Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void UpdateDraw_Spatial(Ray3f ray, Frame3f handFrame, int nStep)
            // scene xform may have changed during steps (eg view rotation), so we
            // need to reconstruct our local frame
            Frame3f primCurW = scene.ToWorldFrame(primStartS);

            // step 1: find radius in plane
            if (nStep == 0)
                Vector3f forwardDir = ray.Direction;
                Vector3f plane_hit  = VRUtil.SafeRayPlaneIntersection(ray, forwardDir, primCurW.Origin, primCurW.Y);
                plane_hit_local = primCurW.ToFrameP(plane_hit);
            float fX       = MathUtil.SignedClamp(plane_hit_local[0], MinDimension, MaxDimension);
            float fY       = MinDimension;
            float fZ       = MathUtil.SignedClamp(plane_hit_local[2], MinDimension, MaxDimension);
            float fR_plane = MathUtil.Clamp(plane_hit_local.Length, MinDimension / 2, MaxDimension / 2);

            // step 2: find height from plane
            if (nStep == 1)
                Vector3f plane_hit = primCurW.FromFrameP(plane_hit_local);
                Line3d   l         = new Line3d(plane_hit, primCurW.Y);
                Vector3f handTip   = handFrame.Origin + SceneGraphConfig.HandTipOffset * handFrame.Z;
                float    fHandDist = (float)l.DistanceSquared(handTip);
                if (fHandDist < fR_plane * 1.5f)
                    fY = (float)l.Project(handTip);
                    fY = (float)DistLine3Ray3.MinDistanceLineParam(ray, l);

            // figure out possible dimensions, clamp to ranges
            fY = MathUtil.SignedClamp(fY, MinDimension, MaxDimension);

            // update frame
            primitive.Frame = primCurW;

            // update dimensions
            bool  bIsCorner = (primitive.Center == CenterModes.Corner);
            float fScale    = 1.0f;     // object is not in scene coordinates!

            if (primitive.Type == MeshPrimitivePreview.PrimType.Cylinder)
                primitive.Width = (bIsCorner) ? fR_plane * fScale : 2 * fR_plane * fScale;
                primitive.Depth = primitive.Width;
                //primitive.Depth = Mathf.Sign(fZ) * primitive.Width;
                //primitive.Width = Mathf.Sign(fX) * primitive.Width;
                primitive.Height = fY * fScale;
            else if (primitive.Type == MeshPrimitivePreview.PrimType.Box)
                primitive.Width  = (bIsCorner) ? fX : 2 * fX * fScale;
                primitive.Depth  = (bIsCorner) ? fZ : 2 * fZ * fScale;
                primitive.Height = fY * fScale;
            else if (primitive.Type == MeshPrimitivePreview.PrimType.Sphere)
                primitive.Width = (bIsCorner) ? fR_plane * fScale : 2 * fR_plane * fScale;
                primitive.Depth = primitive.Height = primitive.Width;
                //primitive.Depth = Mathf.Sign(fZ) * primitive.Width;
                //primitive.Width = Mathf.Sign(fX) * primitive.Width;
                //primitive.Height = Mathf.Sign(fY) * primitive.Width;
                throw new NotImplementedException("DrawPrimitivesTool.UpdateDraw_Ray - type not supported");