Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CategoryPath_Level1()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf          = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            XmlNoteCategory         noteCategory = new XmlNoteCategory(m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[0], wsf);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1a", noteCategory.CategoryPath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void UpdateLanguageCombos()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            string userLocale           = wsf.GetStrFromWs(wsf.UserWs);

            // Get the set of writing systems.
            Set <NamedWritingSystem> writingSystems =
                LangProject.GetAllNamedWritingSystemsFromLDFs(wsf, userLocale);

            NamedWritingSystem wsSaveVern = (NamedWritingSystem)m_cbVernWrtSys.SelectedItem;
            NamedWritingSystem wsSaveAnal = (NamedWritingSystem)m_cbAnalWrtSys.SelectedItem;


            foreach (NamedWritingSystem nws in writingSystems)

            int i = (wsSaveVern == null ? 0 : m_cbVernWrtSys.FindString(wsSaveVern.Name));

            m_cbVernWrtSys.SelectedIndex = (i >= 0 ? i : 0);

            i = (wsSaveAnal == null ? 0 : m_cbAnalWrtSys.FindString(wsSaveAnal.Name));
            m_cbAnalWrtSys.SelectedIndex = (i >= 0 ? i : 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void CategoryPath_Level3()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf          = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            XmlNoteCategory         noteCategory = new XmlNoteCategory(
                m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[0], wsf);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1b" + StringUtils.kchObject + "Level 2b, parent is 1b" +
                            StringUtils.kchObject + "Level 3, parent is 2b", noteCategory.CategoryPath);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void XmlNoteCategory_TopLevel()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf          = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            XmlNoteCategory         noteCategory = new XmlNoteCategory(m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[0], wsf);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1a", noteCategory.CategoryName);
            Assert.AreEqual("es", noteCategory.IcuLocale);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Persistence()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

                int wsEng = 1;
                int wsFrn = 2;
                int wsGer = 3;
                wsf.AddWritingSystem(wsEng, "en");
                wsf.AddWritingSystem(wsFrn, "fr");
                wsf.AddWritingSystem(wsGer, "de");
                InterlinLineChoices choices = new InterlinLineChoices(wsFrn, wsEng);
                string persist = choices.Persist(wsf);
                choices = InterlinLineChoices.Restore(persist, wsf, wsFrn, wsEng);

                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWord, choices[0].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidMorphemes, choices[1].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexEntries, choices[2].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss, choices[3].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexPos, choices[4].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWordGloss, choices[5].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWordPos, choices[6].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidFreeTrans, choices[7].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLitTrans, choices[8].Flid);

                // Check writing systems assigned by default.
                Assert.AreEqual(wsFrn, choices[0].WritingSystem);
                Assert.AreEqual(wsEng, choices[5].WritingSystem);
                Assert.AreEqual(wsFrn, choices[2].WritingSystem);

                choices = new EditableInterlinLineChoices(0, wsEng);
                choices.Add(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss, wsGer);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWord, choices[0].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidMorphemes, choices[1].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexEntries, choices[2].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss, choices[3].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexGloss, choices[4].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLexPos, choices[5].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWordGloss, choices[6].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidWordPos, choices[7].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidFreeTrans, choices[8].Flid);
                Assert.AreEqual(InterlinLineChoices.kflidLitTrans, choices[9].Flid);

                Assert.AreEqual(wsGer, choices[4].WritingSystem);
                // we must shutdown and marshal this or else it could mess up other tests.
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SetUp()
            m_ISilDataAccess = VwCacheDaClass.Create();
            // It must have a writing system factory: for testing, use the memory based one.
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

            // For these tests we don't need to run InstallLanguage.
            wsf.BypassInstall = true;
            m_ISilDataAccess.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Setup()
            m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            // This is typically run during the build process before InstallLanguage.exe has
            // been built, so we want to disable InstallLanguage for this test.
            m_wsf.BypassInstall = true;

            m_wsEn   = m_wsf.get_Engine("en");
            m_wsIdEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");
            m_wsEn.set_Name(m_wsIdEn, "English");
            m_wsEn.set_Abbr(m_wsIdEn, "ENG");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void GetCategoryHierarchyFromXml()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf          = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            XmlNoteCategory         noteCategory = new XmlNoteCategory(
                m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[0], wsf);

            string xmlCategoryPath = (string)ReflectionHelper.GetResult(noteCategory,
                                                                        "GetCategoryHierarchyFromXml", noteCategory);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1b" + StringUtils.kchObject + "Level 2b, parent is 1b" +
                            StringUtils.kchObject + "Level 3, parent is 2b", xmlCategoryPath);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void SetupStyles()
            m_stylesheet        = new TestFwStylesheet();
            m_wsf               = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            m_wsf.BypassInstall = true;

