Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void butIn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
             * xxx.bhytkb a,xxx.bhytthuoc b,xxx.bhytds c,"+user+".d_dmbd d,"+user+".d_dmnhom e,"+user+".v_nhomvp f,"+user+".btdkp_bv h,"+user+".v_nhombhyt i
             * a.id=b.id and a.mabn=c.mabn and b.mabd=d.id and d.manhom=e.id and e.nhomvp=f.ma and a.makp=h.makp(+) and f.idnhombhyt=i.id
             * */
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            sql  = "select a.id,a.mabn,c.hoten,a.sothe,h.tenkp,a.chandoan,a.maicd,";
            sql += "to_char(a.ngay,'dd/mm/yy') as ngayra,to_char(a.ngay,'dd/mm/yy') as ngayvao,";
            sql += "" + m.for_num_ngay("a.ngay") + "-" + m.for_num_ngay("a.ngay") + "+1 as songay,";
            sql += "i.stt,b.soluong*j.giamua as sotien,a.congkham";
            sql += " from xxx.bhytkb a inner join xxx.bhytthuoc b on a.id=b.id inner join xxx.bhytds c on a.mabn=c.mabn inner join " + user + ".d_dmbd d on b.mabd=d.id inner join " + user + ".d_dmnhom e on d.manhom=e.id inner join " + user + ".v_nhomvp f on e.nhomvp=f.ma left join " + user + ".btdkp_bv h on a.makp=h.makp inner join " + user + ".v_nhombhyt i on f.idnhombhyt=i.id inner join xxx.d_theodoi j on b.sttt=j.id ";
            sql += " where ";
            sql += " a.maphu=" + int.Parse(madoituong.SelectedValue.ToString());
            sql += " and " + m.for_ngay("a.ngay", "'dd/mm/yyyy'") + " between to_date('" + tu.Text + "','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('" + den.Text + "','dd/mm/yyyy')";
            if (sothe.Text != "")
                sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + Convert.ToInt16(vitri.Value) + "," + sothe.Text.Trim().Length + ")='" + sothe.Text.Trim() + "'";
            sql += " and a.sothe is not null";
            if (s_tunguyen != "" && loaidt.SelectedIndex != 0)
                if (loaidt.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + v1 + "," + v2 + ") not in ('" + s_tunguyen.Substring(0, s_tunguyen.Length) + "')";
                else if (loaidt.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + v1 + "," + v2 + ") in ('" + s_tunguyen.Substring(0, s_tunguyen.Length) + "')";

             * xxx.bhytkb a,xxx.bhytcls b,xxx.bhytds c,"+user+".v_giavp d,"+user+".v_loaivp e,"+user+".v_nhomvp f,"+user+".btdkp_bv h,"+user+".v_nhombhyt i
             * a.id=b.id and a.mabn=c.mabn and b.mavp=d.id and d.id_loai=e.id and e.id_nhom=f.ma and a.makp=h.makp(+) and f.idnhombhyt=i.id
             * */
            sql += " union all ";
            sql += "select a.id,a.mabn,c.hoten,a.sothe,h.tenkp,a.chandoan,a.maicd,";
            sql += "to_char(a.ngay,'dd/mm/yy') as ngayra,to_char(a.ngay,'dd/mm/yy') as ngayvao,";
            sql += "" + m.for_num_ngay("a.ngay") + "-" + m.for_num_ngay("a.ngay") + "+1 as songay,";
            sql += "i.stt,b.soluong*b.dongia as sotien,a.congkham";
            sql += " from xxx.bhytkb a inner join xxx.bhytcls b on a.id=b.id inner join xxx.bhytds c on a.mabn=c.mabn inner join " + user + ".v_giavp d on b.mavp=d.id inner join " + user + ".v_loaivp e on d.id_loai=e.id inner join " + user + ".v_nhomvp f on e.id_nhom=f.ma left join " + user + ".btdkp_bv h on a.makp=h.makp inner join " + user + ".v_nhombhyt i on f.idnhombhyt=i.id ";
            sql += " where ";
            sql += " a.maphu=" + int.Parse(madoituong.SelectedValue.ToString());
            sql += " and " + m.for_ngay("a.ngay", "'dd/mm/yyyy'") + " between to_date('" + tu.Text + "','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date('" + den.Text + "','dd/mm/yyyy')";
            if (sothe.Text != "")
                sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + Convert.ToInt16(vitri.Value) + "," + sothe.Text.Trim().Length + ")='" + sothe.Text.Trim() + "'";
            sql += " and a.sothe is not null";
            if (s_tunguyen != "" && loaidt.SelectedIndex != 0)
                if (loaidt.SelectedIndex == 1)
                    sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + v1 + "," + v2 + ") not in ('" + s_tunguyen.Substring(0, s_tunguyen.Length) + "')";
