Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void HandleTopSegment(ref List <Vector2> visibility, LineSegment seg, Ray2D ray)
            // dont handle colinear lines
            if (seg == null || Line.Colinear(ray.origin, seg.Point1, seg.Point2))

            var intersect = seg.Intersect(ray);

            if (!intersect.HasValue)
                // robustness issues if ray near endpoint
                var lineIntersect = seg.Line.Intersect(ray);
                if (lineIntersect.HasValue)
                    intersect = seg.ClosestPoint(lineIntersect.Value);

            if (intersect.HasValue &&
                !MathUtil.EqualsEps(Vector2.zero, intersect.Value) &&
                (visibility.Count == 0 || !MathUtil.EqualsEps(intersect.Value, visibility.Last())))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ComputeMinDistanceLinePoint(ILineString line, IPoint point,
                                                 bool flip)
            var lineCoord = line.Coordinates;
            var coord     = point.Coordinate;

            // brute force approach!
            for (int i = 0; i < lineCoord.Length - 1; i++)
                var dist = CGAlgorithms3D.DistancePointSegment(coord, lineCoord[i],
                                                               lineCoord[i + 1]);
                if (dist < _minDistance)
                    var seg             = new LineSegment(lineCoord[i], lineCoord[i + 1]);
                    var segClosestPoint = seg.ClosestPoint(coord);
                                   new GeometryLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint),
                                   new GeometryLocation(point, 0, coord),
                if (_isDone)
Ejemplo n.º 3
            private void UpdatePts(Coordinate p, Coordinate seg0, Coordinate seg1)
                _minPts[0] = p;
                var seg = new LineSegment(seg0, seg1);

                _minPts[1] = new Coordinate(seg.ClosestPoint(p));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="pt"></param>
        /// <param name="locGeom"></param>
        private void ComputeMinDistance(ILineString line, IPoint pt, GeometryLocation[] locGeom)
            if (line.EnvelopeInternal.Distance(pt.EnvelopeInternal) > _minDistance)
            var coord0 = line.Coordinates;
            var coord  = pt.Coordinate;

            // brute force approach!
            for (int i = 0; i < coord0.Length - 1; i++)
                double dist = DistanceComputer.PointToSegment(coord, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                if (dist < _minDistance)
                    _minDistance = dist;
                    var seg             = new LineSegment(coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                    var segClosestPoint = seg.ClosestPoint(coord);
                    locGeom[0] = new GeometryLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint);
                    locGeom[1] = new GeometryLocation(pt, 0, coord);
                if (_minDistance <= _terminateDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="pt"></param>
        /// <param name="locGeom"></param>
        private void ComputeMinDistance(ILineString line, IPoint pt, GeometryLocation[] locGeom)
            if (line.EnvelopeInternal.Distance(pt.EnvelopeInternal) > minDistance)
            ICoordinate[] coord0 = line.Coordinates;
            ICoordinate   coord  = pt.Coordinate;

            // brute force approach!
            for (int i = 0; i < coord0.Length - 1; i++)
                double dist = CGAlgorithms.DistancePointLine(coord, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                if (dist < minDistance)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    LineSegment seg             = new LineSegment(coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                    ICoordinate segClosestPoint = seg.ClosestPoint(coord);
                    locGeom[0] = new GeometryLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint);
                    locGeom[1] = new GeometryLocation(pt, 0, coord);
                if (minDistance <= terminateDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="pt"></param>
        /// <param name="locGeom"></param>
        private void ComputeMinDistance(ILineString line, Point pt, GeometryLocation[] locGeom)
            if (line.EnvelopeInternal.Distance(pt.EnvelopeInternal) > _minDistance)
            IList <Coordinate> coord0 = line.Coordinates;
            Coordinate         coord  = pt.Coordinate;