            // German
            IWritingSystem wsGerman = m_wsf.get_Engine("de");

            m_hvoGermanWs = wsGerman.WritingSystem;
            Assert.IsTrue(m_hvoGermanWs > 0, "Should have gotten an hvo for the German WS");
            // English
            IWritingSystem wsEnglish = m_wsf.get_Engine("en");

            m_hvoEnglishWs = wsEnglish.WritingSystem;
            Assert.IsTrue(m_hvoEnglishWs > 0, "Should have gotten an hvo for the English WS");
            Assert.IsTrue(m_hvoEnglishWs != m_hvoGermanWs, "Writing systems should have different IDs");

            // Create a couple of styles
            int          hvoStyle  = m_stylesheet.MakeNewStyle();
            ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

            propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextStringProp.kstpFontFamily, "Arial");
            m_stylesheet.PutStyle("StyleA", "bla", hvoStyle, 0, hvoStyle, 1, false, false,

            hvoStyle = m_stylesheet.MakeNewStyle();
            propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextStringProp.kstpFontFamily, "Times New Roman");
            m_stylesheet.PutStyle("StyleB", "bla", hvoStyle, 0, hvoStyle, 1, false, false,

            // Override the font size for each writing system and each style.
            List <FontOverride> fontOverrides = new List <FontOverride>(2);
            FontOverride        fo;

            fo.writingSystem = m_hvoGermanWs;
            fo.fontSize      = 13;
            fo.writingSystem = m_hvoEnglishWs;
            fo.fontSize      = 21;
            m_stylesheet.OverrideFontsForWritingSystems("StyleA", fontOverrides);

            fo.writingSystem = m_hvoGermanWs;
            fo.fontSize      = 56;
            fo.writingSystem = m_hvoEnglishWs;
            fo.fontSize      = 20;
            m_stylesheet.OverrideFontsForWritingSystems("StyleB", fontOverrides);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void XmlNoteCategory_SecondLevel()
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf          = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            XmlNoteCategory         noteCategory = new XmlNoteCategory(
                m_possList.PossibilitiesOS[1].SubPossibilitiesOS[1], wsf);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 1b", noteCategory.CategoryName);
            Assert.AreEqual("es", noteCategory.IcuLocale);

            Assert.AreEqual("Level 2b, parent is 1b", noteCategory.SubCategory.CategoryName);
            Assert.AreEqual("es", noteCategory.SubCategory.IcuLocale);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void SetUp()
            if (m_ISilDataAccess != null && (m_ISilDataAccess is IDisposable))
                (m_ISilDataAccess as IDisposable).Dispose();
            m_ISilDataAccess = (ISilDataAccess) new CacheBase(null);
            // It must have a writing system factory: for testing, use the memory based one.
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

            // For these tests we don't need to run InstallLanguage.
            wsf.BypassInstall = true;
            m_ISilDataAccess.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Set up a Chrp consistent with the current style sheet
        /// </summary>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected void MakeCharProps()
            LangProject lp = m_Parent.LangProj;
            // Make a text property with the named style.
            ITsPropsBldr tsPropsBuilder = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

                                            (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvDefault, m_ws);
            ITsTextProps tsTextProps = tsPropsBuilder.GetTextProps();

            // Fill out the LgCharRenderProps.
            ILgWritingSystemFactory lgEncFactory;
            IVwPropertyStore        vwPropertyStore =
            IVwStylesheet vwStylesheet = DeStyleSheet;

            if (vwStylesheet != null)
                vwPropertyStore.Stylesheet = vwStylesheet;
            if (lp != null)
                lgEncFactory = lp.Cache.LanguageWritingSystemFactoryAccessor;
                // Get default registry-based factory.
                lgEncFactory = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            Debug.Assert(lgEncFactory != null);
            vwPropertyStore.WritingSystemFactory = lgEncFactory;
            m_CharacterRenderingProps            = vwPropertyStore.get_ChrpFor(tsTextProps);
            IWritingSystem writingSystem = lgEncFactory.get_EngineOrNull(m_CharacterRenderingProps.ws);

            Debug.Assert(writingSystem != null);
            writingSystem.InterpretChrp(ref m_CharacterRenderingProps);

            // For our purposes here, we don't want transparent backgrounds.
            if ((int)m_CharacterRenderingProps.clrBack == (int)FwTextColor.kclrTransparent)
                m_CharacterRenderingProps.clrBack = (uint)SystemColors.Window.ToArgb();

