Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Return list data of usergroup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="totalRow">total of record in db</param>
        /// <param name="take">Get n row</param>
        /// <param name="skip">skip n row</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string GetDataPaging(int take = 10, int skip = 0)
            LcLImpList model  = new LcLImpList();
            UserInfo   usInfo = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"] as UserInfo;

            model.total = _lcLImpService.GetAllLcLImp().Count();
            model.data  = _lcLImpService.GetAllLcLImp();

            //for (int i = 0; i < model.data.Count; i++)
            //    // model.data[i].JobNo = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(model.data[i].FirstName == null ? "" : model.data[i].FirstName) + " " + WebUtility.HtmlDecode(model.data[i].LastName == null ? "" : model.data[i].LastName);
            //    model.data[i].JobNo = model.data
            //    model.data[i].MobilePhone = model.data[i].MobilePhone == null ? "" : model.data[i].MobilePhone;
            //    model.data[i].CustomerLogo = model.data[i].CustomerLogo == null ? "/Tenants/" + usInfo.TenantAlias + "/default.png" : "/Tenants/" + usInfo.TenantAlias + "/" + model.data[i].CustomerLogo;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public string RenderGridUserGroup()
            LcLImpList model;
            UserInfo   usInfo = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"] as UserInfo;

            #region Definite column
            model        = new LcLImpList();
            model.column = new List <ColumnRoleModel>();

            ColumnRoleModel colJobNo = new ColumnRoleModel()
                title = "JobNo", field = "JobNo", template = "#=JobNo#"
            }; model.column.Add(colJobNo);
            ColumnRoleModel colCreated = new ColumnRoleModel()
                title = "Created", field = "Created", template = "#=kendo.toString(new Date(Created),'yyyy.MM.dd')#"
            }; model.column.Add(colCreated);
            ColumnRoleModel colEta = new ColumnRoleModel()
                title = "Eta", field = "Eta", template = "#=kendo.toString(new Date(Eta),'yyyy.MM.dd')#"
            }; model.column.Add(colEta);
            ColumnRoleModel colMBLNo = new ColumnRoleModel()
                title = "M-B/L No", field = "JobNo", template = "#=MBLNo#"
            }; model.column.Add(colMBLNo);
            ColumnRoleModel colPOLId = new ColumnRoleModel()
                title = "POLId", field = "POLId", template = "#=POLId#"
            }; model.column.Add(colPOLId);
            //ColumnRoleModel colCommodity = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Commodity", field = "Commodity", template = "#=Commodity#" }; model.column.Add(colCommodity);
            //ColumnRoleModel colMBLType = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "MBLType", field = "MBLType", template = "#=MBLType#" }; model.column.Add(colMBLType);
            //ColumnRoleModel colETDDate = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "ETDDate", field = "ETDDate", template = "#=ETDDate#" }; model.column.Add(colETDDate);
            //ColumnRoleModel colETDType = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "ETDType", field = "ETDType", template = "#=ETDType#" }; model.column.Add(colETDType);
            //ColumnRoleModel colContactId = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "ContactId", field = "ContactId", template = "#=ContactId#" }; model.column.Add(colContactId);
            //ColumnRoleModel colSCName = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "SCName", field = "SCName", template = "#=SCName#" }; model.column.Add(colSCName);
            //ColumnRoleModel colVessel = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Vessel", field = "Vessel", template = "#=Vessel#" }; model.column.Add(colVessel);
            //ColumnRoleModel colPODId = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "PODId", field = "PODId", template = "#=PODId#" }; model.column.Add(colPODId);
            //ColumnRoleModel colPackageAmount = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "PackageAmount", field = "PackageAmount", template = "#=PackageAmount#" }; model.column.Add(colPackageAmount);
            //ColumnRoleModel colPackageType = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "PackageType", field = "PackageType", template = "#=PackageType#" }; model.column.Add(colPackageType);
            //ColumnRoleModel colService = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Service", field = "Service", template = "#=Service#" }; model.column.Add(colService);
            //ColumnRoleModel colisFinish = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "isFinish", field = "isFinish", template = "#=isFinish#" }; model.column.Add(colisFinish);
            //ColumnRoleModel colCoLoaderId = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "CoLoaderId", field = "CoLoaderId", template = "#=CoLoaderId#" }; model.column.Add(colCoLoaderId);
            //ColumnRoleModel colAgentId = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "AgentId", field = "AgentId", template = "#=AgentId#" }; model.column.Add(colAgentId);
            //ColumnRoleModel colVoyage = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Voyage", field = "Voyage", template = "#=Voyage#" }; model.column.Add(colVoyage);
            //ColumnRoleModel colDelivery = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Delivery", field = "Delivery", template = "#=Delivery#" }; model.column.Add(colMBLNo);
            //ColumnRoleModel colGW = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "GW", field = "GW", template = "#=GW#" }; model.column.Add(colGW);
            //ColumnRoleModel colCBM = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "CBM", field = "CBM", template = "#=CBM#" }; model.column.Add(colCBM);
            //ColumnRoleModel colNote = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Note", field = "Note", template = "#=Note#" }; model.column.Add(colNote);

            //ColumnRoleModel colCreatedDate = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "CreatedDate", field = "CreatedDate", template = "#=kendo.toString(new Date(CreatedDate),'yyyy.MM.dd')#" }; model.column.Add(colCreatedDate);

            //ColumnRoleModel colLogo = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "Logo", field = "CustomerLogo", template = "<div style='text-align:center'><img src='#=CustomerLogo#' width='48px' height='48px' /></div>" }; model.column.Add(colLogo);
            //ColumnRoleModel colOrgNumber = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "OrgNumber", field = "OrgNumber" }; model.column.Add(colOrgNumber);
            //ColumnRoleModel colCreatedDate = new ColumnRoleModel() { title = "CreatedDate", field = "CreatedDate", template = "#=kendo.toString(new Date(CreatedDate),'yyyy.MM.dd')#" }; model.column.Add(colCreatedDate);

            //model.total = _roleService.GetAllRoles(usInfo.IsTenant, false, usInfo.TenanID).Count();
            //var _lst = _roleService.GetAllRoles(usInfo.IsTenant, false, usInfo.TenanID).Count();
