')' <Struct Def> <Block>
                    throw new NotImplementedException();

                case ProductionIndex.Funcdecl_Lparen_Rparen3:
                    // <Func Decl> ::= <Func ID> '(' ')' <Block>
                    function = r.GetData(0) as FunctionDeclaration;
                    function.Block = r.GetData(3) as BlockStatement;
                    return function;

                case ProductionIndex.Params_Comma:
                    // <Params> ::= <Param> ',' <Params>
                    var paramHead = r.GetData(0) as Parameter;
                    var paramTail = r.GetData(2) as List<Parameter>;
                    return paramTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Params:
                    // <Params> ::= <Param>
                    return new List<Parameter>() { r.GetData(0) as Parameter };

                case ProductionIndex.Param_Const_Id:
                    // <Param> ::= const <Type> Id

                case ProductionIndex.Param_Id:
                    // <Param> ::= <Type> Id
                    return new Parameter(r.GetData(0) as IRType, r.GetData(1).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Types_Comma:
                    // <Types> ::= <Type> ',' <Types>
                    var typeHead = r.GetData(0) as IRType;
                    var typeTail = r.GetData(2) as List<IRType>;
                    typeTail.InsertNotNull(0, typeHead);

                    return typeTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Types:
                    // <Types> ::= <Type>
                    return new List<IRType> { r.GetData(0) as IRType};

                case ProductionIndex.Idlist_Id_Comma:
                    // <Id List> ::= Id ',' <Id List>
                    var idHead = r.GetData(0).ToString();
                    var idTail = r.GetData(2) as List<string>;
                    idTail.InsertNotNull(0, idHead);
                    return idTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Idlist_Id:
                    // <Id List> ::= Id
                    var idList = r.GetData(0).ToString();
                    return new List<string>() { idList };

                case ProductionIndex.Funcid_Id:
                    // <Func ID> ::= <Type> Id
                    return new FunctionDeclaration(r.GetData(0) as IRType, r.GetData(1).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Funcid_Id2:
                    // <Func ID> ::= Id
                    //return new Function(r.GetData(0).ToString());
                    throw new NotImplementedException("<Func ID> ::= Id");

                case ProductionIndex.Typedefdecl_Typedef_Id_Semi:
                    // <Typedef Decl> ::= typedef <Type> Id ';'

                case ProductionIndex.Structdecl_Struct_Id_Lbrace_Rbrace_Semi:
                    // <Struct Decl> ::= struct Id '{' <Struct Def> '}' ';'
                    return new StructDeclaration(r.GetData(0).ToString(), r.GetData(3) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>);

                case ProductionIndex.Uniondecl_Union_Id_Lbrace_Rbrace_Semi:
                    // <Union Decl> ::= union Id '{' <Struct Def> '}' ';'
                    return new UnionDeclaration(r.GetData(1).ToString(), r.GetData(3) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>);

                case ProductionIndex.Structdef:
                    // <Struct Def> ::= <Var Decl> <Struct Def>
                     var declarationstm = r.GetData(0) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>;
                     var structdeftail = r.GetData(1) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>;
                     return declarationstm;

                case ProductionIndex.Structdef2:
                    // <Struct Def> ::= <Var Decl>
                    declarationstm = r.GetData(0) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>;
                    return declarationstm;

                case ProductionIndex.Vardecl_Semi:
                    // <Var Decl> ::= <Mod> <Type> <Var> <Var List> ';'
                    var baseType = r.GetData(1) as IRType;
                    var partialDeclaration = r.GetData(2) as PartialIdDeclarationStatement;
                    var varList = r.GetData(3) as List<VarItem>;
                    var idDeclaration = partialDeclaration.DeclarationStatement;
                    var partialType = baseType;
                    if (partialDeclaration.ArrayType != null )
                        partialDeclaration.ArrayType.Type = partialType;
                        partialType = partialDeclaration.ArrayType;
                    idDeclaration.Type = partialType;
                    idDeclaration.Modifier = r.GetData(0) as Modifier;
                    var idDeclarationList = new List<IdDeclarationStatement>() { idDeclaration };

                    foreach (var varItem in varList)
                        IRType baseVarItemType = baseType;
                        pointerCount = Convert.ToInt32(varItem.Pointers);
                        for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++)
                            baseVarItemType = new PointerType(baseVarItemType);
                        if (varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType != null)
                            varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType.Type = baseVarItemType;
                            baseVarItemType = varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType;
                        varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.DeclarationStatement.Type = baseVarItemType;
                    return idDeclarationList;

