public void Reduce(IProduction production, ReduceVisitor reducer, Lexeme lookahead) { #if HISTORY var from = m_topStack.StateIndex; #endif if (production == null) { //Accept Debug.Assert(m_topStack.PrevNode.StateIndex == 0); //TODO: accepted IsAccepted = true; return; } if (production.AggregatesAmbiguities) { AmbiguityAggregator = (production as ProductionBase).CreateAggregator(); } var reduceResult = production.Accept(reducer, m_topStack); m_topStack = reduceResult.NewTopStack; var reduceError = reduceResult.ReduceError; if (reduceError != null) { IncreaseErrorRecoverLevel(); if (reduceError.ErrorPosition == null) { reduceError.ErrorPosition = lookahead.Value.Span; } AddError(reduceError); } #if HISTORY var to = m_topStack.StateIndex; History.Add(String.Format("R{0}:{1}", from, to)); #endif }
private TokenDecl TokenDeclaration() { var names = new List <Lexeme>(); Lexeme n = lexeme(); names.Add(n); while (LookAhead(EngageToken.COMMA)) { match(EngageToken.COMMA); n = lexeme(); names.Add(n); } match(EngageToken.IS_TYPE); return(new TokenDecl { Names = names, Type = consumeText(EngageToken.ID) }); }
public void OpenInLexicon(Lexeme lexeme) { string guid = null, toolName; using (m_activationContext.Activate()) { if (lexeme.Type == LexemeType.Word) { toolName = "Analyses"; IWfiWordform wf; if (TryGetWordform(lexeme.LexicalForm, out wf)) { guid = wf.Guid.ToString(); } } else { toolName = "lexiconEdit"; var entryLexeme = (FdoLexEntryLexeme)lexeme; ILexEntry entry; if (TryGetEntry(entryLexeme.Key, out entry)) { guid = entry.Guid.ToString(); } } } if (guid != null) { string url = string.Format("silfw://localhost/link?app=flex&database={0}&tool={1}&guid={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(m_cache.ProjectId.Name), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(toolName), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(guid)); // TODO: this would probably be faster if we directly called the RPC socket if FW is already open if (MiscUtils.IsUnix) { string libPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileUtils.StripFilePrefix(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase)); using (Process.Start(Path.Combine(libPath, "run-app"), string.Format("FieldWorks.exe {0}", url))) {} } else { using (Process.Start(url)) {} } } }
public void TermWithField() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("title:foo"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme fieldLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Field, fieldLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("title", fieldLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, fieldLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(5, fieldLexeme.End); Lexeme termLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, termLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", termLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(6, termLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(9, termLexeme.End); }
private bool Take(LexemeKind lexemeKind, out Lexeme lexeme, bool ignoreWhitespace = true) { Push(); if (ignoreWhitespace) { SkipWhitespaces(); } if (Current.Kind == lexemeKind) { lexeme = TakeAny(); Pop(false); return(true); } lexeme = null; Pop(); return(false); }
public void MultipleCreatesReferToSameSenses() { Lexeme lex = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Word, "a"); Lexeme lex2 = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Word, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex); LexiconSense sense = lex.AddSense(); sense.AddGloss("en", "test"); Assert.AreEqual(1, lex2.Senses.Count()); // Make sure the one that was added has the right sense now lex = m_lexicon[lex.Id]; Assert.AreEqual(LexemeType.Word, lex.Type); Assert.AreEqual("a", lex.LexicalForm); Assert.AreEqual(1, lex.Senses.Count()); Assert.AreEqual("en", lex.Senses.First().Glosses.First().Language); Assert.AreEqual("test", lex.Senses.First().Glosses.First().Text); }
private static bool parserDefinition() { current_lexeme = Lexer.getDefinitionLexeme(); switch (current_lexeme) { case Lexeme.NAME: if (!withdrawLexem(Lexeme.NAME) || !withdrawLexem(Lexeme.COLON) || !parserValue() || !parserProperties()) { return(false); } break; default: return(true); } return(parserDefinition()); }
