Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <CarouselEntity> > > List(CarouselInfo carouselInfo)
            Expression <Func <CarouselEntity, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <CarouselEntity>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(carouselInfo.carousel_titie))
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.carousel_titie.Contains(carouselInfo.carousel_titie));

            if (carouselInfo.disable != -1)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.disable == carouselInfo.disable);

            int total = await carouselRepository.CountAsync(where_search);

            IQueryable <CarouselEntity> carouselEntitys = await carouselRepository.GetPageAllAsync(carouselInfo.pageindex, carouselInfo.pagesize, where_search,
                                                                                                   c => c.createtime, (c => new CarouselEntity
                carousel_id = c.carousel_id,
                carousel_titie = c.carousel_titie,
                carousel_conent = c.carousel_conent,
                carousel_image = c.carousel_image,
                carousel_href = c.carousel_href,
                carousel_sort = c.carousel_sort,
                createtime = c.createtime,
                disable = c.disable,
                disabledesc = c.disabledesc
            }), false);

            return(new Pager <IQueryable <CarouselEntity> >(total, carouselEntitys));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <OrderPay> > > OrderListByUserId(string user_id, int type, string order_id = "0")
            Expression <Func <OrderPay, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <OrderPay>();

            where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_id == user_id);
            if (type == 1)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.orderdetail_delete == 1);
            if (type == 2)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.orderdetail_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.order_paystatus == 1);
            if (type == 3)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.orderdetail_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.order_goods == 2);
            if (type == 4)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.orderdetail_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.order_id == order_id);
            var data = await orderRepository.OrderListInfo(where_search);

            return(new Pager <IQueryable <OrderPay> >(data.Count(), data));
        public static void ReadFilePointers_ittxt(FileReader reader, List <FilePointer> allpointers, List <FilePointer> stringpointers)
            reader.Stream.Position = 0x14;

            var recordpositions = LinqUtil.Pump(() => reader.ReadFilePointer16(), x => x.Value != 0).ToList();

            foreach (var position_record in recordpositions)

                reader.Stream.Position = position_record.Value + 4;

                var ptr1 = reader.ReadFilePointer16();
                var ptr2 = reader.ReadFilePointer16();

                if (allpointers.Exists(x => x.Position == ptr1.Position && x.Value == ptr1.Value) == false)
                if (allpointers.Exists(x => x.Position == ptr2.Position && x.Value == ptr2.Value) == false)

                if (stringpointers.Exists(x => x.Position == ptr1.Position && x.Value == ptr1.Value) == false)
                if (stringpointers.Exists(x => x.Position == ptr2.Position && x.Value == ptr2.Value) == false)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task <BaseResult <bool> > UpdatePassword(string user_id, string passwordOld, string passwordNew)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id))
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(808));

            Expression <Func <UserEntity, bool> > where = LinqUtil.True <UserEntity>();
            where = where.AndAlso(c => c.user_id == user_id);
            where = where.AndAlso(c => c.user_pwd == CommonUtil.Md5(passwordOld) && c.disable != 1);

            UserEntity userEntity = await userRepository.GetAsync(where);

            if (userEntity == null)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(1002, false));

            UserEntity userEntityUpdate = new UserEntity()
                user_id  = user_id,
                user_pwd = CommonUtil.Md5(passwordNew)
            var isTrue = await userRepository.UpdateAsync(userEntityUpdate, true, true, u => u.user_pwd);

            if (isTrue)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(200, true));
            return(new BaseResult <bool>(201, false));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void HandleSelectManyCall(MethodCallExpression call)
            //get the association path for the joined entity
            var collectionSelector = (LambdaExpression)LinqUtil.StripQuotes(call.Arguments[1]);