                case ProductionIndex.Vardecl_Semi2:
                    // <Var Decl> ::= <Type> <Var> <Var List> ';'
                    baseType = r.GetData(0) as IRType;
                    partialDeclaration = r.GetData(1) as PartialIdDeclarationStatement;
                    varList = r.GetData(2) as List<VarItem>;
                    idDeclaration = partialDeclaration.DeclarationStatement;
                    partialType = baseType;
                    if (partialDeclaration.ArrayType != null )
                        partialDeclaration.ArrayType.Type = partialType;
                        partialType = partialDeclaration.ArrayType;
                    idDeclaration.Type = partialType;
                    idDeclarationList = new List<IdDeclarationStatement>() { idDeclaration };

                    foreach (var varItem in varList)
                        IRType baseVarItemType = baseType;
                        pointerCount = Convert.ToInt32(varItem.Pointers);
                        for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++)
                            baseVarItemType = new PointerType(baseVarItemType);
                        if (varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType != null)
                            varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType.Type = baseVarItemType;
                            baseVarItemType = varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.ArrayType;
                        varItem.PartialIdDeclaration.DeclarationStatement.Type = baseVarItemType;
                    return idDeclarationList;

                case ProductionIndex.Vardecl_Semi3:
                    // <Var Decl> ::= <Mod> <Var> <Var List> ';'
                    throw new NotImplementedException("<Var Decl> ::= <Mod> <Var> <Var List> ");

                case ProductionIndex.Var_Id:
                    // <Var> ::= Id <Array>
                    var arrayType = r.GetData(1) as ArrayType;
                    var id = r.GetData(0).ToString();
                    idDeclaration = new IdDeclarationStatement(id);
                    partialDeclaration = new PartialIdDeclarationStatement(idDeclaration, arrayType);
                    return partialDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Var_Id_Eq:
                    // <Var> ::= Id <Array> '=' <Op If>
                    arrayType = r.GetData(1) as ArrayType;
                    var assigment = r.GetData(3) as Expression;
                    id = r.GetData(0).ToString();
                    idDeclaration = new IdDeclarationStatement(id,assigment);
                    partialDeclaration = new PartialIdDeclarationStatement(idDeclaration, arrayType);
                    return partialDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Array_Lbracket_Rbracket:
                    // <Array> ::= '[' <Expr> ']'
                   var sizeExpression = r.GetData(1) as DecValue;
                    return new ArrayType(Convert.ToInt64(sizeExpression.Value));

                case ProductionIndex.Array_Lbracket_Rbracket2:
                    // <Array> ::= '[' ']'
                    return new ArrayType();

                case ProductionIndex.Array:
                    // <Array> ::=
                    return null;

                case ProductionIndex.Varlist_Comma:
                    // <Var List> ::= ',' <Var Item> <Var List>
                    var varItemHead = r.GetData(1) as VarItem;
                    var varItemTail = r.GetData(2) as List<VarItem>;
                    varItemTail.InsertNotNull(0, varItemHead);
                    return varItemTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Varlist:
                    // <Var List> ::=
                    return new List<VarItem>();

                case ProductionIndex.Varitem:
                    // <Var Item> ::= <Pointers> <Var>
                    var pointers = Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(0));
                    var var = r.GetData(1) as PartialIdDeclarationStatement;
                    return new VarItem( pointers,  var);

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Extern:
                    // <Mod> ::= extern no extern no
                    break;//ver que pedo con la excepcion

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Static:
                    // <Mod> ::= static
                    return new StaticModifier();

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Register:
                    // <Mod> ::= register
                    return new RegisterModifier();

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Auto:
                    // <Mod> ::= auto
                    return new AutoModifier();

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Volatile:
                    // <Mod> ::= volatile no volatile no
                    break; //ver que pedo con la excepcion

                case ProductionIndex.Mod_Const:
                    // <Mod> ::= const
                    return new ConstModifier();

                case ProductionIndex.Enumdecl_Enum_Id_Lbrace_Rbrace_Semi:
                    // <Enum Decl> ::= enum Id '{' <Enum Def> '}' ';'
                    return new EnumDeclaration(r.GetData(1).ToString(), r.GetData(3) as List<EnumValue>);

                case ProductionIndex.Enumdef_Comma:
                    // <Enum Def> ::= <Enum Val> ',' <Enum Def>
                    var enumHead = r.GetData(0) as EnumValue;
                    var enumTail = r.GetData(2) as List<EnumValue>;
                    enumTail.InsertNotNull(0, enumHead);

                    return enumTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Enumdef:
                    // <Enum Def> ::= <Enum Val>
                    return new List<EnumValue> {r.GetData(0) as EnumValue};

                case ProductionIndex.Enumval_Id:
                    // <Enum Val> ::= Id
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Enumval_Id_Eq_Octliteral:
                    // <Enum Val> ::= Id '=' OctLiteral
                    return new EnumValue(r.GetData(0).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(2).ToString(), 8));