public void RemoveSenseSucceeds() { Lexeme lex = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Word, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex); LexiconSense sense = lex.AddSense(); sense.AddGloss("en", "gloss1"); LexiconSense sense2 = lex.AddSense(); sense.AddGloss("en", "gloss1"); // Test remove at lex.RemoveSense(sense2); Assert.AreEqual(1, lex.Senses.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(sense, lex.Senses.First()); }
public void MultipleTermsProduceTwoLexemes() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("foo bar"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme fooLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, fooLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", fooLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, fooLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(3, fooLexeme.End); Lexeme barLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, barLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("bar", barLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(4, barLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(7, barLexeme.End); }
public void TermWithBoost() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("foo^10"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme termLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, termLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", termLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, termLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(3, termLexeme.End); Lexeme boostLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Boost, boostLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("10", boostLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(4, boostLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(6, boostLexeme.End); }
public void TermWithEditDistance() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("foo~2"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme termLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, termLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", termLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, termLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(3, termLexeme.End); Lexeme editDistanceLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.EditDistance, editDistanceLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("2", editDistanceLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(4, editDistanceLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(5, editDistanceLexeme.End); }
public void TermWithPresenceProhibited() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("-foo"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme presenceLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Presence, presenceLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("-", presenceLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, presenceLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(1, presenceLexeme.End); Lexeme termLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, termLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", termLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(1, termLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(4, termLexeme.End); }
public void SingleTermWithHyphenProducesTwoLexemes() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("foo-bar"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme fooLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, fooLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", fooLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, fooLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(3, fooLexeme.End); Lexeme barLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, barLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("bar", barLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(4, barLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(7, barLexeme.End); }
public void TermWithFieldWithEscapeChar() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex(@"ti\:tle:foo"); Assert.Equal(2, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme fieldLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Field, fieldLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("ti:tle", fieldLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(0, fieldLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(7, fieldLexeme.End); Lexeme termLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, termLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("foo", termLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal(8, termLexeme.Start); Assert.Equal(11, termLexeme.End); }
