public void UpdateLessonGrade_IsPassedTrue_Test()
            // Create a LessonService class object referance
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            // Create parametters for true test case scnerio
            var lessonId = 12;
            var grade    = 98.2d; // examaple grade to update the IsPassed value to true and pass the test case

            //var grade = 60.3d;  // example grade to update the IsPassed value to false and fail the test case

            //Execute a "UpdateLessonGrade" method call with above parametters
            // The positive test case shoulld update the boolean value IsPassed to "true" for the lesson no 12 if the grade parametter is gretter than MinimumPassingGrade i.e 80
            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);

            // Create a LessonRepository class referance to get the object with "lessonId" 12 to check for the updated "IsPassed" variable value
            var lessonRepo = new LessonRepository();
            var lesson     = lessonRepo.GetLesson(lessonId);

            //Verify the condition with the return type as true to pass the test case
            //As the lessons and Module repository returns data froo a hardcoded list the object variable value might not get updated but the test case can be tested by updating
            //the hardcoded values of Lessons Objects in the LessonsRepositiry class

            //The above test case passes if the parametters passes are satisfing the conditions of MinimumPassingGrade and the record is updated as passed (i.e IsPassed=true)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_GetLessonReturnsDefaultObject_ModuleRepositoryIsCalled()
            Mock <ILessonRepository> mockLessonRepo = new Mock <ILessonRepository>();

            mockLessonRepo.Setup(x => x.GetLesson(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new Lesson());
            Mock <IModuleRepository> mockModuleRepo = new Mock <IModuleRepository>();

            mockModuleRepo.Setup(x => x.GetModule(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new Module
                ModuleId            = 0,
                MinimumPassingGrade = 0,
                Lessons             = new List <Lesson>
                    new Lesson
                        LessonId = 0,
                        Grade    = 0.0d,
                        IsPassed = true

            LessonService lessonService = new LessonService(mockLessonRepo.Object, mockModuleRepo.Object);

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(0, 0.0d);

            mockLessonRepo.Verify(x => x.GetLesson(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
            mockModuleRepo.Verify(x => x.GetModule(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_GetLessonReturnsNull()
            Lesson nullLesson = null;
            Mock <ILessonRepository> mockLessonRepo = new Mock <ILessonRepository>();

            mockLessonRepo.Setup(x => x.GetLesson(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(nullLesson);
            Mock <IModuleRepository> mockModuleRepo = new Mock <IModuleRepository>();

            mockModuleRepo.Setup(x => x.GetModule(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new Module
                ModuleId            = 0,
                MinimumPassingGrade = 0,
                Lessons             = new List <Lesson>
                    new Lesson
                        LessonId = 0,
                        Grade    = 0.0d,
                        IsPassed = true

            LessonService lessonService = new LessonService(mockLessonRepo.Object, mockModuleRepo.Object);

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(0, 0.0d);

            //assert - test fails if no NullReferenceException is thrown
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_Test()
            var lesson = new Lesson
                LessonId = 12,
                Grade    = 95.4,
                IsPassed = true

            var module = new Module
                ModuleId            = 1,
                MinimumPassingGrade = 93,
                Lessons             = new List <Lesson>
                    new Lesson
                        LessonId = 12,
                        Grade    = 9.4,
                        IsPassed = false
            var mockLessonRepo = new DynamicMock(typeof(ILessonRepository));
            var mockModuleRepo = new DynamicMock(typeof(IModuleRepository));

            mockLessonRepo.ExpectAndReturn("GetLesson", lesson);
            mockModuleRepo.GetModule("GetModule", module);

            var testLessonService = new LessonService();
            var retLesson         = testLessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 100);

