Ejemplo n.º 1
        static Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> GetFirstActiveMonth(DateTime date, int timespan)
            Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> FirstActiveMonth = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);

            foreach (ISpecies spc in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                DateTime DateCounter = date.AddYears(-5);

                bool FoundFirstActiveMonth = false;
                int  SumFirstActiveMonth   = 0;
                int  c = 0;
                while (DateCounter.CompareTo(date.AddYears(5)) < 1)
                    if (DateCounter.Month == 1)
                        FoundFirstActiveMonth = false;
                    if (DateCounter.Year >= FirstYearOnFile && DateCounter.Year < LastYearOnFile)
                        if (isactive[DateCounter][spc] && FoundFirstActiveMonth == false)
                            FoundFirstActiveMonth = true;
                            SumFirstActiveMonth  += DateCounter.Month;

                    DateCounter = DateCounter.AddMonths(1);
                FirstActiveMonth[spc] = (int)SumFirstActiveMonth / c;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public VarEcoregionSpecies(string label)
     values = new Library.Biomass.Ecoregions.AuxParm <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <T> >(PlugIn.modelCore.Ecoregions);
     //= new VarEcoregion<Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm<T>>(label);
     this.label = label;
     foreach (IEcoregion eco in PlugIn.ModelCore.Ecoregions)
         values[eco] = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <T>(PlugIn.modelCore.Species);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void SetEstablishmentMonths(IInputParameters Parameters, IEcoregion ecoregion)
            DateTime date = DateRange[0];

            int wettestmonth = -1;

            Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> firstactivemonthspc   = null;
            Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> Firstpossibleestmonth = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int>(PlugIn.modelCore.Species);
            Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> Lastpossibleestmonth  = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int>(PlugIn.modelCore.Species);

            while (date.CompareTo(DateRange[1]) < 0)
                if (date.Month == 1 || wettestmonth < 0)
                    wettestmonth = GetWettestMonth(ecoregion, date.Year, 10);
                if (date.Month == 1 || firstactivemonthspc == null)
                    firstactivemonthspc = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int>(PlugIn.modelCore.Species);
                    foreach (ISpecies spc in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                        firstactivemonthspc[spc]   = GetFirstActiveMonth(spc, Parameters, date, ecoregion, 10);
                        Firstpossibleestmonth[spc] = Math.Min(wettestmonth - 1, firstactivemonthspc[spc]);
                        Lastpossibleestmonth[spc]  = Math.Max(wettestmonth + 1, firstactivemonthspc[spc] + 3);

                foreach (ISpecies spc in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                    if (date.Month >= Firstpossibleestmonth[spc] && date.Month <= Lastpossibleestmonth[spc])
                        possibleestmonth[ecoregion, spc, date] = true;
                date = date.AddMonths(1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override IInsect Parse()
            InputVar <string> landisData = new InputVar <string>("LandisData");

            if (landisData.Value.Actual != "InsectDefoliator")
                throw new InputValueException(landisData.Value.String, "The value is not \"{0}\"", "InsectDefoliator");

            Insect insect = new Insect(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species.Count);

            InputVar <string> insectName = new InputVar <string>("InsectName");

            insect.Name = insectName.Value;

            InputVar <double> mD = new InputVar <double>("MeanDuration");

            insect.MeanDuration = mD.Value;

            InputVar <int> mTBO = new InputVar <int>("MeanTimeBetweenOutbreaks");

            insect.MeanTimeBetweenOutbreaks = mTBO.Value;

            InputVar <int> sdTBO = new InputVar <int>("StdDevTimeBetweenOutbreaks");

            insect.StdDevTimeBetweenOutbreaks = sdTBO.Value;

            InputVar <int> nhs = new InputVar <int>("NeighborhoodSize");

            insect.NeighborhoodDistance = nhs.Value;

            InputVar <double> ipsc = new InputVar <double>("InitialPatchShapeCalibrator");

            insect.InitialPatchShapeCalibrator = ipsc.Value;