private VariableInfo ResolveVariable(Lexeme identifier) { //step1, check local parameter & variable definitions if (m_currentMethodParameters.Contains(identifier.Value)) { return(m_currentMethodParameters[identifier.Value]); } else if (m_currentMethodVariables.Contains(identifier.Value)) { return(m_currentMethodVariables[identifier.Value]); } //step2, if not static method, check fields if (!m_currentMethod.IsStatic) { return(ResolveField(m_currentType, identifier)); } m_errorManager.AddError(c_SE_VariableDeclMissing, identifier.Span, identifier.Value); return(null); }
protected void processRightParenthesisLexeme(Lexeme rightParen) { while (true) { Lexeme popped; try { popped = operatorStack.Pop(); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { throw new ParseException("Mismatched parentheses!"); } if (popped.Type == Lexeme.LexemeType.LEFT_PAREN) { try { // Ako je na vrhu stoga ostalo ime funkcije, prebacujemo ga u izlaz IToken stackTop = operatorStack.Peek(); if (stackTop is Lexeme && properties.IsFunctionName((stackTop as Lexeme).Value)) { Lexeme funcName = stackTop as Lexeme; output.Enqueue(funcName); operatorStack.Pop(); openedArgumentLists--; } } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { // do nothing, operator stack remains empty } return; } else { output.Enqueue(popped); } } }
public override Parse <TFuture> BuildParse <TFuture>(Future <string, TFuture> future) { Parse <TFuture> parse = null; parse = scanner => { Lexeme l = scanner.Read(); if (l.IsEndOfStream) { return(new StepResult <TFuture>(0, () => future(l.Value.Content)(scanner))); } return(new StepResult <TFuture>( 1, () => parse(scanner), Grammar.RecoverByDeletion(l))); }; return(parse); }
/******************************************************************** *** FUNCTION ProcessDoubleToken *** ********************************************************************* *** DESCRIPTION : This function is reponsible to categorize all the** *** double operators like relational and arithmetic operators *** *** INPUT ARGS : - *** *** OUTPUT ARGS : - *** *** IN/OUT ARGS : - *** *** RETURN : void *** ********************************************************************/ private static void ProcessDoubleToken() { Lexeme = string.Concat(Lexeme, ch); if (Lexeme.Equals("==") || Lexeme.Equals("!=") || Lexeme.Equals("<=") || Lexeme.Equals(">=")) { Token = Symbol.relop; } if (Lexeme.Equals("||")) { Token = Symbol.addop; } if (Lexeme.Equals("&&")) { Token = Symbol.mulop; } GetNextCh(); }
public void MorphTypeRetained() { Lexeme lex = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Word, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex); Lexeme lex2 = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Prefix, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex2); Lexeme lex3 = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Suffix, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex3); Lexeme lex4 = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Stem, "a"); m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex4); Assert.AreEqual(4, m_lexicon.Lexemes.Count()); Assert.IsTrue(m_lexicon.Lexemes.Contains(lex)); Assert.IsTrue(m_lexicon.Lexemes.Contains(lex2)); Assert.IsTrue(m_lexicon.Lexemes.Contains(lex3)); Assert.IsTrue(m_lexicon.Lexemes.Contains(lex4)); }
public void NormalizeStrings() { Lexeme lex = m_lexicon.CreateLexeme(LexemeType.Stem, "Vacaci\u00f3n"); // Uses composed accented letter 'o' m_lexicon.AddLexeme(lex); lex = m_lexicon[new LexemeKey(LexemeType.Stem, "Vacaci\u00f3n").Id]; Assert.IsNotNull(lex); Assert.AreEqual(LexemeType.Stem, lex.Type); Assert.AreEqual("Vacaci\u00f3n", lex.LexicalForm); LexiconSense sense = lex.AddSense(); Assert.IsNotNull(sense); LanguageText gloss = sense.AddGloss("en", "D\u00f3nde"); Lexeme reGetLex = m_lexicon[lex.Id]; Assert.AreEqual(gloss.Text, reGetLex.Senses.First().Glosses.First().Text); }
