Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void TagImage(Waypoint waypoint, string imagePath)
        UTMCoordinate utmCoordinate = georeferencing.MapUnityToUTM(waypoint.dronePosition);

        LatLngUTMConverter.LatLng latlng = LatLngUTMConverter.ConvertUtmToLatLng(utmCoordinate.Easting, utmCoordinate.Northing, georeferencing.utmZone, georeferencing.hemisphere.Value);
        string latitudeRef  = georeferencing.hemisphere.Value;
        string longitudeRef = georeferencing.utmZone <= 30 ? "W" : "E";
        LongLatCoordidnates longLatCoord = new LongLatCoordidnates(latlng.Lng, latlng.Lat, utmCoordinate.Altitude, latitudeRef, longitudeRef);

        GeoTagImage(longLatCoord, imagePath);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public JsonResult GetLatLongToUTM(float lat, float longt)//Creating Server and sending info
            LatLngUTMConverter lt = new LatLngUTMConverter(null);

            var result = lt.ArrResult(lat, longt);

            HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");

            /*for(var x in result) {
             *  for(var y in result)
             *  {
             *  }
             * }*/
            var jsonResult = new { data = result };

            //  var jsonRes = new { arr = res };
            return(Json(jsonResult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private void loadFile()
            if (geoTiffFilename.Text.Length > 0)
                GeoTIFFReader.GeoTIFF geoTiff = new GeoTIFFReader.GeoTIFF(geoTiffFilename.Text);
                double rangeW = geoTiff.NWidth * geoTiff.DW;
                double rangeH = geoTiff.NHeight * geoTiff.DH;
                rangeW /= 2;
                rangeH /= 2;
                double                    centerW   = (geoTiff.StartW + rangeW);
                double                    centerH   = (geoTiff.StartH + rangeH);
                LatLngUTMConverter        converter = new LatLngUTMConverter("EUREF89");
                LatLngUTMConverter.LatLng center    = converter.convertUtmToLatLng((geoTiff.StartW + rangeW), (geoTiff.StartH + rangeH), Int32.Parse(textBox1.Text), "N");

                geoTiffCenterLabel.Text    = "E: " + centerW.ToString() + " m N: " + centerH.ToString() + " m" + " ( " + center.Lat.ToString() + ", " + center.Lng.ToString() + " )";
                centerHeightLabel.Text     = geoTiff.HeightMap[(int)(geoTiff.NWidth / 2.0), (int)(geoTiff.NHeight / 2.0)].ToString() + " m";
                heightResolutionLabel.Text = "E: " + geoTiff.DH.ToString() + "m N: " + geoTiff.DW.ToString() + "m";
                MessageBox.Show("No valid filename selected, cannot load file !");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public List <Borehole> getBoreholes(Location currentLocation, double radius)
        List <Borehole> boreholes = null;

         * pointid = Id i database - Guid
         * pointno = punkt nummer - Guid
         * publicno = DGU nummer - String
         * PointType = punkttype - String - Table: PointTypes
         * Purpose = Formål - String - Table: PointPurposes
         * Projection1 = Primær Projektion: EPSG - Integer - Table: Projections
         * Projection2
         * X1 = Primær X koordinat : float
         * Y1 = Primær Y koordinat : float
         * Z1 = primær z koordinat - Reference Niveau : float
         * ElevationMethod1 = Primær kote metode  - String - Table: PointElevationMethods
         * CoordinateQuality1 = Primær koordinat kvalitet - String - Table: Pointcoordinatequalities
         * CoordinateMethod1 = Primær koordinat metode - String - Table: Pointcoordinatemethods
         * VerticalRefId1 - Højdesystem 1 - String - Table: VerticalRefs
         * ZDVR90 - DVR90 - Double
         * Top - Dybde til top af boring - float
         * Bottom - Dybde til bund af boring [m] - float
         * JupiterId - JupiterId - Int - Check om allerede har data?
        radius = radius * 100000;
        LatLngUTMConverter latLngUTMConverter = new LatLngUTMConverter("EUREF89");

        LatLngUTMConverter.UTMResult utmResult = latLngUTMConverter.convertLatLngToUtm(currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y);
        //Debug.Log("Radius:" + radius);
        String sql = "select PointNo, PublicNo, Purpose, X1, Y1, CoordinateMethod1, CoordinateQuality1, Z1, ZDVR90 from points" +
                     " WHERE X1 >= " + (utmResult.Easting - radius).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                     " AND X1 <= " + (utmResult.Easting + radius).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                     " AND Y1 >= " + (utmResult.Northing - radius).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                     " AND Y1 <= " + (utmResult.Northing + radius).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        Debug.Log("GeoGis Boringer SQL: " + sql);

        String  errMessage = null;
        DataSet dataset    = client.GetDS(this.GEOGIS_DBNAME, this.GEOGIS_USERNAME, this.GEOGIS_PASSWORD, sql, ref errMessage);

        bool allGood = false;

        if (errMessage == null)
            allGood = true;
        else if (errMessage != null)
            if (errMessage == "")
                allGood = true;
                Debug.Log("ErrMessage: " + errMessage);
        if (allGood)
            boreholes = new List <Borehole>();
            foreach (DataTable table in dataset.Tables)
                String[] columnNames = new String[table.Columns.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++)
                    columnNames[i] = table.Columns[i].ColumnName;

                foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in table.Rows)
                    object[] itemArray            = row.ItemArray;
                    Borehole borehole             = new Borehole();
                    String   pointNo              = null;
                    String   publicNo             = null;
                    float?   latitude             = null;
                    float?   longitude            = null;
                    String   locationQuality_Code = null;
                    String   locationMethod_Code  = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < itemArray.Length; i++)
                        if (!(itemArray[i] is DBNull))
                            switch (columnNames[i])
                            case "PointNo":
                                pointNo = Convert.ToString(itemArray[i]);

