/// <summary>
        /// Update a user in the AD.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ldapConnectionInfo">The LDAP connection information</param>
        /// <param name="adUser">The user record to be updated</param>
        /// <returns>LdapResult class, which carries a copy of the updated user record.</returns>
        public static OutputUser AD_UpdateUser([PropertyTab] LdapConnectionInfo ldapConnectionInfo, [PropertyTab] UpdateADuser adUser)
            var ldapOperationResult = new OutputUser {
                operationSuccessful = false, user = null

            using (var ldap = new LdapService(ldapConnectionInfo))
                ldapOperationResult.user = ldap.UpdateAdUser(adUser);
                ldapOperationResult.operationSuccessful = true;