public Token ProcessState(InputStream pInput, Lexeme pLexeme) { if (char.IsDigit(pInput.CurrentSymbol)) { pLexeme.addSymbol(pInput.CurrentSymbol); pInput.ConsumeSymbol(); return(new StateDigit().ProcessState(pInput, pLexeme)); } else if (pInput.CurrentSymbol == '.') { pLexeme.addSymbol(pInput.CurrentSymbol); pInput.ConsumeSymbol(); return(new StateFloat1().ProcessState(pInput, pLexeme)); } else { return(new Token { Type = TokenType.LitInteger, LexemeVal = pLexeme.Value, Column = pInput.Column, Row = pInput.Row }); } }
public void MultipleTermsWithPresence() { QueryLexer lexer = Lex("+foo +bar"); Assert.Equal(4, lexer.Lexemes.Count); Lexeme fooPresenceLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[0]; Lexeme fooLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[1]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Presence, fooPresenceLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, fooLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("+", fooPresenceLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal("foo", fooLexeme.Value); Lexeme barPresenceLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[2]; Lexeme barLexeme = lexer.Lexemes[3]; Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Presence, barPresenceLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal(LexemeType.Term, barLexeme.Type); Assert.Equal("+", barPresenceLexeme.Value); Assert.Equal("bar", barLexeme.Value); }
private static bool parserProperties() { current_lexeme = Lexer.getPropertiesLexeme(); switch (current_lexeme) { case Lexeme.SEMICOLON: if (!withdrawLexem(Lexeme.SEMICOLON)) { return(false); } return(true); default: if (Lexer.checkForWhitespace() || !parserValue() || !parserProperties()) { return(false); } return(true); } }
public void UpdateLexim() { IThemeGateway themeGateway = Gateway.ThemeGateway; themeGateway.DeleteAllThemes(); Theme theme = new Theme(0, "Animals"); int id = themeGateway.AddTheme(theme); ILexemGateway lexemGateway = Gateway.LexemGateway; Lexeme lex = Lexemes.LexemeCollection[0]; lex.ParentThemeID = id; lex.ID = lexemGateway.AddLexeme(lex); lex.Word = "Fossil"; lexemGateway.UpdateLexeme(lex); Lexeme lex1 = lexemGateway.GetLexeme(lex.ID); Assert.AreEqual("Fossil", lex1.Word); Assert.AreEqual(lex.ID, lex1.ID); }
void ThemeView_OnSaveLexim(LeximDTView leximDT) { try { Lexeme lexim = new Lexeme(leximDT.ID, leximDT.ParentThemeID, leximDT.Word, leximDT.Picture, leximDT.Sound); if (lexim.ID == 0) { leximDT.ID = LexemGateway.AddLexeme(lexim); this.ThemeView.LeximListBox.InsertLexim(0, leximDT, this.ThemeView.Play); this.ThemeView.LeximListBox.SetSelectionAt(0); } else { LexemGateway.UpdateLexeme(lexim); this.ThemeView.LeximListBox.UpdateLexim(leximDT); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.HandleException("Could not add or update a word ", ex); } }
private Expression Assignment() { Expression expr = Or(); if (Match(LexemeType.EQUAL)) { Lexeme equals = Previous(); Expression value = Assignment(); if (expr is Expression.Variable && ((Expression.Variable)expr) != null && ((Expression.Variable)expr).Name != null) { Expression.Variable variable = (Expression.Variable)expr; if (variable != null && variable.Name != null) { return(new Expression.Assign(variable.Name, value)); } //> Classes assign-set } if (expr is Expression.Get && ((Expression.Get)expr) != null && ((Expression.Get)expr).Name != null) { Expression.Get get = (Expression.Get)expr; if (get != null && get.Name != null) { return(new Expression.Set(get, get.Name, value)); } //< Classes assign-set } //error(equals, "Invalid assignment target."); // [no-throw] } return(expr); }
public override Parse <TFuture> BuildParse <TFuture>(Future <string, TFuture> future) { Parse <TFuture> parse = null; parse = scanner => { // 保存读取当前单词之前的位置 ForkableScanner prevScanner = scanner.Fork(); Lexeme l = scanner.Read(); if (l.TokenIndex == m_token.Index) { return(new StepResult <TFuture>(0, () => future(l.Value.Content)(scanner))); } Lexeme recovery = l.GetErrorCorrectionLexeme(m_token.Index, m_token.Description); SyntaxError insertionErr = Grammar.RecoverByInsertion(recovery); if (l.IsEndOfStream) { // 已经到了输入的末尾 // 插入预期的Token进行恢复 return(new StepResult <TFuture>(1, () => future(recovery.Value.Content)(prevScanner), insertionErr)); } else { // 同时尝试插入预期的Token,以及删除当前字符 // 在未来的解析中选取更好的路线 return(Grammar.Best( new StepResult <TFuture>(1, () => future(recovery.Value.Content)(prevScanner), insertionErr), new StepResult <TFuture>(1, () => parse(scanner), Grammar.RecoverByDeletion(l)))); } }; return(parse); }