            LambdaExpression resultSelector = null;

            if (call.Arguments.Count == 3)
                resultSelector = (LambdaExpression)LinqUtil.StripQuotes(call.Arguments[2]);
                string alias = resultSelector.Parameters[1].Name;

                var visitor = new SelectManyVisitor(rootCriteria, alias);

            if (resultSelector != null)
                //visit the result selector expression after the alias for the association has been created
                var resultSelectorVisitor = new SelectArgumentsVisitor(rootCriteria, session);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <UserDepartRoleInfo> > > List(UserInfo userInfo)
            Expression <Func <UserDepartRoleInfo, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <UserDepartRoleInfo>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInfo.name))
                where_search = RegexUtil.Email(userInfo.name) ? where_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_email == userInfo.name)
                    : where_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_phone == userInfo.name);
            if (userInfo.gender != -1)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_gender == userInfo.gender);
            if (userInfo.source != -1)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.source_type == userInfo.source);
            if (userInfo.status != -1)
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.disable == userInfo.status);

            int total = 0;
            IQueryable <UserDepartRoleInfo> user_dep_role = await userRepository.getLeftJoinDepRole(where_search,
                                                                                                    userInfo.pageindex, userInfo.pagesize, out total);

            return(new Pager <IQueryable <UserDepartRoleInfo> >(total, user_dep_role));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <BaseResult <UserApplyEntity> > GetById(string id)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                return(new BaseResult <UserApplyEntity>(808));

            Expression <Func <UserApplyEntity, bool> > where_serch = LinqUtil.True <UserApplyEntity>();

            where_serch = where_serch.AndAlso(c => c.apply_id.Contains(id));

            UserApplyEntity query = (from c in await userApplyRepository.GetAllAsync(where_serch)
                                     join o in await userRepository.GetAllAsync() on c.user_id equals o.user_id
                                     join n in await userRepository.GetAllAsync() on c.detail_id equals n.user_id into joinTemp
                                     from tmp in joinTemp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     select new UserApplyEntity()
                user_id = o.user_email,
                createtime = c.createtime,
                detail_id = tmp == null ? "" : tmp.full_name,
                apply_id = c.apply_id,
                apply_reason = c.apply_reason,
                apply_desc = c.apply_desc,
                row_number = c.row_number,
                is_true = c.is_true

            return(new BaseResult <UserApplyEntity>(200, query));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize basic
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jsonFilePath"></param>
 /// <param name="rep"></param>
 /// <param name="reqIfLogList"></param>
 public DoorsModule(string jsonFilePath, EA.Repository rep, List <ReqIfLog> reqIfLogList = null)
     _jsonFilePath     = jsonFilePath;
     _rep              = rep;
     _connectionString = LinqUtil.GetConnectionString(_rep, out _provider);
     _reqIfLogList     = reqIfLogList;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    private static bool IsChild(Transform target, Transform root)
        List <Transform> transList = LinqUtil.ToList(root.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>());

        if (transList.Contains(target))
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize DoorsModule for usage with package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rep"></param>
        /// <param name="pkg"></param>
        /// <param name="reqIfLogList"></param>
        private void Init(EA.Repository rep, EA.Package pkg, List <ReqIfLog> reqIfLogList = null)
            _pkg = pkg;
            _rep = rep;
            _reqIfDeserialized = null;
            _reqIfLogList      = reqIfLogList;

            // get connection string of repository
            _connectionString = LinqUtil.GetConnectionString(_rep, out _provider);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// InitializeTable for search results using EA API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rep"></param>
        /// <param name="searchText">Optional: List of packages, EA elements as a comma separated list</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static DataTable AddinSearchObjectsNestedInitTable(EA.Repository rep, string searchText)
            // get connection string of repository
            string connectionString = LinqUtil.GetConnectionString(rep, out var provider);

            _tv = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("CLASSGUID", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("CLASSTYPE", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Alias", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Note", typeof(string));
            if (searchText.Trim().StartsWith("{"))
                // handle string
                string[] guidList = GetEaFromCommaSeparatedList(searchText);
                foreach (var guid in guidList)
                    EA.Element el = rep.GetElementByGuid(guid);
                    if (el == null)
                    if (el.Type != "Package")
                        NestedElementsRecursive(connectionString, provider, dt, rep.GetPackageByID(el.PackageID).PackageGUID, el.ElementID);
                    if (el.Type == "Package")
                        NestedPackageElementsRecursive(connectionString, provider, dt, guid);

