Ejemplo n.º 1
        private int SiteData(L1HarvestList series)
            this.ws.Url = series.WebServiceURL;

            // save siteInfo
            SiteInfoResponseType responsesite = this.ws.GetSiteInfoObject(series.SiteCode, string.Empty);
            SiteInfoType         site         = responsesite.site[0].siteInfo;
            LatLonPointType      latlon       = (LatLonPointType)site.geoLocation.geogLocation;
            int localx = site.geoLocation.localSiteXY == null ? 0 : (int)site.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].X; /*(int)DBNull.Value*/
            int localy = site.geoLocation.localSiteXY == null ? 0 : (int)site.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].Y;

            string state  = string.Empty;
            string county = string.Empty;

            if (site.siteProperty != null)
                foreach (PropertyType s in site.siteProperty)
                    if (s.name == "State")
                        state = s.Value;
                    else if (s.name == "County")
                        county = s.Value;

            return(this.db.TooDB.SaveSite(site.siteCode[0].Value, site.siteName.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(latlon.longitude), Convert.ToDouble(latlon.latitude), 0, Convert.ToDouble(site.elevation_m), site.verticalDatum, localx, localy, 0, 0, state, county /*"county"*/, string.Empty /*"comments"*/, series.SiteType));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        static bool InsertOneSite(OD_1_1_1DataSet.SitesDataTable sitesTable,
                                  SiteInfoType stinfo, SqlConnection sqlConn)
            OD_1_1_1DataSet.SitesRow row = sitesTable.NewSitesRow();

            row.SiteCode = stinfo.siteCode[0].network + "|" + stinfo.siteCode[0].Value;
            string cond = "SiteCode = '" + row.SiteCode + "'";

            if (OD_Utils.Exists(row.Table.TableName, cond, sqlConn))

            row.SiteName = stinfo.siteName;
            LatLonPointType glt = (LatLonPointType)stinfo.geoLocation.geogLocation;

            row.Latitude       = glt.latitude;
            row.Longitude      = glt.longitude;
            row.LatLongDatumID = 0;
            row.Elevation_m    = stinfo.elevation_m;
            if (stinfo.verticalDatum != null)
                row.VerticalDatum = stinfo.verticalDatum;

            row.LocalProjectionID = 0;

            //row.LocalX = 0;
            //row.LocalY = 0;
            //row.LocalProjectionID = 0;
            //row.PosAccuracy_m = 0;
            if (stinfo.note != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < stinfo.note.Count(); i++)
                    NoteType note = stinfo.note[i];
                    switch (note.title)
                    case "State":
                        row.State = note.Value;

                    case "County":
                        row.County = note.Value;

                    case "agency":
                        row.Comments = note.Value;


Ejemplo n.º 3
            public static SiteInfoType CreateASiteInfoTypeWithLatLongPoint(
                string SiteVocabulary,
                string SiteCode,
                string SiteName,
                String spatialReferenceSystem)
                // if we don't have a code or name, that is really not good.
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(SiteCode))

                SiteInfoType si = new SiteInfoType();

                si.siteName = SiteName;
                if (Latitude.HasValue && Longitude.HasValue)
                    si.geoLocation = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocation();

                    LatLonPointType point = new LatLonPointType();
                    point.latitude              = Latitude.Value;
                    point.longitude             = Longitude.Value;
                    point.srs                   = spatialReferenceSystem;
                    si.geoLocation.geogLocation = point;
                    // just add an empty one
                    si.geoLocation = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocation();
                    LatLonPointType point = new LatLonPointType();

                si.siteCode             = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
                si.siteCode[0]          = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
                si.siteCode[0].Value    = SiteCode;
                si.siteCode[0].network  = SiteVocabulary;
                si.siteCode[0].@default = true;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// saves or gathers site information  SiteData
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="series">object from the database that contains all the details of the series we are trying to gather data for</param>
        /// <returns>the SiteId from the database</returns>
        private int SiteData(L1HarvestList series)
            SiteInfoType site;

            this.ws.Url = series.WebServiceURL;
                // save siteInfo
                SiteInfoResponseType responsesite = this.ws.GetSiteInfoObject(series.SiteCode, string.Empty);
                site = responsesite.site[0].siteInfo;
                TimeSeriesResponseType response = this.ws.GetValuesObject(series.SiteCode, series.VariableCode, "1900-01-01", "1900-01-01", string.Empty);
                site = (SiteInfoType)response.timeSeries.sourceInfo; // site[0].siteInfo;

            LatLonPointType latlon = (LatLonPointType)site.geoLocation.geogLocation;
            int             localx = site.geoLocation.localSiteXY == null ? 0 : (int)site.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].X; /*(int)DBNull.Value*/
            int             localy = site.geoLocation.localSiteXY == null ? 0 : (int)site.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].Y;

            // note 1 contains county information but not all sites contain a note 1.
            return(this.db.TooDB.SaveSite(site.siteCode[0].Value, site.siteName.ToString(), Convert.ToDouble(latlon.longitude), Convert.ToDouble(latlon.latitude), 0 /*lat long datum id*/, Convert.ToDouble(site.elevation_m), site.verticalDatum, localx, localy, 0 /*local projection id*/, 0 /*Position Accuracy*/, site.note[0].Value.Length == 2 ? site.note[0].Value : string.Empty /*"state"*/, string.Empty /*"county"*/, string.Empty /*"comments"*/, series.SiteType));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sites, in XML format [test for SNOW]
        /// </summary>
        public static SiteInfoResponseTypeSite[] GetSitesFromDb()
            List<SiteInfoResponseTypeSite> siteList = new List<SiteInfoResponseTypeSite>();

            string cnn = GetConnectionString();
            string serviceCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["network"];