public static LinkedListNode <Lexeme> TryParse(LinkedListNode <Lexeme> lexemes, out FnParam resultNode) { resultNode = null; var nextLexeme = Type.TryParse(lexemes, out Type type); if (type == null) { return(lexemes); } if (nextLexeme.Value.Type != LT.IDENT) { throw new Exception($"Missing function argument name at {nextLexeme.Value.File}:{nextLexeme.Value.Line}"); } Lexeme token = nextLexeme.Value; nextLexeme = nextLexeme.Next; if (nextLexeme.Value.Type == LT.OP_ASSIGN) { nextLexeme = nextLexeme.Next; nextLexeme = Literal.TryParse(nextLexeme, out Literal lit); if (lit == null) { throw new Exception($"Missing default value after assignment operator in function arguments list at {nextLexeme.Value.File}:{nextLexeme.Value.Line}"); } resultNode = new FnParam { Type = type, DefaultValue = lit, Token = token }; return(nextLexeme); } resultNode = new FnParam { Type = type, Token = token }; return(nextLexeme); }
private Expression FinishCall(Expression callee) { List <Expression> arguments = new List <Expression>(); if (!Check(LexemeType.RIGHT_PAREN)) { do { ////> check-max-arity //if (arguments.size() >= 255) //{ // error(peek(), "Can't have more than 255 arguments."); //} ////< check-max-arity arguments.Add(Expr()); } while (Match(LexemeType.COMMA)); } Lexeme paren = Consume(LexemeType.RIGHT_PAREN, Peek()); return(new Expression.Call(callee, paren, arguments)); }
//private bool isSubscriptedIdentifier(SubscriptToken t) //{ // TokenList subBase = (token as SubscriptToken).Base; // TokenList subscript = (token as SubscriptToken).Subscript; // if (subBase.Count == 1 && subBase[0] is TextRunToken) // { // String subBaseText = (subBase[0] as TextRunToken).Text; // if (Regex.Match(subBaseText, ) // } // // TODO : implementiraj!!!! // return false; //} protected bool canProcessTokenAsUnaryOp() { if (lastProcessedElement == null) { return(true); } else if (lastProcessedElement is Lexeme) { Lexeme previous = lastProcessedElement as Lexeme; Lexeme.LexemeType type = previous.Type; return(type == Lexeme.LexemeType.LEFT_PAREN || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.EQ_SIGN || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.OP_DIV || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.OP_MUL || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.OP_MINUS || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.OP_PLUS || type == Lexeme.LexemeType.ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary>* /// 处理数字字母混合输出 /// 如:windos2000 | [email protected] /// </summary> private bool ProcessMixLetter(char input, Context context) { bool needLock = false; if (start == -1) {//当前的分词器尚未开始处理字符 if (IsAcceptedCharStart(input)) { //记录起始指针的位置,标明分词器进入处理状态 start = context.Cursor; end = start; } } else {//当前的分词器正在处理字符 if (IsAcceptedChar(input)) { //输入不是连接符 // if(!isLetterConnector(input)){ //记录下可能的结束位置,如果是连接符结尾,则忽略 // end = context.getCursor(); // } //不在忽略尾部的链接字符 end = context.Cursor; } else { //生成已切分的词元 Lexeme newLexeme = new Lexeme(context.BuffOffset, start, end - start + 1, Lexeme.TYPE_LETTER); context.AddLexeme(newLexeme); //设置当前分词器状态为“待处理” start = -1; end = -1; } } //context.getCursor() == context.getAvailable() - 1读取缓冲区最后一个字符,直接输出 if (context.Cursor == context.Available - 1) { if (start != -1 && end != -1) { //生成已切分的词元 Lexeme newLexeme = new Lexeme(context.BuffOffset, start, end - start + 1, Lexeme.TYPE_LETTER); context.AddLexeme(newLexeme); } //设置当前分词器状态为“待处理” start = -1; end = -1; } //判断是否锁定缓冲区 if (start == -1 && end == -1) { //对缓冲区解锁 needLock = false; } else { needLock = true; } return needLock; }
public FdoLexiconGlossAddedEventArgs(Lexeme lexeme, LexiconSense sense, LanguageText gloss) { m_lexeme = lexeme; m_sense = sense; m_gloss = gloss; }
public void CheckToken(Lexeme t) { Debug.Assert(Lexeme.Name <= t); // FirstStringable if (lexeme != t) { if (t == Lexeme.Eof) throw EofExpectedException(RawValue); else throw TokenExpectedException(t, RawValue); } }