            Assert.AreEqual(100, retLesson.Grade);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, retLesson.IsPassed);
Ejemplo n.º 5
            public void IfGradeIsLessThanMinimumPassingGrade_IsPassedShouldBeFalse()
                // Arrange
                var lessonRepository = A.Fake <ILessonRepository>();
                var moduleRepository = A.Fake <IModuleRepository>();

                var lesson = new Lesson {
                    Grade = 1, IsPassed = false, LessonId = LessonId
                var module = new Module {
                    ModuleId = 1, MinimumPassingGrade = 2, Lessons = new List <Lesson> {

                A.CallTo(() => lessonRepository.GetLesson(A <int> .Ignored)).Returns(lesson);
                A.CallTo(() => moduleRepository.GetModule(A <int> .Ignored)).Returns(module);

                var lessonService = new LessonService(lessonRepository, moduleRepository);

                // Act
                lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(LessonId, Grade);

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(Grade, lesson.Grade);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void UpdateLessonGradeShouldThrowNullExceptionWithInvalidLessonId()
            var          lessonService = new LessonService();
            const int    LESSON_ID     = 5; // Invalid lesson ID
            const double LESSON_GRADE  = 80.0;

            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(LESSON_ID, LESSON_GRADE));
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_Test()
            LessonService lessonService = new LessonService();
            bool          passes        = false;

            //Assert.IsTrue(lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(12,23.4,out passes) == "Success" && !passes);
            //Assert.IsTrue(lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(1, 23.4, out passes) == "Lesson not Found!" && !passes);
            Assert.IsTrue(lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 98.4, out passes) == "Success" && passes);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void UpdateLessonGradeShouldThrowNullExceptionWhenModuleDoesNotHaveGivenLessonId()
            // This test proves that it is a bad idea to request a module using a lesson ID
            var          lessonService = new LessonService();
            const int    LESSON_ID     = 46; // Valid lesson ID, but is not found in a module; therefore, no module is returned
            const double LESSON_GRADE  = 80.0;

            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() => lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(LESSON_ID, LESSON_GRADE));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService(new LessonRepository(), new ModuleRepository());

            var lessonId = 12;

            var grade = 98.2d;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 12;

            var grade = 98.2d;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestGradeFailed()
            // Arrange
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            // Act
            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 18.2d);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(lessonSvc._lessonRepo.GetLesson(12).IsPassed, "Test grade check failed for not");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_TestPassCodeBlock()
            // Create Instance of LessonService Class
            var lessonService = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 12;

            var grade = 98.2d;

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestGradePassed()
            // Arrange
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            // Act
            //lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 98.2d);
            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 98.2d);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(lessonSvc._lessonRepo.GetLesson(12).IsPassed, "Test grade check failed for passed condition");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 12;

            var grade = 98.2d;

            bool passes = false;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade, out passes);
Ejemplo n.º 15
            public void ThrowsException_IfLessonIsNotInModule()
                // Arrange
                var lessonRepository = A.Fake <ILessonRepository>();
                var moduleRepository = A.Fake <IModuleRepository>();

                A.CallTo(() => moduleRepository.GetModule(A <int> .Ignored)).Returns(null);

                var lessonService = new LessonService(lessonRepository, moduleRepository);

                // Act, Assert
                Assert.Throws <NotFoundException>(() => lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(LessonId, Grade));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_TestPassingGrade()
            // Tests if UpdateLessonGrade handles passing valid Lesson ID with passing grade
            // NOTE: lesson collection does not exist outside of UpdateLessonGrade so no way to test persistent values

            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 12;
            var grade    = 97.1d;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //var keyword is ambiguous, prefer to specify the obejct type whenever possible for ease of reading purposes
            //mapping interfaces to repository classes
            ILessonRepository lessonRepo = new LessonRepository();
            IModuleRepository moduleRepo = new ModuleRepository();

            LessonService lessonSvc = new LessonService(lessonRepo, moduleRepo);

            int lessonId = 12;

            double grade = 98.2d;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_Test()
            // Arrange
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            // Act
            var grade = lessonSvc._lessonRepo.GetLesson(12).Grade;

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(12, 98.2d);