            InputVar <double> ipnc = new InputVar <double>("InitialPatchOutbreakSensitivity");

            insect.InitialPatchOutbreakSensitivity = ipnc.Value;

            InputVar <DistributionType> ipdt = new InputVar <DistributionType>("InitialPatchDistribution");

            insect.InitialPatchDistr = ipdt.Value;

            InputVar <double> ipv1 = new InputVar <double>("InitialPatchValue1");

            insect.InitialPatchValue1 = ipv1.Value;

            InputVar <double> ipv2 = new InputVar <double>("InitialPatchValue2");

            insect.InitialPatchValue2 = ipv2.Value;

            //--------- Read In Species Table ---------------------------------------
            PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Begin parsing SPECIES table.");


            InputVar <string> annMort = new InputVar <string>("MortalityEstimate");

            insect.AnnMort = annMort.Value;

            InputVar <string>        sppName     = new InputVar <string>("Species");
            InputVar <int>           susc        = new InputVar <int>("Species Susceptibility");
            InputVar <double>        grs         = new InputVar <double>("Growth Reduction Slope");
            InputVar <double>        gri         = new InputVar <double>("Growth Reduction Intercept");
            InputVar <double>        msl         = new InputVar <double>("Mortality Slope");
            InputVar <double>        min         = new InputVar <double>("Mortality Intercept");
            Dictionary <string, int> lineNumbers = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            const string Susceptiblities = "Susceptibilities";

            Landis.Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <bool> AccountedFor = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <bool>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != Susceptiblities)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);

                ReadValue(sppName, currentLine);
                ISpecies species = PlugIn.ModelCore.Species[sppName.Value.Actual];

                if (species == null)
                    throw new InputValueException(sppName.Value.String,
                                                  "{0} is not a species name.",
                int lineNumber;
                if (lineNumbers.TryGetValue(species.Name, out lineNumber))
                    throw new InputValueException(sppName.Value.String,
                                                  "The species {0} was previously used on line {1} for insect " + insect.Name,
                                                  sppName.Value.String, lineNumber);
                    lineNumbers[species.Name] = LineNumber;

                ReadValue(susc, currentLine);
                insect.Susceptibility[species] = Landis.Library.Biomass.CheckParms.CheckBiomassParm(susc.Value, 1, 4);

                ReadValue(grs, currentLine);
                insect.GrowthReduceSlope[species] = Landis.Library.Biomass.CheckParms.CheckBiomassParm(grs.Value, double.MinValue, 0);

                ReadValue(gri, currentLine);
                insect.GrowthReduceIntercept[species] = Landis.Library.Biomass.CheckParms.CheckBiomassParm(gri.Value, 0, double.MaxValue);

                ReadValue(msl, currentLine);
                insect.MortalitySlope[species] = Landis.Library.Biomass.CheckParms.CheckBiomassParm(msl.Value, 0, double.MaxValue);

                ReadValue(min, currentLine);
                insect.MortalityIntercept[species] = Landis.Library.Biomass.CheckParms.CheckBiomassParm(min.Value, 0, double.MaxValue);

                AccountedFor[species] = true;

                CheckNoDataAfter("the " + min.Name + " column",

            foreach (ISpecies species in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                if (AccountedFor[species] == false)
                    throw new System.Exception(species.Name + " is not parameterized for " + insect.Name);

            //  Read table of Susceptibilities.
            //  Susceptibilities are in decreasing order.
            const string MapNames = "MapNames";

            InputVar <byte>             number = new InputVar <byte>("Susceptibility Number");
            InputVar <DistributionType> dt     = new InputVar <DistributionType>("Distribution");
            InputVar <double>           v1     = new InputVar <double>("Distribution Value 1");
            InputVar <double>           v2     = new InputVar <double>("Distribution Value 2");

            byte previousNumber = 0;

            while (!AtEndOfInput && CurrentName != MapNames)
                StringReader currentLine = new StringReader(CurrentLine);

