Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void MoveIfStationary(Model model)
            if (DrawnLight != null && Light.Stationary)

                // gets world direction
                float[] direction, position;
                Light.GetLightDirection(ModelOriginal.Camera.ModelViewMatrix, out direction, out position);
                Vector3D newDirection = new Vector3D((double)direction[0], (double)direction[1], (double)direction[2]);

                // gets start point of the new drawn light
                Point3D startNewPoint = (Point3D)CenterScene.Clone();
                startNewPoint.TransformBy(new Translation(newDirection * (-Radius)));

                // draws new direction like an arrow
                DrawnLight             = Mesh.CreateArrow(startNewPoint, newDirection, 0.2, 5, 0.6, 3, 10, Mesh.natureType.Smooth, Mesh.edgeStyleType.Free);
                DrawnLight.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
                DrawnLight.Color       = Color.FromArgb(220, Color.Yellow);

                // draws name label
                LightName = new LeaderAndText(startNewPoint, "Light " + NumLight,
                                              new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 15));

                model.Entities.Add(DrawnLight, LayerName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void DrawSpot(out Entity drawnLight, out LeaderAndText lightName)
            double distance, kl, kc, kq;

            kl = Light.LinearAttenuation;
            kc = Light.ConstantAttenuation;
            kq = Light.QuadraticAttenuation;

            // sets distance considering attenuation values of the light
            if (kq.CompareTo(0.0) != 0)
                distance = (-kl + Math.Sqrt(kl * kl - 4 * kq * kc)) / (2 * kq);
                distance = ((1 / 0.6) - kc) / kl;

            // draws spot light like a cone
            drawnLight             = Mesh.CreateCone(Math.Tan(Light.SpotHalfAngle) * distance, 0, distance, 10);
            drawnLight.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;

            // Aligns the direction of spot to the light direction
            Transformation t = new Align3D(Plane.XY, new Plane(Light.Direction * -1));

            drawnLight.Translate(0, 0, -distance);

            // translates the light spot to choosen position
            drawnLight.Translate(Light.Position.X, Light.Position.Y, Light.Position.Z);

            // draws name label
            lightName = new LeaderAndText(Light.Position, "Light " + NumLight,
                                          new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 15));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void AddDimension(Point3D pnt1, Point3D pnt2, string layer)
            //////var vnormal = new Vector3D(pnt1.X - pnt2.X, pnt1.Y - pnt2.Y, pnt1.Z - pnt2.Z);
            ////var vnormal = new Vector3D(0, 0, pnt1.Z - pnt2.Z);
            ////var tplane = new Plane(vnormal);
            ////tplane.Origin = pnt1;
            //////tplane.Rotate(Math.PI / 2, vnormal);
            ////var textPos = new Point3D((pnt1.X + pnt2.X) / 2, (pnt1.Y + pnt2.Y) / 2, (pnt1.Z + pnt2.Z) / 2 + 10);
            //////OrdinateDim ad = new OrdinateDim(tplane, new Point3D(pnt1.X, pnt1.Y, pnt1.Z + 10), new Point3D(pnt2.X, pnt2.Y, pnt2.Z + 10),false, 3);
            ////LinearDim ad = new LinearDim(tplane, new Point3D(pnt1.X, pnt1.Y, pnt1.Z + 1), new Point3D(pnt2.X, pnt2.Y, pnt2.Z + 10), textPos, 3);
            //////LinearDim ad = new LinearDim(tplane, pnt1, pnt2, textPos, 3);
            ////model1.Entities.Add(new PlanarEntity( tplane));

            ////ad.TextSuffix = " mm";
            ////model1.Entities.Add(ad, layer);

            var line = new Line(pnt1, pnt2);

            line.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            line.LineWeight       = configs.LineWeight;
            model1.Entities.Add(line, layer);

            var textPos  = new Point3D((pnt1.X + pnt2.X) / 2, (pnt1.Y + pnt2.Y) / 2, (pnt1.Z + pnt2.Z) / 2);
            var distance = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pnt1.X - pnt2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt1.Y - pnt2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt1.Z - pnt2.Z, 2)));