                EA.Package pkg = rep.GetPackageByGuid(searchText);
                if (pkg != null)
                    NestedPackageElementsRecursive(connectionString, provider, dt, pkg.PackageGUID);
                // handle context element
                rep.GetContextItem(out var item);
                if (item is EA.Element element)
                    NestedElementsRecursive(connectionString, provider, dt, rep.GetPackageByID(element.PackageID).PackageGUID, element.ElementID);
                if (item is EA.Package package)
                    NestedPackageElementsRecursive(connectionString, provider, dt, package.PackageGUID);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>是否已经存在相同名称,有则不注册</summary>
 private static bool IsExistSameName(Transform parent, Transform select)
     Transform[] childTrans = (Transform[])LinqUtil.CustomWhere(parent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(),
                                                                x => x.name == select.name);
     if (childTrans.Length > 1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void HandleSelectCall(MethodCallExpression call)
            var lambda = (LambdaExpression)LinqUtil.StripQuotes(call.Arguments[1]);

            var visitor = new SelectArgumentsVisitor(rootCriteria, session);


Ejemplo n.º 14
        public async Task <BaseResult <List <ShopCommentView> > > GetShopCommentInfo(string shop_id, int type)
            //判断查询参数(组装查询条件)  1表示好评(5)  2表示中评(2,3,4) 3表示差评(1)
            Expression <Func <ShopCommentInfo, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <ShopCommentInfo>();

            where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.shop_id == shop_id);

            if (type != 0)
                switch (type)
                case 3:
                    where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.comment_star == 1);

                case 2:
                    where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.comment_star == 2 || c.comment_star == 3 || c.comment_star == 4);

                    where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.comment_star == 5);
            IQueryable <ShopCommentInfo> shopCommentInfos = await commentRepository.GetShopCommentInfo(where_search);

            List <ShopCommentView> shopCommentViews = new List <ShopCommentView>();
            ShopCommentView        shopCommentView  = null;

            foreach (var shopCommentInfo in shopCommentInfos)
                shopCommentView = shopCommentViews.FirstOrDefault(c => c.comment_id.Equals(shopCommentInfo.comment_id));
                if (shopCommentView == null)
                    shopCommentView               = new ShopCommentView();
                    shopCommentView.comment_id    = shopCommentInfo.comment_id;
                    shopCommentView.user_name     = shopCommentInfo.user_name;
                    shopCommentView.user_image    = shopCommentInfo.user_image;
                    shopCommentView.shop_code     = shopCommentInfo.shop_code;
                    shopCommentView.comment_desc  = shopCommentInfo.comment_desc;
                    shopCommentView.comment_reply = shopCommentInfo.comment_reply;
                    shopCommentView.comment_star  = shopCommentInfo.comment_star;
                    shopCommentView.createtime    = shopCommentInfo.createtime;
            return(new BaseResult <List <ShopCommentView> >(200, shopCommentViews));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <OrderPay> OrderInfoByShopSkuId(string user_id, string order_id, string shopsku_id)
            Expression <Func <OrderPay, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <OrderPay>();

            where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_id == user_id).AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1).AndAlso(c => c.orderdetail_delete == 1)
                           .AndAlso(c => c.order_id == order_id).AndAlso(c => c.shopsku_id == shopsku_id);

            var data = await orderRepository.OrderListInfo(where_search);

        public static ICriterion GetBinaryCriteria(
            ICriteria rootCriteria,
            ISession session,
            BinaryExpression expr,
            ComparePropToValue comparePropToValue,
            ComparePropToProp comparePropToProp,
            CompareValueToCriteria compareValueToCriteria,
            ComparePropToCriteria comparePropToCriteria)
            var left  = new BinaryCriterionVisitor(rootCriteria, session);
            var right = new BinaryCriterionVisitor(rootCriteria, session);