                case ProductionIndex.Enumval_Id_Eq_Hexliteral:
                    // <Enum Val> ::= Id '=' HexLiteral
                    return new EnumValue(r.GetData(0).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(2).ToString(), 16));

                case ProductionIndex.Enumval_Id_Eq_Decliteral:
                    // <Enum Val> ::= Id '=' DecLiteral
                    return new EnumValue(r.GetData(0).ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(2).ToString(), 10));

                case ProductionIndex.Type:
                    // <Type> ::= <Base> <Pointers>
                    baseType = r.GetData(0) as IRType;
                    pointerCount = Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(1));
                    for (int i = 0; i < pointerCount; i++)
                        baseType = new PointerType(baseType);
                    return baseType;

                case ProductionIndex.Base:
                    // <Base> ::= <Sign> <Scalar>
                    if (r.GetData(0).ToString() == "unsigned")
                        if ( r.GetData(1) is IntType )
                            return new UnsignedIntType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is ShortType)
                            return new UnsignedShortType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is LongType)
                            return new UnsignedLongType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is ShortIntType)
                            return new UnsignedShortIntType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is FloatType)
                            return new UnsignedFloatType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is LongIntType)
                            return new UnsignedLongIntType();
                        else if (r.GetData(1) is DoubleType)
                            return new UnsignedDoubleType();

                    return r.GetData(1);

                case ProductionIndex.Base_Struct_Id:
                    // <Base> ::= struct Id
                    return new StructType(r.GetData(1).ToString());//Crear una clase para definir el tipo inferido del struct

                case ProductionIndex.Base_Struct_Lbrace_Rbrace:
                    // <Base> ::= struct '{' <Struct Def> '}'
                    return new StructType(r.GetData(2) as List<DeclarationStatement>);

                case ProductionIndex.Base_Union_Id:
                    // <Base> ::= union Id
                    return new UnionType(r.GetData(1).ToString());//Crear una clase para definir el tipo inferido del union

                case ProductionIndex.Base_Union_Lbrace_Rbrace:
                    // <Base> ::= union '{' <Struct Def> '}'
                    return new UnionType(r.GetData(2) as List<DeclarationStatement>);

                case ProductionIndex.Base_Enum_Id:
                    // <Base> ::= enum Id
                    return new EnumType(r.GetData(1).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Sign_Signed:
                    // <Sign> ::= signed
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Sign_Unsigned:
                    // <Sign> ::= unsigned
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Sign:
                    // <Sign> ::=
                    return 0;

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Char:
                    // <Scalar> ::= char
                    return new CharType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Int:
                    // <Scalar> ::= int
                    return new IntType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Short:
                    return new ShortType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Long:
                    // <Scalar> ::= long
                    return new LongType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Short_Int:
                    //<Scalar> ::= short int
                    return new ShortIntType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Long_Int:
                    return new LongIntType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Float:
                    return new FloatType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Double:
                    return new DoubleType();

                case ProductionIndex.Scalar_Void:
                    return new VoidType();

                case ProductionIndex.Pointers_Times:
                    // <Pointers> ::= '*' <Pointers>
                    return Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(1)) + 1;

                case ProductionIndex.Pointers:
                    // <Pointers> ::=
                    return 0;

                case ProductionIndex.Stm:
                    // <Stm> ::= <Var Decl>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Stm_Id_Colon:
                    // <Stm> ::= Id ':'
                    return r.GetData(0).ToString(); //labelstatement class missing

                case ProductionIndex.Stm_If_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Stm> ::= if '(' <Expr> ')' <Stm>
                    var ifDeclaration = new IfStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Statement);
                    return ifDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Stm_If_Lparen_Rparen_Else:
                    // <Stm> ::= if '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm> else <Stm>
                    ifDeclaration = new IfStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Statement, r.GetData(6) as Statement);
                    return ifDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Stm_While_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Stm> ::= while '(' <Expr> ')' <Stm>
                    var whileDeclaration = new WhileStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Statement);
                    return whileDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Stm_For_Lparen_Semi_Semi_Rparen:
                    // <Stm> ::= for '(' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ')' <Stm>
                    var forDeclaration = new ForStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Expression, r.GetData(6) as Expression,
                                                         r.GetData(8) as Statement);
                    return forDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Stm2:
                    // <Stm> ::= <Normal Stm>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Thenstm_If_Lparen_Rparen_Else:
                    // <Then Stm> ::= if '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm> else <Then Stm>
                    ifDeclaration = new IfStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Statement, r.GetData(6) as Statement);
                    return ifDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Thenstm_While_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Then Stm> ::= while '(' <Expr> ')' <Then Stm>
                    whileDeclaration = new WhileStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Statement);
                    return whileDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Thenstm_For_Lparen_Semi_Semi_Rparen:
                    // <Then Stm> ::= for '(' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ';' <Arg> ')' <Then Stm>
                    forDeclaration = new ForStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Expression, r.GetData(6) as Expression,
                                                      r.GetData(8) as Statement);
                    return forDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Thenstm:
                    // <Then Stm> ::= <Normal Stm>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Do_While_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= do <Stm> while '(' <Expr> ')'
                    var doDeclaration = new DoStatement(r.GetData(1) as Statement, r.GetData(4) as Expression);
                    return doDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Switch_Lparen_Rparen_Lbrace_Rbrace:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= switch '(' <Expr> ')' '{' <Case Stms> '}'
                    var switchDeclaration = new SwitchStatement(r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(5) as List<DefaultCaseStatement>);
                    return switchDeclaration;