            LeaderAndText lbl = new LeaderAndText(textPos,
                                                  distance + " mm", new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 10));

            lbl.FillColor = Color.Black;
            lbl.Visible   = false;
            model1.Labels = labels;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawPoint(out Entity drawnLight, out LeaderAndText lightName)
            // draws point light like a Joint
            drawnLight             = new Joint(Light.Position.X, Light.Position.Y, Light.Position.Z, 1, 1);
            drawnLight.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;

            // draws name label
            lightName = new LeaderAndText(Light.Position + new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), "Light " + NumLight,
                                          new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 15));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DrawDirectional(out Entity drawnLight, out LeaderAndText lightName)
            // sets start position of the drawn light
            Point3D startPoint = (Point3D)CenterScene.Clone();

            startPoint.TransformBy(new Translation(Light.Direction * (-Radius)));

            // draws directional light like an arrow
            drawnLight             = Mesh.CreateArrow(startPoint, Light.Direction, 0.2, 5, 0.6, 3, 10, Mesh.natureType.Smooth, Mesh.edgeStyleType.Free);
            drawnLight.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;

            // draws name label
            lightName = new LeaderAndText(startPoint + new Vector3D(0, 0, 0.2), "Light " + NumLight,
                                          new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 15));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void AddDimension(Point3D pnt1, Point3D pnt2, string layer)
            var line = new Line(pnt1, pnt2);

            line.LineWeightMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            line.LineWeight       = configs.LineWeight;
            ViewModel.Entities.Add(line, layer);

            var textPos  = new Point3D((pnt1.X + pnt2.X) / 2, (pnt1.Y + pnt2.Y) / 2, (pnt1.Z + pnt2.Z) / 2);
            var distance = Math.Round(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(pnt1.X - pnt2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt1.Y - pnt2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(pnt1.Z - pnt2.Z, 2)));

            LeaderAndText lbl = new LeaderAndText(textPos,
                                                  distance + " mm", new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 10));

            lbl.FillColor = Color.Black;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        protected override void OnContentRendered(EventArgs e)
            model1.AutoHideLabels = true;

            model1.GetGrid().AutoSize = true;
            model1.GetGrid().Step     = 100;

            string concreteMatName = "Concrete";
            string steelMatName    = "Blue steel";

            model1.Materials.Add(new Material(concreteMatName, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(25, 25, 25), System.Drawing.Color.LightGray, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(31, 31, 31), .05f, 0));
            model1.Materials.Add(new Material(steelMatName, System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue));

            // square column block
            Block b = new Block("squareCol");

            // creates a gray box
            Mesh m1 = Mesh.CreateBox(30, 30, 270);

            m1.ColorMethod  = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            m1.Color        = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
            m1.MaterialName = concreteMatName;

            // adds it to the block

            // creates a new black polyline
            LinearPath steel = new LinearPath();

            steel.Vertices    = new Point3D[8];
            steel.Vertices[0] = new Point3D(4, 4, -20);
            steel.Vertices[1] = new Point3D(4, 4, 290);
            steel.Vertices[2] = new Point3D(4, 26, 290);
            steel.Vertices[3] = new Point3D(4, 26, -20);
            steel.Vertices[4] = new Point3D(26, 26, -20);
            steel.Vertices[5] = new Point3D(26, 26, 290);
            steel.Vertices[6] = new Point3D(26, 4, 290);
            steel.Vertices[7] = new Point3D(26, 4, -20);

            steel.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            steel.Color       = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            // adds it to the block

            // creates a price tag
            devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Attribute at = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Attribute(new Point3D(0, -15), "Price", "$25,000", 10);

            // adds it to the block

            // adds the block to the master block dictionary

            // inserts the "SquareCol" block many times: this is a HUGE memory and graphic resources saving for big models
            BlockReference reference;

            for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        if (i < 2 && j < 2)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("No columns here");

                            reference = new BlockReference(i * 500, j * 400, k * 300, "squareCol", 1, 1, 1, 0);