/// <summary> /// 取出链表集合的最后一个元素 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal Lexeme PollLast() { if (this.size == 1) { Lexeme last = this.head; this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.size--; return last; } else if (this.size > 1) { Lexeme last = this.tail; this.tail = last.Prev; last.Prev = null; this.size--; return last; } else { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// 向链表集合添加词元 /// </summary> internal void AddLexeme(Lexeme lexeme) { if (this.size == 0) { this.head = lexeme; this.tail = lexeme; this.size++; return; } else { if (this.tail.CompareTo(lexeme) == 0) {//词元与尾部词元相同,不放入集合 return; } else if (this.tail.CompareTo(lexeme) < 0) {//词元接入链表尾部 this.tail.Next = lexeme; lexeme.Prev = this.tail; this.tail = lexeme; this.size++; return; } else if (this.head.CompareTo(lexeme) > 0) {//词元接入链表头部 this.head.Prev = lexeme; lexeme.Next = this.head; this.head = lexeme; this.size++; return; } else { //从尾部上逆 Lexeme l = this.tail; while (l != null && l.CompareTo(lexeme) > 0) { l = l.Prev; } if (l.CompareTo(lexeme) == 0) {//词元与集合中的词元重复,不放入集合 return; } else if (l.CompareTo(lexeme) < 0) {//词元插入链表中的某个位置 lexeme.Prev = l; lexeme.Next = l.Next; l.Next.Prev = lexeme; l.Next = lexeme; this.size++; return; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 添加量词词元到结果集 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void OutputCountLexeme(Context context) { if (countStart > -1 && countEnd > -1) { //生成已切分的词元 Lexeme countLexeme = new Lexeme(context.BuffOffset, countStart, countEnd - countStart + 1, Lexeme.TYPE_NUMCOUNT); context.AddLexeme(countLexeme); } }
public void NextLex() { prevLexEnd = curIndex; prevLexeme = lexeme; SkipWhiteSpace(); lexStart = curIndex; switch (curChar) { case '\0': lexeme = Lexeme.Eof; return; case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '@': case ',': case '$': case '}': lexeme = (Lexeme)curChar; NextChar(); break; case '.': NextChar(); if (curChar == '.') { lexeme = Lexeme.DotDot; NextChar(); } else if (IsAsciiDigit(curChar)) { SetSourceIndex(lexStart); goto case '0'; } else lexeme = Lexeme.Dot; break; case ':': NextChar(); if (curChar == ':') { lexeme = Lexeme.ColonColon; NextChar(); } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Unknown; } break; case '*': lexeme = Lexeme.Star; NextChar(); CheckOperator(true); break; case '/': NextChar(); if (curChar == '/') { lexeme = Lexeme.SlashSlash; NextChar(); } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Slash; } break; case '|': lexeme = Lexeme.Union; NextChar(); break; case '+': lexeme = Lexeme.Plus; NextChar(); break; case '-': lexeme = Lexeme.Minus; NextChar(); break; case '=': lexeme = Lexeme.Eq; NextChar(); break; case '!': NextChar(); if (curChar == '=') { lexeme = Lexeme.Ne; NextChar(); } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Unknown; } break; case '<': NextChar(); if (curChar == '=') { lexeme = Lexeme.Le; NextChar(); } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Lt; } break; case '>': NextChar(); if (curChar == '=') { lexeme = Lexeme.Ge; NextChar(); } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Gt; } break; case '"': case '\'': lexeme = Lexeme.String; ScanString(); break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': lexeme = Lexeme.Number; ScanNumber(); break; default: = ScanNCName(); if ( != null) { lexeme = Lexeme.Name; this.prefix = string.Empty; this.canBeFunction = false; this.axis = XPathAxis.Unknown; bool colonColon = false; int saveSourceIndex = curIndex; // "foo:bar" or "foo:*" -- one lexeme (no spaces allowed) // "foo::" or "foo ::" -- two lexemes, reported as one (AxisName) // "foo:?" or "foo :?" -- lexeme "foo" reported if (curChar == ':') { NextChar(); if (curChar == ':') { // "foo::" -> OperatorName, AxisName NextChar(); colonColon = true; SetSourceIndex(saveSourceIndex); } else { // "foo:bar", "foo:*" or "foo:?" string ncName = ScanNCName(); if (ncName != null) { this.prefix =; = ncName; // Look ahead for '(' to determine whether QName can be a FunctionName saveSourceIndex = curIndex; SkipWhiteSpace(); this.canBeFunction = (curChar == '('); SetSourceIndex(saveSourceIndex); } else if (curChar == '*') { NextChar(); this.prefix =; = "*"; } else { // "foo:?" -> OperatorName, NameTest // Return "foo" and leave ":" to be reported later as an unknown lexeme SetSourceIndex(saveSourceIndex); } } } else { SkipWhiteSpace(); if (curChar == ':') { // "foo ::" or "foo :?" NextChar(); if (curChar == ':') { NextChar(); colonColon = true; } SetSourceIndex(saveSourceIndex); } else { this.canBeFunction = (curChar == '('); } } if (!CheckOperator(false) && colonColon) { this.axis = CheckAxis(); } } else { lexeme = Lexeme.Unknown; NextChar(); } break; } }
