Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Parse()
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                                   .SelectSingleNode(@"//ul[@class]/li[contains(@class, ""active"")]/a")
                singlePropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Габариты"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                                .InnerHtml +
                                string.Join("\n", node
                                            ._SelectNodes(@"//*[@id='top']/div[6]/div[1]/div[2]/div[position() > 1 and position() < last() - 1]")
                                            .Select(x => x.InnerHtml))
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => @"https://mdi-toys.ru" + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(url: "https://mdi-toys.ru/catalog/",
                                               args: new object[] { 0 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(
                parser.GetLinks(arguments, @".//*[@id='top']/div[6]/div/div/ul[1]/li[position() > 1]/a"));

            Import.Write(path: "mdi-toys.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"http://addinol.ru";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) =>
                    var sub1 = node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@"//li[contains(@class, 'submenu_sel')]/a")
                    var sub2 = node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@".//*[contains(@class, 'submenu_2_sel')]/a")

                    return(new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + (sub2 != null ? sub2 : sub1).Trim());
                findSubcatalogs: (node, args) =>
                if ((int)args.Args[0] < 2)
                           ._SelectNodes(@"//li[contains(@class, 'submenu_sel')]/ul/li/a")
                           .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value,
                                                           new object[] { (int)args.Args[0] + 1 }))
                    return(new ArgumentObject[0]);
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = node
                            .Select(x => x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"http://addinol.ru/index.php?id=15804",
                args: new object[] { 1 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='submenu' and position() < 4]/a",
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = Merger.Merge(
                collection: collection,
                other: AddinolDataExtractorExample.Extract(),
                setKeyCollection: o => o.SingleProperties["Наименование"],
                setKeyOtherCollection: o => o.SingleProperties["Наименование"]);

            collection = JoinerArticles.JoinInOrderEnumerable(collection, "Наименование",
                                                              productFieldsForPluralProp: new[] { "Изображения" },
                                                              productFieldsForSingleProp: new[] { "Описание" });

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Addinol"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/addinol.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void Parse()
            var random = new Random();
            var URL    = @"http://www.vesna.kirov.ru";
            var suffix = @"?page_count=1000&sort=PROPERTY_IS_AVAILABLE|DESC&PAGEN_1=13";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                                   ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) =>
                    return("VS-" + node
                           ?.InnerText?.Substring(9) ?? string.Empty);
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .SelectSingleNode(@".//*[@id='content']//div[contains(@class, 'pro-roght-price')]")
                           ?.InnerText?.TrimEnd(new[] { '₽', ' ' }) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty +
                               ?.InnerHtml?.Replace("pro-info-list", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-VS-" + random.Next());

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//span[contains(text(), 'Сортировка')]")
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["data-zoom-image"].Value)
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct
            var arguments = new ArgumentObject(
                url: URL,
                //url: @"http://vesna.kirov.ru/catalog/igrushki-iz-pvh/" + suffix,
                args: new object[] { 2 });
            var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(parser.GetLinks(args: arguments,
                                                                         prefix: URL,
                                                                         xPath: @".//*[@id='header']/div[2]/div/nav/ul/li[1]/div/ul/li/a",
                                                                         suffix: suffix));

            //var collection = parser.GetProductOrCategory(arguments);
            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!VesnaKirov"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\VesnaKirov.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void Parse()
            var random = new Random();
            var URL    = @"http://valda.ru";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           ?.Attributes["data-price"]?.Value ??
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "VD-" + node
                                        .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@itemprop]/*[contains(@class, 'hint')]")
                                        ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => (node
                                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty) +
                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty) +
                                ?.InnerHtml ?? string.Empty),
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"""Зачеркнутая цена"""] = (node, args) => node
                                            .SelectSingleNode(@"//span[@class='compare-at-price nowrap']")
                                            ?.InnerText?.Replace(" ", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                //[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) =>
                //    return Regex.Match(node.InnerText, @"Возраст.*\s+\w+", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Value;

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-VD-" + random.Next());
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) =>
                    var result = node
                                 .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                    return(result.Length != 0
                            ? result
                            : new [] { URL + node.SelectSingleNode(@".//*[@id='product-image']")
                                       .Attributes["src"].Value });
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: URL,
                //prefix: @"http://oksva-tm.ru/catalog/15",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!valda"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\valda.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"https://masteras.ru";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "SER-" + node
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           .Replace(" ", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='hide-me closed']")
                               ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) =>
                var prods = node
                            .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x.Attributes["href"].Value))

                return((int)args.Args[0] > 1 ? prods : new ArgumentObject[0]);
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) =>
                    var a = node
                            ?.InnerText.Trim() ?? string.Empty;

                    var b = node
                            ?.InnerText.Trim() ?? string.Empty;

                    return(new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + (a == string.Empty ? b : a));
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                xPathPagination: (node, args) =>
                var number = int.Parse(node
                                       .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='page-numbers']/li[last() -1]/a")
                                       ?.InnerText ?? "1");

                return(Enumerable.Range(2, number - 1)
                       .Select(x => args.Url + $"page/{x}/")
                       .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(x))
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"https://masteras.ru/shop/",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            prefix: ""));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!Masteras"
                }, isCategory: true)