                            // defines a different price for each one
                            reference.Attributes.Add("Price", "$" + i + ",000");


            // again as above
            b = new Block("floor");

            double width = 2030;
            double depth = 1630;
            double dimA  = 1000;
            double dimB  = 800;

            Point2D[] outerPoints = new Point2D[7];

            outerPoints[0] = new Point2D(0, dimB);
            outerPoints[1] = new Point2D(dimA, dimB);
            outerPoints[2] = new Point2D(dimA, 0);
            outerPoints[3] = new Point2D(width, 0);
            outerPoints[4] = new Point2D(width, depth);
            outerPoints[5] = new Point2D(0, depth);
            outerPoints[6] = (Point2D)outerPoints[0].Clone();

            LinearPath outer = new LinearPath(Plane.XY, outerPoints);

            Point2D[] innerPoints = new Point2D[5];

            innerPoints[0] = new Point2D(1530, 800);
            innerPoints[1] = new Point2D(1530, 950);
            innerPoints[2] = new Point2D(1650, 950);
            innerPoints[3] = new Point2D(1650, 800);
            innerPoints[4] = (Point2D)innerPoints[0].Clone();

            LinearPath inner = new LinearPath(Plane.XY, innerPoints);

            devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region reg = new devDept.Eyeshot.Entities.Region(outer, inner);

            Mesh m2 = reg.ExtrudeAsMesh(30, 0.1, Mesh.natureType.Plain);

            m2.ColorMethod  = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            m2.Color        = System.Drawing.Color.White;
            m2.MaterialName = concreteMatName;



            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                reference = new BlockReference(0, 0, 270 + i * 300, "floor", 1, 1, 1, 0);


            string brickMatName = "Wall bricks";

            model1.Materials.Add(new Material(brickMatName, new Bitmap("../../../../../../dataset/Assets/Textures/Bricks.jpg")));

            b = new Block("brickWall");

            Mesh rm = Mesh.CreateBox(470, 30, 270, Mesh.natureType.RichPlain);

            rm.ApplyMaterial(brickMatName, textureMappingType.Cubic, 1.5, 1.5);

            rm.ColorMethod = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            rm.Color       = System.Drawing.Color.Chocolate;



            for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    reference = new BlockReference(1030 + i * 500, 0, j * 300, "brickWall", 1, 1, 1, 0);


            // Cylindrical column
            b = new Block("CylindricalCol");

            Mesh m3 = Mesh.CreateCylinder(20, 270, 32, Mesh.natureType.Smooth);

            m3.ColorMethod  = colorMethodType.byEntity;
            m3.Color        = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue;
            m3.MaterialName = steelMatName;



            for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    reference = new BlockReference(100 + i * 400, 115 + j * 200, 0, "CylindricalCol", 1, 1, 1, 0);


            // Roof (not a block this time)
            Mesh roof = Mesh.CreateBox(880, 280, 30);

            // Edits vertices to add a slope
            roof.Vertices[4].Z = 15;
            roof.Vertices[7].Z = 15;

            roof.Translate(60, 75, 270);

            model1.Entities.Add(roof, System.Drawing.Color.DimGray);

            // Labels
            LeaderAndText lat = new LeaderAndText(new Point3D(0, 800, 1200),
                                                  "Height = 12 m", new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), System.Drawing.Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 20));

            lat.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

            LeaderAndText ff;

            ff = new LeaderAndText(new Point3D(1000, 1000, 300),
                                   "First floor", new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), System.Drawing.Color.White, new Vector2D(0, 10));

            ff.FillColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
            ff.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.BottomCenter;


            // fits the model in the viewport

            // refresh the viewport

Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void RebuildChair()
            string currentMatName = (currentFrameMaterial == materialEnum.Cherry) ? cherryMatName : mapleMatName;


            double legDepth  = 3;
            double legWidth  = 3;
            double legHeight = 56.5;

            double seatDepth  = 29;
            double seatWidth  = sizeTrackBar.Value;
            double seatHeight = 1.6;
            double seatY      = 27.4;

