Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Selects the word around the current cursor position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller">The controller.</param>
        public static void SelectWord(EditorViewController controller)
            // Pull out information about the current context.
            IDisplayContext displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            LineBuffer      buffer         = displayContext.LineBuffer;
            TextPosition    position       = displayContext.Caret.Position;
            int             lineIndex      = position.LinePosition.GetLineIndex(buffer);
            string          lineText       = buffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);
            int             characterIndex = position.GetCharacterIndex(buffer);

            // Find the boundaries for the current word.
            int startIndex = Math.Max(
                    lineText, characterIndex));
            int endIndex = Math.Min(
                displayContext.WordTokenizer.GetNextWordBoundary(lineText, characterIndex));

            // Set the selection to the boundaries.
            displayContext.Caret.Selection =
                new TextRange(
                    new TextPosition(position.LinePosition, startIndex),
                    new TextPosition(position.LinePosition, endIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the wrapped line associated with this buffer position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bufferPosition">The buffer position.</param>
        /// <param name="displayContext">The display context.</param>
        /// <param name="layout">The layout.</param>
        /// <param name="wrappedLineIndex">Index of the wrapped line.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LayoutLine GetWrappedLine(
            this TextPosition bufferPosition,
            IDisplayContext displayContext,
            out Layout layout,
            out int wrappedLineIndex)
            // Get the layout and text associated with the line.
            LineBuffer lineBuffer = displayContext.LineBuffer;
            int        lineIndex  = bufferPosition.LinePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer);
            string     text       = lineBuffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);

            layout = displayContext.Renderer.GetLineLayout(
                lineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted);

            // Get the wrapped line associated with this character position.
            int characterIndex = bufferPosition.GetCharacterIndex(lineBuffer);
            int unicodeIndex   = PangoUtility.TranslateStringToPangoIndex(
                text, characterIndex);
            int x;

            layout.IndexToLineX(unicodeIndex, false, out wrappedLineIndex, out x);

            // Return the resulting line.
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the line X coordinates from either the state if we have one
        /// or calculate it from the buffer position's X coordinate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controller">The action context.</param>
        /// <param name="wrappedLine">The wrapped line.</param>
        /// <param name="position">The position.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int GetLineX(
            EditorViewController controller,
            LayoutLine wrappedLine,
            TextPosition position)
            int lineX;
            var state = controller.States.Get <VerticalMovementActionState>();

            if (state == null)
                // Calculate the line state from the caret position. The cursor
                // is always to the left of the character unless we're at the
                // end, and then it's considered trailing of the previous
                // character.
                LineBuffer lineBuffer     = controller.DisplayContext.LineBuffer;
                int        lineIndex      = position.LinePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer.LineCount);
                string     lineText       = lineBuffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);
                int        characterIndex = position.CharacterPosition.GetCharacterIndex(lineText);
                bool       trailing       = false;

                if (characterIndex == lineText.Length &&
                    lineText.Length > 0)
                    trailing = true;

                // Because Pango works with UTF-8-based indexes, we need to
                // convert the C# character index into that index to properly
                // identify the character.
                characterIndex = NormalizeEmptyStrings(lineText, characterIndex);
                int unicodeIndex = PangoUtility.TranslateStringToPangoIndex(
                    lineText, characterIndex);
                lineX = wrappedLine.IndexToX(unicodeIndex, trailing);

                // We need the line's style since it may have left passing
                // which will change our columns.
                LineBlockStyle style =
                        lineIndex, LineContexts.CurrentLine);

                var pixelPadding = (int)style.Padding.Left.GetValueOrDefault(0);
                lineX += Units.FromPixels(pixelPadding);

                // Save a new state into the states.
                state = new VerticalMovementActionState(lineX);
                // Get the line coordinate from the state.
                lineX = state.LayoutLineX;

        public static int GetCharacterIndex(
            this TextPosition textPosition,
            LineBuffer lineBuffer)
            string lineText          = lineBuffer.GetLineText(textPosition.LinePosition);
            int    characterPosition =

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void RightWord(EditorViewController controller)
            // Pull out some useful variables.
            IDisplayContext displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            LineBuffer      buffer         = displayContext.LineBuffer;
            LineBuffer      lineBuffer     = displayContext.LineBuffer;

            // Pull out the line and chracter positions from where we're starting.
            TextPosition      position          = displayContext.Caret.Position;
            LinePosition      linePosition      = position.LinePosition;
            int               lineIndex         = linePosition.GetLineIndex(buffer);
            string            lineText          = buffer.GetLineText(lineIndex);
            CharacterPosition wordPosition      = CharacterPosition.Word;
            CharacterPosition characterPosition = position.CharacterPosition;
            int               characterIndex    = characterPosition.GetCharacterIndex(lineText);

            // If we are at the beginning of the line, we need to move to the
            // previous line.
            if (characterIndex == lineText.Length)
                // If we are at the last line, we don't do anything.
                if (lineIndex == lineBuffer.LineCount - 1)

                // Move to the end of the previous line.
                linePosition      = new LinePosition(lineIndex + 1);
                characterPosition = CharacterPosition.Begin;
                // Move to the previous left word.
                int rightCharacterIndex = wordPosition.GetCharacterIndex(
                    lineText, characterPosition, WordSearchDirection.Right);
                characterPosition = new CharacterPosition(rightCharacterIndex);

            // Cause the text editor to redraw itself.
            var caretPosition = new TextPosition(linePosition, characterPosition);

        public static void Copy(EditorViewController controller)
            // If we don't have anything selected, we don't do anything.
            IDisplayContext displayContext = controller.DisplayContext;
            TextRange       selection      = displayContext.Caret.Selection;

            if (selection.IsEmpty)

            // Go through the selection and figure out if we have a single-line
            // copy.
            LineBuffer lineBuffer = displayContext.LineBuffer;

            int    startLineIndex = selection.FirstLinePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer);
            int    endLineIndex   = selection.LastLinePosition.GetLineIndex(lineBuffer);
            string firstLine      = lineBuffer.GetLineText(
                selection.FirstLinePosition, LineContexts.Unformatted);

            if (endLineIndex == startLineIndex)
                // Single-line copy is much easier since we just need a substring.
                int startCharacterIndex =
                int endCharacterIndex =
                string singleLineText = firstLine.Substring(
                    startCharacterIndex, endCharacterIndex - startCharacterIndex);

                // Set the clipboard's text and return.
                displayContext.Clipboard.Text = singleLineText;

            // For multiple line copies, we need to copy every line from the first
            // to the last. We already have the first, so just copy that.
            var buffer         = new StringBuilder();
            int firstLineIndex =


            // Loop through the second to just shy of the last line, adding
            // each one as a full line.
            for (int lineIndex = startLineIndex + 1;
                 lineIndex < endLineIndex;
                buffer.Append(lineBuffer.GetLineText(lineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted));

            // Add the last line, which is a substring, but we don't add a
            // newline to the end of this one.
            string lastLineText = lineBuffer.GetLineText(
                endLineIndex, LineContexts.Unformatted);
            int lastCharacterIndex =

            buffer.Append(lastLineText.Substring(0, lastCharacterIndex));

            // Set the clipboard value.
            displayContext.Clipboard.Text = buffer.ToString();