            //collection = JoinerArticles.JoinInOrderEnumerable(collection, "Наименование",
            //    productFieldsForPluralProp: new[] { "Изображения" },
            //    productFieldsForSingleProp: new[] { "Описание" });

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/masteras.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static void Parse()
            var URL = @"http://www.lavatoys.ru";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "LVS-" + node
                [@"""Зачеркнутая цена"""] = (node, args) => Regex.Replace(node
                                                                          ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty, @"\s+", string.Empty),
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => Regex.Replace(node
                                                         .InnerText, @"\s+", string.Empty),
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => string.Format("Издает звук {0} при нажатии на игрушку", node
                                                             ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty),
                ["Размеры"] = (node, args) =>
                    var length = node
                    var remp = length.Contains("см");

                    return(length.Contains("см") ? "Высота: " + length : string.Empty);
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8,
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//nav[@class='paginator paginator_position_top']/a[@class='paginator__item']")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"http://www.lavatoys.ru/catalogue/",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='nav__col nav__col_width_half nav__col_type_catalog-groups']/a[@class='nav__item']",
                                                            prefix: @"http://www.lavatoys.ru"));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!LavaToys"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/lavaToys.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static void Parse()
            var url = "http://tomik.ru/";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >()
                [@"Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                            .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[contains(@class, 'price')]/span")
                [@"Деталей"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Габариты"] = (node, args) => node
                [@"Вес"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findSubcatalogs: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Attributes["href"].Value
                                                , args: new object[] { (int)args.Args[0] + 1 }))
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//section[contains(@class, ""items-category"")]/div/div/div/div/div/a")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Attributes["href"].Value, args: args.Args))
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => url + x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                                  .Where(x => !x.Equals(String.Empty))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                //prefix: @"http://tomik.ru/",
                url: @"http://tomik.ru/katalog/nastolnye-igry/domino/",
                //prefix: @"http://tomik.ru/katalog/elochnye-igrushki/podarki/kopiya-shnurovka-elochka-naryadnaya,-6-detalej.html",
                args: new object[] { 0 });
            var links = parser
                        .GetLinks(argument, @".//*[@id='sidebar']/div[2]/ul/li/a")
                        .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: url + x.Url,
                                                        args: x.Args));

            var collection =

            Import.Write(path: "tomik.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static void Parse()
            var random    = new Random();
            var URL       = @"http://www.geokont.ru";
            var badString = "НЕТ В НАЛИЧИИ";

            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = Regex.Replace(node
                                          .InnerText, @"\s+", string.Empty);
                    return(a.Substring(0, a.Length - 7).Replace(" ", ""));
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "GEK",
                //[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) => {
                //    var a = Regex.Replace(node
                //        .SelectSingleNode(@"//*[@class='prodCard'][2]/p[2]")
                //        .InnerText, @"Возраст: ", string.Empty);
                //    return a;
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) =>
                    var first = node
                                ?.InnerText.Replace(badString, string.Empty) ?? string.Empty;
                    var second = node

                    return(first + second);
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-GEK-" + random.Next());

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) =>
                var a = node
                        ._SelectNodes(@"//*[@class='container-fluid body-content']/div[last()]//td[@class='smProdHead']/a")
                        .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => {
                    var b = node.InnerText;
                    var a = new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) +
                            Regex.Match(node.InnerHtml, @"<h2 class=""grpHead"">(.*?)</h2>", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[1].ToString().Trim();
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => {
                    var a = node
                            .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                encoding: Encoding.UTF8

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"http://www.geokont.ru/ProductGroup/",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            @"//*[@class='vBlock' and position() < last()]/a",
                                                            prefix: URL));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!GeoCont"
                }, isCategory: true)