                ISusceptible susceptible = new Susceptible();


                ReadValue(number, currentLine);
                susceptible.Number = number.Value;

                //  Check that the current severity's number is 1 less than
                //  the previous number (numbers are must be in decreasing
                //  order).
                if (number.Value.Actual != previousNumber + 1)
                    throw new InputValueException(number.Value.String,
                                                  "Expected the severity number {0}",
                                                  previousNumber + 1);
                previousNumber = number.Value.Actual;

                IDistribution distribution = new Distribution();

                ReadValue(dt, currentLine);
                distribution.Name = dt.Value;

                ReadValue(v1, currentLine);
                distribution.Value1 = v1.Value;

                ReadValue(v2, currentLine);
                distribution.Value2 = v2.Value;

                susceptible.Distribution_80 = distribution; //.GetComplete();

                distribution = new Distribution();

                ReadValue(dt, currentLine);
                distribution.Name = dt.Value;

                ReadValue(v1, currentLine);
                distribution.Value1 = v1.Value;

                ReadValue(v2, currentLine);
                distribution.Value2 = v2.Value;

                susceptible.Distribution_60 = distribution; //.GetComplete();

                distribution = new Distribution();

                ReadValue(dt, currentLine);
                distribution.Name = dt.Value;

                ReadValue(v1, currentLine);
                distribution.Value1 = v1.Value;

                ReadValue(v2, currentLine);
                distribution.Value2 = v2.Value;

                susceptible.Distribution_40 = distribution; //.GetComplete();

                distribution = new Distribution();

                ReadValue(dt, currentLine);
                distribution.Name = dt.Value;

                ReadValue(v1, currentLine);
                distribution.Value1 = v1.Value;

                ReadValue(v2, currentLine);
                distribution.Value2 = v2.Value;

                susceptible.Distribution_20 = distribution; //.GetComplete();

                distribution = new Distribution();

                ReadValue(dt, currentLine);
                distribution.Name = dt.Value;

                ReadValue(v1, currentLine);
                distribution.Value1 = v1.Value;

                ReadValue(v2, currentLine);
                distribution.Value2 = v2.Value;

                susceptible.Distribution_0 = distribution; //.GetComplete();

                CheckNoDataAfter("the " + v2.Name + " column",
            if (insect.SusceptibleTable.Count == 0)
                throw NewParseException("No susceptibilities defined.");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Initialize(IInputParameters Parameters)
            PlugIn.ModelCore.UI.WriteLine("   Reading climate date from " + Parameters.climateFileName);

            climateFileName = Parameters.climateFileName;
            string[] Content = ReadContent();

            firstpossibleestmonth = new DateVar <int>("firstpossibleestmonth", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            lastpossibleestmonth  = new DateVar <int>("lastpossibleestmonth", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            possibleestmonth      = new DateVar <bool>("PossibleEstmonth", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            tmax           = new DateVar <float>("tmax", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            tmin           = new DateVar <float>("tmin", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            co2            = new DateVar <float>("co2", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            tday           = new DateVar <float>("tday", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            par0           = new DateVar <float>("par0", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            tave           = new DateVar <float>("tave", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            prec           = new DateVar <float>("prec", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            vpd            = new DateVar <float>("vpd", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dayspan        = new DateVar <int>("dayspan", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            treesareactive = new DateVar <bool>("treesareactive", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);


            FolNCon         = Parameters.FolNCon;
            BaseFolRespFrac = Parameters.BaseFolRespFrac;
            DVPD1           = Parameters.DVPD1;
            DVPD2           = Parameters.DVPD2;
            AmaxA           = Parameters.AmaxA;
            AmaxB           = Parameters.AmaxB;
            WUEConst        = Parameters.WUEConst;