                            case "PublicNo":
                                publicNo = Convert.ToString(itemArray[i]);

                            case "X1":
                                latitude = Convert.ToSingle(itemArray[i]);

                            case "Y1":
                                longitude = Convert.ToSingle(itemArray[i]);

                            case "Z1":
                                borehole.ReferencePoint = Convert.ToSingle(itemArray[i]);

                            case "ZDVR90":
                                borehole.ReferencePointKote = Convert.ToSingle(itemArray[i]);

                            case "CoordinateQuality1":
                                locationQuality_Code = Convert.ToString(itemArray[i]);

                            case "CoordinateMethod1":
                                locationMethod_Code = Convert.ToString(itemArray[i]);

                            case "Purpose":
                                borehole.BoreholeType = mediatorDatabase.getBoreholeType(Convert.ToString(itemArray[i]));

                                Debug.Log("Unidentified Column!");

                    borehole.BoreholeNo = publicNo != null ? publicNo : pointNo;

                    if (latitude != null && longitude != null)
                        borehole.Location = new Location((float)latitude, (float)longitude);

                        if (locationQuality_Code != null)
                            borehole.Location.LocationQuality = mediatorDatabase.getLocationQuality(locationQuality_Code);
                        if (locationMethod_Code != null)
                            borehole.Location.LocationMethod = mediatorDatabase.getLocationMethod(locationMethod_Code);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool ShowLandingSitesOnMap(MapLayersHandler layersHandler, string aoiGUID, GeoProjection gp, ref string layerName, bool uniqueLayerName = false)
            layerName = "Landing sites";
            var myDT = new DataTable();
            var iShp = -1;

            using (var conection = new OleDbConnection(global.ConnectionString))
                    string query = $@"SELECT Municipality, ProvinceName, LSName, cx, cy
                                    FROM Provinces INNER JOIN (Municipalities INNER JOIN tblLandingSites ON Municipalities.MunNo = tblLandingSites.MunNo)
                                    ON Provinces.ProvNo = Municipalities.ProvNo
                                    WHERE tblLandingSites.AOIGuid={{{aoiGUID}}}";

                    var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, conection);
                    if (myDT.Rows.Count > 0)
                        var sf = new Shapefile();
                        if (sf.CreateNewWithShapeID("", ShpfileType.SHP_POINT))
                            var ifldName = sf.EditAddField("Name", FieldType.STRING_FIELD, 1, 50);
                            var ifldLGU  = sf.EditAddField("LGU", FieldType.STRING_FIELD, 1, 50);
                            var ifldX    = sf.EditAddField("x", FieldType.DOUBLE_FIELD, 8, 12);
                            var ifldY    = sf.EditAddField("y", FieldType.DOUBLE_FIELD, 8, 12);
                            sf.GeoProjection = gp;

                            for (int i = 0; i < myDT.Rows.Count; i++)
                                DataRow dr = myDT.Rows[i];
                                if (dr["cx"].ToString().Length > 0 && dr["cy"].ToString().Length > 0)
                                    var x    = (double)dr["cx"];
                                    var y    = (double)dr["cy"];
                                    var name = dr["LSName"].ToString();
                                    var LGU  = $"{dr["Municipality"].ToString()}, {dr["ProvinceName"].ToString()}";
                                    var shp  = new Shape();
                                    if (shp.Create(ShpfileType.SHP_POINT))
                                        if (global.MappingMode == fad3MappingMode.grid25Mode)
                                            var converter = new LatLngUTMConverter("WGS 84");
                                            var result    = converter.convertLatLngToUtm(y, x);
                                            x = result.Easting;
                                            y = result.Northing;

                                        shp.AddPoint(x, y);

                                        iShp = sf.EditAddShape(shp);
                                        if (iShp >= 0)
                                            sf.EditCellValue(ifldName, iShp, name);
                                            sf.EditCellValue(ifldLGU, iShp, LGU);
                                            sf.EditCellValue(ifldX, iShp, x);
                                            sf.EditCellValue(ifldY, iShp, y);
                            sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.PointShape  = tkPointShapeType.ptShapeCircle;
                            sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.FillColor   = new Utils().ColorByName(tkMapColor.Red);
                            sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.PointSize   = 7;
                            sf.DefaultDrawingOptions.LineVisible = false;
                            if (sf.Labels.Generate("[Name]", tkLabelPositioning.lpCenter, false) > 0)
                                sf.Labels.FontSize     = 7;
                                sf.Labels.FontBold     = true;
                                sf.Labels.FrameVisible = false;
                            if (iShp >= 0)
                                layersHandler.AddLayer(sf, layerName, true, uniqueLayerName);
                catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Log(ex.Message, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); }

            return(iShp >= 0);