            // brute force approach!
            for (int i = 0; i < coord0.Count - 1; i++)
                double dist = CgAlgorithms.DistancePointLine(coord, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                if (dist < _minDistance)
                    _minDistance = dist;
                    LineSegment seg             = new LineSegment(coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                    Coordinate  segClosestPoint = new Coordinate(seg.ClosestPoint(coord));
                    locGeom[0] = new GeometryLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint);
                    locGeom[1] = new GeometryLocation(pt, 0, coord);
                if (_minDistance <= _terminateDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Update(IMyEntity missile)
            LineSegment line = new LineSegment(entity.GetPosition(), entity.GetPosition() + entity.WorldMatrix.Forward * 1e6f);

            position       = line.ClosestPoint(missile.GetPosition()) + missile.Physics.LinearVelocity;
            linearVelocity = entity.WorldMatrix.Forward * missile.Physics.LinearVelocity.Length();
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void ComputeMinDistance(LineString line, Point pt,
                                        DistanceLocation[] locGeom)
            if (line.Bounds.Distance(pt.Bounds) > minDistance)

            ICoordinateList coord0 = line.Coordinates;
            Coordinate      coord  = pt.Coordinate;

            // brute force approach!
            int nCount0 = coord0.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < nCount0 - 1; i++)
                double dist = CGAlgorithms.DistancePointLine(coord, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                if (dist < minDistance)
                    minDistance = dist;
                    LineSegment seg =
                        new LineSegment(m_objFactory, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
                    Coordinate segClosestPoint = seg.ClosestPoint(coord);
                    locGeom[0] = new DistanceLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint);
                    locGeom[1] = new DistanceLocation(pt, 0, coord);

                if (minDistance <= terminateDistance)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void OnDrawGizmos()
            var pos = point.position;

            var line0 = new LineSegment()
                start = line0_start.position, end = line0_end.position
            var line1 = new LineSegment()
                start = line1_start.position, end = line1_end.position

            // line0
            Gizmos.color = Color.red;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(line0.start, line0.end);

            // line1
            Gizmos.color = Color.blue;
            Gizmos.DrawLine(line1.start, line1.end);

            // intersection line0,line1
            var intersection = LineSegment.CalcIntersection(line0, line1);

            if (intersection != null)
                Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
                Gizmos.DrawWireSphere(intersection.Value, 0.3f);

            // closet point
            Gizmos.color = Color.gray;
            var cpos0 = line0.ClosestPoint(pos);
            var cpos1 = line1.ClosestPoint(pos);

            Gizmos.DrawLine(cpos0, pos);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(cpos1, pos);

            // normal from pos
            Gizmos.color = Color.green;
            var normal0 = line0.CalcNormal(pos);
            var normal1 = line1.CalcNormal(pos);

            Gizmos.DrawRay(pos, -normal0);
            Gizmos.DrawRay(pos, -normal1);

            var dist0 = line0.Distance(pos);
            var dist1 = line1.Distance(pos);
            UnityEditor.Handles.Label(pos, $"Distance: {dist0},{dist1}");

            var left0 = line0.IsLeft(pos);
            var left1 = line1.IsLeft(pos);
            UnityEditor.Handles.Label(pos - Vector3.up * 0.2f, $"IsLeft: {left0},{left1}");
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        LineSegment l1 = new LineSegment(a.position, b.position);

        Vector3 closest = l1.ClosestPoint(c.position);

        closest.y             = a.position.y;
        intersection.position = closest;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void UpdateNearestLocationsPointLine(Coordinate pt,
                                                     FacetSequence facetSeq, int i, Coordinate q0, Coordinate q1,
                                                     GeometryLocation[] locs)
            locs[0] = new GeometryLocation(_geom, _start, pt.Copy());
            var seg             = new LineSegment(q0, q1);
            var segClosestPoint = seg.ClosestPoint(pt);

            locs[1] = new GeometryLocation(facetSeq._geom, i, segClosestPoint.Copy());
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private void UpdateClearance(double candidateValue, Coordinate p,
                              Coordinate seg0, Coordinate seg1)
     if (candidateValue < _minClearance)
         _minClearance = candidateValue;
         _minClearancePts[0] = p.Copy();
         var seg = new LineSegment(seg0, seg1);
         _minClearancePts[1] = seg.ClosestPoint(p).Copy();
        public static void ComputeDistance(ILineString line, Coordinate pt, PointPairDistance ptDist)
            var coords = line.Coordinates;