            // Assert
            var gradeAfterUpdate = lessonSvc._lessonRepo.GetLesson(12).Grade;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(grade, gradeAfterUpdate, "failed to update grade.");
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void UpdateLessonGradeShouldSetLessonToFailStatusIfGradeIsBelow80()
            const int    EXISTING_LESSON_ID = 86;
            const double PASSING_GRADE      = 76;

            Lesson lesson = _lessonRepo.GetLesson(EXISTING_LESSON_ID);

            Assert.IsTrue(lesson.IsPassed, "The lesson's passed status was set somewhere else");

            var lessonService = new LessonService();

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(EXISTING_LESSON_ID, PASSING_GRADE);

            Assert.IsFalse(lesson.IsPassed, "The lesson's passed status wasn't set correctly");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void UpdateLessonGradeShouldSetLessonToPassStatusIfGradeIs80OrAbove()
            const int    EXISTING_LESSON_ID = 12;
            const double PASSING_GRADE      = 85;

            // Let's make sure the lesson's pass status is set to false before we update it
            Lesson lesson = _lessonRepo.GetLesson(EXISTING_LESSON_ID);

            Assert.IsFalse(lesson.IsPassed, "The lesson's passed status was set somewhere else");

            var lessonService = new LessonService();

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(EXISTING_LESSON_ID, PASSING_GRADE);
            Assert.IsTrue(lesson.IsPassed, "The lesson's passed status wasn't set correctly");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 12;

            var grade = 98.2d;

                lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_Test()
            // set up test vars
            int    testLessonId     = 12;
            double testGrade        = 90.2d;
            bool   expectedIsPassed = true; // a grade of 90.2 is passing for lesson 12

            // perform the update on the lesson
            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(testLessonId, testGrade);

            // get the updated lesson
            var lesson = lessonSvc.lessonRepo.GetLesson(testLessonId);

            // test if it worked by comparing the expected
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedIsPassed, lesson.IsPassed);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_TestInvalidLesson()
            // Tests if UpdateLessonGrade handles passing Lesson IDs that don't exist

            var lessonSvc = new LessonService();

            var lessonId = 86;
            var grade    = 53.2d;

                lessonSvc.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_NullModuleRepository()
            Mock <ILessonRepository> mockLessonRepo = new Mock <ILessonRepository>();

            mockLessonRepo.Setup(x => x.GetLesson(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(new Lesson
                LessonId = 0,
                Grade    = 0.0d,
                IsPassed = false

            LessonService lessonService = new LessonService(mockLessonRepo.Object, null);

            lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(0, 0.0d);

            //assert - test fails if no NullReferenceException is thrown
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void UpdateLessonGrade_Test()
            var moduleRepo    = new ModuleRepository();
            var lessonService = new LessonService();
            var module        = moduleRepo.GetModule(lessonId);

            var grade     = new Random().Next(0, 100);
            var isPassing = module.MinimumPassingGrade <= grade;

                var updatedLesson = lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(lessonId, grade);
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedLesson.Grade, grade);
                Assert.AreEqual(updatedLesson.IsPassed, isPassing);
            catch (Exception e)
Ejemplo n.º 26
            public void IfLessonIsNotInModule_GradeChanges()
                // Arrange
                var lessonRepository = A.Fake <ILessonRepository>();
                var moduleRepository = A.Fake <IModuleRepository>();

                var lesson = new Lesson {
                    Grade = 0, IsPassed = false, LessonId = LessonId

                A.CallTo(() => lessonRepository.GetLesson(A <int> .Ignored)).Returns(lesson);
                A.CallTo(() => moduleRepository.GetModule(A <int> .Ignored)).Returns(null);

                var lessonService = new LessonService(lessonRepository, moduleRepository);

                // Act
                Assert.Throws <NotFoundException>(() => lessonService.UpdateLessonGrade(LessonId, Grade));

                // Assert
                Assert.Equal(Grade, lesson.Grade);