            // Make a brush for the background.
            m_BackgroundBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)m_CharacterRenderingProps.clrBack));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestOverrideFontForWritingSystem_ForStyleWithNullProps()
            TestFwStylesheet stylesheet = new TestFwStylesheet();
            int hvoNewStyle1            = stylesheet.MakeNewStyle();

            stylesheet.PutStyle("FirstStyle", "bla", hvoNewStyle1, 0, 0, 0, false, false, null);

            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

                wsf.BypassInstall = true;
                IWritingSystem ws          = wsf.get_Engine("de");
                int            hvoGermanWs = ws.WritingSystem;
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoGermanWs > 0, "Should have gotten an hvo for the German WS");

                // Array of 1 struct, contains writing system and font size to override
                List <FontOverride> fontOverrides = new List <FontOverride>(1);
                FontOverride        aFontOverride;
                aFontOverride.writingSystem = hvoGermanWs;
                aFontOverride.fontSize      = 48;
                stylesheet.OverrideFontsForWritingSystems("FirstStyle", fontOverrides);

                //check results
                IVwPropertyStore vwps = VwPropertyStoreClass.Create();
                vwps.Stylesheet           = stylesheet;
                vwps.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;

                ITsPropsBldr ttpBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
                ttpBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "FirstStyle");
                ttpBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, hvoGermanWs);
                ITsTextProps ttp = ttpBldr.GetTextProps();

                LgCharRenderProps chrps = vwps.get_ChrpFor(ttp);
                ws.InterpretChrp(ref chrps);

                Assert.AreEqual(48, chrps.dympHeight / 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary></summary>
        public ConverterTest()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            if (DesignMode)

            InputArgsChanged();                 // set the initial state of the Convert button

            // Set view properties.
            m_fHasOutput = false;
            m_svOutput   = new SampleView();
            m_svOutput.WritingSystemFactory = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            m_svOutput.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
            m_svOutput.Visible   = true;
            m_svOutput.Enabled   = false;
            m_svOutput.BackColor = OutputPanel.BackColor;
            m_svOutput.TabIndex  = 1;
            m_svOutput.TabStop   = true;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comboWS">Combo box containing the list of writing systems</param>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        private void RunWizard(ComboBox comboWS)
            using (new WaitCursor(this))
                using (WritingSystemWizard wiz = new WritingSystemWizard())
                    ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
                        wiz.Init(wsf, m_helpTopicProvider);
                        if (comboWS == m_cbVernWrtSys)

                        if (wiz.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                            string target = wiz.WritingSystem().IcuLocale;
                            for (int i = 0; i < comboWS.Items.Count; ++i)
                                if (((NamedWritingSystem)comboWS.Items[i]).IcuLocale == target)
                                    comboWS.SelectedIndex = i;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Setup()
            // Create the following:
            // - part and layout inventories
            // - metadata cache
            // - DataAccess cache
            // - collection of columns to display.

            // We want a MetaDataCache that knows about
            // - LexEntry.Senses, Msas, CitationForm, Bibliography, Etymology
            // - LexSense.SemanticDomains, SenseType, Status, gloss
            // - CmPossibility Name, abbr
            // - MoMorphSynAnalysis
            // - MoStemMsa
            // - MoDerivationalMsa
            m_mdc = FwMetaDataCacheClass.Create();
            string m_sTestPath = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory,

            m_mdc.InitXml(m_sTestPath, true);

            // We want ISilDataAccess with:
            // - LexEntry (1) with no senses and one MSA (2)
            // - LexEntry (4) with one sense (5) and no MSA
            // - LexEntry (6) with three senses (7, 8, 9) and two MSAs (10, 11)
            // - sense(5) with no semantic domains
            // - senses with one SD (7->30, 8->31)
            // - sense with three SDs, one the same as the first (9->30, 31, 32)
            // - MoStemMsa (2, 11)
            // - MoDerivationalMsa (10)
            m_cda = VwCacheDaClass.Create();
            m_sda = m_cda as ISilDataAccess;
            m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
            m_sda.WritingSystemFactory = m_wsf;
            SimpleDataParser parser = new SimpleDataParser(m_mdc, m_cda);

            int wsEn = m_wsf.GetWsFromStr("en");

            // These are mainly to check out the parser.
            Assert.AreEqual(3, m_sda.get_ObjectProp(2, 23011), "part of speech of an MoStemMsa");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, m_sda.get_VecItem(1, 2009, 0), "owned msa");
            Assert.AreEqual("noun", m_sda.get_MultiStringAlt(3, 7003, wsEn).Text, "got ms property");
            Assert.AreEqual(9, m_sda.get_VecItem(6, 2010, 2), "3rd sense");
            Assert.AreEqual(31, m_sda.get_VecItem(9, 21016, 1), "2nd semantic domain");