            for (var i = 0; i < coords.Length - 1; i++)
                TempSegment.SetCoordinates(coords[i], coords[i + 1]);
                // this is somewhat inefficient - could do better
                var closestPt = TempSegment.ClosestPoint(pt);
                ptDist.SetMinimum(closestPt, pt);
Ejemplo n.º 14
// removed because Geometry.GeometryChangedAction() is not virtual

//		public void GeometryChangedAction()
//		{
//			DetermineMonotone();
//		}

         * @param co
         *            input coordinate in the neighbourhood of the MLineString
         * @param tolerance
         *            max. distance that co may be from this MLineString
         * @return an MCoordinate on this MLineString with appropriate M-value
        public MCoordinate GetClosestPoint(Coordinate co, double tolerance)
            if (!this.IsMonotone(false))
                throw new ApplicationException("MGeometryException.OPERATION_REQUIRES_MONOTONE");

            if (!this.IsEmpty)
                LineSegment  seg  = new LineSegment();
                Coordinate[] coAr = this.Coordinates;
                seg.P0 = coAr[0];
                double      d        = 0.0;
                double      projfact = 0.0;
                double      minDist  = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                MCoordinate mincp    = null;
                for (int i = 1; i < coAr.Length; i++)
                    seg.P1 = coAr[i];
                    Coordinate cp = seg.ClosestPoint(co);
                    d = cp.Distance(co);
                    if (d <= tolerance && d <= minDist)
                        MCoordinate testcp = new MCoordinate(cp);
                        projfact = seg.ProjectionFactor(cp);
                        testcp.M = ((MCoordinate)coAr[i - 1]).M
                                   + projfact
                                   * (((MCoordinate)coAr[i]).M - ((MCoordinate)coAr[i - 1]).M);
                        if (d < minDist || testcp.M < mincp.M)
                            mincp   = testcp;
                            minDist = d;
                    seg.P0 = seg.P1;
                if (minDist > tolerance)
        /// <summary>
        /// Either intersects two line segments defined by the given four polar points
        /// or if endpoint is null, a line segment (a,b) and ray from point orig in the direction
        /// of its adjacent polygon segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="orig"></param>
        /// <param name="endpoint"></param>
        /// <returns> A vertex-displacement pair associated with the intersection. </returns>
        public static VertDispl IntersectWithWindow(VertDispl a, VertDispl b, VertDispl orig, VertDispl endpoint)
            if (a == null || b == null || orig == null)

            var s1 = new LineSegment(a.p, b.p);

            // extra checks related to robustness issues
            if (s1.IsOnSegment(orig.p.Cartesian))


            if (endpoint != null)
                var s2 = new LineSegment(orig.p, endpoint.p);

                // check for parallel slopes
                if (s1.IsParallel(s2))
                    res = s1.ClosestPoint(orig.p.Cartesian);

                    if (res.HasValue && !s2.IsOnSegment(res.Value))
                        res = null;
                    res = s1.Intersect(s2);
                var ray = new Ray2D(orig.p.Cartesian, orig.Direction);
                res = s1.Intersect(ray);

            if (!res.HasValue)

            return(DisplacementInBetween(new PolarPoint2D(res.Value), a, b));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private bool CheckFinalExit()
            // rotate the polygon into the current relative frame
            CarTimestamp      curTimestamp = Services.RelativePose.CurrentTimestamp;
            RelativeTransform relTransform = Services.RelativePose.GetTransform(polygonTimestamp, curTimestamp);
            LineSegment       finalLine    = finalOrientation.Transform(relTransform);

            double finalAngle = finalLine.UnitVector.ArcTan;

            if (Math.Abs(finalAngle) < 15 * Math.PI / 180.0 && finalLine.ClosestPoint(Coordinates.Zero).Length < 2)
                // we can just execute a stay in lane

Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Given the specified test point, this checks each segment, and will
        /// return the closest point on the specified segment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">The ILineString, whose point is returned.</param>
        /// <param name="testPoint">The point to test.</param>
        public static Coordinate ClosestPoint(this ILineString self, Coordinate testPoint)
            Coordinate closest = self.GetCoordinateN(0);
            double     dist    = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < self.NumPoints - 1; i++)
                LineSegment s        = new LineSegment(self.GetCoordinateN(i), self.GetCoordinateN(i + 1));
                Coordinate  temp     = s.ClosestPoint(testPoint);
                double      tempDist = testPoint.Distance(temp);
                if (tempDist < dist)
                    dist    = tempDist;
                    closest = temp;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static double GetObstacleClearanceLine(LineSegment segment, IList <Polygon> obstacles)
            double minDist = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (Polygon obs in obstacles)
                foreach (Coordinates pt in obs)
                    Coordinates closestPt = segment.ClosestPoint(pt);
                    double      dist      = closestPt.DistanceTo(pt);
                    if (dist < minDist)
                        minDist = dist;

Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the Euclidean distance (L2 metric) from a <see cref="Coordinate"/> to a <see cref="LineSegment"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segment">The <c>LineSegment</c></param>
        /// <param name="pt">The Point</param>
        /// <param name="ptDist">The <c>PointPairDistance</c></param>
        public static void ComputeDistance(LineSegment segment, Coordinate pt, PointPairDistance ptDist)
            var closestPt = segment.ClosestPoint(pt);

            ptDist.SetMinimum(closestPt, pt);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="line"></param>
 /// <param name="pt"></param>
 /// <param name="locGeom"></param>
 private void ComputeMinDistance(ILineString line, Point pt, GeometryLocation[] locGeom)
     if (line.EnvelopeInternal.Distance(pt.EnvelopeInternal) > _minDistance) return;
     IList<Coordinate> coord0 = line.Coordinates;
     Coordinate coord = pt.Coordinate;
     // brute force approach!
     for (int i = 0; i < coord0.Count - 1; i++)
         double dist = CgAlgorithms.DistancePointLine(coord, coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
         if (dist < _minDistance)
             _minDistance = dist;
             LineSegment seg = new LineSegment(coord0[i], coord0[i + 1]);
             Coordinate segClosestPoint = new Coordinate(seg.ClosestPoint(coord));
             locGeom[0] = new GeometryLocation(line, i, segClosestPoint);
             locGeom[1] = new GeometryLocation(pt, 0, coord);
         if (_minDistance <= _terminateDistance) return;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void Update(IMyEntity missile)
     LineSegment line = new LineSegment(entity.GetPosition(), entity.GetPosition() + entity.WorldMatrix.Forward * 1e6f);
     position = line.ClosestPoint(missile.GetPosition()) + missile.Physics.LinearVelocity;
     linearVelocity = entity.WorldMatrix.Forward * missile.Physics.LinearVelocity.Length();
        /// <summary>
        /// Pops all vertices from the stack that have become invisible after the addition
        /// of a new vertex.
        /// Calls appropriate method (advance, scan, retard) after being done based on next vertex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="v"></param>
        /// <param name="sOld"></param>
        /// <param name="iprev"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static NextCall Retard(ref VsRep v, ref Stack <VertDispl> s, ref int i, ref VertDispl w, ref bool ccw)
            // LocateSj will pop vertices from the stack
            // until appropriated s_j is found
            // see paper
            var sjNext = LocateSj(v.Get(i), v.Get(i + 1), s);

            if (s.Count == 0)

            var sj = s.Peek();

            if (sj.alpha < v.Get(i + 1).alpha)

                var vi = v.Get(i);
                var p  = (new LineSegment(sj.p.Cartesian, sjNext.p.Cartesian)).Intersect(vi.p.Ray);