private List<Lexeme> AllowedFollowing(Lexeme t) { var list = new List<Lexeme>(); switch (t) { case Lexeme.Axis: list.Add(Lexeme.ColonColon); return list; case Lexeme.ColonColon: list.Add(Lexeme.Name); list.Add(Lexeme.Star); return list; case Lexeme.And: list.Add(Lexeme.String); return list; case Lexeme.At: list.Add(Lexeme.Name); list.Add(Lexeme.Star); return list; case Lexeme.Name: list.Add(Lexeme.Slash); list.Add(Lexeme.LParens); list.Add(Lexeme.LBracket); return list; case Lexeme.Slash: list.Add(Lexeme.Name); list.Add(Lexeme.Star); return list; case Lexeme.SlashSlash: list.Add(Lexeme.Name); list.Add(Lexeme.Star); return list; case Lexeme.Eq: list.Add(Lexeme.Number); list.Add(Lexeme.Name); return list; case Lexeme.LParens: list.Add(Lexeme.RParens); list.Add(Lexeme.Name); return list; } return list; }
private List<Lexeme> AllowedWhenExpected(Lexeme t) { var list = new List<Lexeme>(); list.Add(t); switch (t) { case Lexeme.RBracket: { bool foundEq= false; // last on the stack is first in the array var x = lexemeStack.ToArray(); for (int i= 0; i < x.Length; i++) { if (x[i] == Lexeme.LBracket) break; if (x[i] == Lexeme.Eq) { foundEq = true; break; } } if (!foundEq) list.Add(Lexeme.Eq); } break; } return list; }
private XPathAxis CheckAxis() { this.lexeme = Lexeme.Axis; switch (name) { case "ancestor": return XPathAxis.Ancestor; case "ancestor-or-self": return XPathAxis.AncestorOrSelf; case "attribute": return XPathAxis.Attribute; case "child": return XPathAxis.Child; case "descendant": return XPathAxis.Descendant; case "descendant-or-self": return XPathAxis.DescendantOrSelf; case "following": return XPathAxis.Following; case "following-sibling": return XPathAxis.FollowingSibling; case "namespace": return XPathAxis.Namespace; case "parent": return XPathAxis.Parent; case "preceding": return XPathAxis.Preceding; case "preceding-sibling": return XPathAxis.PrecedingSibling; case "self": return XPathAxis.Self; default: this.lexeme = Lexeme.Name; return XPathAxis.Unknown; } }
private bool CheckOperator(bool star) { Lexeme op; if (star) { op = Lexeme.Multiply; } else { if (prefix.Length != 0 || name.Length > 3) return false; switch (name) { case "or": op = Lexeme.Or; break; case "and": op = Lexeme.And; break; case "div": op = Lexeme.Divide; break; case "mod": op = Lexeme.Modulo; break; default: return false; } } // If there is a preceding token and the preceding token is not one of '@', '::', '(', '[', ',' or an Operator, // then a '*' must be recognized as a MultiplyOperator and an NCName must be recognized as an OperatorName. if (prevLexeme <= Lexeme.LastOperator) return false; switch (prevLexeme) { case Lexeme.Slash: case Lexeme.SlashSlash: case Lexeme.At: case Lexeme.ColonColon: case Lexeme.LParens: case Lexeme.LBracket: case Lexeme.Comma: case Lexeme.Dollar: return false; } this.lexeme = op; return true; }
public ExpressionLexeme(string lexemeBody, Lexeme lexeme) { _lexemeBody = lexemeBody; _lexeme = lexeme; }
private static LexemeType GetLexemeType(Lexeme lexeme) { if (ExpressionLexemeInfo.LexemeTypes.ContainsKey(lexeme)) return (LexemeType)ExpressionLexemeInfo.LexemeTypes[lexeme]; else return LexemeType.ltUndefined; }
// May be called for the following tokens: Name, String, Eof, Comma, LParens, RParens, LBracket, RBracket, RBrace private string LexemeToString(Lexeme t) { Debug.Assert(Lexeme.Name <= t); if (Lexeme.Eof < t) { Debug.Assert("()[].@,*/$}".IndexOf((char)t) >= 0); return new string((char)t, 1); } switch (t) { case Lexeme.Name: return "<name>"; case Lexeme.String: return "<string literal>"; case Lexeme.Eof: return "<eof>"; default: Debug.Fail("Unexpected Lexeme: " + t.ToString()); return string.Empty; } }
public XPathParserException TokenExpectedException(Lexeme t, string actualToken) { string expectedToken = LexemeToString(t); var x = new XPathParserException(xpathExpr, lexStart, curIndex, string.Format("Expected token '{0}', found '{1}'.", expectedToken, actualToken) ); x.NextAllowed= AllowedWhenExpected(t); return x; }
public Rule(String regex, Lexeme.Type type) : this(regex, DefaultProducer(type)) { }
