Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool AreConnected(IFeature feature1, IFeature feature2,
                                 LineEnd feature1LineEndToTest)
                !GdbObjectUtils.IsSameObject(feature1, feature2,
                "The specified features are the same");

            // NOTE: Touches(polyline1, polyline2) is not enough, because Touches() is true when one end
            //		 is snapped to the other line's interior

            var polyline1 = (IPolyline)feature1.Shape;
            var polyline2 = (IPolyline)feature2.Shape;

            bool fromPointTouches = false, toPointTouches = false;

            if (feature1LineEndToTest == LineEnd.From || feature1LineEndToTest == LineEnd.Both)
                fromPointTouches = GeometryUtils.Touches(polyline1.FromPoint, polyline2);

            if (feature1LineEndToTest == LineEnd.To || feature1LineEndToTest == LineEnd.Both)
                toPointTouches = GeometryUtils.Touches(polyline1.ToPoint, polyline2);

            bool result = fromPointTouches || toPointTouches;


Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static IPath GetSharedBoundaryProlongation(
            [NotNull] ICurve curveToReshape,
            [NotNull] IPath sharedBoundary,
            [NotNull] IPoint sourceConnectPoint,
            [NotNull] IPath reshapePath,
            double tolerance,
            [CanBeNull] out IPoint targetConnectPoint)
            // try elongate the shared boundary's last segment
            ISegment sourceSegment = GetConnectSegment(sharedBoundary,
                                                       sourceConnectPoint, tolerance);

            LineEnd segmentEndToProlong = GeometryUtils.AreEqualInXY(sourceSegment.FromPoint,
                                                              ? LineEnd.From
                                                              : LineEnd.To;

            IPath result = ReshapeUtils.GetProlongation(curveToReshape, sourceSegment,
                                                        reshapePath, segmentEndToProlong,
                                                        out targetConnectPoint);

            if (result != null && segmentEndToProlong == LineEnd.From)

            // TODO: The ITopoOp.Difference with the source performed in ReshapeUtils.GetProlongation might handle some
            //       difficult situations, but also prevent a solution where the source intersection is on the
            //       interiour of a segment in one polygon and on a vertex in the other. Currently this must be
            //       dealt with by the user (placing a target intersection point).

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IList <IFeature> GetConnectedEdgeFeatures(IFeature toEdgeFeature,
                                                         IPolyline edgeGeometry,
                                                         LineEnd atEnd)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(toEdgeFeature, nameof(toEdgeFeature));

            IPolyline polyline = edgeGeometry ?? (IPolyline)toEdgeFeature.Shape;

            var result = new List <IFeature>();

            IPoint fromPoint = polyline.FromPoint;
            IPoint toPoint   = polyline.ToPoint;

            if (atEnd == LineEnd.From || atEnd == LineEnd.Both)
                                    fromPoint, IsConnected(toEdgeFeature, fromPoint)));

            if (atEnd == LineEnd.To || atEnd == LineEnd.Both)
                                    toPoint, IsConnected(toEdgeFeature, toPoint)));

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public SerialTerminal(ref SerialPort port, LineEnd lineEnd, bool echo)
            serialPort               = port;
            serialPort.ReadTimeout   = READ_TIMEOUT_MS;
            serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(OnReceiveData);

            LineEnding = lineEnd;
            this.echo  = echo;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private static SvgStrokeLineCap MapLineEnd(LineEnd lineEnd)
     switch (lineEnd)
         case LineEnd.Butt:
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Butt;
         case LineEnd.Round:
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Round;
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Square;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static string GetLineEnd(LineEnd lineEndValue)
            switch (lineEndValue)
            case LineEnd.CRLF: return("\r\n");

            case LineEnd.LF: return("\n");

            case LineEnd.NONE: return(String.Empty);

            throw new ArgumentException("Invalid LineEnd value");
        protected IList <IFeature> GetConnectedNonReshapedEdges(
            [NotNull] IFeature withFeature,
            [NotNull] IPolyline originalPolyline,
            LineEnd atLineEnd)
            IList <IFeature> connectedEdges =
                    withFeature, originalPolyline, atLineEnd);