            // Build the legs
            Mesh leg1 = MakeBox(legWidth, legDepth, legHeight);
            Mesh leg4 = (Mesh)leg1.Clone();

            Mesh leg2 = MakeBox(legWidth, legDepth, seatY);
            Mesh leg3 = (Mesh)leg2.Clone();

            leg2.Translate(seatDepth - legDepth, 0, 0);
            leg3.Translate(seatDepth - legDepth, seatWidth - legWidth, 0);
            leg4.Translate(0, seatWidth - legWidth, 0);

            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref leg1, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref leg2, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref leg3, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref leg4, currentMatName);

            // Build the seat
            double dx             = 0.3;
            double dy             = 0.2;
            double delta          = 0.1;
            double seatPartDepth  = 4.5;
            double seatPartOffset = 0.5;

            Point3D[] seatFirstPartPoints = { new Point3D(legDepth + delta,                         0, 0),
                                              new Point3D(seatPartDepth,                            0, 0),
                                              new Point3D(seatPartDepth,    seatWidth,                 0),
                                              new Point3D(legDepth + delta, seatWidth,                 0),
                                              new Point3D(legDepth + delta, seatWidth - legWidth + dy, 0),
                                              new Point3D(-dx,              seatWidth - legWidth,      0),
                                              new Point3D(-dx,              legWidth,                  0),
                                              new Point3D(legDepth + delta, legWidth + dy,             0),
                                              new Point3D(legDepth + delta,                         0, 0) };

            Region seatFirstPart = new Region(new LinearPath(seatFirstPartPoints));
            Mesh   seatPart0     = seatFirstPart.ExtrudeAsMesh(new Vector3D(0, 0, seatHeight), 0.01, Mesh.natureType.Smooth);

            seatPart0.Translate(0, -dy, seatY);
            Mesh seatPart1 = MakeBox(seatWidth + 2 * dx, seatPartDepth, seatHeight);

            seatPart1.Translate(seatPartDepth + seatPartOffset, -dy, seatY);

            Mesh seatPart2 = (Mesh)seatPart1.Clone();

            seatPart2.Translate(seatPartDepth + seatPartOffset, 0, 0);

            Mesh seatPart3 = (Mesh)seatPart2.Clone();

            seatPart3.Translate(seatPartDepth + seatPartOffset, 0, 0);

            Mesh seatPart4 = (Mesh)seatPart3.Clone();

            seatPart4.Translate(seatPartDepth + seatPartOffset, 0, 0);

            Mesh seatPart5 = (Mesh)seatPart4.Clone();

            seatPart5.Translate(seatPartDepth + seatPartOffset, 0, 0);

            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart0, plasticMatName);
            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart1, plasticMatName);
            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart2, plasticMatName);
            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart3, plasticMatName);
            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart4, plasticMatName);
            model1.Entities.Add(seatPart5, plasticMatName);

            // Build the bars under the seat
            double underSeatXBarWidth  = legWidth * 0.8;
            double underSeatXBarDepth  = seatDepth - 2 * legDepth;
            double underSeatXBarHeight = 5.0;

            double underSeatYBarWidth  = seatWidth - 2 * legWidth;
            double underSeatYBarDepth  = legDepth * 0.8;
            double underSeatYBarHeight = underSeatXBarHeight;

            Mesh barUnderSeatLeft = MakeBox(underSeatXBarWidth, underSeatXBarDepth, underSeatXBarHeight);

            barUnderSeatLeft.Translate(legDepth, (legWidth - underSeatXBarWidth) / 2, seatY - underSeatXBarHeight);

            Mesh barUnderSeatRight = (Mesh)barUnderSeatLeft.Clone();

            barUnderSeatRight.Translate(0, seatWidth - legWidth, 0);

            Mesh barUnderSeatBack = MakeBox(seatWidth - 2 * legWidth, legDepth * 0.8, underSeatYBarHeight);

            barUnderSeatBack.Translate((legDepth - underSeatYBarDepth) / 2, legWidth, seatY - underSeatYBarHeight);