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= <Block>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Semi:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= <Expr> ';'
                    var expressionStatement = new ExpressionStatement(r.GetData(0) as Expression);
                    return expressionStatement;

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Goto_Id_Semi:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= goto Id ';'
                    return new GoToIdStatement(); //guardar el id

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Break_Semi:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= break ';'
                    return new BreakStatement();

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Continue_Semi:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= continue ';'
                    return new ContinueStatement();

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Return_Semi:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= return <Expr> ';'
                    return new ReturnStatement(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Normalstm_Semi2:
                    // <Normal Stm> ::= ';'
                    return new NoOpExpression();

                case ProductionIndex.Arg:
                    // <Arg> ::= <Expr>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Arg2:
                    // <Arg> ::=
                    return new NoOpExpression();

                case ProductionIndex.Casestms_Case_Colon:
                    // <Case Stms> ::= case <Value> ':' <Stm List> <Case Stms>
                    var caseStatementHead = new CaseStatement(r.GetData(1) as ValueExpression, r.GetData(3) as List<Statement>);
                    var caseStatementTail = r.GetData(4) as List<DefaultCaseStatement>;
                    caseStatementTail.InsertNotNull(0, caseStatementHead);
                    return caseStatementTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Casestms_Default_Colon:
                    // <Case Stms> ::= default ':' <Stm List>
                    return new List<DefaultCaseStatement>() { new DefaultCaseStatement(r.GetData(2) as List<Statement>) };

                case ProductionIndex.Casestms:
                    // <Case Stms> ::=
                    return new List<DefaultCaseStatement>();

                case ProductionIndex.Block_Lbrace_Rbrace:
                    // <Block> ::= '{' <Stm List> '}'
                    return new BlockStatement(r.GetData(1) as List<Statement>);

                case ProductionIndex.Stmlist:
                    // <Stm List> ::= <Stm> <Stm List>
                    var statemetListTail = r.GetData(1) as List<Statement>;
                    var declList = r.GetData(0) as List<IdDeclarationStatement>;
                    if (declList != null)
                        var statementList = new List<Statement>();
                        foreach (var dec in declList)
                        foreach (var TailItem in statemetListTail)
                        return statementList;
                    statemetListTail.InsertNotNull(0, r.GetData(0) as Statement);
                    return statemetListTail;

                case ProductionIndex.Stmlist2:
                    // <Stm List> ::=
                    return new List<Statement>();