            // Columns includes
            // - CitationForm (string inside span)
            // - Bibliography (string not in span)
            // - Sense glosses (string in para in seq, nested in column element)
            // - Semantic domains (pair of strings in para in seq in seq, using layout refs)
            // - MSAs (simplified, but polymorphic with one having <choice> and one <obj> to CmPossibility
            XmlDocument docColumns = new XmlDocument();

            m_columnList = docColumns.DocumentElement.ChildNodes;

            // Parts just has what those columns need.
            string partDirectory = Path.Combine(DirectoryFinder.FwSourceDirectory,
            Dictionary <string, string[]> keyAttrs = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();

            keyAttrs["layout"] = new string[] { "class", "type", "name" };
            keyAttrs["group"]  = new string[] { "label" };
            keyAttrs["part"]   = new string[] { "ref" };

            // Currently there are no specialized layout files that match.
            m_layoutInventory = new Inventory(new string[] { partDirectory },
                                              "*Layouts.xml", "/LayoutInventory/*", keyAttrs);

            keyAttrs         = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
            keyAttrs["part"] = new string[] { "id" };

            m_partInventory = new Inventory(new string[] { partDirectory },
                                            "TestParts.xml", "/PartInventory/bin/*", keyAttrs);
            if (m_layouts != null)
            m_layouts = new LayoutCache(m_mdc, m_layoutInventory, m_partInventory);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void PopulateFromLanguageClass()
            //Extracts the locale filename from a given path
            int    icuName    = m_inputFilename.LastIndexOf("\\");
            string icuPortion = m_inputFilename.Substring(icuName + 1);

            //Appears this maps the XML file to a LanguageDefinition class
            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

            LanguageDefinitionFactory langDefFactory = new LanguageDefinitionFactory(wsf, icuPortion);

            LanguageDefinition langDef = langDefFactory.InitializeFromXml(wsf, icuPortion) as LanguageDefinition;

            if (langDef == null)
                throw new Exception("Unable to read and parse the input XML file " + m_inputFilename);

            int i    = 0;
            int cpua = langDef.PuaDefinitionCount;

            // if we have PUA characters in the LD file make an array of PUACharacters.  But be careful
            // to handle invalid definitions gracefully.
            if (langDef.PuaDefinitions != null && cpua != 0)
                puaChars = new PUACharacter[cpua];
                foreach (CharDef charDef in langDef.PuaDefinitions)
                        puaChars[i] = new PUACharacter(charDef);
            if (i < cpua)
                if (i == 0)
                    puaChars = null;
                    PUACharacter[] puaGoodChars = new PUACharacter[i];
                    for (int ic = 0; ic < i; ++ic)
                        puaGoodChars[ic] = puaChars[ic];
                    puaChars = puaGoodChars;
                if (LogFile.IsLogging())
                    LogFile.AddErrorLine("Warning, " + (cpua - i) + " out of " + cpua +
                                         " PUA character definitions are invalid.");
            baseLocale      = langDef.BaseLocale;
            newLocale       = langDef.XmlWritingSystem.WritingSystem.IcuLocale;
            localeResources = langDef.LocaleResources;
            // Get the collation elements, whether from the CollationElements element directly,
            // or from the WritingSystem element.
            collationElements = langDef.CollationElements;
            if (collationElements == null)
                IWritingSystem lws   = langDef.WritingSystem;
                int            ccoll = lws.CollationCount;
                if (ccoll > 0)
                    collationElements = lws.get_Collation(0).IcuRules;
            localeWinLCID = langDef.XmlWritingSystem.WritingSystem.Locale.ToString();

            // make sure the newlocale has the proper case for each property:
            // lang, country and variant
            InstallLanguage.LocaleParser lp = new LocaleParser(newLocale);
            newLocale = lp.Locale;

            // Make sure the display names [Name, Country & Variant] have Unicode characters
            // greater than 7F converted to the \uxxxx format where xxxx is the unicode
            // hex value of the character.
            localeName    = ConvertToUnicodeNotation(langDef.LocaleName);
            localeScript  = ConvertToUnicodeNotation(langDef.LocaleScript);
            localeCountry = ConvertToUnicodeNotation(langDef.LocaleCountry);
            localeVariant = ConvertToUnicodeNotation(langDef.LocaleVariant);

            // Save the multilingual names of the writing system, together with the
            // ICU locale for each name.
            NameMultiUnicode rgName = langDef.XmlWritingSystem.Name;
            int cws = rgName.Count;