            RespQ10 = Parameters.RespQ10;
            PsnTOpt = Parameters.PsnTOpt;
            PsnTMin = Parameters.PsnTMin;

            firstactivemonthspc = new DateVar <Landis.Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <int> >("wettestmonth", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            wettestmonth        = new DateVar <int>("wettestmonth", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dtemppsn            = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("dtemppsn", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            wue            = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("wue", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            delamax        = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("delamax", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            refnetpsn      = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("refnetpsn", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            refresp        = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("refresp", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dTempResp      = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("dTempResp", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dTempRespDay   = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("dTempRespDay", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dTempRespNight = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("dTempRespNight", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            wue_co2_corr   = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("wue_co2_corr", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            dvpd           = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("dvpd", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            resp_folbase   = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("resp_folbase", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            isactive       = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <bool> >("IsActive", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);
            gdd            = new DateVar <Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float> >("gdd", FirstYearOnFile, LastYearOnFile);

            DateTime date = new DateTime(FirstYearOnFile, 1, 15);

            while (date.CompareTo(new DateTime(LastYearOnFile, 12, 15)) <= 0)
                // GetLine checks if year/month according to the loop is equal to the date read in
                string[] terms = GetLine(date.Year, date.Month, Content).Split(delim);
                if (terms.Count() != ColumnCount)
                    throw new System.Exception("Unexpected number of columns in " + Parameters.climateFileName + " date = " + date);

                if (int.Parse(terms[0]) != date.Year || int.Parse(terms[1]) != date.Month)
                    throw new System.Exception("Missing month " + date + " in climate file");
                    tmax[date] = CheckInputValue(float.Parse(terms[TMaxCol]), -80, 80, "date = " + date);
                    tmin[date] = CheckInputValue(float.Parse(terms[TMinCol]), -80, tmax[date], "date = " + date);
                    co2[date]  = CheckInputValue(float.Parse(terms[CO2Col]), 0, float.MaxValue, "date = " + date);
                    par0[date] = CheckInputValue(float.Parse(terms[PAR0col]), 0, float.MaxValue, "date = " + date);
                    prec[date] = CheckInputValue(float.Parse(terms[Preccol]), 0, float.MaxValue, "date = " + date);
                    if (prec[date] < 0)
                        throw new System.Exception("Precipitation = " + prec + "\t" + date);

                    float hr          = Calculate_hr(date.DayOfYear, Parameters.Latitude);
                    float daylength   = Calculate_DayLength(hr);
                    float nightlength = Calculate_NightLength(hr);
                    dayspan[date] = Calculate_DaySpan(date.Month);
                    tave[date]    = (float)0.5 * (tmin[date] + tmax[date]);
                    tday[date]    = (float)0.5 * (tmax[date] + tave[date]);
                    vpd[date]     = Calculate_VPD(Tday[date], TMin[date]);

                    gdd[date]            = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    isactive[date]       = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <bool>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    dtemppsn [date]      = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    wue[date]            = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    delamax[date]        = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    refnetpsn[date]      = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    refresp[date]        = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    dTempResp [date]     = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    dTempRespDay[date]   = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    dTempRespNight[date] = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    wue_co2_corr[date]   = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    resp_folbase[date]   = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    gdd[date]            = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);
                    dvpd[date]           = new Library.Biomass.Species.AuxParm <float>(PlugIn.ModelCore.Species);

                    foreach (ISpecies spc in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                        float dGDD = Math.Max(0, (Tave[date] - PsnTMin[spc]) * DaySpan[date]);
                        if (date.Month == 1)
                            gdd[date][spc] = dGDD;
                            DateTime last_month = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month - 1, 15);
                            gdd[date][spc] = gdd[last_month][spc] + dGDD;

                        if (tday[date] < PsnTMin[spc])
                            IsActive[date][spc] = false;
                            IsActive[date][spc]  = true;
                            treesareactive[date] = true;