/// <summary> /// 添加数词词元到结果集 /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> private void OutputNumLexeme(Context context) { if (nStart > -1 && nEnd > -1) { //生成已切分的词元 Lexeme newLexeme = new Lexeme(context.BuffOffset, nStart, nEnd - nStart + 1, Lexeme.TYPE_NUM); context.AddLexeme(newLexeme); fCaN = true; } }
private static Producer DefaultProducer(Lexeme.Type type) { return (value, pos) => new Lexeme(value, type, pos); }
/// <summary> /// 向分词结果集添加词元 /// </summary> /// <param name="lexeme"></param> public void AddLexeme(Lexeme lexeme) { if (!Dictionary.IsStopWord(segmentBuff, lexeme.Begin, lexeme.Length)) { this.lexemeSet.AddLexeme(lexeme); } }
/// <summary> /// 取出词元集合中的下一个词元 /// </summary> /// <param name="lexeme"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Lexeme BuildLexeme(Lexeme lexeme) { if (lexeme != null) { // TODO:从数组取一段内容 var arr = new char[lexeme.Length]; Array.Copy(segmentBuff, lexeme.Begin, arr, 0, lexeme.Length); //生成lexeme的词元文本 lexeme.LexemeText = string.Concat(arr); return lexeme; } else { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// 取出链表集合的第一个元素 /// </summary> internal Lexeme PollFirst() { if (this.size == 1) { Lexeme first = this.head; this.head = null; this.tail = null; this.size--; return first; } else if (this.size > 1) { Lexeme first = this.head; this.head = first.Next; first.Next = null; this.size--; return first; } else { return null; } }
public TokenBranch(Lexeme lexeme) { if (lexeme != null) { this.lexeme = lexeme; //初始化branch的左右边界 this.leftBorder = lexeme.BeginPosition; this.rightBorder = lexeme.EndPosition; } }
/// <summary> /// 向分词结果集添加词元(尚未完成) /// </summary> /// <param name="lexeme"></param> public void AddLexeme(Lexeme lexeme) { }
///<summary> ///组合词元分支 /// </summary> /// <returns>返回当前branch能否接收词元对象</returns> public bool Accept(Lexeme _lexeme) { /* * 检查新的lexeme 对当前的branch 的可接受类型 * acceptType : REFUSED 不能接受 * acceptType : ACCEPTED 接受 * acceptType : TONEXT 由相邻分支接受 */ int acceptType = CheckAccept(_lexeme); switch (acceptType) { case REFUSED: // REFUSE 情况 return false; case ACCEPTED: if (acceptedBranchs == null) { //当前branch没有子branch,则添加到当前branch下 acceptedBranchs = new List<TokenBranch>(2); acceptedBranchs.Add(new TokenBranch(_lexeme)); } else { bool acceptedByChild = false; //当前branch拥有子branch,则优先由子branch接纳 foreach (TokenBranch childBranch in acceptedBranchs) { acceptedByChild = childBranch.Accept(_lexeme) || acceptedByChild; } //如果所有的子branch不能接纳,则由当前branch接纳 if (!acceptedByChild) { acceptedBranchs.Add(new TokenBranch(_lexeme)); } } //设置branch的最大右边界 if (_lexeme.EndPosition > this.rightBorder) { this.rightBorder = _lexeme.EndPosition; } break; case TONEXT: //把lexeme放入当前branch的相邻分支 if (this.nextBranch == null) { //如果还没有相邻分支,则建立一个不交叠的分支 this.nextBranch = new TokenBranch(null); } this.nextBranch.Accept(_lexeme); break; } return true; }
public FdoLexemeAddedEventArgs(Lexeme lexeme) { m_lexeme = lexeme; }
/// <summary> /// 判断指定的lexeme能否被当前的branch接受 /// </summary> /// <param name="_lexeme"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int CheckAccept(Lexeme _lexeme) { int acceptType = 0; if (_lexeme == null) { throw new ArgumentException("parameter:lexeme is null"); } if (null == this.lexeme) {//当前的branch是一个不交叠(ROOT)的分支 if (this.rightBorder > 0 //说明当前branch内至少有一个lexeme && _lexeme.BeginPosition >= this.rightBorder) { //_lexeme 与 当前的branch不相交 acceptType = TONEXT; } else { acceptType = ACCEPTED; } } else {//当前的branch是一个有交叠的分支 if (_lexeme.BeginPosition < this.lexeme.BeginPosition) { //_lexeme 的位置比 this.lexeme还靠前(这种情况不应该发生) acceptType = REFUSED; } else if (_lexeme.BeginPosition >= this.lexeme.BeginPosition && _lexeme.BeginPosition < this.lexeme.EndPosition) { // _lexeme 与 this.lexeme相交 acceptType = REFUSED; } else if (_lexeme.BeginPosition >= this.lexeme.EndPosition && _lexeme.BeginPosition < this.rightBorder) { //_lexeme 与 this.lexeme 不相交, 但_lexeme 与 当前的branch相交 acceptType = ACCEPTED; } else {//_lexeme.BeginPosition >= this.rightBorder //_lexeme 与 当前的branch不相交 acceptType = TONEXT; } } return acceptType; }
public FdoLexicalRelation(Lexeme lexeme, string name) { m_lexeme = lexeme; m_name = name; }
public void PassToken(Lexeme t) { CheckToken(t); NextLex(); }
private static string GetLexemeDiffMask(Lexeme lexeme) { return (string)ExpressionLexemeInfo.LexemeDiffMasks[lexeme]; }
private static string GetLexemeCode(Lexeme lexeme) { return (string)ExpressionLexemeInfo.LexemeCodes[lexeme]; }