            Mesh barUnderSeatFront = (Mesh)barUnderSeatBack.Clone();

            barUnderSeatFront.Translate(seatDepth - legDepth, 0, 0);

            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref barUnderSeatLeft, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref barUnderSeatRight, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref barUnderSeatFront, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref barUnderSeatBack, currentMatName);

            // Build the two cylinders on the sides
            double CylinderRadius = legWidth / 3;
            double cylinderY      = 14.5;
            Mesh   leftCylinder   = MakeCylinder(CylinderRadius, seatDepth - 2 * legDepth, 16);

            leftCylinder.ApplyMaterial(currentMatName, textureMappingType.Cylindrical, .25, 1);
            leftCylinder.Rotate(Math.PI / 2, new Vector3D(0, 1, 0));
            leftCylinder.Translate(legDepth, legWidth / 2, cylinderY);


            Mesh rightCylinder = (Mesh)leftCylinder.Clone();

            rightCylinder.Translate(0, seatWidth - legWidth, 0);


            //  Build the chair back
            double chairBackHorizHeight = 4;
            double chairBackHorizDepth  = 2;
            double horizHeight1         = seatY + seatHeight + 7;
            Mesh   chairBackHorizontal1 = MakeBox(seatWidth - 2 * legWidth, chairBackHorizDepth, chairBackHorizHeight);

            chairBackHorizontal1.Translate((legDepth - chairBackHorizDepth) / 2.0, legWidth, horizHeight1);

            double cylinderHeight       = 12;
            double horizHeight2         = cylinderHeight + chairBackHorizHeight;
            Mesh   chairBackHorizontal2 = (Mesh)chairBackHorizontal1.Clone();

            chairBackHorizontal2.Translate(0, 0, horizHeight2);

            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref chairBackHorizontal1, currentMatName);
            AddEntityWithMaterial(ref chairBackHorizontal2, currentMatName);

            double chairBackCylinderRadius = chairBackHorizDepth / 4.0;
            double chairBackCylinderHeight = horizHeight2 - chairBackHorizHeight;
            Mesh   chairBackCylinder       = MakeCylinder(chairBackCylinderRadius, chairBackCylinderHeight, 16);

            chairBackCylinder.Translate(legDepth / 2.0, legWidth, horizHeight1 + chairBackHorizHeight);

            double chairBackWidth = seatWidth - 2 * legWidth;
            double cylinderOffset = 7;
            int    nCylinders     = (int)(chairBackWidth / cylinderOffset);
            double offset         = (chairBackWidth - (nCylinders + 1) * cylinderOffset) / 2.0;

            offset += cylinderOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < nCylinders; i++, offset += cylinderOffset)
                Mesh cyl = (Mesh)chairBackCylinder.Clone();
                cyl.ApplyMaterial(currentMatName, textureMappingType.Cylindrical, .25, 1);
                cyl.Translate(0, offset, 0);

            // Add the linear dimension
            Point3D dimCorner = new Point3D(0, 0, legHeight);
            Plane   myPlane   = Plane.YZ;

            myPlane.Origin = dimCorner;

            LinearDim ad = new LinearDim(myPlane, new Point3D(0, 0, legHeight + 1), new Point3D(0, seatWidth, legHeight + 1), new Point3D(seatDepth + 10, seatWidth / 2, legHeight + 10), 3);

            ad.TextSuffix = " cm";


            // Update extents
            widthTextBox.Text  = model1.Entities.BoxSize.X.ToString("f2") + " cm";
            depthTextBox.Text  = model1.Entities.BoxSize.Y.ToString("f2") + " cm";
            heightTextBox.Text = model1.Entities.BoxSize.Z.ToString("f2") + " cm";

            // Update weight
            double totalWeight = CalcWeight();

            weightTextBox.Text = totalWeight.ToString("f2") + " kg";

            // Product ID label
            devDept.Eyeshot.Labels.LeaderAndText prodIdLabel = new LeaderAndText(seatDepth / 2, seatWidth, 25, "Product ID goes here", new Font("Tahoma", 8.25f), System.Drawing.Color.Black, new Vector2D(20, 0));