                        //dtemppsn[date][spc] = ParabolicPsnTempResponse(tday[date], PsnTOpt[spc], PsnTMin[spc]);
                        dtemppsn[date][spc] = LinearPsnTempResponse(tday[date], PsnTOpt[spc], PsnTMin[spc]);

                        dvpd[date][spc] = Math.Max(0, 1 - DVPD1[spc] * (float)Math.Pow(vpd[date], DVPD2[spc]));

                        float cicaRatio = (-0.075f * FolNCon[spc]) + 0.875f;
                        float ci350     = 350 * cicaRatio;
                        float Arel350   = 1.22f * ((ci350 - 68) / (ci350 + 136));

                        float ciElev   = co2[date] * cicaRatio;
                        float ArelElev = 1.22f * ((ciElev - 68) / (ciElev + 136));
                        DelAmax[date][spc] = 1 + ((ArelElev - Arel350) / Arel350);

                        // CO2 effect on photosynthesis
                        // Calculate CO2 effect on conductance and set slope and intercept for A-gs relationship
                        float Delgs = DelAmax[date][spc] / ((co2[date] - co2[date] * cicaRatio) / (350.0f - ci350));

                        wue[date][spc] = (WUEConst[spc] / vpd[date]) * (1 + 1 - Delgs);    //DWUE determined from CO2 effects on conductance

                        wue_co2_corr[date][spc] = wue[date][spc] / DelAmax[date][spc];

                         * wue_co2_corr[spc] = WUEConst[spc];
                         * Delgs = DelAmax / ((site.CaMo[mo] - CiElev) / (350.0 - Ci350));
                         * DWUE = 1.0 + (1 - Delgs);
                         * gsSlope = (-1.1309 * DelAmax) + 1.9762;   // used to determine ozone uptake
                         * gsInt = (0.4656 * DelAmax) - 0.9701;

                        // NETPSN
                        float amax = DelAmax[date][spc] * (AmaxA[spc] + AmaxB[spc] * FolNCon[spc]);

                        //Reference net Psn (lab conditions)
                        RefNetPsn[date][spc] = Static.DaySpan[date] * (amax * dvpd[date][spc] * daylength * Constants.MC) / Constants.billion;

                        dTempRespDay[date][spc]   = ((float)Math.Pow(RespQ10[spc], (Tday[date] - PsnTOpt[spc]) / 10));
                        dTempRespNight[date][spc] = ((float)Math.Pow(RespQ10[spc], (TMin[date] - PsnTOpt[spc]) / 10));

                        dTempResp[date][spc] = (float)Math.Min(1.0, (dTempRespDay[date][spc] * daylength + dTempRespNight[date][spc] * nightlength) / ((float)daylength + (float)nightlength));

                        //  gC/day
                        RefResp[date][spc] = BaseFolRespFrac[spc] * Static.DaySpan[date] * (amax * daylength * Constants.MC) / Constants.billion;
                    date = date.AddMonths(1);
                    throw new System.Exception("Cannot find climate date for (year,month) " + date.Year.ToString() + " " + date.Month.ToString());

            while (date.CompareTo(new DateTime(LastYearOnFile, 12, 15)) < 0)
                if (Parameters.EstMoistureSensitivity != null)
                    wettestmonth[date] = GetWettestMonth(date, 10);
                if (Parameters.EstRadSensitivity != null)
                    firstactivemonthspc[date] = GetFirstActiveMonth(date, 10);

                foreach (ISpecies spc in PlugIn.ModelCore.Species)
                    int Firstpossibleestmonth = Math.Min(wettestmonth[date] - 1, firstactivemonthspc[date][spc]);
                    int Lastpossibleestmonth  = Math.Max(wettestmonth[date] + 1, firstactivemonthspc[date][spc] + 3);

                    if (date.Month >= Firstpossibleestmonth && date.Month <= Lastpossibleestmonth)
                        possibleestmonth[date] = true;

                date = date.AddMonths(1);