                case ProductionIndex.Expr_Comma:
                    // <Expr> ::= <Expr> ',' <Op Assign>
                    var expr = r.GetData(0) as ExpressionList;
                    if (expr != null)
                        return new ExpressionList(expr, r.GetData(2) as Expression);
                        return new ExpressionList(r.GetData(0) as Expression, r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Expr:
                    // <Expr> ::= <Op Assign>
                    return r.GetData(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Eq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '=' <Op Assign>
                    return new AssignExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Pluseq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '+=' <Op Assign>
                    return new AdditionAssignmentExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Minuseq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '-=' <Op Assign>
                    return new SubtractionAsigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Timeseq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '*=' <Op Assign>
                    return new MultiplicationAsigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Diveq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '/=' <Op Assign>
                    return new DivisionAsigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Careteq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '^=' <Op Assign>
                    return new BitwiseXorAssignmentExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Ampeq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '&=' <Op Assign>
                    return new BitwiseAndAssignExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Pipeeq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '|=' <Op Assign>
                    return new BitwiseOrAssigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Gtgteq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '>>=' <Op Assign>
                    return new BitwiseRightShiftAssigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign_Ltlteq:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If> '<<=' <Op Assign>
                    return new BitwiseLeftShiftAssigExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opassign:
                    // <Op Assign> ::= <Op If>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opif_Question_Colon:
                    // <Op If> ::= <Op Or> '?' <Op If> ':' <Op If>
                    return new TernaryConditional(r.GetData(0) as Expression, r.GetData(2) as Expression, r.GetData(4) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opif:
                    // <Op If> ::= <Op Or>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opor_Pipepipe:
                    // <Op Or> ::= <Op Or> '||' <Op And>
                    return new LogicalOrExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opor:
                    // <Op Or> ::= <Op And>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opand_Ampamp:
                    // <Op And> ::= <Op And> '&&' <Op BinOR>
                    return new LogicAndExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opand:
                    // <Op And> ::= <Op BinOR>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinor_Pipe:
                    // <Op BinOR> ::= <Op BinOR> '|' <Op BinXOR>
                    return new BitwiseOrExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinor:
                    // <Op BinOR> ::= <Op BinXOR>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinxor_Caret:
                    // <Op BinXOR> ::= <Op BinXOR> '^' <Op BinAND>
                    return new BitwiseXorExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinxor:
                    // <Op BinXOR> ::= <Op BinAND>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinand_Amp:
                    // <Op BinAND> ::= <Op BinAND> '&' <Op Equate>
                    return new BitwiseAndExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opbinand:
                    // <Op BinAND> ::= <Op Equate>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opequate_Eqeq:
                    // <Op Equate> ::= <Op Equate> '==' <Op Compare>
                    return new EqualsExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opequate_Exclameq:
                    // <Op Equate> ::= <Op Equate> '!=' <Op Compare>
                    return new NotEqualExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opequate:
                    // <Op Equate> ::= <Op Compare>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opcompare_Lt:
                    // <Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '<' <Op Shift>
                    return new LessThanExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opcompare_Gt:
                    // <Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '>' <Op Shift>
                    return new GreaterThanExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opcompare_Lteq:
                    // <Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '<=' <Op Shift>
                    return new LessOrEqualToExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opcompare_Gteq:
                    // <Op Compare> ::= <Op Compare> '>=' <Op Shift>
                    return new GreaterOrEqualExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opcompare:
                    // <Op Compare> ::= <Op Shift>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opshift_Ltlt:
                    // <Op Shift> ::= <Op Shift> '<<' <Op Add>
                    return new BitwiseLeftShiftExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opshift_Gtgt:
                    return new BitwiseRightShiftExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opshift:
                    // <Op Shift> ::= <Op Add>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opadd_Plus:
                    // <Op Add> ::= <Op Add> '+' <Op Mult>
                    return new AddExpression(left: r.get_Data(0) as Expression, right: r.get_Data(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opadd_Minus:
                    // <Op Add> ::= <Op Add> '-' <Op Mult>
                    return new SubExpression(left: r.get_Data(0) as Expression, right: r.get_Data(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opadd:
                    // <Op Add> ::= <Op Mult>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opmult_Times:
                    // <Op Mult> ::= <Op Mult> '*' <Op Unary>
                    return new MulExpression(left: r.get_Data(0) as Expression, right: r.get_Data(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opmult_Div:
                    // <Op Mult> ::= <Op Mult> '/' <Op Unary>
                    return new DivisionExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opmult_Percent:
                    // <Op Mult> ::= <Op Mult> '%' <Op Unary>
                    return new ModExpression(left: r.GetData(0) as Expression, right: r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opmult:
                    // <Op Mult> ::= <Op Unary>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Exclam:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '!' <Op Unary>
                    return new NotEqualToExpression(r.GetData(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Tilde:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '~' <Op Unary>
                    return new OneComplementExpression(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Minus:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '-' <Op Unary>
                    return new NegateExpression(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Times:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '*' <Op Unary>
                    return new PointerExpression(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Amp:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '&' <Op Unary>
                    return new ReferenceExpression(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Plusplus:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '++' <Op Unary>
                    return new PreIncrementExpression(r.get_Data(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Minusminus:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '--' <Op Unary>
                    return new PreDecrementExpression(r.GetData(1) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Plusplus2:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= <Op Pointer> '++'
                    return new PostIncrementExpression(r.get_Data(0) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Minusminus2:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= <Op Pointer> '--'
                    return new PostDecrementExpression(r.GetData(0) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= '(' <Type> ')' <Op Unary>

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Sizeof_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= sizeof '(' <Type> ')'


                case ProductionIndex.Opunary_Sizeof_Lparen_Id_Rparen:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= sizeof '(' Id <Pointers> ')'

                case ProductionIndex.Opunary:
                    // <Op Unary> ::= <Op Pointer>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Oppointer_Dot:
                    // <Op Pointer> ::= <Op Pointer> '.' <Value>
                    return new PointerReferenceAccessExpr(r.GetData(0) as Expression, r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Oppointer_Minusgt:
                    // <Op Pointer> ::= <Op Pointer> '->' <Value>
                    return new PointerAccessExpr(r.GetData(0) as Expression, r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Oppointer_Lbracket_Rbracket:
                    // <Op Pointer> ::= <Op Pointer> '[' <Expr> ']'
                    return new PointerArrayAccessExpr(r.GetData(0) as Expression, r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Oppointer:
                    // <Op Pointer> ::= <Value>
                    return r.get_Data(0);

