Ejemplo n.º 1
 void IRenderable.Render()
     Trace.Assert(this.vStrandTop.HasBeenRendered && this.vStrandBottom.HasBeenRendered);
     this.HasBeenRendered = true;
     // Create a polygon for the background shaded part
     IList<Point> pTop            =    vStrandTop.Spline.PathPoints(this.iTopControlFirst,    this.iTopControlLast);
     IList<Point> pBottom         = vStrandBottom.Spline.PathPoints(this.iBottomControlFirst, this.iBottomControlLast);
     IList<Point> pBottomReversed = new List<Point>(pBottom.Reversed());
     List<Point> pathPoints = new List<Point>(pTop);
     PathGeometry regionPathGeometry = PathGeometryFromPoints(pathPoints, true);
     this.path.Data = regionPathGeometry;
     // Draw the lines that visualize the hydrogen bonds between the nucleotides
     double[] topLengths    = this.RunningLengths(pTop);
     double[] bottomLengths = this.RunningLengths(pBottomReversed);
     for (int i = 1; i < this.cNt; i++)
         double fraction = (double)i / (double)this.cNt;
         Point ptTop    = GetPointAtFractionLength(pTop,            topLengths,   fraction);
         Point ptBottom = GetPointAtFractionLength(pBottomReversed, bottomLengths,fraction);
         LineGeometryD seg = new LineGeometryD(new PointD(ptBottom), new PointD(ptTop));
         double spacing    = (1.0 - Constants.DoubleStrandedHashFraction) * 0.5;
         PointD ptTopD     = seg.PointOnLine(1.0 - spacing);
         PointD ptBottomD  = seg.PointOnLine(spacing);
         Line line = this.nucleotideLines[i-1];
         line.X1 = ptTopD.X; 
         line.Y1 = ptTopD.Y;
         line.X2 = ptBottomD.X;
         line.Y2 = ptBottomD.Y;
     this.path.Style = this.ThisStyle(this.path);
     foreach (Line l in this.nucleotideLines)
         l.StrokeThickness = this.lineWidth;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void IRenderable.Render()
     Trace.Assert(this.strand.HasBeenRendered); // NB: We currently *rely* on the fact that the spline is rendered before we are. We should fix that.
     this.HasBeenRendered = true;
     this.line.Style           = this.ThisStyle(this.line);
     this.line.StrokeThickness = this.GetLineWidth(this.line);
     // NB: All these points are in canvas coordinates, since the spline control points and tangents are.
     PointD  ptControl         = new  PointD(this.strand.Spline.ControlPoints[this.iControlPoint]);
     VectorD vTangent          = new VectorD(this.strand.Spline.TangentAtControlPoint(this.iControlPoint));   
     LineGeometryD lineTangent = new LineGeometryD(ptControl, ptControl + vTangent);
     LineGeometryD linePerp    = lineTangent.Perpendicular(ptControl);
     PointD        ptPerp      = linePerp.PointOnLine(1.0);
     VectorD       vPerp       = (ptPerp - ptControl).Unit();        
     PointD pt1 = ptControl - vPerp;
     PointD pt2 = ptControl + vPerp;
     // Handle degenerate cases that arise 
     if (pt1.IsFinite() && pt2.IsFinite())
         // Now adjust for length. But that has to be done in the pre-transformed space
         PointD pt1Pre = this.Canvas.XFormInverse.Apply(pt1);
         PointD pt2Pre = this.Canvas.XFormInverse.Apply(pt2);
         PointD ptControlPre = this.Canvas.XFormInverse.Apply(ptControl);
         pt1Pre = ptControlPre + (pt1Pre - ptControlPre).Unit() * this.length;
         pt2Pre = ptControlPre + (pt2Pre - ptControlPre).Unit() * this.length;
         pt1 = this.Canvas.XForm.Apply(pt1Pre);
         pt2 = this.Canvas.XForm.Apply(pt2Pre);
         // Effectively, omit the tick mark
         pt1 = pt2 = ptControl;
     // Paranoia: if we don't have anywhere reasonable to put these guys,
     // then just leave them where they are. 
     if (pt1.IsFinite() && pt2.IsFinite())    
         // Move our end points of our shape
         this.line.X1 = pt1.X;
         this.line.Y1 = pt1.Y;
         this.line.X2 = pt2.X;
         this.line.Y2 = pt2.Y;