            //the query should have been preprocessed so that
            //only the following combinations are possible:
            // LEFT           RIGHT
            // ========================
            // property       value
            // property       property
            // property       criteria
            // value          criteria
            // criteria       criteria   <== not supported yet

            switch (left.Type)
            case BinaryCriterionType.Property:
                switch (right.Type)
                case BinaryCriterionType.Value:
                    object val = right.Value;
                    if (left.ConvertTo != null)
                        val = LinqUtil.ChangeType(val, left.ConvertTo);
                    return(comparePropToValue(left.Name, val));

                case BinaryCriterionType.Property:
                    return(comparePropToProp(left.Name, right.Name));

                case BinaryCriterionType.Criteria:
                    return(comparePropToCriteria(left.Name, right.Criteria));

            case BinaryCriterionType.Value:
                return(compareValueToCriteria(left.Value, right.Criteria));

            throw new NotSupportedException("Could not understand: " + expr);
        protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression expr)
            if (expr.Arguments.Count > 1)
                LambdaExpression lambda = LinqUtil.StripQuotes(expr.Arguments[1]) as LambdaExpression;
                if (lambda != null)
                    _currentCollectionAliases = lambda.Parameters;

Ejemplo n.º 18
        protected override void Awake()
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                transform.gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource>();
            sources      = transform.GetComponents <AudioSource>();
            _bgSource    = sources[0];
            audioSources = (AudioSource[])LinqUtil.CustomWhere(sources, item => item != _bgSource);

Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void ReadFilePointers_magic_ZoK(FileReader reader, Int32 recordcount, List <FilePointer> allpointers, List <FilePointer> stringpointers)
            reader.Stream.Position = 0x0;

            var recordpositions = LinqUtil.Pump(() => reader.ReadFilePointer16(), x => x.Value != 0).ToList();

            foreach (var position_record in recordpositions)

                reader.Stream.Position = position_record.Value;

                var key = reader.ReadUInt16();
                if (key == 0)

                reader.Stream.Position = position_record.Value + 28;

                var ptr1 = reader.ReadFilePointer16();
                var ptr2 = reader.ReadFilePointer16();

                if (ptr1.Value >= reader.Length)
                if (ptr2.Value >= reader.Length)

                if (allpointers.Contains(ptr1) == false)
                if (allpointers.Contains(ptr2) == false)

                if (stringpointers.Contains(ptr1) == false)
                if (stringpointers.Contains(ptr2) == false)
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the value of the field or property represented by the specified
        /// <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MemberInfo"/> for the supplied object instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">A <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MemberInfo"/> object.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">An instance of an object.</param>
        /// <param name="valueToSet">The value to set on the specified object.</param>
        private void SetValue(MemberInfo memberInfo, object instance, object valueToSet)
            var field = memberInfo as FieldInfo;

            if (field != null)
                field.SetValue(instance, LinqUtil.ChangeType(valueToSet, field.FieldType));
                var prop = memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
                prop.SetValue(instance, LinqUtil.ChangeType(valueToSet, prop.PropertyType), null);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <IQueryable <OrderPay> > getOrderPay(string id, string user_id)
            Expression <Func <OrderPay, bool> > where_search = LinqUtil.True <OrderPay>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
                where_search = where_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_id == id).AndAlso(c => c.user_id == user_id).AndAlso(c => c.order_delete == 1)
                               .AndAlso(c => c.order_goods == 1).AndAlso(c => c.order_paystatus == 1);
            var data = await orderRepository.GetOrderPay(where_search);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get the object count of all t_object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int GetObjectCount()
            int count;
            // get connection string of repository
            string connectionString = LinqUtil.GetConnectionString(_repository, out var provider);

            using (var db = new DataModels.EaDataModel(provider, connectionString))
                count = (from o in db.t_object
                         select o.Name).Count();