            Import.Write(path: "../../../CSV/geoCont.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void Parse()
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Цена"] = (node, o) => node
                           .InnerText.Replace("руб.", String.Empty)
                           .Replace(" ", String.Empty),
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, o) => node
                ["Размеры"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, o) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args));
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Краткое описание"""] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Описание"](node, args)
            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node.SelectNodes(@"//*[@class=""list""]")?.Any() ?? false,
                findProducts: (node, o) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//a[img[contains(@id, 'image')]]")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                findSubcatalogs: (node, o) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(url: x.Attributes["href"].Value
                                                , args: new object[] { (int)o.Args[0] + 1 }))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, o) => new string('!', (int)o.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, o) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["href"].Value)
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//div[@class=""pagination""]/div[@class=""links""]/a[position() < last() - 1]")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(
                            WebUtility.HtmlDecode(@"http://oksva-tm.ru" + x.Attributes["href"].Value)))
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"http://www.pelikan-7.ru/index.php?route=common/home",
                //prefix: @"http://www.pelikan-7.ru/index.php?route=product/category&path=38_45",
                args: new object[] { 0 });

            var collection =
                parser.GetProductOrCategory(parser.GetLinks(argument, @".//*[@id='category_menu']/ul/li/a"));

            Import.Write(path: "pelikan7.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void Parse()
            var badString = "(RNToys)";
            var URL       = @"http://www.rntoys.com";
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                                   .InnerText.Replace(badString, String.Empty),
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "RS-" + node
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => Regex.Replace(node
                                                         .InnerText.Replace("р.", String.Empty), @"\s+", string.Empty),
                ["Вес"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Размеры"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Страна-производитель"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] = (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args)
                                                                                          + "-" + singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Код артикула"""](node, args));

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                ._SelectNodes(@"//a[contains(@class, 'rpSelected')]")
                .Count != 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(URL + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                singlePropertiesProduct:  singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => URL + x.Attributes["src"].Value)

            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: URL,
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!Rntoys"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\rntoys.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static void Parse()
            var random = new Random();
            var singlePropertiesProduct = new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Цена"] = (node, args) => node
                           ?.InnerText?.Replace("р.", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty) ?? string.Empty,
                ["Описание"] = (node, args) => node
                               ?.SelectSingleNode(@".//*[contains(@id, 'node')]//div[@property]")
                               ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                [@"""Код артикула"""] = (node, args) => "OKS",
                ["Размеры"]           = (node, args) => node
                                        ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty,
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => node
                ["Валюта"] = (node, o) => "RUB",
                [@"""Доступен для заказа"""] = (node, o) => "1",
                [@"Статус"] = (node, o) => "1",
                //[@"""Возраст детей"""] = (node, args) => node
                //    .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@class='field-label' and contains(text(), 'Возраст')]/../div[2]/div")
                //    .InnerText,
                [@"Материал"] = (node, args) => node
                                .SelectSingleNode(@"//div[@class='field-label' and contains(text(), 'Материал')]/../div[2]/div/text()")
                                ?.InnerText ?? string.Empty

            singlePropertiesProduct["Заголовок"] =
                (node, args) => singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args);
            singlePropertiesProduct[@"""Ссылка на витрину"""] = (node, args) =>
                                                                Humanization.GetHumanLink(singlePropertiesProduct["Наименование"](node, args) + "-OKS-" + random.Next());

            var parser = new LiquiMolyClass(
                isCategory: node => node
                .Count == 0,
                findProducts: (node, args) => node
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(@"http://oksva-tm.ru" + x.Attributes["href"].Value))
                singlePropertiesCategory: new Dictionary <string, Search <string> >
                ["Наименование"] = (node, args) => new string('!', (int)args.Args[0]) + node
                singlePropertiesProduct: singlePropertiesProduct,
                pluralPropertiesProduct: new Dictionary <string, Search <string[]> >
                ["Изображения"] = (node, args) => node
                                  .Select(x => x.Attributes["src"].Value)
                xPathPagination: (node, args) => node
                ._SelectNodes(@".//*[@id='block-system-main']/div/div[2]/div[2]/ul/li[position() < last() - 1]/a")
                .Select(x => new ArgumentObject(
                            WebUtility.HtmlDecode(@"http://oksva-tm.ru" + x.Attributes["href"].Value)))
            var argument = new ArgumentObject(
                url: @"http://oksva-tm.ru/catalog/",
                //prefix: @"http://oksva-tm.ru/catalog/15",
                args: new object[] { 2 });

            var collection =
                                                            prefix: @"http://oksva-tm.ru"));

            collection = new[]
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "Temporary2"
                }, isCategory: true),
                new ProductCategoryObject(
                    new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Наименование"] = "!Оксва-тм"
                }, isCategory: true)
            Import.Write(path: @"..\..\..\CSV\oksvatm.csv",
                         collection: collection.ToArray(),
                         headers: Constants.WebAsystKeys,
                         format: Constants.WebAsystFormatter);