                else if (loaidt.SelectedIndex == 2)
                    sql += " and substr(a.sothe," + v1 + "," + v2 + ") in ('" + s_tunguyen.Substring(0, s_tunguyen.Length) + "')";

            System.Data.DataTable tmp = d.get_thuoc(tu.Text, den.Text, sql).Tables[0];
            foreach (DataRow r in tmp.Rows)
                r1 = d.getrowbyid(dsts.Tables[0], "id=" + decimal.Parse(r["id"].ToString()));
                if (r1 == null)
                    r2          = dsts.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    r2["id"]    = r["id"].ToString();
                    r2["sothe"] = r["sothe"].ToString();
                sql = "sothe='" + r["sothe"].ToString().Trim() + "'";
                r1  = d.getrowbyid(ds.Tables[0], sql);
                if (r1 == null)
                    r2       = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
                    r2["id"] = r["id"].ToString();
                    if (r["sothe"].ToString().Trim().Length > 6)
                        r2["stt"]      = (r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(2, 2) == s_thetrongtinh)?0:1;
                        r2["tinh"]     = (r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(2, 2) == s_thetrongtinh)?"TỈNH":"KHÁC TỈNH";
                        r2["sothe1"]   = (s_thetunguyen.IndexOf(r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(4, 2)) == -1)?"0":"1";
                        r2["doituong"] = (s_thetunguyen.IndexOf(r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(4, 2)) == -1)?"BẮT BUỘC":"TỰ NGUYỆN";
                        r2["sothe2"]   = r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(2, 2);
                        r2["sothe3"]   = r["sothe"].ToString().Substring(4, 2);
                    r2["sothe"]    = r["sothe"].ToString().Trim();
                    r2["mabn"]     = r["mabn"].ToString();
                    r2["hoten"]    = r["hoten"].ToString();
                    r2["tenkp"]    = r["tenkp"].ToString();
                    r2["chandoan"] = r["chandoan"].ToString();
                    r2["maicd"]    = r["maicd"].ToString();
                    r2["ngayvao"]  = r["ngayvao"].ToString();
                    r2["ngayra"]   = r["ngayra"].ToString();
                    r2["songay"]   = r["songay"].ToString();
                    foreach (DataRow r3 in dtnhom.Select("true", "stt"))
                        r2["c" + r3["stt"].ToString().Trim()] = 0;
                    r2["congkham"] = r["congkham"].ToString();
                    r2["c" + r["stt"].ToString().Trim()] = r["sotien"].ToString();
                    r2["tc"] = decimal.Parse(r["sotien"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(r["congkham"].ToString());
                    dr = ds.Tables[0].Select(sql);
                    if (dr.Length > 0)
                        dr[0]["c" + r["stt"].ToString().Trim()] = decimal.Parse(dr[0]["c" + r["stt"].ToString().Trim()].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(r["sotien"].ToString());
                        dr[0]["tc"] = decimal.Parse(dr[0]["tc"].ToString()) + decimal.Parse(r["sotien"].ToString());
            foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                r["soluot"] = dsts.Tables[0].Select("sothe='" + r["sothe"].ToString() + "'").Length;
                r["songay"] = dsts.Tables[0].Select("sothe='" + r["sothe"].ToString() + "'").Length;
            dsxml = new DataSet();
            dsxml = ds.Copy();
            dsxml.Merge(ds.Tables[0].Select("true", "stt,sothe1,sothe3,sothe2,sothe,ngayvao,mabn"));
            dsxml.WriteXml("..//..//..//xml//t_thkcbbhyt.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);
            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            if (dsxml.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show(lan.Change_language_MessageText("Không có số liệu !"), LibMedi.AccessData.Msg);
                dllReportM.frmReport f = new dllReportM.frmReport(m, dsxml.Tables[0], "rptthkcbbhytngtr.rpt", (tu.Text == den.Text)?"Ngày " + tu.Text:"Từ ngày " + tu.Text + " đến " + den.Text, madoituong.Text, loaidt.Text, "", "", "", "", "", "", "");