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <UserOrderInfo> > > List(OrderInfo orderInfo)
            Expression <Func <UserEntity, bool> >  user_search  = LinqUtil.True <UserEntity>();
            Expression <Func <OrderEntity, bool> > order_search = LinqUtil.True <OrderEntity>();

            user_search.AndAlso(c => c.disable == 0);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderInfo.user_email))
                user_search = user_search.AndAlso(c => c.user_email.Contains(orderInfo.user_email));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderInfo.order_number))
                order_search = order_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_number.Contains(orderInfo.order_number));
            if (orderInfo.order_paystatus != -1)
                order_search = order_search.AndAlso(c => c.order_paystatus == orderInfo.order_paystatus);
            if (orderInfo.disable != -1)
                order_search = order_search.AndAlso(c => c.disable == orderInfo.disable);
            int pageindex = orderInfo.pageindex;

            int total = await orderRepository.CountAsync(order_search);

            IQueryable <UserOrderInfo> query = (from o in await orderRepository.GetAllAsync(order_search)
                                                join u in await userRepository.GetAllAsync(user_search) on o.user_id equals u.user_id
                                                orderby o.createtime descending
                                                select new UserOrderInfo()
                order_id = o.order_id,
                order_number = o.order_number,
                order_total = o.order_total,
                order_privilege = o.order_privilege,
                order_actualpay = o.order_actualpay,
                order_paystatus = o.order_paystatus,
                order_payway = o.order_payway,
                order_goods = o.order_goods,
                order_delete = o.order_delete,
                createtime = o.createtime,
                disable = o.disable,
                user_email = u.user_email
            }).Skip((--pageindex * orderInfo.pagesize)).Take(orderInfo.pagesize);

            return(new Pager <IQueryable <UserOrderInfo> >(total, query));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public async Task <Pager <IQueryable <CommentShopInfo> > > List(CommentInfo commentInfo)
            //使用linq join关联三张表查询评论信息(Pls_Comment、Pls_User、Pls_Shop)
            Expression <Func <UserEntity, bool> >    user_serach    = LinqUtil.True <UserEntity>();
            Expression <Func <ShopEntity, bool> >    shop_serach    = LinqUtil.True <ShopEntity>();
            Expression <Func <CommentEntity, bool> > comment_serach = LinqUtil.True <CommentEntity>();

            user_serach.AndAlso(c => c.disable == 0);
            shop_serach.AndAlso(c => c.disable == 0);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentInfo.user_email))
                user_serach = user_serach.AndAlso(b => b.user_email.Contains(commentInfo.user_email));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commentInfo.shop_name))
                shop_serach = shop_serach.AndAlso(b => b.shop_name.Contains(commentInfo.shop_name));
            if ((commentInfo.status) != -1)
                comment_serach = comment_serach.AndAlso(b => b.disable == commentInfo.status);

            int pageindex = commentInfo.pageindex;      //页码,因为没有set,所以就重新定义一个变量
            int total = await commentRepository.CountAsync(comment_serach);

            IQueryable <CommentShopInfo> query = (from c in await commentRepository.GetAllAsync(comment_serach)
                                                  join d in await userRepository.GetAllAsync(user_serach)
                                                  on c.user_id equals d.user_id
                                                  join e in await shopRepository.GetAllAsync(shop_serach)
                                                  on c.shop_id equals e.shop_id
                                                  orderby c.createtime descending
                                                  select new CommentShopInfo
                comment_id = c.comment_id,
                user_email = d.user_email,
                shop_name = e.shop_name,
                comment_star = c.comment_star,
                comment_desc = c.comment_desc,
                comment_reply = c.comment_reply,
                createtime = c.createtime,
                disable = c.disable,
                disabledesc = null,
                commentImage = null
            }).Skip((--pageindex * commentInfo.pagesize)).Take(commentInfo.pagesize);

            return(new Pager <IQueryable <CommentShopInfo> >(total, query));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression call)
            if (call.Method.Name == "SelectMany")
                if (call.Arguments.Count == 3)
                    var    resultSelector = (LambdaExpression)LinqUtil.StripQuotes(call.Arguments[2]);
                    string alias          = resultSelector.Parameters[1].Name;


Ejemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <BaseResult <bool> > checkData(string user_id, string content)
            Expression <Func <UserEntity, bool> > where = LinqUtil.True <UserEntity>();
            where = RegexUtil.Email(content) ? where.AndAlso(c => c.user_email == content)
                : where.AndAlso(c => c.user_phone == content);

            where = where.AndAlso(c => c.user_id != user_id);

            int count = await userRepository.CountAsync(where);

            if (count > 0)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(900, true));
            return(new BaseResult <bool>(200, false));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public async Task <BaseResult <bool> > LoginFront(string login_name_in, string user_pwd_in)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(login_name_in) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_pwd_in))
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(808, false));

            Expression <Func <UserEntity, bool> > where = LinqUtil.True <UserEntity>();
            where = RegexUtil.Email(login_name_in) ? where.AndAlso(c => c.user_email == login_name_in) :
                    where.AndAlso(c => c.user_phone == login_name_in);
            where = where.AndAlso(c => c.user_pwd == CommonUtil.Md5(user_pwd_in));

            UserEntity userEntity = await userRepository.GetAsync(where);

            if (userEntity == null)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(1000, false));
            if (userEntity.disable == (int)DisableStatus.disable_true)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(1004, false));
            if (userEntity.user_activation == (int)DisableStatus.disable_true)
                return(new BaseResult <bool>(1005, false));

            await userRepository.UpdateAsync(new UserEntity()
                user_id = userEntity.user_id, last_time = DateTime.Now
            }, true, true, c => c.last_time);

            UserSession userSession = new UserSession
                user_id    = userEntity.user_id,
                user_name  = userEntity.user_name + userEntity.user_code,
                user_image = userEntity.user_image

            httpContextUtil.setObjectAsJson(KeyUtil.user_info_front, userSession);
            return(new BaseResult <bool>(200, true));
        public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, int loc, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary <string, IFilter> enabledFilter)
            if (ParameterValues != null && ParameterValues.Length > 0)
                var sql = new SqlStringBuilder();
                bool hasProperty  = false;
                bool hasParameter = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < ParameterValues.Length; i++)
                    if (PropertyPosition == i)
                        if (i > 0)
                            sql.Add(", ");
                        sql.Add(criteriaQuery.GetColumn(criteria, propertyName)).Add(", ");
                        hasProperty = true;
                    else if (i > 0)
                        sql.Add(", ");

                    hasParameter = true;
                if (!hasProperty)
                    if (hasParameter)
                        sql.Add(", ");
                    sql.Add(criteriaQuery.GetColumn(criteria, propertyName));

                return(sql.Add(") as y").Add(loc.ToString()).Add("_").ToSqlString());

            // if ParameterValues were not specified, we defer to the base functionality
            return(base.ToSqlString(criteria, loc, criteriaQuery, enabledFilter));
 static void MyMain()
     List<SubClassA> subClassAList = new List<SubClassA>
         new SubClassA {SomeBoolValue = true, Value = 0},
         new SubClassA {SomeBoolValue = true, Value = 2},
         new SubClassA {SomeBoolValue = false, Value = 1},
     List<SubClassB> subClassBList = new List<SubClassB>
         new SubClassB {SomeDecimalValue = 1.3M, Value = 2},
         new SubClassB {SomeDecimalValue = 3.5M, Value = 1},
         new SubClassB {SomeDecimalValue = 0.2M, Value = 5},
     IList<SubClassA> orderedAList = LinqUtil<SubClassA>.OrderList(subClassAList)
     IList<SubClassB> orderedBList = LinqUtil<SubClassB>.OrderList(subClassBList)
        private T HandleAggregateCall(MethodCallExpression call)
            var visitor = new SelectArgumentsVisitor(rootCriteria, session);


            T value = default(T);

            if (visitor.Projection != null)
                object result = rootCriteria.SetProjection(visitor.Projection).UniqueResult();
                if (result != null)
                    value = (T)LinqUtil.ChangeType(result, typeof(T));