            IList <IFeature> connectedNonReshapedEdges =
                    connectedEdge =>
                    ExcludeFromEndpointRelocation == null ||

Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void OnGUI()
     if (GUILayout.Button("选择文件夹"))
         fileOrFolderPath = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("选择文件夹", Application.dataPath, "gkd");
     if (GUILayout.Button("选择文件"))
         fileOrFolderPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel("选择文件", Application.dataPath, extension);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileOrFolderPath))
         EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Path:", fileOrFolderPath);
     extension = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Extension:", extension);
     lineEnd   = (LineEnd)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Target:", lineEnd);
     if (GUILayout.Button("生成"))
         if (!Regex.IsMatch(extension, @"\w+"))
             extension = "cs";
             EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("", "formate is error!", "我错了");
         if (logs.Count <= 0)
     foreach (var log in logs)
         EditorGUILayout.LabelField("", log);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private static int ValidateConnections([NotNull] IFeature feature,
                                               LineEnd atLineEnd,
                                               [NotNull] ILinearNetworkFeatureFinder featureFinder,
                                               ref bool hasCorrectOrientation,
                                               ref bool hasWrongOrientation)
            IPolyline polyline = (IPolyline)feature.Shape;

            IList <IFeature> connectedEdgeFeatures =
                featureFinder.GetConnectedEdgeFeatures(feature, polyline, atLineEnd);

            IPoint thisLineEndPoint =
                atLineEnd == LineEnd.From ? polyline.FromPoint : polyline.ToPoint;

            foreach (IFeature connectedAtFrom in
                IPolyline connectedPolyline = (IPolyline)connectedAtFrom.Shape;

                IPoint otherLineEndPoint = atLineEnd == LineEnd.From
                                                                   ? connectedPolyline.ToPoint
                                                                   : connectedPolyline.FromPoint;

                if (GeometryUtils.AreEqual(otherLineEndPoint, thisLineEndPoint))
                    // correct orientation
                    hasCorrectOrientation = true;
                    hasWrongOrientation = true;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static List <BoxBeam> Arrange(double StartStation, double EndStation,
                                             Line Left0, Line Right0, Line Left1, Line Right1, ref Align StAlign, ref Align EdAlign, double StartC2C, double EndC2C,
                                             double Side = 1.65, double BearingH = 0.3, double BeamH = 1.6, double SurfaceH = 0.170)
            if (StartStation == 19645)
            List <BoxBeam> res = new List <BoxBeam>();

            Line LineStart = new Line(Left0.EndPoint, Right0.EndPoint);
            Line LineEnd   = new Line(Left1.EndPoint, Right1.EndPoint);

            if ((StAlign.Name.StartsWith("R1K") || StAlign.Name.StartsWith("L1K")) || (EdAlign.Name.StartsWith("R1K") || EdAlign.Name.StartsWith("L1K")))
                Side = 1.2;

            var Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.4, 1, Side);
            var Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.4, 1, Side);
            var tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.1, Side);
                Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.1, Side);
                tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.35, Side);
                Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.35, Side);
                tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            int aa;

            double delt0 = 0; // = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (Num1.Max() - 1);
            double delt1 = 0; // = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (Num2.Max() - 1);

            if (Num1.Count == 0 || Num2.Count == 0)
            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                if (Num1.Max() > Num2.Max())
                    // 匝道分出
                    if ((Left0.Length() - Left1.Length()) > (Right0.Length() - Right1.Length()))
                        // 左侧分出
                        LineStart = new Line(Right0.EndPoint, Left0.EndPoint);
                        LineEnd   = new Line(Right1.EndPoint, Left1.EndPoint);
                    aa = Num2.Max();

                    delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa + 2);
                    delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                    // 匝道汇入
                    if ((Left1.Length() - Left0.Length()) > (Right1.Length() - Right0.Length()))
                        // 左侧匝道汇入
                        LineStart = new Line(Right0.EndPoint, Left0.EndPoint);
                        LineEnd   = new Line(Right1.EndPoint, Left1.EndPoint);
                    aa = Num1.Max();

                    delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                    delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa + 2);
                aa    = tmp.Max();
                delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);