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Octliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= OctLiteral
                    return new DecValue(Convert.ToInt32(r.get_Data(0).ToString(),8));

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Hexliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= HexLiteral
                    return new DecValue(Convert.ToInt32(r.GetData(0).ToString(),16));

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Decliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= DecLiteral
                    return new DecValue(Convert.ToInt32(r.get_Data(0)));

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Stringliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= StringLiteral
                    return new StringLiteral(r.GetData(0).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Charliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= CharLiteral
                    return new CharLiteral(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToChar(r.GetData(0))));

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Floatliteral:
                    // <Value> ::= FloatLiteral
                    return new FloatLiteral(Convert.ToDouble(r.GetData(0)));

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Id_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Value> ::= Id '(' <Expr> ')'
                    return new FunctionCallExpression(r.GetData(0).ToString(),r.GetData(2) as Expression);

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Id_Lparen_Rparen2:
                    // <Value> ::= Id '(' ')'
                    return new FunctionCallExpression(r.GetData(0).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Id:
                    // <Value> ::= Id
                    if (r.GetData(0).ToString() == "true")
                        return new DecValue(1);
                        if (r.GetData(0).ToString() == "false")
                            return new DecValue(0);
                            return new IdValue(r.GetData(0).ToString());

                case ProductionIndex.Value_Lparen_Rparen:
                    // <Value> ::= '(' <Expr> ')'
                    return r.GetData(1) as Expression;

            }  //switch

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        ///  works out changes when we have a repeating block (e.g all the properties on a content type)
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> CalculateRepeatingChanges(TrackedItem change, XElement current, XElement target, string name, string path)
            var updates = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var currentItems = current.XPathSelectElements(path);
            var targetItems  = target.XPathSelectElements(path);

            var currentIndex = 0;

            // loop through the nodes in the current item
            foreach (var currentNode in currentItems)
                var currentNodePath = path;
                var currentNodeName = name;

                XElement targetNode = null;

                // if the key is blank we just compare the values in the elements
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(change.Repeating.Key))
                    if (change.Repeating.ElementsInOrder)
                        if (targetItems.Count() > currentIndex)
                            targetNode = targetItems.ElementAt(currentIndex);
                        // if the element isn't the key, then we get the first one (by value)
                        // if the value is different in this case we will consider this a delete
                        targetNode = targetItems.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == currentNode.Value);
                    // we need to find the current key value
                    var currentKey = GetKeyValue(currentNode, change.Repeating.Key, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);
                    if (currentKey == string.Empty)

                    // now we need to make the XPath for the children this will be [key = ''] or [@key ='']
                    // depending if its an attribute or element key
                    currentNodePath += MakeKeyPath(change.Repeating.Key, currentKey, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(change.Repeating.Name))
                        var itemName = GetKeyValue(currentNode, change.Repeating.Name, change.Repeating.NameIsAttribute);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemName))
                            currentNodeName += $": {itemName}";

                    // now see if we can find that node in the target elements we have loaded
                    targetNode = GetTarget(targetItems, change.Repeating.Key, currentKey, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);

                if (targetNode == null)
                    // no target, this element will get deleted
                    var oldValue = currentNode.Value;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(change.Repeating.Name))
                        oldValue = GetKeyValue(currentNode, change.Repeating.Name, change.Repeating.NameIsAttribute);

                    updates.Add(uSyncChange.Delete(path, name, oldValue));

                // check all the children of the current and target for changes
                if (change.Children != null && change.Children.Any())
                    foreach (var child in change.Children)
                        updates.AddRange(CalculateChanges(child, currentNode, targetNode, currentNodeName, currentNodePath));
                    // if there are no children, they we are comparing the actual text of the nodes
                    updates.AddNotNull(Compare(currentNodePath, currentNodeName,


            if (!change.Repeating.ElementsInOrder)
                // look for things in target but not current (for they will be removed)
                List <XElement> missing = new List <XElement>();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(change.Repeating.Key))
                    missing = targetItems.Where(x => !currentItems.Any(t => t.Value == x.Value))
                    foreach (var targetItem in targetItems)
                        var targetNodePath = path;

                        var targetKey = GetKeyValue(targetItem, change.Repeating.Key, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetKey))