            // If we don't have a name, use the IcuLocale rather than going without a name.
            // Otherwise it won't register as a language in en.txt/res.
            if (cws == 0)
                StringWithWs sw = new StringWithWs(langDef.XmlWritingSystem.WritingSystem.IcuLocale, "en");
                cws = 1;
            m_rgNames = new System.Collections.ArrayList(cws);
            for (int iws = 0; iws < cws; ++iws)
                StringWithWs x = rgName[iws];

            // TODO - dlh
            // Once collationElements are handled, something will have to be checked there
            // as the current implementation assumes that it's in the valid format.

            wsf.Shutdown();                     // This is (always) needed to balance creating the factory.
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void TestOverrideFontsForWritingSystems_ForStyleWithProps()
            TestFwStylesheet stylesheet = new TestFwStylesheet();
            int hvoNewStyle1            = stylesheet.MakeNewStyle();

            ITsPropsBldr propsBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();

            propsBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextStringProp.kstpFontFamily, "Arial");
                                       (int)FwTextPropVar.ktpvMilliPoint, 23000);
            stylesheet.PutStyle("FirstStyle", "bla", hvoNewStyle1, 0, 0, 0, false, false,

            ILgWritingSystemFactory wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();

                wsf.BypassInstall = true;

                IWritingSystem wsFrench    = wsf.get_Engine("fr");
                int            hvoFrenchWs = wsFrench.WritingSystem;
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoFrenchWs > 0, "Should have gotten an HVO for the French WS");

                IWritingSystem wsGerman    = wsf.get_Engine("de");
                int            hvoGermanWs = wsGerman.WritingSystem;
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoGermanWs > 0, "Should have gotten an HVO for the German WS");

                IWritingSystem wsIngles    = wsf.get_Engine("en");
                int            hvoInglesWs = wsIngles.WritingSystem;
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoInglesWs > 0, "Should have gotten an HVO for the English WS");

                Assert.IsTrue(hvoFrenchWs != hvoGermanWs, "Should have gotten different HVOs for each WS");
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoInglesWs != hvoGermanWs, "Should have gotten different HVOs for each WS");
                Assert.IsTrue(hvoFrenchWs != hvoInglesWs, "Should have gotten different HVOs for each WS");

                // Array of structs, containing writing systems and font sizes to override.
                List <FontOverride> fontOverrides = new List <FontOverride>(2);
                FontOverride        aFontOverride;
                aFontOverride.writingSystem = hvoGermanWs;
                aFontOverride.fontSize      = 48;
                aFontOverride.writingSystem = hvoInglesWs;
                aFontOverride.fontSize      = 34;
                stylesheet.OverrideFontsForWritingSystems("FirstStyle", fontOverrides);

                //check results
                IVwPropertyStore vwps = VwPropertyStoreClass.Create();
                vwps.Stylesheet           = stylesheet;
                vwps.WritingSystemFactory = wsf;

                ITsPropsBldr ttpBldr = TsPropsBldrClass.Create();
                ttpBldr.SetStrPropValue((int)FwTextPropType.ktptNamedStyle, "FirstStyle");
                ttpBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, hvoFrenchWs);
                ITsTextProps ttpFrench = ttpBldr.GetTextProps();
                ttpBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, hvoGermanWs);
                ITsTextProps ttpGerman = ttpBldr.GetTextProps();
                ttpBldr.SetIntPropValues((int)FwTextPropType.ktptWs, 0, hvoInglesWs);
                ITsTextProps ttpIngles = ttpBldr.GetTextProps();

                LgCharRenderProps chrpsFrench = vwps.get_ChrpFor(ttpFrench);
                LgCharRenderProps chrpsGerman = vwps.get_ChrpFor(ttpGerman);
                LgCharRenderProps chrpsIngles = vwps.get_ChrpFor(ttpIngles);
                wsFrench.InterpretChrp(ref chrpsFrench);
                wsGerman.InterpretChrp(ref chrpsGerman);
                wsIngles.InterpretChrp(ref chrpsIngles);

                Assert.AreEqual(23, chrpsFrench.dympHeight / 1000);
                Assert.AreEqual(34, chrpsIngles.dympHeight / 1000);
                Assert.AreEqual(48, chrpsGerman.dympHeight / 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a writing system factory that is based on the Languages folder (ICU-based).
 /// This is only used in Designer, tests, and momentarily (during construction) in
 /// production, until the client sets supplies a real one.
 /// </summary>
 /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 private void CreateTempWritingSystemFactory()
     m_wsf = LgWritingSystemFactoryClass.Create();
     m_wsf.BypassInstall   = true;
     m_fUsingTempWsFactory = true;