            BoxBeam cc;
            Vector2 stend, edend;
            Vector2 stpin, edpin;

            double          StandardH = SurfaceH + BeamH + BearingH;
            double          H0_St     = StAlign.curSQX.GetBG(StartStation) - StandardH;
            double          H0_Ed     = EdAlign.curSQX.GetBG(EndStation) - StandardH;
            List <double[]> HPListCB  = new List <double[]>()
                StAlign.curCG.GetHP(StartStation), EdAlign.curCG.GetHP(EndStation)
            double HLeftSt = H0_St - HPListCB[0][0] * Left0.Length() * 0.01;
            double HLeftEd = H0_Ed - HPListCB[1][0] * Left1.Length() * 0.01;
            double slop;

            for (int i = 0; i < aa; i++)
                bool    isSide = i == 0 || i == aa - 1;
                Vector2 Cdir0  = LineStart.Direction.Convert2D();
                Vector2 Cdir1 = LineEnd.Direction.Convert2D();

                stend = LineStart.StartPoint.Convert2D() + Cdir0 * Side + Cdir0 * (i) * delt0;
                edend = LineEnd.StartPoint.Convert2D() + Cdir1 * Side + Cdir1 * (i) * delt1;

                Vector2 BeamDir = edend - stend;

                stpin = stend + BeamDir * StartC2C;
                edpin = edend - BeamDir * EndC2C;

                double Hbot_st = StAlign.GetSurfaceBG(stpin.X, stpin.Y) - SurfaceH - BeamH;
                double Hbot_ed = EdAlign.GetSurfaceBG(edpin.X, edpin.Y) - SurfaceH - BeamH;
                double HCB_st  = 0;
                double HCB_ed  = 0;

                var      VecSt       = (stpin.Convert2DS() - new Vector2D(Left0.StartPoint.X, Left0.StartPoint.Y));
                var      VecEd       = (edpin.Convert2DS() - new Vector2D(Left1.StartPoint.X, Left1.StartPoint.Y));
                Vector2D dirForwoard = new Vector2D(StAlign.curPQX.GetDir(StartStation)[0], StAlign.curPQX.GetDir(StartStation)[1]);
                if (VecSt.SignedAngleTo(dirForwoard).Degrees <= 180)
                    // 使用右坡
                    HCB_st = H0_St + HPListCB[0][1] * 0.01 * VecSt.Length;
                    slop   = -2.5;
                    // 左坡
                    HCB_st = H0_St - HPListCB[0][0] * 0.01 * VecSt.Length;
                    slop   = 2.5;
                if (aa % 2 == 1 && i == (int)(0.5 * aa))
                    slop = 0;
                dirForwoard = new Vector2D(EdAlign.curPQX.GetDir(EndStation)[0], EdAlign.curPQX.GetDir(EndStation)[1]);
                if (VecEd.SignedAngleTo(dirForwoard).Degrees <= 180)
                    HCB_ed = H0_Ed + HPListCB[1][1] * 0.01 * VecEd.Length;
                    HCB_ed = H0_Ed - HPListCB[1][0] * 0.01 * VecEd.Length;
                Vector2D BeamAxis = (edpin - stpin).Convert2DS();

                double startA = 90 - Cdir0.Convert2DS().SignedAngleTo(BeamAxis).Degrees;
                double endA   = 90 - Cdir1.Convert2DS().SignedAngleTo(BeamAxis).Degrees;

                cc = new BoxBeam(stpin.Convert3D().Convert3DS(0, 0, Hbot_st), edpin.Convert3D().Convert3DS(0, 0, Hbot_ed),
                                 (Hbot_st - HCB_st), (Hbot_ed - HCB_ed), 0.5, 0.5, startA, endA, isSide, slop);

