void Awake()
            if (LaunchVehicleDropdown.options.Count != LaunchVehicleOptions.Length)
                Debug.LogWarning("Number of launch vehicle options does not match " +
                                 "number of items in the dropdown");
            // Init new characterization string pair and set defaults
            sizeNeo        = "Medium";
            compositionNeo = "Carbonaceous Asteroid (porous rock)";

            // Retrieve defaults
            LaunchVehicleType = LaunchVehicleOptions[LaunchVehicleDropdown.value];
            diameter          = DiameterSlider.value / 1000;
            DiameterText.text = diameter.ToString();
            density           = DensitySlider.value / 100;
            DensityText.text  = density.ToString();

            // Set density units label (using the superscript '3' character)
            char super3 = '\u00B3';

            DensityUnitsText.text = "g/cm" + super3.ToString();
 /// <summary>
 /// Ons the dropdown launch vehicle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">Index.</param>
 public void OnLaunchVehicleChanged(int index)
     LaunchVehicleType = LaunchVehicleOptions[index];