                        targetNodePath += MakeKeyPath(change.Repeating.Key, targetKey, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);
                        var currentNode = GetTarget(currentItems, change.Repeating.Key, targetKey, change.Repeating.KeyIsAttribute);
                        if (currentNode == null)

                if (missing.Any())
                    foreach (var missingItem in missing)
                        var oldValue = missingItem.Value;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(change.Repeating.Name))
                            oldValue = GetKeyValue(missingItem, change.Repeating.Name, change.Repeating.NameIsAttribute);

                        updates.Add(uSyncChange.Create(path, name, oldValue));

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> CalculateSingleChange(TrackedItem change, XElement current, XElement target, string name, string path)
            var updates = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var currentNode = current;
            var targetNode  = target;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                currentNode = current.XPathSelectElement(path);
                targetNode  = target.XPathSelectElement(path);

                if (currentNode == null)
                    if (targetNode != null)
                        return(uSyncChange.Create(path, name, targetNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty), change.CompareValue)

                    // if both are null, just return nothing.

                if (targetNode == null)
                    // its a delete (not in target)
                    return(uSyncChange.Delete(path, name, currentNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty), change.CompareValue)

                // this happens if both exist, we compare values in them.

                if (change.CompareValue)
                    // actual change
                    updates.AddNotNull(Compare(path, name,

                if (change.Attributes != null && change.Attributes.Any())
                    foreach (var attribute in change.Attributes)
                        var currentValue = currentNode.Attribute(attribute).ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                        var targetValue  = targetNode.Attribute(attribute).ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                        updates.AddNotNull(Compare(path, $"{name} [{attribute}]", currentValue, targetValue, change.MaskValue));

            if (change.Children != null && change.Children.Any())
                foreach (var child in change.Children)
                    updates.AddRange(CalculateChanges(child, currentNode, targetNode, name, path));

Ejemplo n.º 18
 public virtual LockingInfo[] GetLockingInfo(string uniqueName)
     PresentationInfo presentationInfo = _presentationDAL.GetPresentationInfo(uniqueName);
     List<ObjectKey> objectKeys = new List<ObjectKey> { ObjectKeyCreator.CreatePresentationKey(uniqueName) };
     foreach (SlideInfo slideInfo in presentationInfo.SlideInfoList)
         objectKeys.Add(ObjectKeyCreator.CreateSlideKey(uniqueName, slideInfo.Id));
     LockingInfo[] lockingInfos = GetLockingInfo(objectKeys.ToArray());
     List<LockingInfo> lockingList = new List<LockingInfo>();
     foreach (LockingInfo info in lockingInfos)
     return lockingList.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public virtual LockingInfo[] GetLockingInfo(ObjectKey[] objectKeyArr)
     List<LockingInfo> lockingInfoArr = new List<LockingInfo>(objectKeyArr.Length);
     foreach (ObjectKey objectKey in objectKeyArr)
         LockingInfo info = _lockService.GetLockInfo(objectKey);
     return lockingInfoArr.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 20
        protected override SyncAttempt <IMedia> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var item = attempt.Result;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeBase(item, node, options));

            if (node.Element("Info") != null)
                var trashed = node.Element("Info").Element("Trashed").ValueOrDefault(false);
                details.AddNotNull(HandleTrashedState(item, trashed));

            var propertyAttempt = DeserializeProperties(item, node, options);

            if (!propertyAttempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Fail, "Failed to save properties", propertyAttempt.Exception));

            var info = node.Element("Info");

            var sortOrder = info.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(-1);

            HandleSortOrder(item, sortOrder);

            if (details.HasWarning() && options.FailOnWarnings())
                // Fail on warning. means we don't save or publish because something is wrong ?
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, "Failed with warnings", details,
                                                  new Exception("Import failed because of warnings, and fail on warnings is true")));

            var saveAttempt = mediaService.Save(item);

            if (!saveAttempt.Success)
                var errors = saveAttempt.Result?.EventMessages?.FormatMessages() ?? "";
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Fail, errors, saveAttempt.Exception));

            // add warning messages if things are missing
            var message = "";

            if (details.Any(x => x.Change == ChangeDetailType.Warning))
                message += $" with warning(s)";

            // setting the saved flag on the attempt to true, stops base classes from saving the item.
            return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, "", true, propertyAttempt.Result));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected override SyncAttempt <IContent> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var item = attempt.Result;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeBase(item, node, options));

            if (node.Element("Info") != null)
                var trashed = node.Element("Info").Element("Trashed").ValueOrDefault(false);
                details.AddNotNull(HandleTrashedState(item, trashed));

            details.AddNotNull(DeserializeTemplate(item, node));

            var propertiesAttempt = DeserializeProperties(item, node, options);

            if (!propertiesAttempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, "Failed to deserialize properties", attempt.Exception));