                cc.ID = (int)(StartStation * 100) + i;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static List <BoxBeam> ArrangePlan(double StartStation, double EndStation,
                                                 Line Left0, Line Right0, Line Left1, Line Right1, ref Align StAlign, ref Align EdAlign, double StartC2C, double EndC2C,
                                                 bool isStPub, bool isEdPub, double Side = 1.65)
            if (StartStation == 19645)
            List <BoxBeam> res = new List <BoxBeam>();

            if (isStPub || isEdPub)
            Line LineStart = new Line(Left0.EndPoint, Right0.EndPoint);
            Line LineEnd   = new Line(Left1.EndPoint, Right1.EndPoint);
            var  xx        = LineEnd.Length();

            if ((StAlign.Name.StartsWith("R1K") || StAlign.Name.StartsWith("L1K")) || (EdAlign.Name.StartsWith("R1K") || EdAlign.Name.StartsWith("L1K")))
                Side = 1.2;

            var Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.4, 1, Side);
            var Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.4, 1, Side);
            var tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.1, Side);
                Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.1, Side);
                tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                Num1 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineStart.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.35, Side);
                Num2 = AvilibleBeamNum(LineEnd.Length(), 2.4, 0.3, 1.35, Side);
                tmp  = (from a in Num1 where Num2.Contains(a) select a).ToList();

            int aa;

            double delt0 = 0; // = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (Num1.Max() - 1);
            double delt1 = 0; // = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (Num2.Max() - 1);

            if (Num1.Count == 0 || Num2.Count == 0)
            if (tmp.Count == 0)
                if (Num1.Max() > Num2.Max())
                    // 匝道分出
                    if ((Left0.Length() - Left1.Length()) > (Right0.Length() - Right1.Length()))
                        // 左侧分出
                        LineStart = new Line(Right0.EndPoint, Left0.EndPoint);
                        LineEnd   = new Line(Right1.EndPoint, Left1.EndPoint);
                    aa = Num2.Max();

                    delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa + 2);
                    delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                    // 匝道汇入
                    if ((Left1.Length() - Left0.Length()) > (Right1.Length() - Right0.Length()))
                        // 左侧匝道汇入
                        LineStart = new Line(Right0.EndPoint, Left0.EndPoint);
                        LineEnd   = new Line(Right1.EndPoint, Left1.EndPoint);
                    aa = Num1.Max();

                    delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                    delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa + 2);
                aa    = tmp.Max();
                delt0 = (LineStart.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);
                delt1 = (LineEnd.Length() - 2 * Side) / (aa - 1);

            BoxBeam cc;
            Vector2 stend, edend;
            Vector2 stpin, edpin;

            for (int i = 0; i < aa; i++)
                Vector2 Cdir0 = LineStart.Direction.Convert2D();
                Vector2 Cdir1 = LineEnd.Direction.Convert2D();

                stend = LineStart.StartPoint.Convert2D() + Cdir0 * Side + Cdir0 * (i) * delt0;
                edend = LineEnd.StartPoint.Convert2D() + Cdir1 * Side + Cdir1 * (i) * delt1;

                Vector2 BeamDir = edend - stend;

                stpin = stend + BeamDir * StartC2C;
                edpin = edend - BeamDir * EndC2C;

                var VecSt = (stpin.Convert2DS() - new Vector2D(Left0.StartPoint.X, Left0.StartPoint.Y));
                var VecEd = (edpin.Convert2DS() - new Vector2D(Left1.StartPoint.X, Left1.StartPoint.Y));

                Vector2D BeamAxis = (edpin - stpin).Convert2DS();

                double startA = 90 - Cdir0.Convert2DS().SignedAngleTo(BeamAxis).Degrees;
                double endA   = 90 - Cdir1.Convert2DS().SignedAngleTo(BeamAxis).Degrees;

                cc    = new BoxBeam(stpin.Convert3D().Convert3DS(0, 0, 0), edpin.Convert3D().Convert3DS(0, 0, 0), 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, startA, endA, false, 0);
                cc.ID = i;
 private static SvgStrokeLineCap MapLineEnd(LineEnd lineEnd)
     switch (lineEnd)
         case LineEnd.Butt:
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Butt;
         case LineEnd.Round:
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Round;
             return SvgStrokeLineCap.Square;