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(cnn))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    string sql = Resources.SqlQueries.query_sites_hourly;
                    cmd.CommandText = sql;
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    while (dr.Read())
                        SiteInfoResponseTypeSite newSite = new SiteInfoResponseTypeSite();
                        SiteInfoType si = new SiteInfoType();

                        if (dr["altitude"] != DBNull.Value)
                            si.elevation_m = Convert.ToDouble(dr["altitude"]);
                            si.elevation_mSpecified = true;
                            si.elevation_m = 0;
                            si.elevation_mSpecified = true;
                        si.geoLocation = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocation();

                        LatLonPointType latLon = new LatLonPointType();
                        latLon.latitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Lat"]);
                        latLon.longitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["lon"]);
                        latLon.srs = "EPSG:4326";
                        si.geoLocation.geogLocation = latLon;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocationLocalSiteXY[1];
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0] = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocationLocalSiteXY();
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].X = latLon.longitude;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].Y = latLon.latitude;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].ZSpecified = false;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].projectionInformation = si.geoLocation.geogLocation.srs;
                        si.metadataTimeSpecified = false;
                        //si.oid = Convert.ToString(dr["st_id"]);
                        //si.note = new NoteType[1];
                        //si.note[0] = new NoteType();
                        //si.note[0].title = "my note";
                        //si.note[0].type = "custom";
                        //si.note[0].Value = "CHMI-D";
                        si.verticalDatum = "MSL";

                        si.siteCode = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
                        si.siteCode[0] = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
                        si.siteCode[0].network = serviceCode;
                        si.siteCode[0].siteID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["st_id"]);
                        si.siteCode[0].siteIDSpecified = true;
                        si.siteCode[0].Value = Convert.ToString(dr["st_id"]);

                        si.siteName = Convert.ToString(dr["st_name"]);

                        newSite.siteInfo = si;
            return siteList.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the sites, in XML format [test for SNOW]
        /// </summary>
        public static SiteInfoResponseTypeSite[] GetSitesByBox(box queryBox, bool includeSeries)
            List<SiteInfoResponseTypeSite> siteList = new List<SiteInfoResponseTypeSite>();

            string cnn = GetConnectionString();
            string serviceCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["network"];

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(cnn))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    string sqlSites = "SELECT plaveninycz.Stations.st_id, st_name, altitude, location_id, lat, lon FROM plaveninycz.Stations INNER JOIN StationsVariables stv ON Stations.st_id = stv.st_id " +
                    "WHERE var_id in (1, 4, 5, 16) AND lat IS NOT NULL";

                    cmd.CommandText = sqlSites;
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    while (dr.Read())
                        SiteInfoResponseTypeSite newSite = new SiteInfoResponseTypeSite();
                        SiteInfoType si = new SiteInfoType();

                        if (dr["altitude"] != DBNull.Value)
                            si.elevation_m = Convert.ToDouble(dr["altitude"]);
                            si.elevation_mSpecified = true;
                            si.elevation_m = 0;
                            si.elevation_mSpecified = true;
                        si.geoLocation = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocation();

                        LatLonPointType latLon = new LatLonPointType();
                        latLon.latitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Lat"]);
                        latLon.longitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["lon"]);
                        latLon.srs = "EPSG:4326";
                        si.geoLocation.geogLocation = latLon;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocationLocalSiteXY[1];
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0] = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocationLocalSiteXY();
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].X = latLon.longitude;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].Y = latLon.latitude;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].ZSpecified = false;
                        si.geoLocation.localSiteXY[0].projectionInformation = si.geoLocation.geogLocation.srs;
                        si.metadataTimeSpecified = false;
                        si.verticalDatum = "Unknown";

                        si.siteCode = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
                        si.siteCode[0] = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
                        si.siteCode[0].network = serviceCode;
                        si.siteCode[0].siteID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["st_id"]);
                        si.siteCode[0].siteIDSpecified = true;
                        si.siteCode[0].Value = Convert.ToString(dr["st_id"]);

                        si.siteName = Convert.ToString(dr["st_name"]);

                        newSite.siteInfo = si;
            return siteList.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static SiteInfoType GetSiteFromDb2(string siteId)
            string cnn = GetConnectionString();
            string serviceCode = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["network"];
            SiteInfoType si = new SiteInfoType();

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(cnn))
                using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
                    string sqlSite = string.Format(Resources.SqlQueries.query_sitebyid2, siteId);

                    cmd.CommandText = sqlSite;
                    cmd.Connection = conn;
                    SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                    if (dr.HasRows)
                        si.geoLocation = new SiteInfoTypeGeoLocation();
                        LatLonPointType latLon = new LatLonPointType();
                        latLon.latitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["Lat"]);
                        latLon.longitude = Convert.ToDouble(dr["lon"]);
                        latLon.srs = "EPSG:4326";
                        si.geoLocation.geogLocation = latLon;
                        si.siteCode = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode[1];
                        si.siteCode[0] = new SiteInfoTypeSiteCode();
                        si.siteCode[0].network = serviceCode;
                        si.siteCode[0].siteID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["st_id"]);
                        si.siteCode[0].siteIDSpecified = true;
                        si.siteCode[0].Value = Convert.ToString(dr["st_id"]);
                        si.siteName = Convert.ToString(dr["st_name"]);
            return si;