                // fallback method, return point closest to intersection with segment line
                if (p == null)
                    var line = new Line(vi.p.Ray.origin, vi.p.Ray.origin + vi.p.Ray.direction);
                    p = (new LineSegment(sj.p.Cartesian, sjNext.p.Cartesian)).Line.Intersect(line);
                    p = Vector2.Distance(p.Value, sj.p.Cartesian) < Vector2.Distance(p.Value, sjNext.p.Cartesian)
                        ? sj.p.Cartesian : sjNext.p.Cartesian;

                var st1 = DisplacementInBetween(new PolarPoint2D(p.Value), sj, sjNext);

                if (st1 != null)


                // paper does i == v.n
                if (i == v.n - 1)
                    // TODO order of returned list correct? (check stack to list conversion)
                else if (MathUtil.GEQEps(v.Get(i + 1).alpha, vi.alpha) &&
                         MathUtil.Orient2D(v.Get(i - 1).p.Cartesian, vi.p.Cartesian, v.Get(i + 1).p.Cartesian) <= 0)
                { // -1 is RighTurn
                else if (MathUtil.GreaterEps(v.Get(i + 1).alpha, vi.alpha) &&
                         MathUtil.Orient2D(v.Get(i - 1).p.Cartesian, vi.p.Cartesian, v.Get(i + 1).p.Cartesian) > 0)
                {  // 1 is LeftTurn
                    w   = vi;
                    ccw = false;
                if (MathUtil.EqualsEps(v.Get(i + 1).alpha, sj.alpha) &&
                    MathUtil.GreaterEps(v.Get(i + 2).alpha, v.Get(i + 1).alpha) &&
                    MathUtil.Orient2D(v.Get(i).p.Cartesian, v.Get(i + 1).p.Cartesian, v.Get(i + 2).p.Cartesian) <= 0)
                {  // -1 is RightTurn
                    s.Push(v.Get(i + 1));
                    w   = IntersectWithWindow(v.Get(i), v.Get(i + 1), sj, sjNext);
                    ccw = true;

                    if (w == null)
                        var seg = new LineSegment(v.Get(i).p, v.Get(i + 1).p);
                        var res = seg.ClosestPoint(sj.p.Cartesian);
                        w = DisplacementInBetween(new PolarPoint2D(res), v.Get(i), v.Get(i + 1));

Ejemplo n.º 23
        private bool DoSegmentsCollide(IPathSegment seg1, IPathSegment seg2, out double collideDist1, out double collideDist2)
            bool    doesIntersect = false;
            Vector2 intersectPoint;

            Vector2[] p = new Vector2[4];

            collideDist1 = Double.MaxValue;
            collideDist2 = Double.MaxValue;

            LineSegment ls1 = new LineSegment(seg1.Start, seg1.End);
            LineSegment ls2 = new LineSegment(seg2.Start, seg2.End);

            doesIntersect = ls1.Intersect(ls2, out intersectPoint);

            p[0] = ls1.ClosestPoint(seg2.Start);
            p[1] = ls1.ClosestPoint(seg2.End);
            p[2] = ls2.ClosestPoint(seg1.Start);
            p[3] = ls2.ClosestPoint(seg1.End);

            if (doesIntersect)
                collideDist1 = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(intersectPoint);
                collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(intersectPoint);

            if ((p[0] - seg2.Start).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[0]))
                    collideDist1  = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[0]);
                    collideDist2  = 0;
                    doesIntersect = true;

            if ((p[1] - seg2.End).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[1]))
                    collideDist1  = seg1.Start.DistanceTo(p[1]);
                    collideDist2  = seg2.Length;
                    doesIntersect = true;

            if ((p[2] - seg1.Start).Length < collideThreshold)
                collideDist1 = 0;
                collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(p[2]);

            if ((p[3] - seg1.End).Length < collideThreshold)
                if (collideDist1 > seg1.Length)
                    collideDist1 = seg1.Length;
                    collideDist2 = seg2.Start.DistanceTo(p[3]);
