Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override AbstractPainter CreatePainter(IFormFigure currentFigure, Color currentColor, int currentSize, Point startPoint, AbstractFilling typeOfFilling)
            Brush brush = new Brush(currentColor, currentSize);

            abstractPainter = new LinePainter(brush, currentFigure, startPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Paints the control's window area. Strategy is to find the spans that make up
            /// the whole segment, and paint them one at a time.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="g"></param>
            public Address PaintWindow(Graphics g, Size cellSize, Point ptAddr, bool render)
                this.cellSize = cellSize;

                if (ctrl.arch == null || ctrl.imageMap == null)
                // Enumerate all segments visible on screen.

                ulong laEnd = ctrl.addrMin.ToLinear() + ctrl.memSize;

                if (ctrl.addrTopVisible.ToLinear() >= laEnd)
                var addrStart              = Address.Max(ctrl.addrTopVisible, ctrl.mem.BaseAddress);
                EndianImageReader rdr      = ctrl.arch.CreateImageReader(ctrl.mem, addrStart);
                Rectangle         rcClient = ctrl.ClientRectangle;
                Rectangle         rc       = rcClient;
                Size cell = ctrl.CellSize;

                rc.Height = cell.Height;

                ulong laSegEnd = 0;

                while (rc.Top < ctrl.Height && (laEnd == 0 || rdr.Address.ToLinear() < laEnd))
                    if (ctrl.SegmentMap.TryFindSegment(ctrl.addrTopVisible, out ImageSegment seg))
                        if (rdr.Address.ToLinear() >= laSegEnd)
                            laSegEnd = seg.Address.ToLinear() + seg.Size;
                            rdr      = ctrl.arch.CreateImageReader(ctrl.mem, seg.Address + (rdr.Address - seg.Address));
                    var formatter   = ctrl.mem.Formatter;
                    var linePainter = new LinePainter(this, g, rc, ptAddr, render);
                    var addr        = linePainter.Paint(formatter, rdr, ctrl.Encoding);
                    if (!render && addr != null)
                    rc.Offset(0, ctrl.CellSize.Height);
                var dyLeft = rcClient.Bottom - rc.Top;

                if (dyLeft > 0)
                    var theme = GetBrushTheme(null, false);
                    g.FillRectangle(theme.Background, rcClient.X, rc.Top, rcClient.Width, dyLeft);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void Start()
        sprites     = new Sprite[20];
        sprites[0]  = s0;
        sprites[1]  = s1;
        sprites[2]  = s2;
        sprites[3]  = s3;
        sprites[4]  = s4;
        sprites[5]  = s5;
        sprites[6]  = s6;
        sprites[7]  = s7;
        sprites[8]  = s8;
        sprites[9]  = s9;
        sprites[10] = s10;
        sprites[11] = s11;
        sprites[12] = s12;
        sprites[13] = s13;
        sprites[14] = s14;
        GameObject.Find("Start").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(Restart);
        GameObject.Find("Exit").GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(

            delegate { SceneManager.LoadScene("Menu"); }

        //int ms, ic;
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("MAP_SIZE"))
            mapSize = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("MAP_SIZE");
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("IMAGE_COUNT"))
            imageCount = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("IMAGE_COUNT");
        if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("GAME_MODE"))
            gameMode = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GAME_MODE");
        linePainter = GameObject.Find("LinePainter").GetComponent <LinePainter>();

        StartGame(mapSize, imageCount, gameMode);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ShouldGetRedLine()
            var painter = new LinePainter(new ColorB());

            Assert.Equal("a paper with green line", painter.Draw());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void ShouldGetGreenLine()
            var painter = new LinePainter(new ColorA());

            Assert.Equal("a paper with red line", painter.Draw());