/// <summary>
            /// Create a new instance of the <see cref="LetterViewerMenuEx2"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="id">The ID of the mail.</param>
            /// <param name="text">The text content of the mail.</param>
            /// <param name="questId">The ID of the quest included in the mail.</param>
            /// <param name="isAutomaticallyAccepted">
            /// Indicates whether the included quest is automatically accepted when the mail is opened or if the
            /// player needs to manually accept it.
            /// </param>
            /// <returns>The created <see cref="LetterViewerMenuEx2"/> instance.</returns>
            public static LetterViewerMenuEx2 CreateQuestMailMenu(string id, string text, int questId, bool isAutomaticallyAccepted)
                var menu = new LetterViewerMenuEx2(id, text)
                    mailType        = MailType.QuestMail,
                    attachedQuestId = questId < 1 ? QUEST_ID_NO_QUEST : questId,

                // If the ID does not represent an existing quest, we don't include it in the mail.
                if (menu.attachedQuestId == QUEST_ID_NO_QUEST)
                    menu.QuestId = QUEST_ID_NO_QUEST;

                // Add the quest to the player's quest log if it is an automatically accepted quest.
                if (isAutomaticallyAccepted)

                    menu.questAccepted = true;
                    menu.QuestId       = QUEST_ID_NO_QUEST;


                // Specified quest has to be manually accepted by the player -> setup [quest accept] button in the menu.

                menu.QuestId = questId;

                string label = Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:AcceptQuest");

                menu.acceptQuestButton = new ClickableComponent(
                    new Rectangle(menu.xPositionOnScreen + menu.width / 2 - 128, menu.yPositionOnScreen + menu.height - 128,
                                  (int)Game1.dialogueFont.MeasureString(label).X + 24,
                                  (int)Game1.dialogueFont.MeasureString(label).Y + 24),
                    myID            = region_acceptQuestButton,
                    rightNeighborID = region_forwardButton,
                    leftNeighborID  = region_backButton

                menu.backButton.rightNeighborID   = region_acceptQuestButton;
                menu.forwardButton.leftNeighborID = region_acceptQuestButton;

                if (!Game1.options.SnappyMenus)


            /// <summary>
            /// Create a new instance of the <see cref="LetterViewerMenuEx2"/> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="id">The ID of the mail.</param>
            /// <param name="text">The text content of the mail.</param>
            /// <param name="attachedItems">The items attached to the mail. Can be <c>null</c>.</param>
            /// <returns>The created <see cref="LetterViewerMenuEx2"/> instance.</returns>
            public static LetterViewerMenuEx2 CreateItemMailMenu(string id, string text, IList <Item> attachedItems)
                var menu = new LetterViewerMenuEx2(id, text)
                    selectedItems = new List <Item>(),
                    mailType      = MailType.ItemMail

                // If the mail has attached items, add them to the LetterViewerMenu so they will be shown when the
                // mail is drawn to the screen.
                if (attachedItems?.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var item in attachedItems)
                        var attachedItemComponent = new ClickableComponent(
                            new Rectangle(menu.xPositionOnScreen + menu.width / 2 - 48, menu.yPositionOnScreen + menu.height - 32 - 96, 96, 96),
                            myID            = region_itemGrabButton,
                            leftNeighborID  = region_backButton,
                            rightNeighborID = region_forwardButton


                    menu.backButton.rightNeighborID   = region_itemGrabButton;
                    menu.forwardButton.leftNeighborID = region_itemGrabButton;

                    if (!Game1.options.SnappyMenus)

