/// <summary>
        /// Adjusts the edge end points so they don't end outside the shape of the node they are attached to.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AdjustPortLocation(LayoutGraph graph, Edge e, YPointPath path, bool atSource)
            Node   node     = atSource ? e.Source : e.Target;
            YPoint pointRel = atSource ? graph.GetSourcePointRel(e) : graph.GetTargetPointRel(e);
            // get offset from the node center to the end of the shape at the node side the edge connects to
            LineSegment segment = path.GetLineSegment(atSource ? 0 : path.Length() - 2);
            double      offset  = Math.Min(graph.GetWidth(node), graph.GetHeight(node)) / 2;
            double      offsetX = segment.DeltaX > 0 ^ atSource ? -offset : offset;
            double      offsetY = segment.DeltaY > 0 ^ atSource ? -offset : offset;
            // if the edge end point is at the center of this side, we use the calculated offset to put the end point on
            // the node bounds, otherwise we prolong the last segment to the center line of the node so it doesn't end
            // outside the node's shape
            YPoint newPortLocation = segment.IsHorizontal
        ? new YPoint(pointRel.Y != 0 ? 0 : offsetX, pointRel.Y)
        : new YPoint(pointRel.X, pointRel.X != 0 ? 0 : offsetY);

            if (atSource)
                graph.SetSourcePointRel(e, newPortLocation);
                graph.SetTargetPointRel(e, newPortLocation);