            // sort order
            var sortOrder = node.Element("Info").Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(-1);

            details.AddNotNull(HandleSortOrder(item, sortOrder));

            var publishTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (details.HasWarning() && options.FailOnWarnings())
                // Fail on warning. means we don't save or publish because something is wrong ?
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, "Failed with warnings", details,
                                                    new Exception("Import failed because of warnings, and fail on warnings is true")));

            // published status
            // this does the last save and publish
            var saveAttempt = DoSaveOrPublish(item, node, options);

            if (saveAttempt.Success)
                var message = saveAttempt.Result;

                if (details.Any(x => x.Change == ChangeDetailType.Warning))
                    message += $" with warning(s)";

                if (publishTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000)
                    message += $" (Slow publish {publishTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms)";

                var changeType = options.GetSetting(uSyncConstants.DefaultSettings.OnlyPublishDirty, uSyncConstants.DefaultSettings.OnlyPublishDirty_Default) && !item.IsDirty()
                    ? ChangeType.NoChange : ChangeType.Import;

                // we say no change back, this stops the core second pass function from saving
                // this item (which we have just done with DoSaveOrPublish)
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Succeed(item.Name, item, changeType, message, true, details));
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, saveAttempt.Result, saveAttempt.Exception));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        protected IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeProperties(TObject item, XElement node)
            logger.Debug(serializerType, "Deserializing Properties");

            var propertiesNode = node?.Element("GenericProperties");

            if (propertiesNode == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            /// there are something we can't do in the loop,
            /// so we store them and do them once we've put
            /// things in.
            List <string> propertiesToRemove             = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> propertiesToMove = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            List <uSyncChange> changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            foreach (var propertyNode in propertiesNode.Elements("GenericProperty"))
                var alias = propertyNode.Element("Alias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))

                var key                 = propertyNode.Element("Key").ValueOrDefault(alias.GetHashCode().ToGuid());
                var definitionKey       = propertyNode.Element("Definition").ValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty);
                var propertyEditorAlias = propertyNode.Element("Type").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                logger.Debug(serializerType, " > Property: {0} {1} {2} {3}", alias, key, definitionKey, propertyEditorAlias);

                bool IsNew = false;

                var property = GetOrCreateProperty(item, key, alias, definitionKey, propertyEditorAlias, out IsNew);
                if (property == null)

                if (key != Guid.Empty && property.Key != key)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Key", property.Key, key, $"{alias}/Key");
                    property.Key = key;

                if (property.Alias != alias)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Alias", property.Alias, alias, $"{alias}/Alias");
                    property.Alias = alias;

                var name = propertyNode.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(alias);
                if (property.Name != name)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Name", property.Name, name, $"{alias}/Name");
                    property.Name = name;

                var description = propertyNode.Element("Description").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (property.Description != description)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Description", property.Description, description, $"{alias}/Description");
                    property.Description = description;

                var mandatory = propertyNode.Element("Mandatory").ValueOrDefault(false);
                if (property.Mandatory != mandatory)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Mandatory", property.Mandatory, mandatory, $"{alias}/Mandatory");
                    property.Mandatory = mandatory;

                var regEx = propertyNode.Element("Validation").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (property.ValidationRegExp != regEx)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Validation", property.ValidationRegExp, regEx, $"{alias}/RegEx");
                    property.ValidationRegExp = propertyNode.Element("Validation").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                var sortOrder = propertyNode.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(0);
                if (property.SortOrder != sortOrder)
                    changes.AddUpdate("SortOrder", property.SortOrder, sortOrder, $"{alias}/SortOrder");
                    property.SortOrder = sortOrder;

                // added in v8.6
                // reflection is fast but a a quick check of version is faster !
                if (UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Major > 8 || UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Minor >= 6)
                    changes.AddNotNull(DeserializeNewProperty <string>(property, propertyNode, "MandatoryMessage"));
                    changes.AddNotNull(DeserializeNewProperty <string>(property, propertyNode, "ValidationRegExpMessage"));

                changes.AddRange(DeserializeExtraProperties(item, property, propertyNode));

                var tab = propertyNode.Element("Tab").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                if (IsNew)
                    changes.AddNew(alias, name, alias);
                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property Is new adding to tab.");

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tab))
                        item.AddPropertyType(property, tab);
                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property exists, checking tab location");
                    // we need to see if this one has moved.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tab))
                        var tabGroup = item.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.InvariantEquals(tab));
                        if (tabGroup != null)
                            if (!tabGroup.PropertyTypes.Contains(property.Alias))
                                // add to our move list.
                                propertiesToMove[property.Alias] = tab;

            // move things between tabs.
            changes.AddRange(MoveProperties(item, propertiesToMove));

            // remove what needs to be removed
            changes.AddRange(RemoveProperties(item, propertiesNode));
